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“Factors Related to Decision Making In The Use Of Injectable Contraception In Sambeng 1 And

Jentir, Sambireje, Ngawen, Gunungkidul 2016.

Background: Problems in decision-making are often occurs in life or family. One of them is the
decision to use injectable contraception. Of course, in decision-making there are factors that

Objectives: This study is aim to determine the factors associated with the decision-making of
using injectable contraception in Sambeng 1 and Jentir, Sambirejo, Ngawen, Gunungkidul, 2016.

Method: This research is using the analytic survey with Cross Sectional approach. This research
was conducted in Sambeng 1 and Jentir, Sambirejo, Ngawen, Gunungkidul on July 9 to 10, 2016.
The sampling technique used was purposive sampling with a sample of 62 people. The
instrument used was questionnaire.

Result: Data were analyzed using Chi Square at the significance level of 95% (a <0.05). There is
a relation between the age and the decision making p<a (0.001<0.05), there is a relation between
knowledge and decision making p <a (0.006<0.05). Partial test shows that the most closely
related is the number of children with significant value 0.003<0.05.

Conclusion: The most pertinent factor is the number of children where there is a significant value

Suggestion: The results of this research are beneficial for society in the future for more proper
decision-making in the use of injectable contraception.

Keywords: Analytical survey, cross sectional, purposive sampling, chi square 99 subjects + 2
scheme + 17 table + 12 appendixes

Bibliography: 35, (2006-2015)

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