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Volume 99 Number 3

CURRENT SCIENCE 10 August 2010

Mathematics and Mathematicians
Mathematics can be a formidable and intimidating subject of the Genius Ramanujan, Crown, 1991) has formed the
for most people. In the school years, a distinction can be basis for a recent novel: The Indian Clerk by David Leavitt,
very quickly made between the talented minority who are Bloomsbury, 2007. This is a fictional account, more
mathematically gifted and the majority who look forward about G. H. Hardy and the Cambridge ethos of the early
to the day when they will forever sever their connections years of the 20th century. The book begins with Hardy on
to the subject. For students who go on to courses in engi- the stage at Harvard in 1936 about to receive an honorary
neering or some disciplines of science, primarily physics degree ‘on the occasion of the university’s tercentenary’.
and chemistry, mathematics can continue to cast a long In Leavitt’s words: ‘Unlike most of the visitors however
shadow even in the college years. I must confess it was a he was not here – nor, he sensed, had he been invited – to
great relief to drift away into disciplines that required speak about his own work or his own life. That would
little by way of explicit mathematical skills. The subject have disappointed his listeners. They wanted to hear
returned to haunt me a few weeks ago when a persuasive about Ramanujan’. In his classic preface to the 1967 edi-
colleague, involved in organizing the International Con- tion of Hardy’s A Mathematician’s Apology (Cambridge
gress of Mathematicians (ICM) in Hyderabad, charged University Press, 1940), C. P. Snow calls the Ramanujan
me with the task of producing an editorial essay that cen- discovery as ‘the one romantic incident’ in Hardy’s life;
tres around mathematics. The ICM, like most quadrennial ‘an admirable story and one, which showers credit on
international congresses, is a large affair that moves nearly everyone (with two exceptions) in it’. The oft told
around the world, much like the Olympic games (and the story of Hardy and Littlewood poring over Ramanujan’s
many more restricted events like the Asian and Com- ‘sheets of paper by no means fresh’ never pales in the
monwealth games). Countries bid to host Congresses, retelling. Hardy was to later conclude ‘that Ramanujan
lobby hard, international committees politic and vote; was, in terms of natural mathematical genius in the class
eventually a location emerges. The 2010 ICM in Hydera- of Gauss and Euler’. Was this an assessment that was
bad brings the event to India for the first time in its long easy to make? Snow says it best: ‘It all sounds easy, the
history, dating back to the first meeting in 1897 in kind of judgement great mathematicians should have
Zurich. The last Congress (Spain 2006) attracted as many been able to make. But I mentioned that there were two
as 4000 participants, suggesting that Hyderabad may persons who do not come out of the story with credit. Out
witness an unusual spectacle when the city hosts such a of chivalry Hardy concealed this in all that he said or
large congregation of mathematicians. Scientists, unlike wrote about Ramanujan. . . . It is simple. Hardy was not
sportsmen, require little by way of infrastructure when the first eminent mathematician to be sent the Ramanujan
they assemble for these mega events; the ICM may there- manuscripts. There had been two before him, both Eng-
fore impose on the organizers a lesser burden than the lish, both of the highest professional standard. They had
forthcoming Commonwealth Games in Delhi. The ICM each returned the manuscripts without comment. I don’t
will have its public moments when the Fields medallists think history relates what they said, if anything when
and winners of other major awards are announced. In Ramanujan became famous. Anyone who has been sent
Spain, the drama was provided by the refusal of the unsolicited material will have a sneaking sympathy with
reclusive Russian mathematician, Grigori Perelman to them’ (Canto, 2000, pp. 33–34). While Snow’s long
accept the Fields Medal. The air of mystery that has so Foreword (50 pages) is a masterpiece of simple prose and
often been associated with the greatest of mathematicians a deeply personal assessment of Hardy, Apology is an
was reinforced when Perelman turned down the million extraordinary piece of writing; reflective, brutally honest
dollar Clay prize. The Perelman phenomenon brought and, at times, hauntingly sad. When the short book
mathematics to the front pages of newspapers, reminding appeared in 1940 no greater tribute could have been paid
ordinary readers that genius can defy interpretation. than Graham Greene, a writer of uncommon ability, com-
Prodigies and geniuses seem so often associated with paring Hardy’s writing to Henry James, praising the work
mathematics; born with intrinsic gifts that are hard to as demonstrating ‘with an absence of fuss, the excitement
comprehend. The Ramanujan story, so wonderfully told of the creative artist’ (Spectator, December 1940). The
by Robert Kanigel (The Man Who Knew Infinity: A Life reviews of Hardy’s Apology were not all laudatory. An
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 99, NO. 3, 10 AUGUST 2010 265

analysis by Steve Whittle compares a variety of reactions and by so doing we have had an amazing number of suc-
to Hardy’s reflective essay (http://www.aug.edu/dvskel/ cessful applications to the real world’ (The American
Whittle2002.htm). Frederick Soddy, the Nobel Prize win- Mathematical Monthly, 1980, vol. 87). Twenty five years
ning discoverer of isotopes and a contemporary of Hardy, later Sundar Sarukkai revisited the same theme, suggest-
launched a blistering attack; provoked undoubtedly by ing that mathematics be viewed as a language that may be
Hardy’s pacificism and his dismissal of ‘applied mathe- applied ‘to some descriptions of the world’. He argues
matics’ (Nature, 1941, 147, 3). Whittle paraphrases that ‘the use of a language like English to describe the
Soddy, noting ‘that counting and calculation, like art and world is itself “unreasonably effective” and the puzzle
music, are capable of giving pleasure to those who have with mathematics is just one reflection of this larger
the right kind of mind. And in the words of Soddy such mystery of the relation between language and the world’
skills are “the bloody masters” in a world that is ruled by (Current Science, 2005, 88, 415).
counting tables’. I have tried, admittedly with considerable difficulty, to
In mathematics, more than in any field of science, the devote this column to general reflections on mathematics,
superiority of ‘pure’ over ‘applied’ work seems implicit a subject that has always seemed intimidating. In my
in the behaviour of the practitioners. Hardy is emphatic: years in college, now a rapidly receding memory, the
‘There are two mathematics. There is the real mathemat- names of D’Alembert, Lagrange and Euler seemed to
ics of the mathematicians, and, there is what I will call intrude in mathematics classes. As I surfed the internet
the “trivial” mathematics, for want of a better word. The hoping to find material, relevant to the task at hand, I
trivial mathematics may be justified, . . . but there is no chanced upon an engaging historical account, with the
such defence for the real mathematics, which must be jus- inviting title, ‘Frederick the Great on mathematics and
tified as art if it can be justified at all’ (p. 139). Hardy mathematicians’ (Cajori, F., The American Mathematical
notes that Whitehead has spoken of ‘the tremendous Monthly, 1927, 34, 122). The article begins in compelling
effect of mathematical knowledge on the lives of men, on fashion: ‘Frederick William I of Prussia ordered that his
their daily avocations, on the organisation of society’. His son, later known as Frederick the Great, should “learn no
dismissal of these arguments is magisterial: ‘The mathe- Latin”; “let him learn arithmetic, mathematics, artillery, –
matics which can be used “for ordinary purposes by ordi- economy to the very bottom” ’. The old king allowed the
nary men” is negligible, and that which can be used by Berlin ‘Society of Sciences’, the favourite child of Leib-
economists or sociologists hardly rises to scholarship niz, to languish and almost to pass away. His son, Freder-
standards’ (p. 138). The results or, more appropriately, ick, on the other hand, secretly acquired some Latin,
constructs of ‘pure’ mathematics have provided the shunned the study of mathematics beyond its rudiments
mathematical framework of physics. Half a century ago and brought the Berlin ‘Academy’ to great splendor. Fre-
Eugene Wigner wrote about ‘The unreasonable effective- derick wrote to Voltaire in 1738: ‘As for mathematics, I
ness of mathematics in the natural sciences’ (Communi- confess to you that I dislike it; it dries up the mind. We
cations in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1960, vol. 13). Germans have it only too dry; it is a sterile field which
He defined mathematics as ‘the science of skillful opera- must be cultivated and watered constantly, that it may
tions with concepts and rules invented for this purpose’. produce’. Despite this apparent dislike, Frederick culti-
Physics in Wigner’s words is concerned with ‘discover- vated mathematicians bringing to Berlin, among others,
ing the laws of inanimate nature’. He was cautious about Euler and Lagrange. He tried hard to get D’Alembert to
‘theories’ of biological phenomena. Wigner’s conclusion leave France, exchanging a great deal of correspondence.
may still be true: ‘The miracle of the appropriateness of Cajori’s 1927 article notes: ‘D’Alembert once wrote to
the language of mathematics for the formulation of the Frederick the Great: “It is the destiny of your majesty
laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither to be always at war; in summer with the Austrians, in
understand nor deserve. We should be grateful for it and winter with mathematics” ’. Cajori concludes: ‘Frederick
hope that it will remain valid in future research and that it the Great was desperately in love with poetry and phi-
will extend, for better or for worse, to our pleasure, even losophy, and wholly unsympathetic with mathematics.
though perhaps also to our bafflement, to wide branches Yet, by his patronage at the Berlin Academy he contri-
of learning. Twenty years after Wigner, Richard Ham- buted nothing substantial to poetry and philosophy, but
ming returned to the same theme. His discussion centres achieved marvels in the advancement of mathematics. . .
on examples closer to engineering. Hamming’s conclu- Frederick the Great’s controlling motive for his academy
sions seem appealing: ‘Mathematics has been made by was splendor. This is expressed in the form of the invita-
man and therefore is apt to be continuously altered by tion he is said to have sent to Lagrange at Turin: “The
him. Perhaps the original sources of mathematics were greatest King of Europe” wishes to have “the greatest
forced upon us . . . but we have made choices for the mathematician” at his court’. Both mathematics and recruit-
extensions that were only partly controlled by necessity ment practices have surely changed over the centuries.
and often, it seems to me, more by aesthetics. We have
tried to make mathematics a consistent, beautiful thing, P. Balaram
266 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 99, NO. 3, 10 AUGUST 2010

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