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I see this day as a positive,

new beginning.
(It’s never too late to have
a new beginning.)

Today and tomorrow can be very

different from yesterday if you can
let yesterday go and focus on today.

Today and tomorrow are about

your NOW vibration, and you have
complete control over that.

Look for things to feel good about,

and watch how everything in your life
will unfold to reflect that
good-feeling vibration.

I am a physical extension
of Creative,
Nonphysical Energy.
You are so much more than
the physical body you have come
to know as you.
You are Source Energy!
And you are focused
on the leading edge of thought.

In this powerful NOW, you hold

the key to allowing the Source
that is You to flow. The better you
feel, the more you are allowing
that connection.
I chose to be here in this
glorious physical body.
(To be this me has been my choice.)

You chose the opportunity to

experience this delicious contrast,
and to co-create with other joy-
seeking Beings—to fine-tune the
process of deliberate thought.

(What, where, when, and with whom

you create are your choices, too.)

The Law of Attraction,
the most powerful Universal Law,
is my friend.

You create with your every thought.

By the Universal Law of

Attraction (that which is like unto
itself is drawn), you are attracting
the essence of whatever you are
giving your attention to—
wanted or unwanted.

Whatever I give attention to—
wanted or unwanted—
I am creating.

You were born with a magnificent

(emotional) guidance system
that lets you know, in every
moment, exactly what your vibra-
tional content is, which is being
matched by the Law of Attraction.

As it is your desire to feel good,

and your practice to choose
good-feeling thoughts, only good
things will come to you.
My purpose in life
is joy.

The basis of your life is freedom;

the purpose of your life is joy.

You are free to choose new avenues

for joy . . . and in your joyous
growth, you will add to the
experience of All-That-Is.

To feel better is the root of every
desire. (For us to feel better
is the only reason any one of us
wants anything.)

If you had only one goal,

and that was to feel good,
you would live successfully
and happily—and in a way of
fulfilling your life’s purpose—
ever after.

Nothing is more important
than that I feel good.

Don’t do anything that you don’t

really want to do. Keep yourself
in a place of feeling good.

Reach for the thought that feels

better—and watch what happens.

I practice the Science
of Deliberate Creation.

Giving thought to anything

is creation; giving deliberate
thought to anything
is deliberate creation.

I make many decisions.
(And then I make them right.)

Your true work—in this perfectly

balanced Universe—is to weigh,
continually, your new stimulation
of thought against the existing
beliefs within you, thereby deciding
what you now want.

My future isn’t about my past.
(Life is only about NOW.)

Nothing that has ever happened

has anything to do with now,
unless, in my now, I continue
to think and speak about it.

Fresh new thoughts today

will always give me a fresh
new experience.

The Universe is big enough
to fulfill my every intent.

The “Universal Manager”

has the ability to bring everyone
a vibrational match to what they
are giving their attention to—
without depriving anyone else
of what they are wanting.

I inhibit no one.
(We each create our own reality.)

As you find vibrational harmony

with your desires, you are never
inhibiting or preventing anyone
else from living what they are
creating—but you are controlling
and creating your own reality.

There is an abundance
of everything.
(Shortage is only a perception.)

You keep thinking there is

a shortage of abundance,
but shortage is only
a perception.

There is a never-ending
stream of abundance;
there is no shortage whatsoever.

Whatever abundance
I seek is mine.
(It is Law!)

Whatever I desire—and then

allow—I must experience. There is
no exception to that.

As I hold myself in vibrational

alignment with my own desire,
I will experience, in all ways,
the fulfillment of that desire.

Every emotion I feel
is guidance from my
adoring Inner Being.
Because my Inner Being offers a
strong and steady vibrational signal,
I can always feel my allowance or
resistance to that signal.

The better I feel,

the more aligned I am.

The worse I feel,

the more out of alignment I am.

As I reach for good-feeling

emotions, I am in alignment with
the signal of my Source.
I can always reach for a
thought that feels better.

Your decision to reach

for a thought that feels good
is a powerful decision, for it
serves you in many ways.
The better-feeling thought
reverberates within you,
opening passageways to Well-being
that reach far beyond this one
good-feeling thought.

The harder I push against it, the
more I attract its essence.

When you find some unwanted

thing that you want to shout
“NO” at, shout briefly, and then
turn your attention to the thing
you do want.

Any attention to anything

is a practicing of the vibration
that will bring it unto you.

I want to feel good.

“Today, no matter where

I am going, no matter what
I am doing, no matter who I am
doing it with—it is my dominant
intention to see that which
I am wanting to see.”

I look for positive aspects
in every experience.

Within every particle of the

Universe is that which is wanted,
and lack of it. By looking for the
positive aspects of whatever
you are giving your attention to,
you maintain your connection
to Well-being.

When I appreciate,
I feel so very good.

Appreciation is the secret to life.

Become a person who appreciates,

and you will thrive; you will fulfill
your reason for being.

The Universe knows me,
and the Universe adores me.

If you will allow it, you will feel

the love that flows to you
and through you.

You are always seen,

always understood—
and always loved.

Well-being is my natural
state of being.

Reach for the feeling

of Well-being first,
and everything else
will fall into place.

Be selfish enough to follow

your bliss, and you will tap in to
the natural, Pure, Positive
Essence of You.

As I breathe deeply,
I feel myself thrive.

Thriving is as natural
as breathing itself.

By relaxing often,
and breathing deeply—
your natural thriving
is enhanced.

This is a glorious time for me
to be on this earth!

You are extensions of Source

Energy here in these magnificent
physical bodies.

The amazing diversity of your

time-space-reality provides
the perfect balance from which
to create and attract.

There has never been a better time

to be upon your planet.
All is well.

Babies are Beings from the

Nonphysical, eternally coming
forth for the creation of that
which they decide.

The babies are wanting, so much,

for you to know that all is well.

I choose my unique
path to joy.

No one can create

in your experience,
for no one can control
where you direct your thought.

On the path to your happiness,

you will discover all you want
to be, do, or have.

We are all working toward
the same goal: joy.

Whether it seems like it or not—

you are all working toward the
same ultimate goal of joy.

You are just approaching things

in different ways, and all of it
is working.

I bless and appreciate
every religion.

There is something for everyone

in this magnificent environment
of wide diversity where we,
as a people, can continue to take
thought beyond that which
it has been before.

It is not my responsibility to
convince anyone of anything.

Make your decisions about what

you want, and set out to create
the life experiences that you
choose—and allow all others
to do the same.

It is not my work
to control others.

Trying to limit anybody

about anything defies the Laws
of the Universe. It cannot be done.

You cannot control others,

but you can control, and create,
your own reality.

Seeking approval of others
hinders my joyousness.

If the way you feel depends

on anything outside of you,
you’re in trouble—but if you
depend only upon your connection
with your own Inner Being,
then everything in your experience
falls into alignment.

I am selfish enough
to want to feel good.

Feeling good indicates

your connection to clarity,
wellness, and an abundance
in all good things.

Feeling good is your most

natural core belief.

It is Contrast that puts the
Eternalness in Eternity.

Your own valuable, personal

new desire is always born
from contrast.

That new desire is then heard

and answered by Source Energy.

Thus, the glorious expansion

of the Universe.

By visualizing my desired
outcome, the perfect action
is always inspired.

As your desire to feel good

leads you to thoughts that feel
good, the perfect action will be
inspired from that alignment.

And that inspired action

is always joyful.

Desire is the beginning
of all creation.

In allowing your desire

to come to you, you not only gain
the satisfaction of having
received it—you also gain
a whole new perspective
from which to desire more.

My health and Well-being
are natural forever.

You can appropriately depart

your body without illness or pain.
You need not attract illness or pain
as an excuse to leave your body.

(You are free to choose otherwise.)

My happiness is my greatest
gift to others.

Selfishly seek joy, because your joy

is the greatest gift you can give
to anyone.

Unless you are in your joy,

you have nothing to give anyway.

The measure of my success
is my joy.

The amount of joy you have

allowed yourself to experience
is the greatest indicator
of your allowance
of Energy and success.

Whenever you are feeling good,

you are an enormous (successful)

I am Life Everlasting;
I am an Eternal Being.

You cannot die;

you are everlasting life.

In grace, you may choose to relax

and allow your gentle transition
back into your Nonphysical state
of Pure, Positive Energy.

(Your natural state is foreverness.)

What’s my big hurry?
(It’s all for joy.)
All is well.

What’s the big hurry? You’re not

ever going to get it done, so what
are you racing toward?

Every single activity that you’re

involved in is for one purpose only,
and that is to give you a moment
of joy. That’s why it all exists.

Lighten up. Laugh more.

Appreciate more. All is well.
Physical Well-being is only
one good thought away.

You could have every disease

known to man within you today,
and if you chose different-feeling
thoughts tomorrow,
they would all leave your body.

The key is to not give any

unwanted thing much attention.
When it doesn’t feel good—
turn your attention someplace else.

My joy doesn’t depend
upon the approval of others.

No effective guidance will ever be

achieved by seeking the approval
of others, for they all desire
different things of you.

Constant, pure guidance

from Source comes forth
from within you.
It is always there.

First, I seek joy,
and all else follows.

Since your feeling of joy is your

indication of your connection
with your Source, once you have
achieved joy, you have achieved
connection with your Source.
And under these circumstances,
all that is good follows.

To allow Well-being,
I must be in joy.

In the same way you cannot set

your radio tuner to 98.6 and
receive the songs playing on
101 FM, you must set your own
vibrational tuner to one
of Well-being.

Feelings of love, joy, passion,

exhilaration, fun, interest . . .
are indications of your
vibrational match to Well-being.
I’m not here to fix anything;
I’m here for fun.

You are not here to fix anything,

because nothing is broken,
but everything is continually
changing and expanding.

Release your struggle, and seek

joy and fun, and in doing so,
you will align with the fantastic
expanding rhythm of this Universe.

When I’m feeling good,
I’m allowing in good.
The way you feel is your indication
of your vibrational connection to
that which is your Source. The bet-
ter you feel, the better your connec-
tion; the worse you feel, the more
disallowance to that connection.

Nothing is more important than

that you feel good—because nothing
is more important than your
connection to that which is
your Source.
The main event isn’t
the destination; it’s my joyous

You did not come forth seeking

assignments to complete. You came
forth for reason to flow, and to love
and enjoy life.

Even though you will return home

at the end of any vacation, the idea
of your holiday is not to complete it
as quickly as possible so that you can
check it off of your list. The idea of
your vacation—and of this life expe-
rience—is to have a joyous experience.
Anything I can imagine
being, doing, or having—
I can be, do, or have.

As you ask yourself why you want

it, the essence of your desire
is activated—and the Universe
begins to bring it to you.

(It’s as easy to create a castle as a button.)

No one else needs
to know this.

It is not necessary for even

one other person to understand
these Laws of the Universe . . .
for you are the attractor
of your experience. Just You!

How wonderful I am!

We are wanting to awaken,

within you, your memory
of how wonderful you are!
How good you are,
and how worthy of whatever
you are wanting you are.

The secret of creating anything
desired: Get happy!

As you practice happy thoughts,

you practice your connection
with Source and Well-being.

From your place of being happy—

you have access to all that
you desire.

I look for more reasons
to appreciate.

The more I appreciate, the better

I feel. The better I feel, the more
I am allowing who I am to flow
through me. The more I allow
who I am to flow through me—
the better I feel.

There is nothing for me
to guard against.

You exist in a place of

absolute Well-being;
tell yourself that again and again.
Know it. Be the evidence of it
to give others reason to believe
that all can be well.

It is my dominant intent
to look for what I want to see.

As you deliberately look for things

to appreciate, praise, or enjoy,
you achieve vibrational harmony
with your own Source,
and with all that is good.

And then, the powerful

Law of Attraction brings
more good things to you.

I can relax into
my natural Well-being.

The essence of all

that you appreciate
is constantly flowing into,
and creating, your reality.

As you appreciate, your state

of appreciation opens more
channels that allow you more
for which to feel appreciation.

The vibrations of my Being
influence the Universe.

Everything vibrates and is

communicating, reacting,
responding, and integrating
with other vibrating things.

Once you begin to offer

your vibrations on purpose—
now you are in absolute control
of your experience.

I envision more and act less.
As you take the time to find images
in your mind that are pleasing,
you will more often achieve
vibrational alignment with all
things that you desire.

From that alignment, you will

experience more inspired ideas
and assistance from others.

Inspired action is very satisfying

and extremely productive.
Through the corridor of my joy
is the pathway to my desire.

Most say, “When I get that,

I will be joyful.” But you must be
joyful first—you must start
with the determination that
“I will not settle for less
than feeling good.”

I am learning
that all problems
resolve themselves.
When you have a problem,
a desire exudes forth from you,
and Source hears it
and answers it immediately.

Once you remove your attention

from the problem, you then allow
the solution.

Give birth to the question

and let it go—and allow
the answer to flow.

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