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Q2 2013

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report:

How to Get Rich From the $357

Billion Graphene Revolution
By The Oxford Club Research Team

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Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

It could revolutionize everything from electronics and aerospace to transportation and energy.

This newly-developed substance could render all computers, smart phones, tablets and hi-def
TVs obsolete.

That’s how powerful its impact could be…

Although few people have ever heard of it, graphene (a graphite-related substance made of pure
carbon) has been around for quite some time.

However, only recently have scientists discovered graphene’s full capabilities and unlocked its
potential as a game-changing material.

Those groundbreaking experiments on new properties, structures and capabilities of graphene

were conducted by Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, two scientists from the University of
Manchester in England.

The results were so startling that the two scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010…

Graphene came out of their lab in England as a substance unlike anything the world has ever seen
– the lightest, strongest material on earth.

The “Perfect” Graphene… Gathering Serious Praise

Thanks to the work of Geim and Novoselov, the newly-perfected graphene is considered by
many to be the next “giant leap” in technology… similar to the discovery of the steam engine
in 1736... the invention of plastics in 1862... and the creation of the microprocessor in 1971.

The Wall Street Journal calls the development of graphene “An impending turning point in high
tech as important as silicon and integrated circuitry were half a century ago.”

The New York Times says, “…a sheet of it stretched over a cup of coffee could support the weight
of a truck bearing down on a pencil.”

The BBC calls graphene “a wonder material waiting to happen” that “could spell the end for
silicon and change the future of computers and other devices forever.”

Pulitzer-Prize nominee and high-tech visionary Michael Robinson says graphene “will soon have
a pervasive impact on the U.S. economy – and the entire human race.”

And a recent Telegraph article reports, “It’s not often that a new substance comes along that is so
useful, it defines an era.”

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

Consider these incredible qualities of graphene…

• It carries electricity faster than copper and 100 times faster than silicon (the building
block of computer chips).
• It conducts heat better than any substance known to man (three times superior to copper,
and greater than even diamonds).
• It’s as transparent as glass yet somehow 200 times stronger than steel, and still elastic
enough to stretch 20% without breaking.

That’s not all that graphene has to offer either…

• Graphene is also the world’s first two-dimensional material.

• It’s the lightest material in existence.
• It has the best thermal conductivity of any material, which could lead it to replace copper
in computer chips.
• Graphene is the most impermeable material ever discovered.
• It’s a very efficient electrical conductor that could also replace most uses of silicon.
• It carries the highest intrinsic mobility of any other material on earth, which paves the
way for faster, more efficient transistors and other various electronic components and
• It’s transparent and completely bendable, potentially creating a brand new slew of tablets,
smartphones, computers, printers, chips and much more.

These sensational qualities could lead to breakthroughs such as smart tablets and hi-def TVs as
thin as paper… super-efficient computers, solar panels and batteries… and cars and airplanes a
fraction of their current weight.

And then there are the mind-boggling medical and military applications, such as tougher-than-
steel artificial limbs and “invisible man” camouflage.

Needless to say, graphene’s impact on global business will be staggering.

Million-dollar product lines overhauled… billion-dollar companies created, reinvented or gone

bust… perhaps even entire trillion-dollar industries revolutionized.

Best of all, the elements needed to produce this breakthrough are not outrageously expensive... or even
hard to find.

Now the rush is on to industrialize it.

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

An estimated 200 companies – including IBM, Intel, Samsung and Nokia – are lining up to get
in early on this game-changer.

No surprise there. They know smart phones and handsets alone now comprise an annual $242
billion annual market… and flat screen displays another $115 billion.

And as this breakthrough transforms hundreds of industries over the next decade, one Ohio-
based company holding hundreds of graphene-related patents is likely to become very rich.

Early-in investors could be in for the ride of a lifetime, as graphene becomes the next big thing.

The Best Way to Play This Trend…

You wouldn’t typically expect a company leading a high-tech revolution to have celebrated its
125th year in business.

But that’s exactly what Ohio-based GrafTech International Ltd. (NYSE: GTI) is doing.

The story of GrafTech International can be traced back to around 1872. In fact, in the late
1800s, it supplied arc carbons to Cleveland, Ohio, enabling the city to become the first in the
world with electric street lamps.

Instead of recapping the country’s long history of product innovation and development, its
products are used in dozens of industries including steel, energy, technology, chemicals, aerospace
and transportation.

However, let’s highlight 1999, when the company added a new Engineered Solutions division,
and everything started to change.

It was in that division that the company started developing synthetic graphite and advanced
graphite materials… then leveraged these breakthroughs into developing products based on “pre-
graphene” technology.

For example, due to its work on pre-graphene technology, GrafTech received a patent for an ultra
high-strength military material… another for a dramatically more effective thermal insulator…
even one for spreading the concentration of heat generated by microchips.

Most importantly for investors, GrafTech has aggressively protected its technologies. The
company holds a whopping 775 patents overall. And in recent years, it’s made four strategic
acquisitions and received seven R&D 100 awards. (Called the “Oscars of Innovation,” the R&D
100 Awards recognize and celebrate the top 100 technology products of the year.)

And as for graphene specifically?

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

The company’s keeping a tight lid on what it’s got in the works. But the outlook is pretty clear…

99 GrafTech is already one of the industry’s leaders in graphite manufacturing and

technology – graphene’s immediate “precursor.”

99 GrafTech has strong existing vendor relationships with many of the likely coming leaders
in graphene end-products.

99 Management just finished a 10 million share buyback and re-upped for 10 million more.

99 It expects double-digit growth in the next three to five years in a number of key markets

• Electronics
• Aviation and transportation
• Lubricants, coatings and additives
• Lighting
• High-temp furnaces
• Energy storage

All of these are industries where graphene is forecasted to play a larger role.

Consider that flat screen and smart phone products alone make up a $357 billion market…

Flat screens and smart phones are just two of the potential uses and the company is already
leading the charge in these industries, working alongside Apple, Samsung and others. The full list
of what this material can be used for is almost ridiculous.

• Graphene could soon allow for the mass development of super-efficient, thin-film solar
panels. Because the material comes from dirt-cheap carbon, it will be easily affordable for
• Scientists and the military, using graphene, have now developed “invisibility cloaks” like you’ve
seen in Star Trek and Harry Potter.
• Graphene transistors will increase the operating speed of your computer.
• Graphene can even keep your food safe. Scientists at Case Western Reserve University
have found that sheets of graphene can detect AND kill bacteria such as E-coli. The
material could soon be found in kitchens, restaurants and food processing plants

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

Creating a Patent for Success

The list of graphene’s amazing capabilities goes on and on… but that may not even be the best

Because scientists have now learned how to produce this material in mass quantities…

Leaving little doubt that graphene has the potential to soon disrupt dozens of different products,
applications and industries.

Perhaps once in a generation, a company and its products come along and actually change our
way of life.

Forty years ago, it was IBM. Twenty years ago, Microsoft. And during the last decade, it was
Apple. Is it now GrafTech’s time? We think so.

And consider one other thing…

The British Government’s Intellectual Property Office recently conducted a world-wide analysis
of graphene patents.

It reviewed over 42 million patents from more than 40 of the world’s top issuing authorities
(including, of course, the U.S. Patent Office).

GrafTech ranked ahead of General Electric, ahead of Sony, ahead of Apple in its lineup of intellectual
properties. In other words, it is in the catbird seat.

Those who need this technology will have no choice but to turn to GrafTech or get left behind.

As mentioned earlier, the company holds a vast collection of patents.

It will no doubt see incredible demand as new products start to roll out based on the amazing
capabilities of graphene.

And we expect its sales and profits to skyrocket as a result.

A Value Proposition: High Potential and Low Risk

The thing we love about GrafTech is it has sky-high potential, and yet it’s NOT a speculative play.

After 125 years in business, GrafTech has some very established product lines and business

In fact, it is the company’s Industrial Materials Division – which supplies key graphite electrodes

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

to many industries – that has been the traditional breadwinner and currently generates the
majority of earnings.

But we suspect it will be the Engineered Solutions Division that will soon put the company’s
earnings into overdrive.

Here’s why:

GrafTech has already successfully commercialized the world’s thinnest and most effective heat
dissipating system. (NASA’s Curiosity rover that landed safely on Mars used GrafTech technology
in its thermal heat shield.)

Electronics companies the world over are already customers… and lining up to get this
company’s breakthroughs in their new gadgets.

Apple has begun using early versions in its iPhones and iPads. Samsung is using it in its new
razor-thin laptops.

These “heat spreaders” provide cooling and shielding in consumer electronic devices, they allow
batteries to last for hours longer, they reduce size and weight, and vastly increase the amount of
memory a hand-held device can hold.

And of course, we’re talking about much more than just laptops. These heat spreaders also keep
tablets, phones, and advanced LCD and plasma flat screens running cooler, faster and more

Graphene promises to make many of GrafTech’s existing products and solutions tenfold more effective.

“Graphene is a prime candidate for solving the heat dissipation problems currently limiting
development of nanoelectronics,” according to University of Texas researchers in Science

Cooler, faster and more reliable electronics?

No wonder the big boys are lined up at this company’s door.

They know GrafTech is the leader in the field right now… and is ideally positioned to stay at the
head of the class for years to come.

Naturally, tech companies are taking some time before switching over from all its traditional
silicon and copper-based components…

That’s likely the reason you haven’t previously heard about graphene. And it’s also the reason that
you can make a killing on this stock right now before the big switch happens.

Oxford Communiqué Investor Report: How to Get Rich...

Because a new technology like this – one that completely transforms multiple multi-billion dollar
industries – has the power to reward shareholders like no other.

GrafTech: Getting Ready to Spread the Wealth

This company’s fundamentals are solid...

There’s money in the bank and plenty of cash flow to support current operations and future

It does business in over 70 countries, with operations spanning four continents and at 19
strategically located manufacturing facilities.

In 2012, sales hit $1.2 billion. Gross profit was nearly $315 million. And 2013 EBITDA is forecast
to reach as high as $205 million.

Its P/E ratio of 7.73 is among the lowest of its sector. So there’s still plenty of time to get in.

And as you’ve seen, the future looks even brighter for this company and its products.

Early investors who invest now could be in for the ride of a lifetime as graphene becomes
essential for dozens of new, multi-billion dollar markets.

Michael Saylor, MIT engineer and author of the book “The Mobile Wave,” forecasts five billion
people will use tablets or comparable devices within a decade.

That’s roughly 75% of the population of Earth. And all of them could soon be holding this
breakthrough technology in their hands!

Even without the coming graphene explosion, this company would be an excellent choice right
now. But with it…

It’s quite frankly, a no brainer.

Action to Take: Buy GrafTech (NYSE: GTI) at market. Use a 25% trailing stop to protect your
principal and profits.

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price falls 25% from its high, we sell the stock.

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