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(Grading Rubric)

Progressive Era Grading Rubric

4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 points

The is correctly Significant Names a few A few names Names and No dates or
filled out with activists and activists and are mentioned dates are names are
the proper important dates highlights only and dates are severely mentioned.
names and involving era defining slightly off. lacking.
dates in the legislation or dates.
proper areas movements are

Ideas are Ideas on Ideas are well An attempt was Simply Failed to
expanded upon, material expand expanded, but made to supplied the deliver the
the student goes beyond what the student expand their definition information
beyond simply the material could have ideas but the without further to the
giving the presents. developed point wasn’t developing assignment.
definition. further. reached. any ideas.

Significant Addresses Names only a Events are Events are Significant

events are significant few significant mentioned, but mentioned events are
identified. progressive events, only are incorrectly without lacking or
Events that events in the lacks minor presented in descriptions missing from
bring significant Graphic information. the or the
attention to the Organizer that assignment. significance. assignment.
progressive defined the era.

Creativity of the The Graphic It’s fairly The organizer is The organizer No attempt
Graphic Organizer is creative and somewhat isn’t effective was made to
Organizer thoroughly the design creative, in make the
presented. creative, the connects to beyond the demonstrating Graphic
students design the minimal the Organizer
is relevant to assignment. requirement. assignment. creative.
the assignment.

Grammar and Grammar and Minor errors of Many grammar Plenty errors, Failure to
spelling must be spelling are misspelling and spelling but an complete
exhibited, excellent, no and grammar, errors but ideas attempt was the
demonstrate errors were but doesn’t are still made to assignment.
these abilities in made. draw away presented on complete the
your Graphic from the the Graphic assignment.
Organizer . Graphic Organizer .
Organizer .

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