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| Jain Studies 1 in Honour of | Jozef Deleu 1 Edited by Rady Smet and Kenji Watanabe HON-NO-TOMOSHA Tokyo 1993 tai (sam at sasgen@ Rigen, pores hye he haya 122 0m) tap) ] oma ‘7S lpr ‘Saino (8) a9 base Sgteamccna ig) Bt Raye m2 Saeed Ardvanigat) Fyamen Tas Ligrenat Magara 512 aan Simrad onepia SHCALAUMAN OIA) Seat esas g89 2avad asap) THe Blom ans Arama ps 10 epramad Going by the Book The Role of Written Texts in Medieval Jain Sectarian Conflicts Phylis Granott mite witout tbe assasce of wring! While ber sno quson af ho ‘Primi of memory and eral aching i radio! te widespread oe ‘luce of tbe eoeaizaton tat nda wa largely “oa ane ts et rected shoal invetgnon lao the roes that wee scored wit, {eo lex in his very sopnicnad and leamed eocey. We know of coun that books or writen vent were highly rgared and at ey oven wor, shipped by alte majo retigions groups, Ji, Bodhi snd Hind, ed tat te copying of texts was considered « mito dot” But eaten ‘as bean gtven what fan, role we ext might hve bad ouside nie lager omen. npr, hs may be de othe fat hat he osc tha tn ll och ‘out te decal elavonship between writen and onl in mado Init fave teen eratves so lite sme. Teese ate the virion socuien Bioware whic were witen drouphow! the lito mica pesod by India's vriows reigiows groups. Th ering biogreptin coms fons he ieess Hinds and Jain poops. They indent tata writen text wae ‘girded 8 crucial in essing the valciy ofthe teachings of prea ‘mligoa roe ant in transmit tt teaching securely Medieval India was marked by intense ecmpeian beiween various ‘elisows group: Hindus wgued agin each oe and agua on-fns, hil th alos ty defended ti align agate Hndar aad had {0 contend athe sme time wth counsel groupe win Janine fel? Because this trata so extensive a bas eels ite ateton a6 ernst to dat, he paper can be only fet step inthe age eff 1 use is ‘maa to aj the bance somewhat between writen andor nour u eranding of moval ln. As sch it wl focus on nly ove group of ‘ogres, the sectsan biographies of one medieval Svetipbar nn sect, the Rharaaragaceha, 1 wil begin wid) 2 dacstion of two sixes In the Khare socchabrhadgarival,Rstry of io Kharatra hie oaks, writen in pat ‘by api sometime in te fest half th hte centr ain pst by ‘sn known stb The two sro ueated in this scion Both del wit bis coaverias of Has. One Isa try about a philosophical debate ‘between « Khwraara monk and an opponent who belong ote faction at stiows monks to dvell In temples,» practice that the Kharaaragaceh ‘eheteaty oppsed Its mde abel clear in the secont of te debe {Bat th presence oft writen tat exenialtothe cory of he Karatra monk. The otber si wells of a public religous dscoune given by an ‘opponent ofthe Kardara monks, whlch became the occasion for his con- ‘venlos to te Kharaara teaching. The stay leaves no doubt as 10 he Importance ofthe writen ext eh hands ofthe Khurram who ota siya hi ial in dalverng eels aiscours, but realy i wing» fe eratgen o defeat him in front of the asembled monks. 1 have _wouped te two stories gether bcase they bot depict foal, pull ‘rents in which vl fasion it tet in pt by the power of the writen wordt backs pte Karta oaks "The next set wil consider ter evidence ofthe importance of writen sexs in the dealings that he Kharatra monks had wit heir own dices sd ponents, In one cso «bok is eto ay ftower and serves st {he veil enlighten doubing young mann private an nual ser- ting; athe ter ooks ae wield from the Khratira Doak by te vals {in ozo prevent thm fom preaching othe cal populace. ‘A tied section then maser the quesion of whether tis obvious prominence given 1 writen ters in (he Khartaragacchabrhadgardval In fact widespread in Jno and ot at reed th ectaan mate of ‘text It icues v0 sens in he logapy ofthe monk naval in ‘which toot lay an impr rol. Thase scenes are beh vain on type ‘ene that occur often la lopapies of Jala mons inte non-sectarian or punsecuran prabanday that wee composed at te sme time as dhe ‘ours biographies. Te secon will show how the Khacsra ex ‘modifies ths ype-secos to ses te importance of the writen word she carirof meaning ant the veil of the vansmision ofthe ewe teaching ‘sud de-enpsin sages aspects and is fnction a alsman which ‘ue 9 promienty inte prabandhas Fly, forth section wil oh oa ‘ome related materi from Hind biographies in an fo to gg that he ‘tide towards write texts payed in the Khartorapaccharhadgura- val is by no means unique but represents the norm for medial religous rovpsin tn, A. Seuling he ess: Whiten Tes inthe Context of Debuts and Public Discourse ‘Te Kharaaragacchabhadguraval he wathorave account f the deeds of the monks belonging othe Khartaragnecha, an be vied int test vo sections, The monk Jina, the ape of the monk np, ote {ho it prion of he et that conclodes with te grap of inear whose scvies extended not am quar ft 130 ey is is section of Be tex tht is moat concermed with the vary between the Karaura monks and ote Sveiqbars J group ad iss secon of ‘ho text that shows most ceay that nts sbnowpere of inens scan ‘compan writes ex were essen wespons. The history of he vous spline groups of medieval Svea Jn rennet be writen. The Khsaragaccha i ai have whe it sme from the le, Kharats, “he fers on", bestowed by te Gujrat King ‘Dalaba on netvars ln 1023 AD, when be defeated val in the king’ ‘cour, Te Kiarstarae were and il recanted in Ratan, They were & ‘efor set that sed to purify tbe mona community and reun itos| cipal sate. Thel un poat of coneton wih ote groups was over tho ‘oper dweling pice for monks. Te Kharara leader objec to hes ed feof te monks i vishy appointed monasteries they aed agains the cant, those orks who dvelt inthe temple, sd urged ete moe simple Hfestye which hey fl was moe in keeping wit the cgi teachings of Jism Thy wre extensively in supporto heir case, and ae Pye raat pete ie scar istry rbogapy a a ial mebod of propagsnds, er tese bopaples dese in deal be flies of te caiyavasin monks snd oltre the ploius viewer ofthe Khana monks, and above al ir espundng cfeat fa thet opponents. inp tl ut ht he wrote tx the bees of ay ower and that make it easy te compreend he used vernacular expressions tnd di ‘ot always follow the exact sod exacting stands of cases] Sasi ‘rscmie, omiingocessionally the equed rand snd even wig plural vere mith single sabes.” He malas no mention of hit sources, bu colar toy same tate rid evi on the commentary of th monk ‘Sumstipioi te Ganadharrdhaltae, «bya ele of he Khratara leaders, bat was completed in 1239 AD® Sunaigan'scomenary 1 te ‘yma irc in dtl aout to dds of many of the funous Khsratra monks an i af si o Bae been based anode uation It would em tat tere wat within the groep wellestisied core of satel shou te dees of slang monks ht was 0b alt epodaced and tran in yriou xa overheyers. ‘ne ofthe mt tld biographies nthe Kharataragacchabphadgura val that fe autho’ teacher, Jin iapas engages in Varo on lets wih monks fom opposing facdons adit ison ofthese debates that shallbe considered hore. Tigpa encounters the caiandsin monk Prada ‘whos fates, Kgemendbar, has been convened to ke Karavi point? Kgerentara cages to convert hi on oe corset patho Jat {nds arenes that th two shold meet ad yarns agreod that the maine of ti dbae be what nakee tel pre for worship by lowe Irn, Paar at once a8 Snaps wa Jae ext, in fat, dels ‘wit sof whee a monk ehould ive and wha make temple per ‘napa is que o respond wi the ies ofa nanber of works Ho agrees, however, 10 iit he debe only one of hese texts, he O a Pradymna ie unde and toss tht ho Knows the tat at well a be ‘sows hls very own name and that be is erin tht to text nowhere aks shou wiea tmp rs images a unable for worship. Tip then ‘alee te tems of the debt: he i abl to prove to Padua that ‘ample and images maybe impure using the Wor of be Oghaninu hen ‘be wil have won the comes between he, Prayumna gains sometime by sugesing ta since the sun ie bout tet they postpone the debate nt he folowing moming, to which Jina ase. Pragya spends the night wh ie fllovers taming tho midnight ofl and rating booki—the (phan alt and ts various comments. He sent #0 waar ‘wth text hate sub olathe leant etn inthe tex. Wi to oter ecoure lft oh he end a mesenge to Hap and ak a, point out he place thoy sr 16 debt. asp bie, but Pradyumaa i stl ot upto tb ws. The ography ells us tha e mines wp sections of the ‘ext, reading th commenty for one versa If belongs eater vrs Contec usar, he ext morning he makes is way oh place set for the dette where he mas ape io ear othe debt in Sani, Jngta tells us ht hey waged « vigorous tute of Words wing logical argument rove tei pins, bu th be bas eied fom reproducing th exact cn fen of al oft debuts ence it woud no dat be sbove the ead ik ‘dlene, Herter interes pares oto tet, on by Prada sn ‘efuan by Siupat, and contents himself with the fllowng ou. ‘Alter re debate about wheter uo word Pragyumna has ed ie & court Sunset word inaat moves to mater of great ubsance. He aks thatthe bokstod be bought in wth copy f the Osha nd ts comm ‘etaris.ingpat asks Prafyurnna whi ofthe is tread it ou. radu 1 ily eles ha he wl ed. Pradyumna process read arg, bt mo xa a he fxt hat it In effet be cess, Desios of proving hs own pinion be ue, be reads averse, and then quik tars ou two pages of ‘text and reads comment thal elngs oa lle verse, The wacher Sina, who belongs othe Khare faction and i lg right nest 1 Sinspatsonce gespe Prdyunns’s hand and sows, “Maser! You must read anther two pags bef you edt soon!” But Pradyumna is st. So.nn-pssd she atthe dscovery, that he now mines up the ages eatire- Ip Ammediaaly uo of th bysunder cll forte punishment of Prayunna ‘onthe rounds tte has doe away with two pages of the book. He shuts ‘att dhe cal constable, who abo happens 0 be hs wale, “Say unc How is that only the ie dt creeps sound st np i caght and punished in his cty of yous, ws the one who seals in rad dy ight {oes free?" The constable does ot appreciate the bean ves his nephew 1 ood cack on the tack for his pertinence, Uapeturbed by allo is, 0 Poyls rt Pradyomna ced on and Snaps exlcates the text. Pray admis hat Sinapattas shown how temples in which monk dvell re unslubl for ‘worship by plus sing. He i sl corned, however, ha images canbe uf for wot. Jinapal eles and aay tat the victory Is half his fr Pradyuns as adit tht empl cam be impure properly used. He rooted 0 pote the et of is contains, at forthe purposes of is aperthis mh of el debate suet. "shoul be obviow that he waten bok the cete pee of he debate ‘tix brought io te asembly and stoned before the debates, perhaps in the same poston the abate ox madhyatha might occupy ina purely cal ‘ete hat ca not give euch primacy oa writen text Th ene debate b- tween Pradjunnn and Jinept in fact comers the reading f the writen tox inthe vein in which it ext before the dbus. The writen txt sande a «fined snd iemtable document that canst be istoned hough emory or wif proces of nerpeaion Indo he ely way Padyun- can evade to inevitable concrion ht Heap mast bright sto destroy ‘ho book by sping oat two of ts pages. Many are the debuts in Inn hlosopy where ticks and clever ech, lan plas of lope anex treme fact with words lead 1 vir, even ofa wrong fon. The hartaragaccharhadgurval elf ces such a debate in which «Jin sor octal gus & dace be knows wo be is." The determina of rh forthe Kharatragacchabrhadgurdl i ot debate era mon; the determinant of tah tho wetca word which canot be ale ‘nui power wines he coneciness ofa given positon. I only ‘when the text rover befor thom ad he rahe een wl lage before {cope at te umelevers canbe made a conver. "Tat a writen txt is te embodiment ofthe eae doce canbe Senin ‘ye sno eocouter beeen a Khartara oak a citys monk in| the Khartaragachatyhadgurvaval:® ‘Tis isthe eacouner between the Kwara leader Abhuyadova andthe cainandsn Drops. While the monng ofthe wo mans formal debate ant tbe agonist element of te excounr is eee somewhat rece, its novels x poble ‘centration x which n oppenett is conver Wy «book. Wht flows sa ‘zasaon ote episode, ‘Avion ether wa ng sce among he oup wh bed tJ monks may leglanly vel oe pl bs mane was Mase Dries. One dey was © expu e ae ose. Al of Be ce tech, nooks nnd met heh cu. Bren Abas wet tobe him Now ke Masta seer Aude as plas ih ets ‘mtn Adare sng, whee was unr of ay prea ‘ns he wold wiper Abayaevst, bt ost Bato ose coud ear, Th nent ey Aad ou wih i we comer © "he orton of sare tcngs Da e Maser waa couse wpe tt. ‘Andel bln Blsed Se i fr oregon” Now become {ay wars ben at wos ake mene wo sw wth amen end ‘ope es mor aed ha ery Mar Degye wo wa devering ‘ers He bong Rms, "War is composed by th mc ac of the Tc tama, or csi bet war ef mene” Ain his her be shred th pet opel fr wneve was nh wea hat Conmenay. The nx ey ar Anayadore narod te eel Deo st in eect po bi, Woe i oer mses fem fon alo es ‘eee inthe orine dt mocks may ned lin tpi rw Dow al eal Maser corel Abhuyaor och Cees, ey wee exagedaine ay sumed otf ese) hse ako i owe ing. They fs "Wales pt hut hi hor nro ead Mase, ld tcc nm ac ees? Who wil ee er for wo” Ba ropa was ‘ano; e war shove mc ey cmon nd mu snare ea, spl cessing good ules nse pono nda man wo ced ffendhp wh god en, Ando be we sgl vs a pen al Fen o eo whn beled Ea monk cat Ove in egies: ‘Tore miny 0d er he marr of every single ath, Whe splendi qualis te avenge evn cmt oven cma Idd ewe ‘rida ine wor dy wo i Be egal of Atay, cf wil reyes cesta” ‘hh ex down Dry sd to Aaa, “hl the fini ee aon oe we Whe his stor is peraps es cbvon ints emp othe wren ext thane accont ofthe dbus between Padyumns and Jing seems wo ‘meta can also bo lterreted a let statement ofthe inportace of & ‘ween tat in seng sctarian pate ABAayadevs’s nl fstuon © m Pats ewott Dronieiya produces no obvi ers yond, ne might stsumo, icing Drops rade being helped ot fa ih ps. Te text is cael in fact not wo etre Drops reac and merely 0 sat wa the sition i, Tis changes, owever, whee Ablayadevasit comes back the ex day wide writen txt. We ae now tld hat whoever es the x is truck ids wonder nd tht hie goes for Dros at well. Ter st someting shout the writen text tafe the rade fr mee profoundly than di snple oa nection Dropiciys i nw fle wid the highest reapec fr the ator ofthe txt whom he Hast the lara fist ciples of he Trtarkara Makivn. He csplays that spect pully by bowing ‘Abhayaova, Infact rogcirya has ben converte the poston ofthe Karta monks tough he power oft writen ext, fo sac mast be the ‘meaning of is hambling hme before he Karta leader, Abaya. “The tory of Dropicrys and Abhayaeve I not tho eal acount Inthe iopaphic of the Klraara monks whee a person is converted 0 the ‘Kharatra viewpoint by reading wren text. afc i leads ut nally ino a consider ston of the not pl of store, he es of which smarty tes of acamverion sxomplshed by the power ofa Book, bua eva con ‘vesoa of sage individu a ppoted to pblie and grow conversion. 1 soggest that in he world of sectarian rly, Boks were to be wed for ‘vate home consumption swells fr obi tring. Disciples we sop ‘ote onda well a be read to, which i far wer wef writen tats tan where they are simply the propery of smal edueated ele and not ‘widely sorted, We tm now 1 # more dealed consideration of this san: 2. Denying the Book: Scenes rom the Dees of inde and Jnsvara, Fnadua ton of he mst Yloved of he Karan monks, renowned fr is tcottysecompishents ad for is prodigious supers powers! ‘The folowing ori i fh a he Kharataragacchabrhadguraval* item vt to Be couney Vanda spel be ty Voter. "ore pve intact oth lous Maser yar a et 00 ‘to Roa nada Rinse rman a Vyigirape wae be eons De Cozsar poem son the rope mls goveming a temple shy weet doen by he Gloom Havas He wrt is mek Som de es lege 1 ie, Vt an ee, ot ny igh ear ear dae [Now in cy of Vicunapra he was al et se forte pois of Jalal sea he ome one Sin he aber Devaar asthe a the hy devs al ued and Jn and opened he Cac Dvdr, ‘ho was mained Win pie defn Dok, Wich wa we Pra Seating a, Caco Rasar lysate he pated oak ot ‘fetish man woo was gi and rh He was ox twat bead ewe. He sl He's a tubo on, at boy of mi, se ‘ow b mast b tops He wre ate he Hote eam Neary wt had cone he copy of Be Care he al st em, ay of he Car with it.The wht smi “Do et Bah Devaar He sha, ye goce of God na good wach, eso a wey ‘ender fa lignan.” Te and copy of ha bak sod ‘ith at etre th yes ope iad bp ead 1 ep ‘hem a gress ad ples Now Devaar ought ins °Al ‘tough ped hz book no oto soem thes ater copy fk Tee's mee her han mee te ee T wonder wis wien ava. tote ave oben sot when i'n ee wen” ‘Worse devees tte bok Jorn on he sae an wd tte Gob ine hana hre mars oe ce lt athe Devas kot Of sown ous, Heclinted hut fs hos ante ump vr tet fal nd got tt way een hugh he oor was hat fm to tds He patid bok and he ne he ed he pe wat dali ‘leis ewe He up nae "Al ef i lars ably core. ‘oe ost vo psn at I wend sou. ess at nage en Be {aor woe hema abut woes nx bg eo wor. as ‘kato ee etl srt aer ne a gin” Bland in his story not oly composes his fous Caccrt He also es it down and ends copy of the book his a spe hat hy may ‘end itand Tem from it The ly sine read it oper without any ok laacerto read tbe docuine shou be nt hm! physically presen. ‘Tat egos text an be ead nd stud in privae snot of couse n- pesadond inthe story ofan reign, The Yoanasiha fo exanple ou Pals Gat 21834 allows fr he opimitcposiity at an inlgent person might be bl to understand is eachings om reading them om hs own: hose wh ‘Meno abe odo so sould seks teacher and stent th each read ant ‘alan te text I aston, Vy is deseo a sarounded by a host of ‘books Inter in the Yopavsinha (Mivanapralarana.Parvardha 2989). Novatel, given the heavy enpbass on rl leunlng an the ebance on 8 teacher in aon Ia ie ot the nom find an open epeoval of he preietareigosinstrion be delivered inthe form of «bok and ds per boul study without any guidance rom teacher presen That write tents te the abet aries of tah wae clr exrstd inthe account of | debe beoween Padyura and Jina th was examined above. tis only ashe rom sch ama to he us of boks la plas of Ivig tances as his story lows “his soy also gees enther function ta the pinacy given writen tox might hve a. The Khare monks, Uk ll of he ter Jin Oops tho were i vl, woul seem to have spent much eery pressing. Teisno ital oso the practical vale dat wold rm rom owing the teaching tobe spread by eailytamepmable books a wll by dct coe tac between pupils mae. facta exremo was reached in oe S tarlan group whichis esrted as sensing ently with any respec or val canmision and oven dpa the necessity of establishing & Tinea fo ef, abonaing that the eching indeed passed rom master to disciple in unbroken coaauly. We hear ofthe Lampasas they are filed, who ropardd thls az Aevalaputatamlata, deg tit ‘suey from book lone would oeider this oso san exes x- terion ofthe high reird forthe writen word the embodiment of teaching and ae a pope veil for wanamiting te tachng hat we see ovumente in hse it nthe Khar blgraphis.™ The wary of Devadbary, in edo, see finely crated to make is oo, hat he writes tent i the propriate means to covey the teachings. nee, the mozage sppeare doubly cla in he doubling of he sending of the book to the sip by Deda. When Jnaata ler tat Devadhra is tom up he bok, he doesnot hase to Vikramapra eer wo chess he recaitrant Deva cco convey the teaching ims, He sply sends | ‘second copy ofthe Book, sessing by hs chisel dt isthe ook hat ‘is rogue inorder forth dais to ae he te docine, Devadhara| relies har tare I samang speci about the book when a second copy ‘eves sneaks in nd eds, ad is econ, a profound religious ex- pence, very much Ike the conversion expeence hat people weep ‘when thy see a chasmatc religious teacher in Indin selgous ogra Devaar, Ike Dredcrya Inthe ry dscsed above is ‘won overand converted bythe writen word ‘Tis tory of Dovadara can alo te seen ata clover reworking of # famous type-sene in Jin religious biographies, eaing by sal, which il be dcnsd below n Part I. Reading in sce, ekg the aches ck of in dot Gsrogatd of his proQbion inthe nonecusen Iain ogrphics, the prabandhas, usualy has die consequences, The sores sou resting by seth ene sound magic and he magia power of books. By coms, nhs Kharatar account of Devaar reading or he Purpose of learning, nd even reading by seal sjsu good as being read {oor aught ble, The writen word i not amapicl bjt be feared ot ‘eadeé—I ope all as he conveyor feu fc 0 vt wo te trnemiston of he techn that ho Kiara text lew 8 agalaae tein, sod in many dere ways, We les, fr example, tht when the young Snait,te frre ator ofthe Cacart hd nish is dy he ‘as given wring mari by the elder monks in apreciaion of hs lam {ag The sory of Jinadats's conversion of Devachare though is wings ups foechaowed st die eal plat in his ography when be cies te mechanical too fori wring Tr books aes porta in dsesnating the const doin sis ry tod te sores discussed eartir would imply tems only anual to expect ‘ativan would auempto widold from each or the boks thoy eae ‘ber o give to their tudes rt preach frm, Tis is indo the cae, 8 tho Kharaaragacchabrhadguravel rele i ts account ofthe deeds of Jnevara” Inthe core of his monastic tour Tifa caret the vg ‘india was her, we lin tha Be wrote his famous collection of edscSe rit own athe KahBhaprakarana, The tet tele ws whit in fet rompied hi to compile his sary collection, Jinevara bad actully ‘uated sme books on loan from Be oes! oaks otha be could give & lero to the viages, Now heel monk al longed ote al fain

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