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Millions of chemical, metabolic, endocrinal and
neurological interactions; which vary from moment to
moment; are integral to our ever-changing and
fluctuating states of conscious, subconscious and
unconscious realms; including our dreams! Hence it is
just natural that our STRESS (our responses to inner
and outer environment) is also different!

Sometimes we experience, inertia, indolence, lethargy

and apathy! This is symptom of lack of vitality, due to
de-linking or disconnection of our existence from the
source of vitality in the universe. We do not feel like
doing anything physically, instinctually, emotionally and
intellectually. At times this state of ours is associated with
depression and/or mania. It may be associated with
suicidal or indiscriminately violent trends. This dark
state of ignorance is called TAMAS in Sanskrit.

This state creates vicious cycle of distress.

Sometimes we are connected with the source of vitality,

but due to our inadequate evolution we do not have
ability to perceive, feel and respond appropriately. We
simply get agitated.
This is akin to; having electrical connection; but coupled
with fluctuations of voltage, inappropriate wiring,
improper switches, improper fitting of bulbs and so on.
Naturally the effective light in “our existence” is
defective. Hence we are sensitive to the surroundings
inside and outside, but our responses are erratic. They
are driven by our intellectual, emotional, instinctual and
physical subjectivity, preferences and prejudices and not
by objectively appropriate perceptions and feelings; free
of personal bias. Hence they end up into misdirected
belligerence. This is called RAJAS.

Even though this state is a step forward, it is by no means

an appropriate solution to the STRESS.

When we have proper electric supply, wiring, and good

bulbs, then “our existence” is enlightened. This leads
almost objectively accurate perceptions, feelings and
actions. This is associated with peace, buoyancy and
benevolence. This phenomenon is termed SATVA.

This is a state that enables us to understand the guidance

of the people in SWARUPAVASTHA and follow them in
actions in terms of participating in Total Stress
Management (proper activity).
A state of “we ourselves being the “powerhouse; the
source of electricity”; is called SWARUPAWASTHA.
NAMASMARAN lifts us up from the darkness into
SWARUPAWASTHA so that we could emanate
enlightening and empowering influence on our inner and
outer environment (create of concepts and programs of
Total stress Management (super-activity)!

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