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Physical They can have more interest in romantic relationships and sexuality.

will also show more independence from parents. They are starting to venture out
and become independent and think they know everything.
Cognitive- Adolescents gain in diverse cognitive skills, including speed of thinking,
attention, memory, planning, capacity to integrate, information and regulation of
cognition and emotion. They are almost adults and are starting to get the mindset of
Social-emotional- Changes in the way they act towards family and friends, they are
also forming an independent identity and becoming an adult (Healthy Families BC,
Language- They should be able to detect and respond to sarcasm and also analyze
and self-reflect on their views. They should be able to have a meaningful and
intelligent conversation amongst someone else.
Moral Reasoning/Self-regulation- guides social decisions between right and
wrong, and understand the changes that are going on around them (Vera-Estay,

Explains at least two signs that may signal atypical development during this
period of development.
Puberty might not be occurring normally. Kids can also start to bully each other
making it easier for those being bullied to be alone and isolate themself from others.

One social factor that influences this stage of development can be association with
gangs or drugs.

One cultural factor that influences this stage of development is growing up biracial
and never thinking that they belong anywhere because of their different ethnicity.

Describes at least one strategy that families can use to influence their
children’s learning and development during this period of development.
The parents should be very aware of what’s going on in the child’s life. This is the
prime age for experimenting and getting in trouble. The parents should be involved
in the child’s life and aware of what the child is doing. They should be able to notice
signs and detect if something is wrong.

Social and Emotional Changes in Adolescence | Healthy Families BC. (2014, November

30). Retrieved from https://www.healthyfamiliesbc.ca/home/articles/social-and-


Vera-Estay, E. (2014, December 18). Cognitive underpinnings of moral reasoning in

adolescence: The contribution of executive functions. Retrieved from



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