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1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
A. Material ............................................................................................................................. 4
B. Type of Use ....................................................................................................................... 4
2. Characteristics ..................................................................................................................... 4
A. Components....................................................................................................................... 5
B. Diameters .......................................................................................................................... 5
C. Pressures ............................................................................................................................ 6
D. Velocity ............................................................................................................................. 6
3. NTE INEN............................................................................................................................ 7
4. International Standards ...................................................................................................... 7
5. Quality Control.................................................................................................................... 8
6. Catalogue ............................................................................................................................. 8
7. Prices .................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 10
A. Composition .................................................................................................................... 10
B. Uses ................................................................................................................................. 10
i. Sewage Systems by Gravity. ....................................................................................... 10
ii. Drainage System. ........................................................................................................ 11
2. Characteristics ................................................................................................................... 12
A. Advantages and disadvantages of asbestos-cement pipes ............................................... 12
i. Advantages: ................................................................................................................. 12
ii. Disadvantages: ............................................................................................................ 13
3. Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 14
A. Pipe’s Classification ........................................................................................................ 14
B. Pipe's diameters, length, and its thickness....................................................................... 14
4. International Standards.................................................................................................... 14
5. NTE INEN.......................................................................................................................... 15
6. Quality control ................................................................................................................... 16
A. Three-Point Flexural Test................................................................................................ 16
B. Permeability test .............................................................................................................. 16
C. Absorption Test. .............................................................................................................. 16
D. Resistance to Hydrostatic Pressure Test. ......................................................................... 17
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 18
A. Material ........................................................................................................................... 18
B. Type of Use ..................................................................................................................... 18
2. Characteristics ................................................................................................................... 19
A. Components..................................................................................................................... 19
B. Diameters ........................................................................................................................ 19
C. Pressures .......................................................................................................................... 20
3. NTE INEN.......................................................................................................................... 21
4. International Standards .................................................................................................... 21
D. Quality control ................................................................................................................ 22
E. Catalogue......................................................................................................................... 23
F. Prices ............................................................................................................................... 24
Desde la antigüedad el transporte de agua a través de diferentes sistemas como tuberías o
canales han sido utilizados con el fin de satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de la
humanidad, con el transcurrir de los años el uso de estos sistemas para el transporte de
toda clase de fluidos se ha ido popularizando, en especial el uso de las tuberías para el
transporte de agua potable o aguas residuales. Debido a este gran incremento en el uso de
las tuberías, fue necesario crear normas que regulen la producción de estos sistemas y
además garanticen la calidad de los mismos.

Los sistemas de abastecimiento de agua no solo engloba lo que es la captación y

almacenamiento de agua; el agua natural posee impurezas que si se utilizan en sus
condición normal puede acarrear o generar graves consecuencias ya que hoy en día la
gran mayoría de uso y consumo de agua requiere cierto porcentaje de pureza en ella. Es
por eso que luego de la captación y almacenamiento de agua se lleva mediante unas líneas
o tuberías de impulsión a una planta de tratamiento y purificado para garantizar su
correcta condición de uso, y luego ser almacenada en depósitos especial para esta agua
purificada mejor conocida como “agua tratada”, para luego ser llevado por medio de una
línea matriz a una red de distribución para satisfacer la demanda del vital líquido y así ser
usada de las distintas maneras que se le ha dado al agua.

Obtain information about fluid pipes according to the structural properties, mechanical
properties and basic design of the pipes.
Identify and analyze the differences of the pipes studied in the report in relation to the
manufacturing material.
Study the specifications given by the construction standards for the manufacture and
placement of pipes of different material.


1. Introduction
A. Material
The simple concrete is a mixture of Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and
water, which doesn’t contain reinforcement element or it has elements less than the
specifications for reinforced concrete, and whose characteristics are a good resistance in
compression, durability, fire resistance and workability. Simple concrete, without
reinforcement, is resistant to compression, but weak in tension, which limits its
applicability as a structural material. It is used to build many types of structures, such as
highways, streets, bridges, tunnels, dams, large buildings, landing strips, irrigation
systems and canalization.
In sewer systems, the use of pipes made of different materials is required; In terms of
concrete pipes, this is efficient, economical and ecological for hydraulic networks that
work in free regime or in low pressure, due to the availability of local raw materials,
abundant and easily accessible; the waste from manufacturing or construction is
recyclable AND the energy cost of production is very low, contributing to decrease
energy dependence. In addition, the concrete pipe industry is non-polluting and the least
amount of global energy consumed in the entire manufacturing process.

Tubería continua de hormigón simple

B. Type of Use
Simple concrete pipes (without reinforcement) are intended to transport domestic and /
or rainwater wastewater, as well as liquid waste from the industrial sector and irrigation
systems for drainage of roads as conduits not subjected to pressure. These pipes are
generally used in pipes with moderate fillings. The main uses of concrete pipes are:
 Sanitation by gravity.
 Sanitation at low pressure.
 Drainage in roads and pipelines.
 Irrigation.
 Specific industrial uses.
 Conduction of facilities (service galleries).
 Piped pipes.

2. Characteristics
A. Components
The simple concrete pipes are circular section ducts made of steel molds with simple
concrete, according to what is indicated in the INEN specifications. Simple concrete is
obtained by means of the following components:
 Cement
 Fine and coarse aggregates
 Water
 Additives
 Special design
In addition, it must have a special (espiga or campana) design at each end capable of being
adjusted to one another and a continuous pipe can be formed if required.
 Joints
The ends of the pipes and fittings of the concrete must be manufactured in such a way
that they join correctly and present a continuous duct with a uniform interior surface; the
joints must be designed in such a way that the infiltration and leaks are reduced to a

B. Diameters
Concrete pipes are manufactured in diameters ranging from:
• 150 mm (6 '') - 600 mm (24 '') for tubes without reinforcement or simple
concrete, (no reinforcement)
• 600 mm (24 ') - 1000 mm (40 "), for reinforced pipes, (they have reinforcement
in graphite steel, baskets manufactured in helical form).

Design: Diameter (150 mm)

Design: Diameter (200 mm)


C. Pressures
The way to resist internal pressures will depend on the technology applied to each type
of pipe. Some are made of highly resistant materials, others are made with materials that
are not as resistant, and also those that are reinforced with other more resistant material
such as Reinforced Concrete.

Resistencia en KN/m (Newton por m lineal de tubería por mm de diámetro)

D. Velocity
In concrete pipes the maximum speed is controlled according to the durability. When the
speed is too high it can generate cavitation and an erosion problem depending on the
characteristics of dissolved solids in the water
The minimum speed in a pipeline is related to the drag of solids. Another point that
controls the minimum speed is the aereation of the effluent in sanitary sewers to prevent
the formation of sulfides and the corrosion of the pipe.
The corrosion process occurs due to the transformation of the presence of sulphates in the
black waters and hydrogen sulfide by the bacteria Concrettivorus which develops in
anaerobic media and gives rise to the sulfuric acid that corrodes the concrete surface. The
means to avoid the production of the bacteria is to control the pH of the water, the oxygen
content and the flow velocity.

According to the Ecuadorian construction standards, the characteristics that must be met
according to the INEN 1590 standard for simple concrete pipes are:
 The materials considered in the manufacture of pipes are: cement, aggregates,
water and additives. The cement must be Portland according to norm INEN 152,
1548 and / or 490, in addition it must not be less than 330 Kg / m3 in the concrete
mixture to be used in the pipeline. The aggregates should be governed by the
INEN 872 standard with the exception of the gradation requirement.
 The water must be clean (norm INEN 1108) and without substances that affect
the strength of the concrete. The additives (Accelerators, retardants and others)
can be selected by the buyer.
 The processes of the manufacture of the simple concrete tube are the drying of the
tubes that can be in a steam chamber (steam drying) or with water sprinklers
(drying with water).
 Regarding the finish of the pipes and their accessories, surface cracks should not
be longer than 5 cm, and should not pass through their walls. As well as, they must
be joined correctly and to have a uniform interior surface, reducing leaks and
infiltration to a minimum.
 In addition, they must comply with other specifications: The absorption must not
be greater than 9%, method A and 8.5% method B (norm INEN 1588). For
hydrostatic pressure, this test could be performed in replacement of the
permeability test and there should be no leakage in the test time; the test could
continue for up to 24 hours if the surface shows moisture.
 The resistance to breakage (dimensions such as nominal diameter and maximum
and minimum internal diameter) must be within the specifications of this standard
(INEN 1590), and also the required tests.

4. International Standards
The design and manufacture of simple concrete pipes conform to different international
standards, such as: ASTM (American Society for testing and Materials), ASCE
(American Society of Civil Engineer). European standards, AASHTO (American
Association of state Highway and Transportation Officials) and Inteco (Instituto de
Normas Tñecnicas de Costa Rica).
INTE 16,11,04,08 Concrete pipes without reinforcement for
ASTM C14 M Standard Specification for Concrete
Sewer, Storm Drain, and Culvert Pipe
ASSHTO M86 Concrete pipes without reinforcement for
UNE 127.010 Prefabricated concrete pipes in mass,
reinforced concrete and concrete with
steel fiber, for pipes without pressure ".
NTP 399.009 Simple concrete pipes of circular section
for the conduction of liquids without
NTC 1022 Concrete pipe without reinforcement for
sewage system ". "Technical regulation
of pipes

In sewer systems in which it is required to guarantee the tightness of the system, in the
joints of the concrete pipes without reinforcement rolling rubber type packs are used,
which allow small deflections between tubes without leaks or infiltrations.
NTC 1328 Flexible joints for joining circular
concrete pipes.
ASTM C 443M Standard Specification for Joints for
Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using
Rubber Gaskets.

5. Quality Control
Concrete pipe is produced in specialized factories that are governed by strict quality
standards of the materials, production process and the final product. The quality
control in the manufacture of the tubes aims to verify the quality characteristics during
the different phases of manufacturing.Control de materiales : Según las
especificaciones presentadas en las normas.
 Control of dimensions: nominal diameter, length, maximum and minimum
internal diameter, joints.
 Control of mechanical characteristics: Test of resistance to breakage, absorption,
permeability, hydrostatic pressure.

6. Catalogue
Design: Diameter (150 mm - 600 mm)
6" 150 mm 1,0 45
8" 200 mm 1,3 75
10" 250 mm 1,2 110
12" 300 mm 1,5 165
14" 350 mm 1,5 190
15" 375 mm 1,5 290
16" 400 mm 1,5 300
18" 450 mm 1,5 395
21" 525 mm 1,5 620
24" 600 mm 1,0 500
24" 600 mm 1,54 593

7. Prices
Practically for all the installation conditions, the sewers built with concrete pipes
in diameters higher than 0.50 m are cheaper because the materials and activities
for the foundation are less demanding and, therefore, less expensive. For pipes
with a diameter less than 0.50 m, the costs of concrete sewers are generally
lower, especially when high-level installations are required.

1. Introduction
Cement pipe containing asbestos was first used in the United States and Canada in 1931,
primarily in western states. This kind of concrete pipe was made from a mixture of
Portland cement and asbestos fiber; the addition of asbestos made the pipes very durable
and resistant to corrosion (cement that contains asbestos fiber is also known as transite).
By 1953, the American Water Works Association had put standards into place governing
the use of asbestos cement pipe in municipal water systems throughout the country.

A. Composition

AC pipes are made from an intimate and homogeneous mixture of asbestos fibers,
hydraulic cement and water, with or without the addition of silica, excluding any material
that can cause a deterioration in the quality of the product.

The proportion of cement to fiber varies over a range of approximately 10 to 75 per cent,
by weight; it depends upon the physical characteristics desired in the finished product.
Percentage of asbestos also can depend upon the type of manufacturing process to be used
and cost of the finished product. When compared to cement, the cost of asbestos is
considered high.

The strong asbestos fibers behave similarly to the steel bars used in reinforcing concrete.
With the use of asbestos fiber in cement, approximately 70 to 80 per cent of the weight
of nonreinforced concrete is eliminated when roofing, siding, pipe and other similar
products are manufactured.

B. Uses
Asbestos cement is a very suitable material for the manufacture of pipes, both sanitation
and supply, with or without pressure, whose hydraulic characteristics and mechanical
behavior, in general, improve with the passage of time, requiring minimal efforts in their

The most widespread use, although not exclusive, of the concrete pipe is the transport of
water, both clean (rainwater collectors, irrigation) and dirty (sanitation).

Nowadays the use of asbestos-cement pipes is prohibited in its entirety, especially for
potable water distribution systems where in most countries it has been requested that these
pipes be replaced by others that are not a risk to human health. Currently the only existing
AC pipe systems are the following:

i. Sewage Systems by Gravity.

A sewage system is a system of structures and pipes used for the collection and transport
of wastewater and rainwater from a population from the place where they are generated
to the place where they are discharged into the natural environment or treated. In gravity
systems, water flows along the networks because of the slopes of the pipes.
ii. Drainage System.
The main function of a drainage system is to allow the withdrawal of waters that
accumulate in topographic depressions of the land, causing inconveniences either to
agriculture or in urbanized areas.
2. Characteristics
Asbestos is a fibrous material that is obtained from various minerals, is very high
chemical, mechanical and electrical resistance and was used in the past in large quantities,
both pure and mixed with binders such as cements. Asbestos-Cement is a mixture of
Portland cement with 10% to 20% asbestos fibers. Due to its mechanical resistance, its
fireproofing, its ease of installation and its relative low price, it was used massively in the
field of pipeline construction.

The pipe has a very smooth surface inside, which allows to use lower roughness
coefficients and consequently greater transport capacity. The asbestos-cement pipeline is
a more fragile pipe than the other pipes, so its use is limited only when it is feasible to
place it buried. On the other hand, it is an inert material to corrosion, which is
advantageous with respect to the other types of pipes mentioned.

A. Advantages and disadvantages of asbestos-cement pipes

i. Advantages:
AC Pipes have some intrinsic physical advantages over their competitors, those
are the following:

 Asbestos is stronger than steel and thermal coefficient matches with

cement. It provides a homogenous, microscopic, three-dimensional
reinforcement in AC. Can thus withstand more than 15 times the water
pressure than a concrete pipe of similar thickness.
 It is immune to metal oxidation, but has a stiffening, in aggressive
areas, that is, with a high content of sulphates (acid soils).
 Presents good behavior before the water hammer
 Presents good behavior in cases of seismic movements
 It is immune to erratic electric currents. Because it is not a driver, it is
immune to perforation of the walls of the tube due to this cause. Its
management and installation require care for being a fragile pipe to
bumps or falls.
 Durability: The mineral fibers of asbestos mixed into cement add
longevity to the product. For example, asbestos cement roof shingles
last on average 50 to 60 years. Other construction materials, such as
wood and plastic, are not expected to last nearly as long. When adding
asbestos to cement, the fibers are technically a type of stone.
 Lower initial costs and longer life means cost / year is 1/4th to 1/10th
of its alternatives.
 Capable to withstand the transverse stress arising out of internal
pressure, including water hammer (pressure surge).
 It has high flexural stress high crushing strength. Hence it can be
safely used under heavy external loads and the heavy traffic. It can
withstand backpressures even when the pipe is under vacuum.
 Its low coefficient of expansion, helps to counter the expansion and
contraction arising out of the variations in temperature of water it
carries; also, the unbalanced pressure produced due to bends, and
closures including gates.
 It is corrosion free - both chemically and electrolytically.
 Friction loss is low and high carrying capacity is permanently
maintained, as the pipes are not subject to encrustation or
tuberculation. C value = 150. Hence considerable savings in power
and cost of pumping, when compared to most other pipes.
 It has low thermal conductivity / excellent Insulation as a result of
which water conveyed by these pipes remains cool even when the
ambient temperature is high.
 These pipes are comparatively light and are easy to handle and
 Jointing is easy & the joints have flexibility (up to 10 degrees in AC
Couplings) to obtain a satisfactory joint (unlike most alternatives).
 Easy & inexpensive to cut and tap and to use & maintain. (Often
known as permanent & maintenance free pipes)
 AC is Heat & Fire resistance
 Can withstand chlorine treated drinking water and no tuberculation /
erosion occurs
 Excellent for Intermittent Water supply where corrosion, tuberculation
& erosion problems are acute

ii. Disadvantages:

 High Repair Costs: While the durability is good, eventually even

asbestos cement must be repaired or replaced. While not impossible,
great care and special equipment is needed to work on asbestos-
containing materials to prevent the fibers from releasing. For example,
asbestos materials should remain wet or removed intact. Workers
should use masks or other breathing filters while working. Therefore,
the savings on asbestos cement at construction could easily become
negated down the road from repair and replacement costs.
 Health Concerns: While asbestos cement should not allow asbestos
fibers to become airborne, it can occur with careless construction
methods and without proper maintenance. Long-term exposure to
asbestos fibers is linked to causing lung cancer and mesothelioma.
Asbestos fibers are microscopic, so someone may not even be aware
the fibers are in the air. Any asbestos cement showing signs of wear
needs immediate attention.
3. Specifications

A. Pipe’s Classification
Hydrostatic Preassure Color of the
Mpa kg/cm2 Pipe
5 0.5 5.0 White
10 1.0 10.0 Yellow
15 1.5 15.0 Red
20 2.0 20.0 None
25 2.5 25.0 Green
30 3.0 30.0 Blue
35 3.5 35.0 Black
Table : Classification of the tubes according to the hydrostatic test pressure

Table : Classification of the tubes according to the work pressure

B. Pipe's diameters, length, and its thickness.

The diameters of the pipes in millimeters are: 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400,
450, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, y 1000 mm

The nominal length of the pipes shall not be less than 2 m, for pipes with nominal
diameter of up to 50 mm inclusive and 4 m, for pipes with nominal diameter equal to or
greater than 75 mm.

4. International Standards

Specification Number Subject

ASTM C296 Pressure Pipe
ASTM C428 Non-pressure Sewer Pipe
ASTM C458 Organic Fiber Content
ASTM C500 Test Methods for AC Pipe
ASTM C663 Storm Drain Pipe
ASTM C668 Transmission Pipe
ASTM C966 Installing AC Non-Pressure Pipe
ASTM D1869 Rubber Rings for AC Pipe


Specification Number Subject

ISO 160 Pipes and joints of asbestos-cement subjected to
ISO 390 Asbestos-cement products - sampling and
ISO 391 Asbestos-cement pipes for construction and sanitary
ISO 392 Accessories for asbestos-cement pipes intended for
sanitary applications and construction purposes.
ISO 2785 Guide for the selection of Asbestos cement pipes
subjected to external loads with or without internal
ISO 4482 Asbestos and cement pipes - Guide for placement.


Specification Number Subject

Asbestos-cement pipes and unions for the conduction
NTE INEN 485:1992
pressure water. Specifications
Pipes and unions of asbestos-cement for the conduction of
NTE INEN 664:1982
water under pressure. Sampling, inspection and reception
Tubes and unions of asbestos-cement. Determination of
NTE INEN 665:1982
hydrostatic pressure resistance
Asbestos-cement pipes. Determination of longitudinal
NTE INEN 666:1982
flexural strength
Tubes and unions of asbestos-cement. Determination of
NTE INEN 667:1982
resistance to transverse punching
Asbestos-cement pipes. Determination of geometric
NTE INEN 668:1982
Tubes and unions of asbestos-cement. Determination of non-
NTE INEN 669:1982
combined calcium hydroxide
6. Quality control
In Ecuador, the diverse companies dedicated to the elaboration of pipes of any material
carry out diverse tests according to the stipulated in the INEN Standards, considering also
the international Standards like ASTM or ISO to realize the quality control of the pipe.
The tests that are commonly performed are the following:

A. Three-Point Flexural Test

The tube is placed on two parallel supports that are understood along the tube and
the load is applied through a third support or beam placed in the upper part of the
tube parallel to the lower supports of equal length.

Realizando el ensayo de Resistencia a la flexión

B. Permeability test
A tube with the spigot down on a sheet of rubber or its equivalent is placed and
filled with water up to the level of the base of the bell, the initial inspection is made
after 15 minutes of having filled it, it should not exist in the outer surface moisture
at the time of 24 hours.

Ensayo de Permeabilidad
C. Absorption Test.
For this test a sample or core extracted from the pipe is taken, which is subjected to
a drying process, then to immersion to determine the absorption of water. Two
alternative procedures A and B are also presented, to conduct the tests in boiling
method A shall not exceed 9% and method B shall not exceed 8.5%.
D. Resistance to Hydrostatic Pressure Test.

In this test, the load applicator (which can be mechanical or manual that registers up to a
maximum value of 100 KPa at intervals not exceeding 5 KPa) and plug plugs (which does
not allow leaks) are used.

The procedure consists of sealing the ends of the tube and filling it slowly with water,
eliminating the air inside. Then the pressure inside the tube is gradually raised to 70 Kpa
in one minute and this pressure is maintained for 10 minutes. Again, the pressure is evenly
raised to the specified value. Finally it is observed if there are leaks through the walls of
the tube.

If the surface appears wet or with moisture stains, the test should be extended for 24 hours.
At the end of this period of time, if the humidity has disappeared, the test is considered
to be completed in compliance with the standard.

1. Introduction
A. Material

The ductile iron is a type of cast iron that in difference of most of other varieties is much
more flexible and elastic. The surprising change in the metal is characterized by the free
graphite in ductile iron that is deposited in spheroidal or nodular form instead of form like
scales in the gray iron. With free graphite in nodular form, the continuity of the metal
matrix is to the maximum, which represents the formation of a much stronger ductile
material, more resistant, superior to the gray iron in resistance, in ductility, and in
characteristics of impact by wide margins.

Ductile cast iron tubes are elements of high technology, quality and performance,
commonly used in aqueduct and sewerage systems with or without pressure, irrigation
systems and industrial installations. It combines the resistance of a steel with the long life
of molten grey iron. The materials used in their manufacture respond to the highest
standards of quality, complying with strict standards in terms of mechanical properties,
performance and toxicity in the case of application for aqueduct.
Ductile iron Tubing provides the maximum possible safety margin against maintenance
failures due to ground movements and residual stresses. Virtually Unbreakable under
ordinary service conditions, it also offers increased resistance to rupture caused by rough
handling in shipment and installation. The corrosion resistance of the ductile iron Pipe
has been tested in a wide variety of accelerated tests and today is at least equal to that
offered by cast iron.

B. Type of Use
Most ductile iron manufacturing is used for pipe making. Due to the properties of the
material, the pipes can be used in potable water and wastewater systems. Ductile iron
pipes are highlighted by:
 Proven Resistance: Able to withstand large loads, deep cuts and heavy traffic
 Leakage-resistant joints: Eliminates leak problems in the Unions.
 Upper Flow: Minimum internal roughness.
 Chemical resistance
 Abrasion resistance
 Success Stories: In gravity or pumping conduction lines in diameters from
100mm onwards. In service for 30 years.

2. Characteristics
A. Components
Ductile cast iron pipes must be manufactured in accordance with the international
standard. The tubes are externally and internally coated. The coating outer consists of a
blade Zinc on the tubes placed subject to the standard ISO8179, which assigns a thickness
minimum of 200 grams per square meter and a thick bitumen sheet greater than or equal
to 70 micrometers. The coating internal is a layer of cement placed subject to the standard
ISO4179, the thickness of the layer varies according to the nominal diameter (DN) of the
pipe, as shown in the following table:
DN (mm) Thickness of cement liner required (mm)
80 ≤ DN ≤ 300 3
350 ≤ DN ≤ 600 5
700 ≤ DN ≤ 1600 6

B. Diameters
The diameters available in ductile iron pipes are within the range of 800 and 2000
millimeters, as shown below from the nominal diameter 1200 millimeters there is a
variation in the longitudinal section of the tube.
C. Pressures
The standard UNE EN 545:2011 establishes preferred pressure classes that are based on
being able to satisfy the most common conditions of installation and operation of water
supply and distribution pipes. The preferred pressure classes indicated in the standard are
as follows:
Kind of pressure NOMINAL Diameter (mm)
C40 DN 60-300
C30 DN 350-600
C25 DN 700-2000

The dimensionless number accompanying the C corresponds to the permissible operating

pressure (PFA) of the tube. The maximum permissible pressure (PMA, maximum
pressure considering the water hammer) and the admissible test pressure (PEA, maximum
test pressure in trench) are defined by the following expressions:
𝑃𝑀𝐴 = 1.2 ∗ 𝑃𝐹𝐴
𝑃𝐸𝐴 = 𝑃𝑀𝐴 + 5
That is, when we find, for example, with a ductile iron pipe C30 we will immediately
know that its PFA are 30 Bar, so its PMA is 36 and its PEA, 41 Bar.

NTE INEN 062:2012 Gray and ductile iron casting

This Ecuadorian technical regulation is applied to the following products that are
marketed in the Republic of Ecuador, manufactured locally or imported.
 Castings of Grey iron.
 Nodular iron foundries (ductile iron).
 Lids for use in wells and underground networks.
 Sewer grids.
 Gate Valves with metal seal for water supply.

The products listed above must comply with the requirements specified in the
corresponding literal of the Ecuadorian technical standards:
NTE INEN 2481 Castings of Grey iron.
NTE INEN 2496 Nodular iron foundries (ductile iron).
NTE INEN 2499 Lids for use in wells and underground networks.
NTE INEN 2574 Gate Valves with metal seal for water supply.
Requirements and inspection.

4. International Standards
ISO 2531 Ductile iron pipe and accessories for
pressurized driving lines.
ISO 7186 Ductile iron producer for sewage applications.
ISO 4179 General requirements of cement mortar for
ductile pipe.
ISO 8179 Exterior Zinc coating.
ISO 4633 Rubber gaskets for water supply piping
drainage and sewer.
ISO 8180 Polyethylene casing for ductile iron pipe.
ISO 7005-2 Metal flanges. Part 2. Cast iron flanges.
ISO 4032 Hex nuts. Products grade A and B.
BS EN 545 Requirements and test methods for ductile iron
pipes, fittings and their joints for water
conduction lines.
BS EN 598 Requirements and test methods for ductile iron
pipes, fittings and their joints for sewer
BS 4027 Requirements for composition, resistance,
physical and chemical properties of three kinds
of specification hardness for sulfate resistance;
Portland Cement.
BS 3416 Specification for cold-applied bituminous
paint suitable for contact with potable water.
BS 2494 Specification for elastomeric gaskets for pipe
ISO 9001:2000 Implementation of quality management

D. Quality control
A complete and rigorous quality system ensures precision and excellence by calibrating
instruments and equipment and recording and archiving production data. Detailed and
Continuous follow-up to critical activities such as:
• Metallurgical content.
• Graphic spectrum analysis.
• Alloy and process practices.
• Iron temperature control.
• Adjustments and operation of centrifuge ovens.
• Practices in iron smelting.
• Checked tube annealing control.
• Presence tests of metal samples to ensure that the products meet all the physical
characteristics and requirements: tensile strength and elongation.
• Verification of hydrostatic test results.
• Verification of the dimensional compliance of the dowels, plugs, thicknesses and
other key dimensions.
• Ensuring the quality of cement mortar coating and the application of paints,
including properties of materials and inputs, control of batches and mixtures,
verification of thickness and curing of cement.
• Strict verification of the packing process and offices, to ensure that the products
are not mistreated from their origin to their destination.
E. Catalogue
F. Prices

The design of pipes for the installation of drinking water network, sewage, rainwater, and
others, must meet the specified standards according to the type of material with which it
is manufactured.
The pipes can be constituted by various materials. The selection of material depends
essentially on the nature of the fluid passing through the pipe, physical conditions such
as temperature, pressure and other fluid conditions.
Ductile iron pipes are stronger and easy To connect, require fewer supports and offer
the largest flow zone compared to pipes of other materials such as PVC, polyethylene or

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