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In accordance with Singapore national annex
TEDDS calculation version 2.1.16

mm 9250
A 1 B

Unfactored Loads Self weight included

Permanent Variable O ther

mm 9250
A 1 B

Load Envelope - Com bination 1


mm 9250
A 1 B

Load Com bination 1 (show n in proportion)

O ther



mm 9250
A 1 B

Bending Moment Envelope


mm 9250
A 1 B
Project Job no.

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Shear Force Envelope

2208.9 2170.0


mm 9250
A 1 B

Support conditions
Support A Vertically restrained
Rotationally free
Support B Vertically restrained
Rotationally free
Applied loading
Permanent point load 118.6 kN at 4400 mm
Variable point load 42.5 kN at 4400 mm
Variable point load 246.7 kN at 1600 mm
Variable point load 246.7 kN at 7200 mm
Permanent point load 1123.85 kN at 1600 mm
Permanent point load 1123.85 kN at 7200 mm
Permanent self weight of beam × 1

Load combinations
Load combination 1 Support A Permanent × 1.35
Variable × 1.50
Other × 1.00
Span 1 Permanent × 1.35
Variable × 1.50
Other × 1.00
Support B Permanent × 1.35
Variable × 1.50
Other × 1.00

Analysis results
Maximum moment support A; MA_max = 0 kNm; MA_red = 0 kNm;
Maximum moment span 1 at 4400 mm; Ms1_max = 4199 kNm; Ms1_red = 4199 kNm;
Maximum moment support B; MB_max = 0 kNm; MB_red = 0 kNm;
Maximum shear support A; VA_max = 2209 kN; VA_red = 2209 kN
Maximum shear support A span 1 at 1647 mm; VA_s1_max = 282 kN; VA_s1_red = 282 kN
Maximum shear support B; VB_max = -2014 kN; VB_red = -2014 kN
Maximum shear support B span 1 at 7603 mm; VB_s1_max = -1974 kN; VB_s1_red = -1974 kN
Maximum reaction at support A; RA = 2209 kN
Unfactored permanent load reaction at support A; RA_Permanent = 1324 kN
Unfactored variable load reaction at support A; RA_Variable = 281 kN
Maximum reaction at support B; RB = 2014 kN
Unfactored permanent load reaction at support B; RB_Permanent = 1209 kN
Unfactored variable load reaction at support B; RB_Variable = 255 kN
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Rectangular section details

Section width; b = 450 mm
Section depth; h = 1700 mm

1700 450

Concrete details (Table 3.1 - Strength and deformation characteristics for concrete)
Concrete strength class; C32/40
Characteristic compressive cylinder strength; fck = 32 N/mm2
Characteristic compressive cube strength; fck,cube = 40 N/mm2
Mean value of compressive cylinder strength; fcm = fck + 8 N/mm2 = 40 N/mm2
Mean value of axial tensile strength; fctm = 0.3 N/mm2 × (fck/ 1 N/mm2)2/3 = 3.0 N/mm2
Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete; Ecm = 22 kN/mm2 × [fcm/10 N/mm2]0.3 = 33346 N/mm2
Partial factor for concrete (Table 2.1N); γC = 1.50
Compressive strength coefficient (cl.3.1.6(1)); αcc = 0.85
Design compressive concrete strength (exp.3.15); fcd = αcc × fck / γC = 18.1 N/mm2
Maximum aggregate size; hagg = 20 mm
Reinforcement details
Characteristic yield strength of reinforcement; fyk = 410 N/mm2
Partial factor for reinforcing steel (Table 2.1N); γS = 1.15
Design yield strength of reinforcement; fyd = fyk / γS = 357 N/mm2

Nominal cover to reinforcement

Nominal cover to top reinforcement; cnom_t = 30 mm
Nominal cover to bottom reinforcement; cnom_b = 30 mm
Nominal cover to side reinforcement; cnom_s = 30 mm

Support A
4 x 20φ bars

2 x 13φ shear legs at 150 c/c

4 x 40φ bars
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Multiple layers of bottom reinforcement

Reinforcement provided - layer 1; 4 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 1; As_L1 = 5027 mm2
Depth to layer 1; dL1 = 63 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 2; 0 × 32φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 2; As_L2 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 2; dL2 = 139 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 3; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 3; As_L3 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 3; dL3 = 215 mm
Total area of reinforcement; As2,prov = As_L1 + As_L2 + As_L3 = 5027 mm2
Centroid of reinforcement; dbot = (As_L1 × dL1 + As_L2 × dL2 + As_L3 × dL3) / As2,prov = 63 mm

Multiple layers of top reinforcement

Reinforcement provided - layer 1; 4 × 20φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 1; As_L1 = 1257 mm2
Depth to layer 1; dL1 = 1647 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 2; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 2; As_L2 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 2; dL2 = 1577 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 3; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 3; As_L3 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 3; dL3 = 1497 mm
Total area of reinforcement; As,prov = As_L1 + As_L2 + As_L3 = 1257 mm2
Centroid of reinforcement; dtop = (As_L1 × dL1 + As_L2 × dL2 + As_L3 × dL3) / As,prov = 1647 mm

Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1)

Minimum moment factor (cl.; β1 = 0.25
Design bending moment; M = max(abs(MA_red), β1 × abs(Ms1_red)) = 1050 kNm
Depth to tension reinforcement; d = dtop = 1647 mm
Percentage redistribution; mrA = 0 %
Redistribution ratio; δ = min(1 - mrA, 1) = 1.000
K = M / (b × d2 × fck) = 0.027
K' = 0.598 × δ - 0.181 × δ2 - 0.21 = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm; z = min((d / 2) × [1 + (1 - 3.53 × K)0.5], 0.95 × d) = 1565 mm
Depth of neutral axis; x = 2.5 × (d - z) = 206 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As,req = M / (fyd × z) = 1882 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided; 4 × 20 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As,prov = 1257 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement (exp.9.1N); As,min = max(0.26 × fctm / fyk, 0.0013) × b × d = 1421 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement (cl.; As,max = 0.04 × b × h = 30600 mm2
FAIL - Area of reinforcement provided is less than minimum area of reinforcement required
Minimum bottom reinforcement at supports
Minimum reinforcement factor (cl.; β2 = 0.25
Area of reinforcement to adjacent span; As,span = 8244 mm2
Minimum bottom reinforcement to support; As2,min = β2 × As,span = 2061 mm2
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Bottom reinforcement provided; 4 × 40 φbars + 0 × 32 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars

Area of bottom reinforcement provided; As2,prov = 5027 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than minimum area of reinforcement required
Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2)
Design shear force at support A; VEd,max = abs(max(VA_max, VA_red)) = 2209 kN
Angle of comp. shear strut for maximum shear; θmax = 45 deg
Maximum design shear force (exp.6.9); VRd,max = b × z × v1 × fcd / (cot(θmax) + tan(θmax)) = 3340 kN
PASS - Design shear force at support is less than maximum design shear force
Design shear force span 1 at 1647 mm; VEd = max(VA_s1_max, VA_s1_red) = 282 kN
Design shear stress; vEd = VEd / (b × z) = 0.400 N/mm2
Strength reduction factor (cl.6.2.3(3)); v1 = 0.6 × [1 - fck / 250 N/mm2] = 0.523
Compression chord coefficient (cl.6.2.3(3)); αcw = 1.00
Angle of concrete compression strut (cl.6.2.3);
θ = min(max(0.5 × Asin[min(2 × vEd / (αcw × fcd × v1),1)], 21.8 deg), 45deg) = 21.8 deg
Area of shear reinforcement required (exp.6.13); Asv,req = vEd × b / (fyd × cot(θ)) = 202 mm2/m
Shear reinforcement provided; 2 × 13φ legs at 150 c/c
Area of shear reinforcement provided; Asv,prov = 1770 mm2/m
Minimum area of shear reinforcement (exp.9.5N); Asv,min = 0.08 N/mm2 × b × (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / fyk = 497 mm2/m
PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required
Maximum longitudinal spacing (exp.9.6N); svl,max = 0.75 × d = 1235 mm
PASS - Longitudinal spacing of shear reinforcement provided is less than maximum
Crack control (Section 7.3)
Maximum crack width; wk = 0.3 mm
Design value modulus of elasticity reinf (3.2.7(4)); Es = 200000 N/mm2
Mean value of concrete tensile strength; fct,eff = fctm = 3.0 N/mm2
Stress distribution coefficient; kc = 0.4
Non-uniform self-equilibrating stress coefficient; k = min(max(1 + (300 mm - min(h, b)) × 0.35 / 500 mm, 0.65), 1) =
Actual tension bar spacing; sbar = (b - 2 × (cnom_s + φv) - φtop,L1) / (Ntop,L1 - 1) = 115 mm
Maximum stress permitted (Table 7.3N); σs = 308 N/mm2
Concrete to steel modulus of elast. ratio; αcr = Es / Ecm = 6.00
Distance of the Elastic NA from bottom of beam; y = (b × h2 / 2 + As,prov × (αcr - 1) × (h - d)) / (b × h + As,prov × (αcr - 1)) =
844 mm
Area of concrete in the tensile zone; Act = b × y = 379580 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement required (exp.7.1); Asc,min = kc × k × fct,eff × Act / σs = 1333 mm2
FAIL - Area of tension reinforcement provided is less than minimum required for crack control
Quasi-permanent value of variable action; ψ2 = 0.30
Quasi-permanent limit state moment; MQP = abs(MA_c21) + ψ2 × abs(MA_c22) = 0 kNm
Permanent load ratio; RPL = MQP / M = 0.00
Service stress in reinforcement; σsr = fyd × As,req / As,prov × RPL = 0 N/mm2
Maximum bar spacing (Tables 7.3N); sbar,max = 300 mm
PASS - Maximum bar spacing exceeds actual bar spacing for crack control
Minimum bar spacing
Minimum bottom bar spacing; sbot,min = (b - 2 × cnom_s - 2 × φv - φbot,L1) / (Nbot,L1 - 1) = 108 mm
Minimum allowable bottom bar spacing; sbar_bot,min = max(φbot,L1, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + φbot,L1 = 80 mm
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Minimum top bar spacing; stop,min = (b - 2 × cnom_s - 2 × φv - φtop,L1) / (Ntop,L1 - 1) = 115 mm

Minimum allowable top bar spacing; sbar_top,min = max(φtop,L1, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + φtop,L1 = 45 mm
PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable

Mid span 1
4 x 20φ bars

2 x 13φ shear legs at 150 c/c

4 x 32φ bars
4 x 40φ bars

Multiple layers of bottom reinforcement

Reinforcement provided - layer 1; 4 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 1; As_L1 = 5027 mm2
Depth to layer 1; dL1 = 1637 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 2; 4 × 32φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 2; As_L2 = 3217 mm2
Depth to layer 2; dL2 = 1561 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 3; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 3; As_L3 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 3; dL3 = 1485 mm
Total area of reinforcement; As,prov = As_L1 + As_L2 + As_L3 = 8244 mm2
Centroid of reinforcement; dbot = (As_L1 × dL1 + As_L2 × dL2 + As_L3 × dL3) / As,prov = 1607 mm

Multiple layers of top reinforcement

Reinforcement provided - layer 1; 4 × 20φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 1; As_L1 = 1257 mm2
Depth to layer 1; dL1 = 53 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 2; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 2; As_L2 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 2; dL2 = 123 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 3; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 3; As_L3 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 3; dL3 = 203 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 4; 0 × 0φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 4; As_L4 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 4; dL4 = 223 mm
Total area of reinforcement; As2,prov = As_L1 + As_L2 + As_L3 + As_L4 = 1257 mm2
Centroid of reinforcement; dtop = (As_L1 × dL1 + As_L2 × dL2 + As_L3 × dL3 + As_L4 × dL4) / As2,prov = 53
Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1) - Positive midspan moment
Design bending moment; M = abs(Ms1_red) = 4199 kNm
Depth to tension reinforcement; d = dbot = 1607 mm
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Percentage redistribution; mrs1 = Ms1_red / Ms1_max - 1 = 0 %

Redistribution ratio; δ = min(1 - mrs1, 1) = 1.000
K = M / (b × d2 × fck) = 0.113
K' = 0.598 × δ - 0.181 × δ2 - 0.21 = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm; z = min((d / 2) × [1 + (1 - 3.53 × K)0.5], 0.95 × d) = 1427 mm
Depth of neutral axis; x = 2.5 × (d - z) = 451 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As,req = M / (fyd × z) = 8254 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided; 4 × 40 φbars + 4 × 32 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As,prov = 8244 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement (exp.9.1N); As,min = max(0.26 × fctm / fyk, 0.0013) × b × d = 1387 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement (cl.; As,max = 0.04 × b × h = 30600 mm2
FAIL - Area of reinforcement provided is less than area of reinforcement required
Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2)
Shear reinforcement provided; 2 × 13φ legs at 150 c/c
Area of shear reinforcement provided; Asv,prov = 1770 mm2/m
Minimum area of shear reinforcement (exp.9.5N); Asv,min = 0.08 N/mm2 × b × (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / fyk = 497 mm2/m
PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required
Maximum longitudinal spacing (exp.9.6N); svl,max = 0.75 × d = 1206 mm
PASS - Longitudinal spacing of shear reinforcement provided is less than maximum
Design shear resistance (assuming cot(θ) is 2.5); Vprov = 2.5 × Asv,prov × z × fyd = 2250.9 kN
Shear links provided valid between 0 mm and 9250 mm with tension reinforcement of 8244 mm2
Crack control (Section 7.3)
Maximum crack width; wk = 0.3 mm
Design value modulus of elasticity reinf (3.2.7(4)); Es = 200000 N/mm2
Mean value of concrete tensile strength; fct,eff = fctm = 3.0 N/mm2
Stress distribution coefficient; kc = 0.4
Non-uniform self-equilibrating stress coefficient; k = min(max(1 + (300 mm - min(h, b)) × 0.35 / 500 mm, 0.65), 1) =
Actual tension bar spacing; sbar = (b - 2 × (cnom_s + φv) - φbot,L1) / (Nbot,L1 - 1) = 108 mm
Maximum stress permitted (Table 7.3N); σs = 314 N/mm2
Concrete to steel modulus of elast. ratio; αcr = Es / Ecm = 6.00
Distance of the Elastic NA from bottom of beam; y = (b × h2 / 2 + As,prov × (αcr - 1) × (h - d)) / (b × h + As,prov × (αcr - 1)) =
811 mm
Area of concrete in the tensile zone; Act = b × y = 365084 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement required (exp.7.1); Asc,min = kc × k × fct,eff × Act / σs = 1260 mm2
PASS - Area of tension reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required for crack control
Quasi-permanent value of variable action; ψ2 = 0.30
Quasi-permanent limit state moment; MQP = abs(Ms1_c21) + ψ2 × abs(Ms1_c22) = 2668 kNm
Permanent load ratio; RPL = MQP / M = 0.64
Service stress in reinforcement; σsr = fyd × As,req / As,prov × RPL = 227 N/mm2
Maximum bar spacing (Tables 7.3N); sbar,max = 200 mm
PASS - Maximum bar spacing exceeds actual bar spacing for crack control
Minimum bar spacing
Minimum bottom bar spacing; sbot,min = (b - 2 × cnom_s - 2 × φv - φbot,L1) / (Nbot,L1 - 1) = 108 mm
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Minimum allowable bottom bar spacing; sbar_bot,min = max(φbot,L1, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + φbot,L1 = 80 mm
Minimum top bar spacing; stop,min = (b - 2 × cnom_s - 2 × φv - φtop,L1) / (Ntop,L1 - 1) = 115 mm
Minimum allowable top bar spacing; sbar_top,min = max(φtop,L1, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + φtop,L1 = 45 mm
PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable
Deflection control (Section 7.4)
Reference reinforcement ratio; ρm0 = (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / 1000 = 0.006
Required tension reinforcement ratio; ρm = As,req / (b × d) = 0.011
Required compression reinforcement ratio; ρ'm = As2,req / (b × d) = 0.000
Structural system factor (Table 7.4N); Kb = 1.0
Basic allowable span to depth ratio (7.16b); span_to_depthbasic = Kb × [11 + 1.5 × (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 × ρm0 / (ρm - ρ'm)
+ (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 × (ρ'm / ρm0)0.5 / 12] = 15.206
Reinforcement factor (exp.7.17); Ks = min(As,prov / As,req, 1.5) × 500 N/mm2 / fyk = 1.218
Flange width factor; F1 = 1.000
Long span supporting brittle partition factor; F2 = 1.000
Allowable span to depth ratio; span_to_depthallow = span_to_depthbasic × Ks × F1 × F2 = 18.520
Actual span to depth ratio; span_to_depthactual = Ls1 / d = 5.755
PASS - Actual span to depth ratio is within the allowable limit

Support B
4 x 20φ bars

2 x 13φ shear legs at 150 c/c

4 x 40φ bars

Multiple layers of bottom reinforcement

Reinforcement provided - layer 1; 4 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 1; As_L1 = 5027 mm2
Depth to layer 1; dL1 = 63 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 2; 0 × 32φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 2; As_L2 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 2; dL2 = 139 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 3; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 3; As_L3 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 3; dL3 = 215 mm
Total area of reinforcement; As2,prov = As_L1 + As_L2 + As_L3 = 5027 mm2
Centroid of reinforcement; dbot = (As_L1 × dL1 + As_L2 × dL2 + As_L3 × dL3) / As2,prov = 63 mm

Multiple layers of top reinforcement

Reinforcement provided - layer 1; 4 × 20φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 1; As_L1 = 1257 mm2
Depth to layer 1; dL1 = 1647 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 2; 0 × 40φ bars
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Area of reinforcement provided - layer 2; As_L2 = 0 mm2

Depth to layer 2; dL2 = 1577 mm
Reinforcement provided - layer 3; 0 × 40φ bars
Area of reinforcement provided - layer 3; As_L3 = 0 mm2
Depth to layer 3; dL3 = 1497 mm
Total area of reinforcement; As,prov = As_L1 + As_L2 + As_L3 = 1257 mm2
Centroid of reinforcement; dtop = (As_L1 × dL1 + As_L2 × dL2 + As_L3 × dL3) / As,prov = 1647 mm

Rectangular section in flexure (Section 6.1)

Minimum moment factor (cl.; β1 = 0.25
Design bending moment; M = max(abs(MB_red), β1 × abs(Ms1_red)) = 1050 kNm
Depth to tension reinforcement; d = dtop = 1647 mm
Percentage redistribution; mrB = 0 %
Redistribution ratio; δ = min(1 - mrB, 1) = 1.000
K = M / (b × d2 × fck) = 0.027
K' = 0.598 × δ - 0.181 × δ2 - 0.21 = 0.207
K' > K - No compression reinforcement is required
Lever arm; z = min((d / 2) × [1 + (1 - 3.53 × K)0.5], 0.95 × d) = 1565 mm
Depth of neutral axis; x = 2.5 × (d - z) = 206 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required; As,req = M / (fyd × z) = 1882 mm2
Tension reinforcement provided; 4 × 20 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars
Area of tension reinforcement provided; As,prov = 1257 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement (exp.9.1N); As,min = max(0.26 × fctm / fyk, 0.0013) × b × d = 1421 mm2
Maximum area of reinforcement (cl.; As,max = 0.04 × b × h = 30600 mm2
FAIL - Area of reinforcement provided is less than minimum area of reinforcement required
Minimum bottom reinforcement at supports
Minimum reinforcement factor (cl.; β2 = 0.25
Area of reinforcement to adjacent span; As,span = 8244 mm2
Minimum bottom reinforcement to support; As2,min = β2 × As,span = 2061 mm2
Bottom reinforcement provided; 4 × 40 φbars + 0 × 32 φbars + 0 × 40 φbars
Area of bottom reinforcement provided; As2,prov = 5027 mm2
PASS - Area of reinforcement provided is greater than minimum area of reinforcement required
Rectangular section in shear (Section 6.2)
Design shear force at support B; VEd,max = abs(max(VB_max, VB_red)) = 2014 kN
Angle of comp. shear strut for maximum shear; θmax = 45 deg
Maximum design shear force (exp.6.9); VRd,max = b × z × v1 × fcd / (cot(θmax) + tan(θmax)) = 3340 kN
PASS - Design shear force at support is less than maximum design shear force
Design shear force span 1 at 7603 mm; VEd = abs(min(VB_s1_max, VB_s1_red)) = 1974 kN
Design shear stress; vEd = VEd / (b × z) = 2.804 N/mm2
Strength reduction factor (cl.6.2.3(3)); v1 = 0.6 × [1 - fck / 250 N/mm2] = 0.523
Compression chord coefficient (cl.6.2.3(3)); αcw = 1.00
Angle of concrete compression strut (cl.6.2.3);
θ = min(max(0.5 × Asin[min(2 × vEd / (αcw × fcd × v1),1)], 21.8 deg), 45deg) = 21.8 deg
Area of shear reinforcement required (exp.6.13); Asv,req = vEd × b / (fyd × cot(θ)) = 1416 mm2/m
Shear reinforcement provided; 2 × 13φ legs at 150 c/c
Area of shear reinforcement provided; Asv,prov = 1770 mm2/m
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Minimum area of shear reinforcement (exp.9.5N); Asv,min = 0.08 N/mm2 × b × (fck / 1 N/mm2)0.5 / fyk = 497 mm2/m
PASS - Area of shear reinforcement provided exceeds minimum required
Maximum longitudinal spacing (exp.9.6N); svl,max = 0.75 × d = 1235 mm
PASS - Longitudinal spacing of shear reinforcement provided is less than maximum
Crack control (Section 7.3)
Maximum crack width; wk = 0.3 mm
Design value modulus of elasticity reinf (3.2.7(4)); Es = 200000 N/mm2
Mean value of concrete tensile strength; fct,eff = fctm = 3.0 N/mm2
Stress distribution coefficient; kc = 0.4
Non-uniform self-equilibrating stress coefficient; k = min(max(1 + (300 mm - min(h, b)) × 0.35 / 500 mm, 0.65), 1) =
Actual tension bar spacing; sbar = (b - 2 × (cnom_s + φv) - φtop,L1) / (Ntop,L1 - 1) = 115 mm
Maximum stress permitted (Table 7.3N); σs = 308 N/mm2
Concrete to steel modulus of elast. ratio; αcr = Es / Ecm = 6.00
Distance of the Elastic NA from bottom of beam; y = (b × h2 / 2 + As,prov × (αcr - 1) × (h - d)) / (b × h + As,prov × (αcr - 1)) =
844 mm
Area of concrete in the tensile zone; Act = b × y = 379580 mm2
Minimum area of reinforcement required (exp.7.1); Asc,min = kc × k × fct,eff × Act / σs = 1333 mm2
FAIL - Area of tension reinforcement provided is less than minimum required for crack control
Quasi-permanent value of variable action; ψ2 = 0.30
Quasi-permanent limit state moment; MQP = abs(MB_c21) + ψ2 × abs(MB_c22) = 0 kNm
Permanent load ratio; RPL = MQP / M = 0.00
Service stress in reinforcement; σsr = fyd × As,req / As,prov × RPL = 0 N/mm2
Maximum bar spacing (Tables 7.3N); sbar,max = 300 mm
PASS - Maximum bar spacing exceeds actual bar spacing for crack control
Minimum bar spacing
Minimum bottom bar spacing; sbot,min = (b - 2 × cnom_s - 2 × φv - φbot,L1) / (Nbot,L1 - 1) = 108 mm
Minimum allowable bottom bar spacing; sbar_bot,min = max(φbot,L1, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + φbot,L1 = 80 mm
Minimum top bar spacing; stop,min = (b - 2 × cnom_s - 2 × φv - φtop,L1) / (Ntop,L1 - 1) = 115 mm
Minimum allowable top bar spacing; sbar_top,min = max(φtop,L1, hagg + 5 mm, 20 mm) + φtop,L1 = 45 mm
PASS - Actual bar spacing exceeds minimum allowable

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