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Alan Stein Newsletter: 2018 Commitments

I truly appreciate you being on my email list. I hope you’ve found the stuff I’ve sent thus far

I plan to be much more active in 2018 in sending you exclusive content to help you become
the best version of yourself.

After all, it’s only when you are your best self that you can lead others most effectively.

So stay tuned… I’ve got some powerful stuff coming your way!

I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. And for good reason - the statistics are
staggering – only 8% of the population actually achieves their resolutions (and most have
abandoned them completely by February).

What you need to create are New Year’s Commitments.

Commitments that yourself, and the people that truly care about you, will hold you accountable

Every. Single. Day.

Remember, accountability is something someone does for you... it’s not something someone
does to you.

And as Pat Riley said, “There are only two options regarding commitment – you are either in or
you are out – there is no such thing as in between.”

So throw out your hollow, faux resolutions and start making commitments!

Below are 6 commitments that have had a profound impact on my life… and I hope they do the
same for you.

When you commit to taking immediate action on these, you will immediately improve your
mindset, habits and productivity.

And that will lead to a happier, more fulfilled and more significant life.
6 New Year’s Commitments:

1. Make a Commitment to set aside 10 minutes every day to read, watch or listen to
something inspirational. I highly recommend you download the PepTalk app. I listen
to it every morning and absolutely love it!

2. Make a Commitment to replace the news, talk-radio and music with a podcast any
time you are in the car. Use your commuting time to actually learn something! My
favorite podcast is Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations (and my favorite episode is
with Eckhart Tolle).

3. Make a Commitment to avoid texts, email and social media before you go to sleep
and when you first awake. It’s been proven that texts, email and social media can
have a negative impact on your mood. You need to be intentional about starting and
ending every day in a positive state of mind.

4. Make a Commitment to create, review and prioritize the following days’ ‘To-Do’ list
every night before you go to bed. Let your subconscious mind make some progress
while you sleep. It will help give you clarity and a massive head start the following

5. Make a Commitment to create a strategic morning routine. When you win the
morning… you will dominate your day. The newest addition to my own morning
routine is doing a 10-minute guided meditation using the Headspace app. It is the
very first thing I do every morning. It has helped improve my awareness,
mindfulness and sense of calm.

6. Make a Commitment to go on periodic ‘Digital Detoxes’ (no electronics of any kind)

each week (even if it is only for a few hours). Aim to give people, not screens, your
full attention. Close your laptop, turn off your TV and put down your phone. If you
truly want to connect... you need to unplug!

I’m confident if you make these Commitments, 2018 will be the best year of your life...

Thanks for letting me play a role in your journey and for reading and investing your time with

P.S. Here are 18 Books I am committed to reading 2018:

1. Finding Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle, 2015

2. Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes, 2015
3. Untethered Soul by Michael Singer, 2007
4. The Power of Moments by Chip & Dan Heath, 2017
5. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, 2008
6. Peak by Anders Ericsson, 2016
7. UnFu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop, 2017
8. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink, 2015
9. Legacy by James Kerr, 2013
10. Make Your Bed by William H. McRaven, 2017
11. Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, 2009
12. Performing Under Pressure by Hendrie Weisinger, 2016
13. David & Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell, 2013
14. Creativity Inc. by Amy Wallace, 2014
15. Thrive by Arianna Huffington, 2014
16. Pivot by Jenny Blake, 2016
17. Emotional Agility by Susan David, 2016
18. The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins, 2017

Copyright © 2018 Alan Stein, Jr., All rights reserved.

Entered email address on alansteinjr.com

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