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ITP 20640 CHEVRON OVERSEAS PETROLEUM (PERU) Ltd. SUCURSAL DEL PERU 1996 GEOLOGIC FIELD WORK BLOCK 52 UCAYALI BASIN ALBUM OF PHOTOGRAPHS I T - PE- 96-007 A-B PAGORENE RIVER T - PE - 96-007 C PAGORENE/PICHA RIVERS PREPARED BY: CIA. CONSULTORA DE PETROLEO S.A. APRIL 1997 LIMA - PERU Poorly exposed, pale reddish brown Mudstone pale reddish brown, mottled light 3. Closer view at St. 1, showing medium to thick gray, bioturbated near Kochiri Village (St. 1). bedded, pale reddish brown, mottled light gray. Panoramic view looking at St. 1 located approximately at 300 m from the Kochiri Native Community. Small isolated outcrop of pale reddish brown, mottled light gray mudstone (at 80 m downstream from St. 2). Patchy type outcrop of pale rdsh brown, mottled 6. Closer view at thick beds, granule to pebbly, Wavy beds, pale reddi ‘own mudstone (at light gray, med thick and wavy mudstone beds. lenticular, polymictic conglomerate (at 10 m 15 m downstream from St. 2). Occ thin, pebbly, polymictic, lent Cg! (St. 2). 9. Faintly exposed, variegated, intensely bioturbated, wavy mudstone beds overlying to light gray, medium-bedded, friable, cross- stratification sandstone with abundant coaly wood fragments. Underlying the sandstone beds, other mudstone unit as above (St. 3). T-PE-96-007A-B/C PAGORENE/PICHA RIVERS PLATE | ee Sees . 10. Closer view of the varicolored, intensely bioturbated, wavy mudstone beds (St. 3). 3 ce hee we co as Xe 11. Close up of Photo 1. Note the worm tubes filled with calcareous material (St. 3). . Close up of a large coaly wd frag (lower right corner) and one It gry, carb chips bd in the upper left corner (St. 3). see eS . Pale reddish brown, medium-grained Ss (in foreground), overlain by reddish brown to grayish brown Mast (upper left, shown in photo 13) (at 30 m downstream from St. 3). 15. Imbricated sandstone channels. They consist of x-bdd, thk bdd, med gr Ss with abnt coalified wood fragments and plant fossil remains forming thin coal beds (St. 3). 13. Close up of photo 12 showing the contact between the upper Mdst and the lower Ss seq, at about 2 m to the right of the Geologist (St. 3). 20. Panoramic view of the right bank of the Pagorene River in front of (St. 5) showing small Mdst outcrops. The beds gently dipping upstream (St. 5). 19. Light to medium gray, well bedded mudstone with abundant organic material at the left bank upstream, in the direction of the hammer handle of the Pagorene River (St. 5). (St. 3). 21. Tertiary Red Beds. Pale reddish brown, brownish gray and greenish gray, soft mudstone interbedded with fine-very fine grained, moderate reddish orange, lenticular, cross-stratification sandstone (Sts. 6-7 and 8). PLATE Il 22. Pale reddish brown, wavy mudstone beds, dipping 8° in the direction of the hammer handle (St. 6). ] : Cae - ff ee: A ‘ 27. Close up at the location of the dip measurement (St. 9). . Poorly exposed pale reddish brown mudstone, wavy bedded, bioturbated at the mouth of the Comagiriato Creek (St. 1- Pagorene 007/B Traverse). ee 24. Brownish gray. thick-bedded (0.5 m), with . Light gray mudstone, weathered pale reddish brown, medium bedded (0.1-0.2 m), firm, laminated, bioturbated (St. 9). 32. Pale reddish brown mudstone, bioturbated, wavy, with a 0.15 m thick, gray, grayish red, fine grained sandstone beds at the top (St. 3). stratification, soft, slightly bioturbated mudstone (St. 8). 25. Panoramic view showing a faintly outcrop of well 26. Close up view of the previous photo. Note the and wavy beds, light gray, medium thick-bedded wavy contact between very thick bedded (0.1-0.2 m), bioturbated mudstone (St. 9). mudstone layers (St. 9). 29. Poorly exposed, variegated, wavy mudstone with occasionally light gray, very fine-grained, thin sandstone (St. 10). 33. Close up of the previous photo (St. 3). 34. Panoramic view showing a typical rapid along the course of the Pagorene River. The geological crew consists of 2 geologists and 8 assistants. Two small wooden dugout canoes with long-tailed engine (peque peque), with a capacity of 600 kilograms (Sts. 10-11). PLATE Ill - Shallow dipping mostly Upper Tertiary Sequence. Intercalations of light brown to light gray, fine-grained sandstone with light reddish brown and light gray mudstone. The sequence shows erosional features like scour channel filled with mudstone pebbel conglomerate. The sandstone shows cross-stratification and the mudstone contains abundant plant remains (Sts. 7-8). ~~ pec Qh - - ve ~ > le n 5 - i ° . —— q te containing wood 39. Intcal between Ss and Mdst. Note the bearing of . Sequence of thick-bedded lenticular, light brown in weathered surface, medium-fine grained, subrounded- 6. interealations a li ra ‘ brown ian own * fragments and carbonaccous material (st a). the bedding plane with the hammer handle rounded, friable sandstone with faint cross-lamination, light gray, massive mudstone. Note the channel sandstone an ig gray to pointing to the dip direction (15° NW) (St. 9). imbrication in the sequence (St. 9-10). mudstone (St. 7). ae . — - - " 5 ahew : ‘ i i i i . i le reddish, massive mudstone, no well defined bedding plane i i i : ; S : f previous photo showing the bearing llow dipping interbedded pa , . , showing an 42. Muast showing the bearing of bedd 43. Panoramic view, showing fairly exposed light 44. Close up of { > J a : a nates Po ele ated filled deposits plane. Hammer pandie points. in the dip brown, mottled light gray mudstone (Sts. 12- of the bedding plane in mudstone beds. Dip 20) with light gray, carbonaceous thin bedded mudstones (Sts. 14-15). (St. 10). direction (15° NW) (St. 10). 13). NW (Sts. 12-13). Shallow dipping sequence of Close up of laceous mudstone (St: a 50. Intercalations light gray, fine-medium grained, thick to very thick Point Bar sandstone beds and light gray and light brown 51. Close up showing interbedded light brown view sho mottled light greenish gray mudstone (Sts. 19-20). musstone and laminaied warren “7 mudstone and shale (St Irection oO je Nammer handie . 5 . Intercalations of very-thick, light gray, fine-medium-grained, cross-stratification sandstone beds with very-thick light gray, light . I s overlain and 55. Detailed view showing the same sandstone brown mottled light greenish gray, in part laminated and massive mudstone beds. This section shows a typical point bar underlying by mudstone, in a typical fluvial point beds. Note the large cross-stratification scale in sequence (Sts. 20-21). bar (Sts. 20-21). a typical point bar sequence (Sts. 20-21). 59. Shallow dipping (12°), cliff forming very-thick light brown, medium-coarse grained, friable, somewhat fine pebble and very -thick : i thick, light bi , medium-coarse-grained, friable sandstone beds with thick light bro I . seal lcsrsionenlilions Seanmaiar Aaa ale Aart ane ees g wnTatted basal channels. Pebble size clasts at the bottom of the channels (Sts. 22-23). greenish gray, massive mudstone beds. Dip 43° NE (Sts. 21-22). 57. Thin laminated, light gray, somewhat light brown and light brown mottled greenish jaceous mudstone (Sts. 20-21). gray, massive mudstone beds (Sts. 20-21). ee ee — a ; : Aa fie : : z 3 , 4 4 4 60. Steeply dipping beds (43° NE) of light brown, 61. Close up view showing the bearing of the _ Di 63. Interbedded thick, light gray, medium-coarse- 64. Poorly exposed light brown mudstone and light 65. Light brown, slightly mottled light greenish gray, med-coarse gr, friable, somewhat conglomeratic sandstone bedding plane. The hammer handle grained, friable (fining upwards) sandstone beds brown, fine grained sandstone along the river wavy mudstone beds (Sts. 25-26). sandstone with wood remains (Sts. 21-22). points in the dip direction (Sts. 21-22). with light gray mudstone (Sts. 23-24). bank (Sts. 24-25). 7. Same view of photo 4 showing the small canoe - Shallow dipping (7° NE) of intbd light brn slightly 69. Typical channel sandstone between light brown 70. Shallow dipping intercalations of mudstone and 71. Gently dipping sequence (9° NE) of light brown, outcrops d which sank after crossing the rapids. Note all mottled gnsh gray Mdst beds with calc nod and mudstone beds (St. 27). sandstone (Sts. 28-29). frequently mottled greenish gray mudstone and light brn, crs-f gr, fri sandstone w/ lens of pbly cargo floating in the river (Sts. 26-27). roy. oe gr, len ss uw i es id pbl tore: ars ot ing aliebi size Cg clasts at the chan base (St. 7 sz Cgl and plant remains is. = 5 fF thlle 2 wi i v = 72. Downstream dipping sequence (10° NE) outcropping along the right bank of the river. It consists of intercalations light brown mottled greenish gray mudstone and dark yellowish brown sandstone (Sts. 29-30). . Shallow dipping outcrop (10° NE) and light gray mudstone (Sts. 30-31). 74. Well exposed greenish gray to light gray mudstone, no well defined bedding plane (Right margin in front of St. 31). . Point bar, cross-stratification sandstone underlying by shallow dipping light brown mudstone beds (St. 32). . Shallow dipping (5-7° NE) sequence of interbedded sandstone and mudstone, channels features are seen in the section (Sts. 32-33). . Section covered by the river. (St. 32 from the point where the dip was measured in the right bank). a PLATE V@l 84, . Poorly exposed light gray, me! cross-lamination sands (St. 34). Pe aie es a Intcal pale rdsh brn, mott grnsh gry, wavy bdd mudstone w/ thick It gry, f-med gr, lent, x-strat sandstone w/ ang unsorted pbly sz clasts at the channel base. Few intbd tf Mdst (St. 40). 79. Wavy bedded, light brown mudstone and light brown to light gray, medium-fine grained, calcareous sandstone (Sts. 34-35). Pre ERED.» sacha Shallow dipping (8° NE), light gray to light brown stone (Sts. 36-37). Cliff forming sequence of very-thick, light gray to light brown, medium gr, fri, por, x-lam sandstone w/ clasts pbl sz Cg! & pit rem. Intbds mod brn, vgt grnsh gry mudstone (Sts. 37- 82. Rapid in the river. Note the typical canoe with long tail engine used in this type of shallow stream (Sts. 38-39). tee es oe ee . Interbedded tufaceous mudstone with pale reddish brown, mottled greenish gray mudstone (At 30 m from St. 39). 87. Well exposed thick reddish brown, fine-grained, sandstone beds with recent scour and filled channel deposits (St. 46). a soe 88. Long outcrop of cliff forming unit of approximately 20 m. The seq consists of very thick bedded (> 1 m) polymictic Cgl and Ss, that belong in the uppermost Tertiary seq (Picha Fm) overlain by recent alluvial deposits. The beds gently dip at 5° SE . Polymictic conglomerate. Clasts are granule to cobble-sized, mostly pebbly being common mudstone pebbles (St. 59). 92. Poorly exposed shallow dipping beds in Upper Tertiary Picha Fm. The unit consists of thick bedded (up to 1 m) polymictic conglomerate intercalated with sandstones and mudstones (Sts. 70-71). Ns Varies . ri ot LS a AS 7 4 — ca 93. Fairly exposed thin bedded, light greenish gray, somewhat tuffaceous mudstone gently dipping at 6° SW. Hammer handle indicates the dip direction (St. 70). 4. Polymictic conglomerate. Clasts are granule to cobble-sized, rounded to subrounded, being mostly pebbly (St. 70). } 90. Fairly exposed cliff forming polymictic conglomerate and sandstone sequence approximately 30 m high. Beds gently dip toward the SE (Sts. 62-63). Panoramic view of fairly exposed outcrop approximately 190 m long showing very thick bedded (1m), pale reddish brown, partially bioturbated mudstone. Scour surfaces, common in channel deposits, are observed. Note Tertiary deposits covered by recent alluvial deposits (light colored) on right side of photo (Sts. 73-74). E : : n - = oe ees ae 96. Fluvial channel fill and scour surface. Typical feature in Channel deposit. Note scour surface and x-bedded, pebbly, Upper Tertiary sequence (St. 74). crs-gr Ss overlain by light greeni ay Mast (St. 74). . Fairly exposed long outcrop of cliff forming unit 30 to 40 m high of very thick bedded (over 1 m) mudstones and sandstones. Fluvial point bar features are present (Sts. 77-79). . Long outcrop of well exposed shallow dipping (3° SW) thick (over 0.3 m) beds of light gray tuffaceous mudstones, pale reddish brown mudstones and sandstones (Sts. 82-83). 101. Fairly exposed thick (over 0.3 m) beds of pale reddish brown mudstone, gently dipping at 6° SW. Note channel sc! 103. Fairly exposed large outcrop of monoto! permeable (Sts. 91-92). at left side of photo (St. 85). 5. Coarse-grained somewhat fine pebbly conglomeratic lithic ly bedded pale 107. Fairly exposed, medium to thick-bdd (0.3-1 m), well- 108. View taken St. 95 toward St. 94 showing the river 0 f \ 7 108. Poorly exposed outcrop showing faintly bedded p von course, and the de vegetation that hides the bed rock sandstone. The rock is friable, highly porous and reddish brown, soft mudstone (Sts. 92-93). defined stratification (foregroound), yellowish gray to light permeable with big coalified logs (Sts. 92-93). grayish green, somewhat tf, Mdst with carbonaceous material. This Mdst is overlain by a cliff forming seq of v thk-bdd, f pebbly Cgl, and crs-to med-gr lithic Ss (St. 95). calcareous mudstone, quartz, and rock fragments clasts. Typical braided stream flow deposits in fluvial sediments (Sst. 91-92). . Poorly exposed, shallow dipping (10° SW) seq of med to thk-bdd (0.1 to > 0.3 m), brown, grayish green and yellowish gray Mdst. Some of these beds are laminated others intensely bioturbated. The sequence contains few intercalations of crs-to f-gr Ss, some of which show convolute stratification (Sts. 96-97). 110. Close-up view showing convolute stratification in fine pebbly, crs-gr sandstone (St. 97). ciated ieee - Long outcrop of very thick bedded (> 3m), mod reddish brown, grayish green and light red, soft Mdst, intbd with light brown, crs-to med-gr lithic Ss. These are v thk-bdd, friable, porous, highly permeable, and in some levels contain coalified plant remains (St. 97-98). eee eee ere a e ¥ eS 112. Channel scour surface cutting underlying light brown 113. Med to thk-bdd, light brown, somewhat bioturbated, soft 115. V thk beds (> 1 m) of It brown Mdst intbd with very thin 116. Thick-to very thick-bedded light bluish gray, medium-to mudstone (at 30 m before St. 98). Mast intbd with It bluish gray tf Mdst (at 30 m from St. 98). beds of light bluish gray, tuffaceous mudstone (St. 98) . fine-grained, friable, somewhat silty sandstone (St. 98). aes 4 118. Fairly exposed long outcrop of thick bedded (> 1 m) light brown, soft mudstones, with few medium 119. Close-up of photo 118, showing well-defined bedding of 120. Well exposed mudstone outcrop showing dip direction of 121. Poorly exposed cliff forming polymictic Cgl with cobble to to thick interbeds of fine-grained silty sandstones (St. 100). med thk bdd, somewhat tf and carbonaceous Mdst. Note Strata. Dip 15° SW (St. 100). fine pebble-sized clasts in a sandy matrix. Few a piece of coalified log (St. 100). intercalations of dark gray Mdst (St. 104). 2. Close-up of photo 121 showing Cg with rounded polymitic 123. View looking upstream from St. 105 toward St. 104. Cliff 124. View looking downstream from St. 105 toward St. 106, 125. Polymictic conglomerate with cobble to granule-sized, 126. Polymictic conglomerate, shown in photo 126, intercalated pebbles. Note Ss lenses intbd with the Cgl (St. 104). forming polymictic Cgl covered by dense vegetation (. 20 along the strike of the polymictic conglomerate unit. Note rounded to subrounded clasts in a coarse-grained sandy with lenses of coarse-grained sandstone. Note the rounded m high). Note lenses of crs-gr calc Ss (St. 105). the dense vegetation on left bank of the river (St. 105). matrix, and calcareous cement (Sts. 106-107). to subrounded, and poorly sorted clasts (Sts. 110-111). 128. Fairly exposed low dipping (15° SW) seq of med to thk bdd (0.3-1 m) 127. Fairly exposed long outcrop of shallow dipping (14° SE) seq of thk to v thk (> 1 m) bedded, med-gr Ss alternating with lenses of pebbly polymictic Cgl, and few Mdst beds. Some of these beds appear to be somewhat tuffaceous (Sts. 111-133). On OR , pale reddish brown, light gray and greenish gray Mdst, some beds are laminated others are intensely bioturbated with nodular appearance, intbd with v thk (1 to > 4 m) beds of dark reddish brown to medium gray, medium-to coarse-grained, friable, lithic sandstones (Sts. 115-117). 131. View looking from St. 117 toward St. 116 showing massive, poorly defined bedding, somewhat wavy, pale reddish brown mudstone (St. 117). 132. Pale reddish brown Mdst intbd with pale reddish brown, med-to crs-gr Ss. This is a chan fill deposit (Sts. 117-118). 133. Shallow dipping (10° SW) seq of med-bedded, well-defined bedding, pale reddish brown Mdst. The beds are soft, somewhat wavy and highly bioturbated (St. 118). 129. Close-up view showing pale reddish brown and light gray mudstones intensely bioturbated (Sts. 116-117). ——™ = Close-up of photo 133 showing highly bioturbated pale reddish brown Mdst. Note thin desiccation crack polygons on top of the strata. Typical floodplain deposits.(St. 118). massive, faintly bedded, soft, pale reddish brown mudstone (Sts. 116-117). a . View taken along strike showing a gentle dipping (10° SW) seq of pale reddish brown Mdst cropping out at St. 119. Grayish orange pink resistant bed is a carb, tf Mdst (St. ms PLATE XIV 14 . Close-up view of photo 137, showing alternation of cobble to pebble-sized polymictic conglomerate and coarse- grained sandstone lenses (St. 121). (14° SW) seq 20 m high of intbd cobble to pebble-sized polym and very thick bedded, medium light gray to dark yellowish orange, coarse to fine-grained sandstones (Sts. 139. View showing well exposed medium bedded mudstone. Dip 12° SW (St. 121). eee cnamamma Ss 141. Shallow dipping (10° SW) seq showing alternation of very thick bedded, cobble to pebble-sized, polymictic conglomerate and lenses of coarse-grained channel fill sandstone with highly calcareous concretions (flagstone) (Sts. 123-124). SE ST ———— 142. Fairly exposed shallow dipping (12° SW) seq of thk to v thk bdd (> 0.5 m), light gray to grayish blue, f-to crs-gr, friable, lithic Ss. Some beds contain calc nodules, calc flat concretions and abundant coalified wood fragments. Also, frequently, some beds contain erratic basal lenses of polymictic fine pebbly Cgl (Sts. 124-125). 143. Very thk bdd, crs to med-gr Ss, with few lenses of pebbly Cgl (Sts. 127-128). . Close-up of photo 146 ‘ = showing thk bdd (>1m.) 146. Closer view of previous oy BEA , c : med to crs-gr Ss and photo showing v_ thk 4 eins: lenticular cobble to bdd (>1m), somewhat Pas) < . ‘ - 3 y pebble-sized, pebbly, crs to med-gr : 4 . ; polymictic Cgl with Ss. At the base SN De : 3 = sandy matrix. Big polymictic pebble Cgl. y x io ‘ pieces of coalified logs, , As < ; in lower Cgl beds (Sts. 133-134). 144. Pagorene River course looking downstream from St. 130. Note the cliff forming seq of Ss and Cgl on both margins of the river (Sts. 130-131). . Close-up of photo 145 showing base of point bar seq underlain by light greenish gray tf Mast (St. 134). . Cliff forming Ss_ unit approximately 30 m high. This Ss seq represents point bar deposits (Sts. 133- 134). . View taken from St. 135 toward St. 134 showing cliff forming Ss unit, dipping at 14° SW (Sts. 134-135). PLATE XVI . Fairly exposed shallow dipping (10° SW) Ss seq. Some beds contain calc nodules and flat calc concretions, and occasionally abundant coalified wood fragments (Sts. 137-138). 154. Pagorene River view in “ 7 ne : ag Fase - downstream direction 151. Thick bedded, crs-gr, : a, fe em) 152. Medium-to-thk-bdd, It 183. Caleareous concretion from St. 142. Note the light brown Ss, with meee i a : gry, med-to-crs-gr, calc a is . (flagstone) in ay he ; } low cliff formed by Ss calc conc (flagstone) 7 z i Ss (St. 139). a = Ss bed (St. 140) Nias beds on the right (Sts. 138-139). “3 = _ - : ° . margin of the river (St. 142). oe =] 156. Close-up of flagstone, note the . Poorly exposed pbly es See: . = irregular shape of the conglomeratic crs-gr Ss, with aes me calcareous concretions, tabular calcareous concretions . underlain by pbly crs-gr Ss, at (flagstone) (St. 143). < 3 . river level (St. 143). . Another view of the tabular calcareous concretion in Ss. This is an outstanding sedimentary feature in the outcropping area (St. 143). PLATE XVII aan eo 158. Cliff forming sandstone sequence 20 m high. It consists of v thk bdd (> 1 m), pale brown, crs-gr, somewhat pebbly conglomeratic sandstones with v few tabular calcareous concretions (flagstone) (Sts. 143-144). 159. Fairly exposed shallow dipping (12° SW) seq of thick bedded (1 m) brnish gry, soft mudstones, some beds are lam other are calcareous and intensely bioturbated. Few interbeds of v thk (>1 m) brownish gray, med-gr, chan fill Ss (Sts. 145-147). 162. Close-up view showing, t ‘i See View showing moderate brn intensely fe eee sn : fig ; . ete gues . i i / Meets the calc nodules probably - : ‘ = mudstone bed. ote a ll Te fi / ; i me with aburdate tenes ae oe i due to the filling of <= ss oe < £ y some boring tubes : 3 eee 2 aie, . P| 3 ae b ated calcareous nodules (St. 145) burrows produced by “pe . : ae normal to the bedding aay 4 OO i ode Sts. 146 = organism activity (St. } . . . plane near the hammer ; : mudstone (Sts. 146- 145). : a : (St. 146). : 147). . Close-up view of the previous photo, showing a 4 Ss 166. Fairly exposed thk bdd Ss showing the shallow dipping (10° SW) seq. Note the tabular flat concretions (flagstone) (Sts. 151-152). 167. Fairly exposed thk bdd crs to med-gr somewhat pbly lithic Ss (St. 152). 164. Fairly exposed shallow dipping (10° SW) seq of v thk bdd (1-2.5 m) med to dk gry, med to crs-gr, fri to firm lithic Ss. Some beds are mass others x-bedded with abundant coalified plant remains. Few lenticular intercalations of dark gray polymictic pebble Cgl with sandy matrix and chan scour are also present (Sts. 148-149). 168. View showing v thk bdd (>1m) crs-gr, pebbly conglomeratic Ss (St. 153). 169. View showing a cliff forming v thk bdd (>1m), crs-gr, pebbly conglomeratic Ss (St. 158). 172. Close-up view showing a tabular calcareous concretion (flagstone) with coalified plant remains cropping 173. Fairly exposed, med to dk gry, med to crs-gr, fri, somewhat f pbly cgl lithic sandstone with abundant coalified plant remains, out at river level. Note the erosion surface having the appearance of karstic feature (St. 160). underlain by brnish gry mudstone. Irregular contact between Ss & Mdst is a typical channel feature (St. 161). . Close-up view of previous photo, showing the basal Cgl bed resting over Mast. Typical feature of channel fill Ss (St. 161). . Poorly exposed sequence of sandstones and mudstones (Sts. 161-162). Bs bi aed 176. Fairly exposed long outcrop of shallow dipping (10° SW) beds of brnish gry, pale rdsh brn & gnsh gry Mast intercalated with few Ss beds (Sts. 161-16: 020 . View showing v thk bdd, pale reddish brown, mass, soft, Mdst, overlain by poorly exposed sandstone. Note low dipping (10° SW) sequence (St. 165). 178. Fairly exposed outcrop showing crs to med-gr, somewhat conglomeratic, fri Ss & med to thick bdd, It brnish gry to pale rdsh brn Madst (Sts. 167-168). 180. Poorly exposed cliff forming very thk bdd, crs-gr Ss resting over pale rdsh brn Mast (St. 172). 182. coaicn — at ee ak showing the clast size ofthe ICtIC gi. ote subrounde: oO rounded Cias' 179. Close-up view showing pale rdsh brn, soft Mdst, intensely bioturbated (St. 169). . sandy matrix (Sts 173-174). 184. Another view of previous photo showing the ondulating basal contact of the channel deposits with underlying beds (St. 176). g 187. View showing typical camp site of the geological crew, of f pbly Cgl. Note the shallow dipping of the Ss units (Sts. 177-178). located on the river beach (St. 178). 186. Cliff forming sequence approximately 10 to 15 m high of v thk bdd (>1m), coarse to medium-grained with a few thn lenses ee | RNS. * : z= Se ee = 188. Fairly exposed very thk bdd (>1 m), pbly, crs-gr Ss 189. Massive to v thk bdd pale rdsh brn, soft Mdst, with gnsh 190. View showing the confluence of Paratori River with Picha 191. Another view showing the confluence of Picha River with 192. Scenery view looking from left to right margin of the Picha underlain by pale rdsh brn Mdst (Sts. 178-179). gry mot (St. 179). River (left side of photo) (St. 179). Paratori River (right side of photo) (St. 179). river (St. 182). PLATE XxXiIl | a yor a _ “SS . Close-up view of previous photo showing polymictic pbly 194. Close-up view showing v thk bdd (>1 m), crs to med-gr Ss overlying a tf It med gry Mdst. Note the contact of Cg] resting over tf It gry Mdst (Sts. 185-186). 193. Cliff forming sandstone sequence 20 m high. It consists of v thick bdd (1-2.5 m), med to dk gry, med to crs-gr lithic Ss inter Ss bed with underlying Mdst (Sts. 185-186). bedded with some thn lenses of polymictic pbly Cgl (Sts. 185-186). g exposure of shallow dipping (10° SW) sequence of alternating v thk bdd (>1 m), crs to med-gr, somewhat pbly, friable ic sandstones and med to thick bedded pale rdsh brn, soft mudstones (Sts. 186-187). 197. Cliff forming very thk bdd (>2 m) crs-gr Ss, with flat lenses of calcareous Ss (flagstone), intbd with thk to med bdd moderate rdsh brn Mdst (Sts. 188-189). 199. Long exposure of med to thk bdd moderate rdsh brn Mdst, some beds are mass, others intensely bioturbated, few beds have tf appearance, also few alternations of thn layers of Ss. Note the gradual change of dip angle of the sequence from shallow dipping (8° SW) on right side to high angle dipping (80° SW) beds on left side (Sts. 190-192). 200. Close-up view showing the med to thk bdd variegated and bioturbated Mdst. Note shallow dipping (17° SW) beds (at 20 m before St. 192). 201. View showing nearly vertical beds of brnish gry, mod rdsh & a pale rdsh brn mudstones (St. 192). 202. Long exposure of brnsh gry, pale rdsh brn & gnsh gry Mdst seq showing vertical and steeply dipping (80°) beds at the middle & right side of the photo but changing abruptly to shallow dipping (20° SW) beds at left side. A high angle dipping fault is present in this area (see Sheet 2) (St. 192). PLATE XXIV 624 203. Medium to thk bedded variegated Mdst. Some beds are 204. Very thick bdd, It gry to light brn Mdst. Note boring tubes 205. Variegated Mast, intbd with thk lenticular beds of Ss. Note calcareous & others have thn discontinuous calcareous normal to the bedding plane (St. 192). the fracturing of the Ss beds (St. 192). layers. Note the high angle dipping beds (St. 192). 206. Close-up view showing the vertical position of thk bdd, 207. Close-up showing alternation of vt dd, mass Mast, with mass, variegated Mdst sequence (St. 194). poorly defined bedding contact (St. 194). 208. Very thk bdd, mass, bioturbated, crs-to med-gr Ss intercalated thn lenses of calc Ss with abundant shell debris and few carbonaceous material (St. 195). » an Close-up view showing vertical beds of v thk bdd, mass, It brnsh gry Mdst (St. 196). 212. Shallow dipping (20° SW) sequence of medium to thick bedded, pale to moderate rdsh brn Mast (St. 198). PLATE XXV

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