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Anaesthetic management of

intestinal obstruction
LW Gemmell BSc FRCA
C Rincon FRCA

Obstruction of the small or large bowel accounts Table 1 Classification and differential diagnosis of
Key points: intestinal obstruction
for 20–30% of acute adult surgical referrals. It
Intestinal obstruction is a affects all ages and is associated with significant Paralytic ileus
common condition with Concentric narrowing
morbidity and mortality, especially at the Crohn’s disease (benign or malignant stricture)
multiple causes
Neoplasm (lymphoma, adenocarcinoma, other)
extremes of age. Despite improvement in diag-
Serious complications Diverticulitis
include perforation, nostic tools and availability of emergency 24 h Resolved ischaemic enteritis
Kinking of a loop
ischaemia and sepsis surgical care, the management of intestinal Postoperative adhesions
Resuscitation and pre- obstruction is still a challenge. The clinical Incarcerated hernia
Twisting of a loop
operative optimisation course can be protracted or it can be associated Caecal volvulus
are likely to improve out- with a life-threatening complication that Sigmoid volvulus
come Midgut volvulus
requires urgent treatment. Intussusception
Remember hidden losses Spontaneous
when considering fluid Secondary to polyp or mass
resuscitation Aetiology Foreign body
The spectrum of conditions leading to obstruc- Gallstone
tion is enormous (Table 1). The commonest Pseudo-obstruction

cause (45–60%) is abdominal adhesions, the

small bowel being affected in > 90% of cases.
There are two main types of intestinal obstruc- intact; (ii) strangulated – compromised blood
tion; dynamic (peristalsis working against a flow; (iii) closed loop – bowel is looped over
mechanical obstruction) and adynamic (no peri- itself and obstructed at both ends, accelerating
stalsis, e.g. paralytic ileus, or non-propulsive the onset of symptoms; or (iv) pseudo-obstruc-
activity, e.g. pseudo-obstruction). tion – no true mechanical obstruction exists.

Mechanism and classification Pathophysiology

The mechanism of obstruction is as important The sequence of events is virtually identical
as the aetiology, since this influences the like- regardless of the segment affected, cause or
lihood of bowel compromise. Four general time-course (Fig. 1). In the early stages, bowel
mechanisms are recognised: (i) volvulus with below the obstruction exhibits normal peristal-
torsion; (ii) incarceration in a confined space sis and absorption until empty, when it contracts
(vascular compromise and infarction likely); and becomes immobile. In an initial reaction,
LW Gemmell BSc FRCA (iii) intrinsic and extrinsic obstruction of the the bowel above the obstruction increases its
Clinical Director, Critical Care,
Anaesthesia Day lumen; and (iv) intussusception. The obstruc- blood supply and peristaltic activity in order to
Case Unit,Theatres, tion can be located in the high small bowel, overcome the blockage. If the obstruction is not
Directorate of Anaesthesia,
Wrexham Maelor Hospital, low small bowel and large bowel – each of relieved, the bowel begins to dilate causing a
Croesnewydd Road, these presenting with different signs. reduction in the strength of peristaltic contrac-
Wrexham LL13 7TD
Furthermore, it can be complete or incomplete tions, eventually becoming flaccid. This is ini-
C Rincon FRCA
and acute (several hours) or chronic (weeks). tially protective because it prevents vascular
Specialist Registrar in Anaesthesia,
Directorate of Anaesthesia, The obstruction can be classified also by its damage.
Wrexham Maelor Hospital, effect on the bowel: (i) simple – lumen The distension proximal to an obstruction is
Croesnewydd Road,
Wrexham LL13 7TD obstructed but the mesenteric blood flow produced by gas (nitrogen 90% and hydrogen

British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 1 Number 5 2001

138 © The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia 2001
Anaesthetic management of intestinal obstruction

Fig. 1 Pathophysiology of intestinal obstruction.

sulphide) caused by bacterial overgrowth and fluid (digestive In large bowel obstruction, accumulation of methane may
juices). The bowel wall becomes oedematous and, eventually, lead to hyper-ammonaemia and alkalosis. However, intestinal
fluids leak out into the peritoneum causing peritoneal irrita- wall ischaemia and bacterial translocation will lead to peri-
tion, contamination and signs of peritonitis. As fluid and elec- tonitis, sepsis and septic shock which are associated with
trolytes are sequestered in the lumen and its absorption metabolic acidosis and protein loss.
impeded, hypovolaemia, electrolyte imbalance, dehydration
and shock occurs. The bowel continues to distend as fluid and Clinical features
gas continue accumulating, the intramural vessels become The clinical features vary enormously depending on the site
stretched and the blood supply compromised leading to and duration of obstruction, presence of complications and
ischaemia and necrosis. Eventually perforation occurs. medical co-morbidity of the patient. However, there are 4 car-
In small bowel obstruction, increased intra-abdominal pres- dinal features – pain, vomiting, distension and constipation.
sure, if not relieved by vomiting, will lead to diaphragmatic In small bowel obstruction, signs and symptoms are evident
impingement, limitation of chest wall excursion, basal atelec- soon after the blockade of intestinal transit starts with colicky
tasis and pneumonia. Nausea, emesis and anorexia are com- pain localised in the epigastrium or upper quadrant in a
mon. Biochemical investigations reflect sodium and water crescendo-decrescendo fashion occurring a few minutes after
loss. Chloride loss, by creating an alkalosis, exacerbates eating. Hyperactive bowel sounds and distension may be
potassium losses. If the obstruction is in the high small bowel, detected in upper quadrants with silent lower quadrants. In a
biochemical abnormalities will mimic those of gastric outlet 24 h period, up to 8 l of gastrointestinal secretions can accu-
obstruction. If prolonged, this develops into hypovolaemic, mulate. Nausea and vomiting are early symptoms and bilious
hypokalaemic, hypochloraemic, metabolic alkalosis. vomiting occurs if the obstruction is distal to the second part
If the obstruction occurs lower in the GI tract, metabolic of the duodenum. Vomiting of faeculent material is related to
acidosis develops because intestinal juice contains more enteric bacterial overgrowth. Constipation is classical but
bicarbonate than chloride. As the bowel becomes inflamed, watery diarrhoea may occur.
there is an increasing loss of protein. Starvation adds to pro- In large bowel obstruction, the clinical course is more silent
tein losses and the consequent hypo-albuminaemia exacer- in the initial stages. It is heralded by abdominal discomfort
bates abnormal fluid shifts. and absolute constipation. The pain tends to be intermittent

British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 1 Number 5 2001 139

Anaesthetic management of intestinal obstruction

and felt in the lower quadrants and not associated with eating. dependency beds if deemed necessary. All cases will need
Localised tenderness in colonic obstruction may be a sign of some degree of fluid resuscitation to restore the circulating
impending perforation. Closed loop obstruction is often asso- volume and adequate urine output. Most cases secondary to
ciated with right iliac fossa pain and is a surgical emergency. adhesions do not require surgery. About 90% will resolve
Fluids and electrolyte imbalance occurs with vitamin K spontaneously with intravenous fluids and nasogastric suction
deficiency which can impair coagulation. Depending on the to decompress the gut.
time of obstruction, the rectum will be empty and only scant The majority of cases of intestinal obstruction requiring
watery or thin ribbon-like stools present. Intestinal obstruction surgery are categorised as ‘urgent’ (i.e. surgery needs to be per-
is one of the causes of intra-abdominal hypertension and, if formed within 24 h) allowing the procedure to be performed
untreated, could develop into the compartment syndrome. during routine operating hours with ready availability of all
The commonest cause of small bowel obstruction is adhe- grades of anaesthetic and surgical staff. This is a NCEPOD
sions secondary to previous surgery. The large bowel is more recommendation.
commonly obstructed by malignancies and volvulus.
Worrying signs are localised tenderness, generalised peritoni-
tis, hypovolaemia, pyrexia and tachycardia. A full anaesthesia-related history is essential, including drugs
and recent compliance. Missed medication can effect peri-
Diagnosis operative morbidity. Examination of the patient should con-
centrate on estimation of hydration status and other systems,
History, examination and investigations will confirm the diag-
as indicated by the history. Assessment guides pre-operative
nosis. A leukocytosis may help differentiate simple obstruction
investigations, resuscitation, pre-optimisation and necessity
from strangulated and perforated bowel. Leukocyte counts of
for invasive monitoring.
>25,000 dl–1 suggest mesenteric occlusion or perforation.
The clinical presentation of intestinal obstruction may vary
As well as clinical examination, plasma electrolytes, urea,
enormously, e.g. from mild dehydration in a well nourished
creatinine, amylase and osmolality help in the assessment of
patient, to a shocked, septic patient with severe abdominal
dehydration or likelihood of complications. The relative defi-
pain and reduced conscious level. Fluid losses from vomiting
ciency of individual electrolytes can also suggest the site of
and nasogastric aspiration can be measured but third space
obstruction (i.e. hypokalaemia, hypomagnesaemia, hypo-
and intraluminal losses, especially from the large bowel, can
volaemia or hypophosphataemia are more likely in large
make estimation of the true fluid deficit difficult. Concomitant
bowel obstruction).
hypo-albuminaemia can exacerbate loss of fluid from the vas-
Plain abdominal radiographs will confirm the diagnosis in
cular space. Monitoring of fluid replacement is aided by clin-
60% of cases. Large bowel obstruction often requires a water-
ical assessment, hourly urine output and biochemical markers.
soluble contrast enema to reliably distinguish between
Central venous pressure measurement is the most common
mechanical and pseudo-obstruction. Plain chest radiographs
invasive monitoring technique.
may reveal subdiaphragmatic air indicating perforation.
The goals of pre-operative fluid management are to restore
The main differential diagnoses are mesenteric ischaemia,
vascular and interstitial volumes and to correct electrolyte and
acute pancreatitis and paralytic ileus. However, other causes
acid-base imbalances. This will normalise systemic vascular
of abdominal pain, distension and diminished bowel activity
resistance and optimise oxygen delivery. The initial choice of
(e.g. myocardial infarction, pneumonia, acute sickle cell dis-
fluid is usually crystalloid and the balanced salt solutions
ease, ketoacidosis or drug effects) should be considered.
counteract the losses in abdominal obstruction. Colloids are
more appropriate when resuscitation of the vascular space is
Anaesthetic management the primary aim in the severely hypovolaemic and hypoten-
After a full history, examination and analysis of the pre-oper- sive patient.
ative investigations, the resuscitation needs of the patient can Patients with intestinal obstruction may be at high risk and
be assessed. Discussions with the surgical team will revolve benefit (in terms of hospital stay, morbidity and mortality)
around the urgency for surgery, need for pre-operative optimi- from pre-operative optimisation after initial resuscitation on
sation, pain relief and the availability of postoperative high the ward. Pre-operative optimisation with inotropes and fluids

140 British Journal of Anaesthesia | CEPD Reviews | Volume 1 Number 5 2001

Anaesthetic management of intestinal obstruction

in a critical care area for only 4 h has been shown to reduce demonstrated the benefits of epidurals and, theoretically,
mortality (17% to 3%), length of hospital stay and postopera- improved splanchnic flow may aid recovery. Evidence indicates
tive complication rates in elective high-risk patients. that epidural analgesia significantly reduces the incidence of
Increased oxygen delivery and improvement in tissue perfu- pulmonary morbidity. Opioid/local anaesthetic combinations
sion may limit reperfusion injury and reduce the release of are more effective and safer than either agents used alone.
inflammatory mediators. However, these measures may
require HDU admission and invasive monitoring. Although
pre-optimisation has an increasing evidence-base in elective The required level of postoperative care will be influenced by
high-risk surgery, data with respect to emergency surgery are the patient’s general condition. NCEPOD recommendations
awaited. The role of invasive monitoring in the high-risk strongly suggest that an HDU is the most appropriate place,
patient is well recognised and highlighted in the NCEPOD especially for elderly patients, after emergency surgery.
reports. Despite many years of use, the efficacy of pulmonary Regardless of where postoperative care takes place, important
artery catheters is only now about to be investigated in a mul- problems to address are:
ticentre, randomised, controlled trial. • Cardiovascular and respiratory monitoring and
• Fluid and electrolyte balance.
After adequate preparation and monitoring, anaesthesia is
• Care of the wound and antibiotic prophylaxis when
induced using a rapid sequence induction technique with
cricoid pressure. An nasogastric tube will help decompress the
stomach and reduce the risk of aspiration. Cricoid pressure • Commencement of enteral nutrition as soon as feasible.
should be applied by appropriately trained staff. Choice of
• Thromboembolism prophylaxis.
agents for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia is guided
by the condition of the patient. There is a debate over the use • Adequate pain relief to facilitate physiotherapy and pre-
of nitrous oxide (disruption of anastomoses secondary to vent atelectasis and consolidation.
increasing intraluminal pressure) and reversal with neostig- Epidural analgesia is regarded as the gold standard, but opi-
mine has been implicated in anastomoses morbidity. oid PCA is often used especially if factors render epidural
However, there are insufficient data to allow firm conclusions analgesia unsafe. The multimodal approach to pain control
and many anaesthetists use both agents. has its advantages, but care should be taken when using
The need for fluids and blood product replacement is dictat- NSAIDs in patients who are dehydrated, salt depleted and
ed by the course of the operation but the use of warm fluids and elderly. The acute pain team can optimise safe pain relief in
measures to minimise heat loss (e.g. heated under- and over- these patients.
blankets) are paramount. Intra-operative monitoring reflects the
Key references
minimal standards set by the Association of Anaesthetists’
Botteril ID, Sagar PM. Intestinal obstruction. Surgery 1998; 16: 221–7
guidelines with additional invasive monitoring as required. The
Consensus Meeting. Management of the high-risk surgical patient. Clin
oesophageal Doppler is a relatively non-invasive monitor Intensive Care 2000; 11: Special report
which can be useful in assessing cardiovascular status. Vanner RG,Asai T. Safe use of cricoid pressure. Anaesthesia 1999; 54: 1–3
The pre-operative establishment of epidural analgesia aids
peri-operative pain control. A recent meta-analysis has See multiple choice questions 88–90.

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