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Command Description Example usage Required permissions

[!help] {category} Shows the commands of given category !help basic

!help all -
[!invite / !invitelink / !link] Shows the bot's invite link !invite -
[!serverprefix] {prefix} Sets custom prefix for your server !serverprefix ?
[!joinmsg / !leavemsg] {msg} Set's a custom message shown when members join or
leave !joinmsg {0.mention} has joined the {1.name}
{0.mention} is the user mention
{0.name} is the user's name
{1.name} is the server's name
{2.name} is the member's top role's name manage_server
[!ban] {mentions} Bans the mentioned members from the server !ban @User1 @User2
[!kick] {mentions} Kicks the mentioned users from the server !kick @User1
@User2 kick_members
[!setchannel] {textlog/banlog/kicklog/logs/NSFW/public} Sets current channel
MatBot's kicks and bans will be logged in the kicklog channel
Text edits will be logged in textlog channel
NSFW commands only work in NSFW marked channels !setchannel NSFW
!setchannel logs
!setchannel public manage_server
[!whirl] Gives you a random invite link to one of MatBot's servers. !whirl
The target server must have used "!setchannel public"
[!role {autoassign/auto}] {roles/info/clear} Mentioning roles automatically
adds/removes them from autoassigned roles list. Info shows current autoassigning
list. Clear literally clears the autoassign list !role autoassign @Role1
!autoassign info
!autoassign clear manage_server
[!role] {assign/remove/create} Assigns or removes mentioned roles from
mentioned user. Can also create new roles !role assign @User @Role1 @Role2
!role assign @User @Role1 @Rule2
!role create Tester manage_roles
[!ignore] {mentions} Ignores mentioned users from using the bot commands !
ignore @User1 @User2 manage_server
[!ignorerole] {roles} Ignores mentioned roles from using the bot commands !
ignorerole @SomeRole @AnotherRole manage_server
[!delete / !remove] {howmuch, mentions} Deletes chosen amount of messages from
mentioned users or from everyone, if nobody was mentioned !delete 100 @User1
@User2 manage_messages
[!quote] {message ID} Quotes the message with given ID. (Right click on message
and choose "Copy ID", Make sure to have Developer Mode enabled in
Settings/Appearance) !quote 294538526182342657 -
[!antilink / !noads] {ON/OFF} Sets antilink toggle ON / OFF !antilink ON
[!spamlimits] {msgs} {time} Sets server's spamlimitations !spamlimits 8 6
[!clearspam / !spamclear] Clears 'spam' detected users. Matbot clears this
automatically after 2-3mins though. !spamclear manage_server
[!server] Shows info about the server !server -
[!channel] Shows info about the channel !channel -
[!user / !profile] {mention} Shows more info about mentioned user !user @User
[!ow / !overwatch] {username} Gives all needed Overwatch stats of given user !ow
RobbieW#1478 -
[!twitch] {username} Checks a twitch stream's status !twitch Reckful -
[!card / !hearthstone] {card's name} Searches Hearthstone card's info !card
Tirion -
[!osu] {username} Searches Osu! stats of a user !osu ninjapina -
[!tictactoe/!ttt] {mention} Starts tictactoe with mentioned user !ttt @User
[!trivia] Starts a trivia minigame !trivia -
[!triviacategory / !tcat] {category} Sets trivia category
(history/arts/entertainment/science/misc/geography/random) !tcat history trivia
starter or admin
[!triviascores/!tscores] Sends trivia leaderboard into the chat !tscores
[!triviaskip / !tskip] Skips current question !tskip trivia starter or admin
[!triviastop / !tstop] Stops the trivia and sends the final results !tstop
trivia starter or admin
[!typerace / !typestart] Starts typerace with a truly random sentence !
typestart -
[!typestop] Stops the running typerace !typestop typerace starter or admin
[!hangman] {length} Starts hangman minigame. Length of the word can be
selected, default is random 3-20 !hangman 14 -
[!hangmanstop] Stops the hangman minigame !hangmanstop Hangman starter or
[!rps] {rock/paper/scissors} For playing rock paper scissors !rps paper -
[!reverse] {text} Reverses the given text !reverse lol hello everyone -
[!vertical] {text} Writes given input vertically !vertical hello everyone
[!upsidedown] {text} Flips the text upside down! !upsidedown Does this work?
[!zalgo] {input} Messes the input with zalgo !zalgo This is an example text
[!ascii] {input} Changes your input into ascii art !ascii MatBot is OP -
[!binary] {input} Converts your text or numbers into binary !binary Hello everyone
[!unbinary] {binary input} Converts the binary back to text !unbinary 01001101
01100001 01110100 01000010 01101111 01110100 -
[!hex] {input} Converts your text or numbers into hexadecimals !hex Hello
everyone -
[!unhex] {hex input} Converts the hex back to text !unhex 0x4d 0x61 0x74 0x42
0x6f 0x74 -
[!encrypt / !encode] {input} Encrypts your text with MatBot's encryption !
encrypt Doges are Gods -
[!decrypt / !decode] {input} Decrypts the text that was encrypted with MatBot
!decrypt ecKowpfClsKowoTCkcKlwprCgsKrwqfClsOU -
[!doge] {texts} Shows a doge image with given texts !doge "Woof woof" Wow amazing
MatBot -
[!logo] {category=random} {text} Shows a logo with the given text, type can also
be selected !logo MatBot
!logo types
!logo google MatBot -
[!answer / !8ball] {question} Answers the hardest questions in life !8ball
should I get a life? -
[!yesorno] Answers either yes or no, with a gif !yesorno -
[!powerlevel] Shows your permanent power level !powerlevel -
[!lovecalc / !lovecalculator] {mention} {mention2} Calculates the love
percentage between two users !lovecalc @User1 @User2 -
[!kill] {mention} Kills the mentioned user !kill @User -
[!kiss] {mention} Kisses the mentioned user !kiss @User -
[!hug] {mention} Hugs the mentioned user !hug @User -
[!insult] {mention} Insults the mentioned user !insult @User -
[!choose] {choices} Chooses a random option from all the choices !choose yes
no maybe -
[!say] {sentence} Repeats the sentence and deletes the original message (only if it
has manage_messages permission) !say I love you all -
[!roll] {min, max} Chooses a random number inside the range !roll 10 20 -
[!urban] {search} Searches the word from Urban Dictionary !urban FML -
[!lmgtfy] {search} Creates lmgtfy link !lmgtfy What are doges -
[!img] {search} Searches an image with the given search words !img doge -
[!meme] Finds a random meme !meme -
[!comic] Finds a random comic !comic -
[!joke] Finds a random joke !joke -
[!reaction] {search} Finds a suitable reaction gif !reaction wow -
[!face / !faces] {url} Scans the image to give info about the faces !face
https://someurl/somefile.png -
[!translate] {From-To} {sentence} Translates the language to another. If no
language pair is entered, it tries to recognize the language and then translates it
into English !translate cyka blyat
!translate English-Spanish What's up -
[!anime] {search} Searches your anime and shows info about it !anime Shingeki No
Kyojin -
[!youtube/!yt] {search} Searches a video from youtube, let's you pick one from the
first 9 results !yt 1000 degree knife -
[!lyrics] {search} Searches lyrics for a song !lyrics Never gonna give you
up Rick Astley -
[!pun] Shows a random pun !pun -
[!dog] Shows a random dog picture !dog -
[!cat] {gif/fact/} Shows a random cat image, gif or fact !cat
!cat gif
!cat fact -
[!numfact / !numberfact] {number} Shows a fact about the given number !numfact 42
[!chuck / !chucknorris] Shows a random Chuck Norris joke !chuck
!chucknorris -
[!isitup / !isitdown] {website} Checks whether a website is down or not !
isitdown google.com -
[!gelbooru] {search=Random} Gelbooru search for the weebs !gelbooru furry NSFW
[!rule34] {search=Random} For searching rule34 images !rule34 missionary
NSFW channel
[!e621] {search=Random} For searching e621 images !e621 eevee NSFW channel
[!boobs] Shows random boob picture !boobs NSFW channel
[!ass / !butt] Shows random ass picture !ass NSFW channel
[!nude / !nudes] Shows a random nude !nude NSFW channel
[!primes / !prime] {number} Tells you if a number is prime number. If it is
shorter than 15 digits, it also tells you all of its prime factors !primes
12429142 -
[!calc / !maths] {input} Calculates the answer to your input !calc 12*11-9
[!roulette] {title} Crowns a random user from the server with the given title
!roulette Who is the hottest? -
[!away] {msg} Sets your status as away. If someone mentions your name, the bot
will tell them you're away !away I have to sleep -
[!stats] Shows the stats of the bot !stats -
[!graph] {cmds/categories} Shows different graphs about the bot !graph cates
[!ping] Tests the bot's ping !ping -
[!clear] {amount=100} Clears the bot's own messages from given amount of
messages. Default is 200 !clear 50 manage_messages
[!answer/!8ball] {question}
Answers your YES/NO questions

[!away] {message}
For showing everyone you are away

For getting the MatBot�s changelog

[!choose] {choices}
Chooses a random option from all the choices

[!clear] {howmuch}
Clears the bot�s messages from the chat

[!create_invite/!getinvite] {guild_invite}
Creates an invite for a guild

Shows a list of donators

[!help] {category}
Shows help of all the commands

[!hug] {mention}
Gives a hug to mentioned person

[!idea/!complaint] {msg}
Sends report to developer

[!insult] {mention}
Insults the mentioned person

For getting the MatBot�s invite link

[!kill] {victim}
Kills the target in a random way

[!kiss] {mention}
Gives a kiss to mentioned person

Shows a random lenny in the chat

Tests the bot�s ping

[!quote] {id}
Quotes a message with given ID

[!react] {emojis}
For reacting to the previous message

[!roll] {min, max}

Chooses a random number inside the range
[!roulette] {title}
Chooses a random user from the server

[!rps] {selection}
For playing rock paper scissors

[!say] {sentence}
Repeats the given sentence

Shows the stats of the bot

[!translate] {sentence}
For translating the sentence into another language

Answers either yes or no, with an image

[!hangman] {wordlength}
Starts hangman minigame, word�s length can be chosen

Stops the hangman minigame

[!tictactoe/!ttt] {mention}
Starts tictactoe with mentioned player

Stops tictactoe in the current channel, need manage server perms.

Starts a trivia

[!triviacategory/!tcat] {category}
Sets trivia category

Sends trivia scores

Skips trivia

Stops trivia

Starts typerace, tests your typing speed

Stops the typerace

[!ban] {member, reason}

Bans the mentioned user

[!delete/!remove] {howmuch, mentions}

Deletes chosen amount of messages from mentioned users or everyone

[!ignoreuser] {mentions}
Adds mentioned users to blacklist, ignores their commands
[!kick] {member, reason}
Kicks the mentioned user

[!mute] {member}
A toggleable channel mute, if any person is muted then they will be unmuted with
the same command

[!role] subcommands:
!role [freelist/flist]
For displaying free roles

!role [iamnot/imnot] {rolenames}

For getting rid of a role

!role [autoassign/auto] {rolenames}

For auto assigning roles to new members

!role [ignore] {rolenames}

Adds roles to ignorelist

!role [remove/r] {mention, rolenames}

For removing roles from a user

!role [iam/get] {rolenames}

For claiming free roles

!role [assign/a] {mention, rolenames}

For assigning roles to mentioned user

!role [create] {name}

For creating new roles

!role [free] {rolenames}

For making free roles

[!cat] {what}
Shows a random cat image, gif or fact (!cat {gif/fact/ })

Shows a random Chuck Norris joke

Shows a random comic

Shows a random dog image or video

[!doge] {texts}
Shows a doge with your text

[!face/!faces] {url}
Gives you info about the faces in the image

Let�s you guess a random WikiHow article title

Shows a random joke
[!lmgtfy] {search}
Creates lmgtfy link

[!logo] {text}
For creating logos from text

[!lovecalc/!lovecalculator] {name1, name2}

For calculating love between two users

Shows a random meme

[!numfact/!numberfact] {number}
Shows a random fact about the given number

[!penislength/!penis] {mention}
For calculating your penis length

Fetches a random WikiHow article

Gives you a random invite to one of MatBot�s public servers with over 900 members!
Asks a random �Would you rather� question

Shows a random ass picture

Shows a random picture of boobs

[!e621] {search}
For e621 searching

[!gelbooru] {search}
NSFW for the weebs

Shows a random nude

[!rule34] {search}
For rule34 searching

[!anime] {search}
Searches an anime from myanimelist

[!img] {search}
Searches an image with the given words

[!isitup/!isitdown] {website}
For checking if a website is down or not

[!lyrics] {search}
Searches lyrics for a song

Shows a random pun
[!reaction] {search}
Finds a suitable reaction gif

[!urban] {search}
Searches the word from Urban Dictionary

[!youtube/!yt] {search}
Searches a video from youtube

[!ascii] {input}
Changes the text into cool ascii text

[!binary] {input}
For converting text or numbers into binary!

[!decrypt/!decode] {input}
For decrypting MatBot�s encrypted text

[!encrypt/!encode] {input}
For encrypting text

[!hex/!hexadecimal] {input}
For converting text or numbers into hexadecimal!

[!reverse] {input}
Reverses any text you want

[!unbinary] {input}
For converting binary into normal text

[!unhex/!unhexadecimal] {input}
For converting hexadecimal back to normal

[!upsidedown/!udflip] {input}
Reverses any text you want

[!vertical] {input}
Types the text vertically

[!zalgo] {input}
Messes the input with zalgo

[!calc/!math] {input}
For calculating simple mathematics

[!card/!hearthstone] {name}
Shows info about Hearthstone card

[!osu] {username}
Shows the Osu! stats of a user

[!primes/!prime] {number}
For getting the prime factors of some number

[!twitch] {name}
For getting info about a streamer

[!antilink/!noads] {mode}
Toggles anti discord links mode ON / OFF

Shows info about the channel

[!command] subcommands:
!command [clear]
Removes all commands from blacklist in a server

!command [list]
Lists disabled commands

!command [add] {command_name}

Removes a command from usage in a server

!command [remove] {command_name}

Removes disabled commands, this enables them again

[!joinmsg] {message}
Set�s custom joining message

[!leavemsg] {message}
Set�s custom leave message

[!raid] subcommands:
!raid [on]
Turns on a raid protection mode
!raid [off]
Turns off a raid protection mode

Shows info about the server

[!serverprefix/!prefix] {prefix}
Set�s the prefix for the server

[!setchannel] subcommands:
!setchannel [verify/verification]
For setting current channel properties
!setchannel [join/welcome/leave]
For setting current channel properties
!setchannel [public]
For setting current channel properties
!setchannel [textlog]

!setchannel [banlog/kicklog/log]

[!setrole] subcommands:
!setrole [list]
Shows a list of custom staff

!setrole [mod/moderator/moderation] {rolename}

Sets a custom role to be the servers moderator

!setrole [admin/administrator/administration] {rolename}

Sets a custom role to be the servers administrator
Shows the shard of the server

[!user/!profile] {mention}
Shows more info about mentioned user

[!verify] subcommands:
!verify [approve] {members}
Approves unverified people that are mentioned

!verify [enable]
Enables new user verification

!verify [disable]
Disables new user verification

!verify [list]
Shows list of unverified people

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