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The element of phosphorous in nature is one which has a low combustion point, and is used as an

ingredient in match heads, due to its easily being ignited into flame. The image of the match head being

quick to burst into flame, yet also quick to burn itself out is a great image for understanding the energy
dynamics of someone of a Phosophorous constitutional type. Quick to excitement and enthusiasm,

the Phosophorous personality can be very magnetic and an instigator in social situations, but they can

have the challenge of easily burning themselves out by taking on too much at a time. Fortunately, when

they are relatively healthy, they can bounce back quickly, even from very brief cat naps. It is phosphorous
in the firefly which creates the glow. The Phosphorous constitution can be said to be “all light, but no heat”.

Phosophorous individuals have very thin skin, metaphorically speaking, and are highly sensitive to their

environment, whether of the emotions of the people around them, or literally of changes in the weather and

atmosphere. They seek to avoid or diffuse conflict around them, as a means to relieve their own

heightened experience of the build up of charge of such energy. On this note, they can tend to be

pleasers, or entertainers, always trying to keep the spirits up of those around them. One of the downsides

is that they can easily fall into relationships where they completely lose track of their own identity, and

become co-dependently lost in the ego of their beloved. More generally, they may have an underlying

feeling of anxiety when alone, and have a high drive to be around other people, even if that means having
a talk radio station playing in the background.

The positive side to their sensitivity is that they are highly sympathetic to the feelings and experiences of

those around them, and are able to communicate about these things in great depth. Communication and
expression, as a matter of fact, are core to the Phosphorous personality, who is the most expressive of all

the constitutional types. Whether in terms of emotional communication as I just mentioned, or artistic
expression, the Phosphorous type is a continual font.

They are driven to try many things, and to have many experiences, that is, when they haven’t surpassed

their own limits and driven themselves to burnout. You could say that everyone goes through a kind
of Phosphorous phase during their 20s, when exploring all aspects of the worlds’ ideas and cultures is a

typical form of expression of our life energy.

Phosphorous children are very bright and talkative, and the parents will often feel that they need to “tie a

kite string” to their toe, to keep them from floating off into the ether. Mitten pairs attached by a string were
probably invented for Phosphorous children, whose entire winter wardrobe can usually be found in the

school’s lost-and-found at the end of the year.

Like all experiences in their life, they usually embrace Heilkunst treatment as an experience they explore
with every nuance of their feeling life, and have much to report to the practitioner at each visit.

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