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Making new technologies work

for human development

This Report, like all previous Human Devel- well, the rewards could be greater than the People all over the world
opment Reports, is about people. It is about risks.
have high hopes that new
how people can create and use technology to im- At the United Nations Millennium Sum-
prove their lives. It is also about forging new mit, world leaders agreed on a set of quantified technologies will lead to
public policies to lead the revolutions in infor- and monitorable goals for development and
healthier lives, greater
mation and communications technology and poverty eradication to achieve by 2015. Progress
biotechnology in the direction of human the world has made over the past 30 years shows social freedoms, increased
development. that these goals are attainable. But many de- knowledge and more
People all over the world have high hopes veloping countries will not achieve them with-
that these new technologies will lead to health- out much faster progress. While 66 countries are productive livelihoods
ier lives, greater social freedoms, increased on track to reduce under-five mortality rates by
knowledge and more productive livelihoods. two-thirds, 93 countries with 62% of the world’s
There is a great rush to be part of the network people are lagging, far behind or slipping. Sim-
age—the combined result of the technological ilarly, while 50 countries are on track to achieve
revolutions and globalization that are integrat- the safe water goal, 83 countries with 70% of the
ing markets and linking people across all kinds world’s people are not. More than 40% of the
of traditional boundaries. world’s people are living in countries on track
At the same time, there is great fear of the to halve income poverty by 2015. Yet they are
unknown. Technological change, like all change, in just 11 countries that include China and India
poses risks, as shown by the industrial disaster (with 38% of the world’s people), and 70 coun-
in Bhopal (India), the nuclear disaster in Cher- tries are far behind or slipping. Without China
nobyl (Ukraine), the birth defects from thalido- and India, only 9 countries with 5% of the
mide and the depletion of the ozone layer by world’s people are on track to halve income
chlorofluorocarbons. And the more novel and poverty. New technology policies can spur
fundamental is the change, the less is known progress towards reaching these and other goals.
about its potential consequences and hidden
costs. Hence there is a general mistrust of sci-
entists, private corporations and governments— 1. The technology divide does not have to fol-
indeed, of the whole technology establishment. low the income divide. Throughout history,
This Report looks specifically at how new technology has been a powerful tool for
technologies will affect developing countries human development and poverty reduction.
and poor people. Many people fear that these
technologies may be of little use to the devel- It is often thought that people gain access to
oping world—or that they might actually widen technological innovations—more effective med-
the already savage inequalities between North icine or transportation, the telephone or the
and South, rich and poor. Without innovative Internet—once they have more income. This is
public policy, these technologies could become true—economic growth creates opportunities
a source of exclusion, not a tool of progress. The for useful innovations to be created and dif-
needs of poor people could remain neglected, fused. But the process can also be reversed: in-
new global risks left unmanaged. But managed vestments in technology, like investments in

education, can equip people with better tools tions multiply the possibilities of what people can
and make them more productive and prosper- do with technology in areas that include:
ous. Technology is a tool, not just a reward, for • Participation. The Internet, the wireless
growth and development. telephone and other information and commu-
In fact, the 20th century’s unprecedented nications technology enable people to commu-
gains in advancing human development and nicate and obtain information in ways never
eradicating poverty came largely from techno- before possible, dramatically opening up pos-
logical breakthroughs: sibilities to participate in decisions that affect
• In the late 1930s mortality rates began to their lives. From the fax machine’s role in the
decline rapidly in Asia, Africa and Latin Amer- fall of communism in 1989 to the email cam-
ica, and by the 1970s life expectancy at birth paigns that helped topple Philippine President
The 20th century’s had increased to more than 60 years. In Europe Joseph Estrada in January 2001, information
that same gain took more than a century and and communications technology provides pow-
unprecedented gains in
a half starting in the early 1800s. The rapid erful new ways for citizens to demand ac-
advancing human gains of the 20th century were propelled by countability from their governments and in the
medical technology—antibiotics and vaccines use of public resources.
development and
—while progress in the 19th century depended • Knowledge. Information and communica-
eradicating poverty on slower social and economic changes, such tions technology can provide rapid, low-cost
as better sanitation and diets. access to information about almost all areas of
came largely from
• The reduction in undernutrition in South human activity. From distance learning in
technological Asia from around 40% in the 1970s to 23% in Turkey to long-distance medical diagnosis in the
1997—and the end of chronic famine—was Gambia, to information on market prices of
made possible by technological breakthroughs grain in India, the Internet is breaking barriers
in plant breeding, fertilizers and pesticides in the of geography, making markets more efficient,
1960s that doubled world cereal yields in just creating opportunities for income generation and
40 years. That is an astonishingly short period enabling increased local participation.
relative to the 1,000 years it took for English • New medicines. In 1989 biotechnological re-
wheat yields to quadruple from 0.5 to 2.0 tonnes search into hepatitis B resulted in a breakthrough
per hectare. vaccine. Today more than 300 biopharmaceuti-
These examples show how technology can cal products are on the market or seeking regu-
cause discontinuous change: a single innova- latory approval, and many hold equal promise.
tion can quickly and significantly change the Much more can be done to develop vaccines
course of an entire society. (Consider what an and treatments for HIV/AIDS and other diseases
affordable vaccine or cure for AIDS could do endemic in some developing countries.
for Sub-Saharan Africa.) • New crop varieties. Trangenics offer the
Moreover, technology-supported advances hope of crops with higher yields, pest- and
in health, nutrition, crop yields and employ- drought-resistant properties and superior nu-
ment are usually not just one-time gains. They tritional characteristics—especially for farmers
typically have a multiplier effect—creating a in ecological zones left behind by the green rev-
virtuous cycle, increasing people’s knowledge, olution. In China genetically modified rice of-
health and productivity, and raising incomes fers 15% higher yields without the need for
and building capacity for future innovation— increases in other farm inputs, and modified cot-
all feeding back into human development. ton (Bt cotton) allows pesticide spraying to be
Today’s technological transformations are reduced from 30 to 3 times.
more rapid (the power of a computer chip dou- • New employment and export opportuni-
bles every 18–24 months without cost increase) ties. The recent downturn in the Nasdaq has qui-
and more fundamental (genetic engineering eted the hyperbole, but the long-term potential
breakthroughs) and are driving down costs (the for some developing countries remains tremen-
cost of one megabit of storage fell from $5,257 dous as electronic commerce breaks barriers
in 1970 to $0.17 in 1999). These transforma- of distance and market information. Revenues


from India’s information technology industry delivery were first developed in 1831 but are still
jumped from $150 million in 1990 to $4 billion not available to a third of the world’s people.
in 1999. Some 2 billion people still do not have access
All this is just the beginning. Much more can to low-cost essential medicines (such as peni-
be expected as more technologies are adapted cillin), most of which were developed decades
to the needs of developing countries. ago. Half of Africa’s one-year-olds have not
been immunized against diphtheria, pertussis,
tetanus, polio and measles. And oral rehydra-
2. The market is a powerful engine of tech- tion therapy, a simple and life-saving treatment,
nological progress—but it is not powerful is not used in nearly 40% of diarrhoea cases in
enough to create and diffuse the technologies developing countries.
needed to eradicate poverty. Inadequate financing compounds the prob- Technology is created in
lem. High-tech startups in the United States
response to market
Technology is created in response to market have thrived on venture capital. But in many de-
pressures—not the needs of poor people, who veloping countries, where even basic financial pressures—not the needs
have little purchasing power. Research and de- services are underdeveloped, there is little
of poor people, who have
velopment, personnel and finance are concen- prospect of such financing. Moreover, the lack
trated in rich countries, led by global of intellectual property protection in some coun- little purchasing power
corporations and following the global market de- tries can discourage private investors.
mand dominated by high-income consumers. The global map of technological achieve-
In 1998 the 29 OECD countries spent $520 ment in this Report shows huge inequalities be-
billion on research and development—more tween countries—not just in terms of innovation
than the combined economic output of the and access, but also in the education and skills
world’s 30 poorest countries. OECD countries, required to use technology effectively. The Re-
with 19% of the world’s people, also accounted port’s technology achievement index (TAI) pro-
for 91% of the 347,000 new patents issued in vides a country-by-country measure of how
1998. And in these countries more than 60% countries are doing in these areas.
of research and development is now carried Technology is also unevenly diffused within
out by the private sector, with a correspondingly countries. India, home to a world-class tech-
smaller role for public sector research. nology hub in Bangalore, ranks at the lower
As a result research neglects opportunities end of the TAI. Why? Because Bangalore is a
to develop technology for poor people. For in- small enclave in a country where the average
stance, in 1998 global spending on health re- adult received only 5.1 years of education, adult
search was $70 billion, but just $300 million was illiteracy is 44%, electricity consumption is half
dedicated to vaccines for HIV/AIDS and about that in China and there are just 28 telephones
$100 million to malaria research. Of 1,223 new for every 1,000 people.
drugs marketed worldwide between 1975 and
1996, only 13 were developed to treat tropical
diseases—and only 4 were the direct result of 3. Developing countries may gain especially
pharmaceutical industry research. The picture high rewards from new technologies, but
is much the same for research on agriculture and they also face especially severe challenges in
energy. managing the risks.
Technology is also unevenly diffused.
OECD countries contain 79% of the world’s In- The current debate in Europe and the United
ternet users. Africa has less international band- States over genetically modified crops mostly
width than São Paulo, Brazil. Latin America’s ignores the concerns and needs of the devel-
bandwidth, in turn, is roughly equal to that of oping world. Western consumers who do not
Seoul, Republic of Korea. face food shortages or nutritional deficiencies
These disparities should come as no surprise. or work in fields are more likely to focus on
After all, electric power generation and grid food safety and the potential loss of biodiver-

sity, while farming communities in develop- The cost of establishing and maintaining a
ing countries are more likely to focus on po- regulatory framework can also place a severe fi-
tentially higher yields and greater nutritional nancial demand on poor countries. In the United
value, and on the reduced need to spray pes- States three major, well-funded agencies—the
ticides that can damage soil and sicken farm- Department of Agriculture, Food and Drug
ers. Similarly, the recent effort to globally ban Administration and Environmental Protection
the manufacture of DDT did not reflect the pes- Agency—are all involved in regulating geneti-
ticide’s benefits in preventing malaria in trop- cally modified organisms. But even these insti-
ical countries. tutions are appealing for budget increases to deal
Moreover, while some risks can be assessed with the new challenges raised by biotechnol-
and managed globally, others must take into ogy. In stark contrast, regulatory agencies in
Just as the steam engine account local considerations. The potential developing countries survive on very little fund-
harms to health from mobile phones or to un- ing. Stronger policies and mechanisms are
and electricity enhanced
born children from thalidomide are no differ- needed at the regional and global levels, and
physical power to make ent for people in Malaysia than in Morocco. should include active participation from devel-
But gene flow from genetically modified corn oping countries.
possible the industrial
would be more likely in an environment with
revolution, digital and many corn-related wild species than in one with-
out such indigenous plants. 4. The technology revolution and globaliza-
genetic breakthroughs are
Environmental risks in particular are often tion are creating a network age—and that is
enhancing brain power specific to individual ecosystems and need to be changing how technology is created and
assessed case by case. In considering the possi- diffused.
ble environmental consequences of genetically
modified crops, the example of European rab- Two simultaneous shifts in technology and eco-
bits in Australia offers a warning. Six rabbits nomics—the technological revolution and glob-
were introduced there in the 1850s. Now there alization—are combining to create a new
are 100 million, destroying native flora and fauna network age. Just as the steam engine and elec-
and costing local industries $370 million a year. tricity enhanced physical power to make possi-
If new technologies offer particular benefits ble the industrial revolution, digital and genetic
for the developing world, they also pose greater breakthroughs are enhancing brain power.
risks. Technology-related problems are often The industrial age was structured around
the result of poor policies, inadequate regula- vertically integrated organizations with high
tion and lack of transparency. (For instance, costs of communications, information and trans-
poor management by regulators led to the use portation. But the network age is structured
of HIV-infected blood in transfusions during the along horizontal networks, with each organiza-
1980s and to the spread of mad cow disease tion focusing on competitive niches. These new
more recently.) From that perspective, most networks cross continents, with hubs from Sil-
developing countries are at a disadvantage be- icon Valley (United States) to São Paulo to
cause they lack the policies and institutions Gauteng (South Africa) to Bangalore.
needed to manage the risks well. Many developing countries are already tap-
Professional researchers and trained tech- ping into these networks, with significant ben-
nicians are essential for adapting new tech- efits for human development. For instance, new
nologies for local use. A shortage of skilled malaria drugs created in Thailand and Viet
personnel—from laboratory researchers to ex- Nam were based on international research as
tension service officers—can seriously constrain well as local knowledge.
a country’s ability to create a strong regulatory Scientific research is increasingly collabo-
system. Even in developing countries with more rative between institutions and countries. In
advanced capacity, such as Argentina and Egypt, 1995–97 scientists in the United States co-wrote
biosafety systems have nearly exhausted na- articles with scientists from 173 other coun-
tional expertise. tries, scientists in Brazil with 114, in Kenya with


81, in Algeria with 59. Global corporations, ing on reforms that emphasize openness—to
often based in North America, Europe or Japan, new ideas, new products and new investment,
now typically have research facilities in several especially in telecommunications. Closed-mar-
countries and outsource production worldwide. ket policies, such as telecommunications laws
In 1999, 52% of Malaysia’s exports were high- that favour government monopolies, still isolate
tech, 44% of Costa Rica’s, 28% of Mexico’s, some countries from global networks. In others
26% of the Philippines’s. Hubs in India and a lack of proper regulation has led to private mo-
elsewhere now use the Internet to provide real- nopolies with the same isolating effects. In Sri
time software support, data processing and cus- Lanka competition among providers of infor-
tomer services for clients all over the world. mation and communications technology has
International labour markets and skyrock- led to increased investment, increased connec-
eting demand for information and communica- tivity and better service. Chile offers a success- In the network age, every
tions technology personnel make top scientists ful model for pursuing privatization and
country needs the
and other professionals globally mobile. Thus de- regulation simultaneously.
veloping country investments in education sub- But open markets and competition are not capacity to understand
sidize industrial country economies. Many highly enough. At the heart of nurturing creativity is
and adapt global
educated people migrate abroad even though expanding human skills. Technological change
their home country may have invested heavily in dramatically raises the premium every country technologies for local
creating an educated labour force. (For instance, should place on investing in the education and
100,000 Indian professionals a year are expected training of its people. And in the network age,
to take visas recently issued by the United concentrating on primary education will not
States—an estimated resource loss for India of suffice—the advanced skills developed in sec-
$2 billion.) But this migration can be a brain ondary and tertiary schools are increasingly
gain as well as a brain drain: it often generates a important.
diaspora that can provide valuable networks of Vocational and on-the-job training also can-
finance, business contacts and skill transfer for not be neglected. When technology is changing,
the home country. enterprises have to invest in training workers to
stay competitive. Smaller enterprises in partic-
ular can benefit from public policies that en-
5. Even in the network age, domestic policy courage coordination and economies of scale
still matters. All countries, even the poorest, and that partly subsidize their efforts. Studies
need to implement policies that encourage in- in Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia and Mexico
novation, access and the development of ad- have shown that such training provides a con-
vanced skills. siderable boost to firm productivity.
Market failures are pervasive where knowl-
Not all countries need to be on the cutting edge edge and skills are concerned. That is why in
of global technological advance. But in the net- every technologically advanced country today,
work age every country needs the capacity to un- governments have provided funding to substi-
derstand and adapt global technologies for local tute for market demand with incentives, regu-
needs. Farmers and firms need to master new lations and public programmes. But such
technologies developed elsewhere to stay com- funding has not been mobilized to do the same
petitive in global markets. Doctors seeking the for most developing countries, from domestic
best care for their patients need to introduce new or international sources.
products and procedures from global advances More generally, governments need to estab-
in medicine. In this environment the key to a lish broad technology strategies in partnership
country’s success will be unleashing the cre- with other key stakeholders. Governments should
ativity of its people. not try to “pick winners” by favouring certain sec-
Nurturing creativity requires flexible, com- tors or firms. But they can identify areas where
petitive, dynamic economic environments. For coordination makes a difference because no sin-
most developing countries that means build- gle private investor will act alone (in building in-

frastructure, for example). Costa Rica has been One promising model is the International
successful in implementing such a strategy. AIDS Vaccine Initiative, which brings together
academics, industry, foundations and public re-
searchers through innovative intellectual prop-
6. National policies will not be sufficient to erty rights agreements that enable each partner
compensate for global market failures. New to pursue its interests while jointly pursuing a vac-
international initiatives and the fair use of cine for the HIV/AIDS strain common in Africa.
global rules are needed to channel new tech- Dedicated funds for research and devel-
nologies towards the most urgent needs of the opment. At the moment it is not even possible
world’s poor people. to track how much each government or inter-
national institution contributes to research and
Policy, not charity, will No national government can single-handedly development to deal with global market failures.
cope with global market failures. Yet there is no For instance, it is relatively easy to find out how
determine whether new
global framework for supporting research and much a donor spends to promote health in a
technologies become a development that addresses the common needs given country—but much harder to determine
of poor people in many countries and regions. how much of that goes for medical research. A
tool for human
What is the research needed for? The list is first step towards increased funding in this area
development everywhere long and fast changing. Some top priorities: would be establishing a mechanism for mea-
• Vaccines for malaria, HIV and tuberculo- suring current contributions.
sis as well as lesser-known diseases like sleeping Private foundations, such as Rockefeller,
sickness and river blindness. Ford and now Gates and Wellcome, have made
• New varieties of sorghum, cassava, maize substantial contributions to research and de-
and other staple foods of Sub-Saharan Africa. velopment targeted at the needs of developing
• Low-cost computers and wireless connec- countries. But these contributions are far from
tivity as well as prepaid chip-card software for sufficient to meet global needs, and at least $10
ecommerce without credit cards. billion in additional funds could be mobilized
• Low-cost fuel cells and photovoltaics for from:
decentralized electricity supply. • Bilateral donors. A 10% increase in official
What can be done? Rich countries could development assistance, if dedicated to research
support a global effort to create incentives and and development, would put $5.5 billion on
new partnerships for research and develop- the table.
ment, boosted by new and expanded sources of • Developing country governments. Divert-
financing. Civil society groups and activists, the ing 10% of Sub-Saharan Africa’s military spend-
press and policy-makers could nurture public ing in 1999 would have raised $700 million.
understanding on difficult issues such as the • International organizations. In 2000 about
differential pricing of pharmaceuticals and the $350 million of the World Bank’s income was
fair implementation of intellectual property transferred to its interest-free arm for lending
rights. The lesson of this Report is that at the to the poorest countries. A much smaller amount
global level it is policy, not charity, that will ul- dedicated to technology development for low-
timately determine whether new technologies be- income countries would go a long way.
come a tool for human development everywhere. • Debt-for-technology swaps. In 1999 official
Creative incentives and new partnerships. debt service payments by developing countries
At a time when universities, private companies totalled $78 billion. Swapping just 1.3% of this
and public institutions are reshaping their re- debt service for technology research and de-
search relationships, new international part- velopment would have raised more than $1
nerships for development can bring together the billion.
strengths of each while balancing any conflicts • Private foundations in developing coun-
of interest. Many approaches to creating in- tries. Developing countries could introduce tax
centives are possible—from purchase funds and incentives to encourage their billionaires to set
prizes to tax credits and public grants. up foundations. Rich individuals from Brazil


to Saudi Arabia to India to Malaysia could help ways to segment the global market so that key
fund regionally relevant research. technology products can be sold at low cost in
• Industry. With their financial, intellectual developing countries without destroying mar-
and research resources, high-tech companies kets—and industry incentives—in industrial
could make bigger contributions than they do countries. This goal should be high on the agenda
now. The head of research at Novartis has pro- in upcoming international trade negotiations.
posed that these companies devote a percentage Fair use of intellectual property rights
of their profits to research on non-commercial and fair implementation of TRIPS. Intellec-
products. tual property rights are being tightened and in-
Differential pricing. From pharmaceuti- creasingly used worldwide. The World
cals to computer software, key technology prod- Intellectual Property Organization’s Patent Co-
ucts are in demand worldwide. An effective operation Treaty accepts a single international The broader challenge is
global market would encourage different prices application valid in many countries; the num-
to agree on ways to
for them in different countries, but the current ber of international applications rose from 7,000
system does not. in 1985 to 74,000 in 1999. In the midst of this segment the global
A producer seeking to maximize global boom, there are two new hurdles for develop- market so that key
profits on a new technology would ideally divide ing countries and poor people.
the market into different income groups and sell First, intellectual property rights can go too technology products can
at prices that maximize profits in each. With far. Some patent applications disclose their in- be sold at low cost in
technology, where the main cost to the seller is novations with great obscurity, stretching patent
usually research rather than production, such officers’ capacity to judge and the ability of other developing countries
tiered pricing could lead to an identical prod- researchers to understand. In 2000 the World In-
uct being sold in Cameroon for just one-tenth— tellectual Property Organization received 30
or one-hundredth—the price in Canada. patent applications over 1,000 pages long, with
But in the network age segmenting the in- several reaching 140,000 pages. From patents on
ternational market is not easy. With increas- genes whose function may not be known to
ingly open borders and growing Internet sales, patents on such ecommerce methods as one-
producers in rich countries fear that re-imports click purchasing, many believe that the criteria
of heavily discounted products will undercut the of non-obviousness and industrial utility are
higher domestic prices charged to cover over- being interpreted too loosely.
head and research and development. And even In particular, patent systems lay open in-
if products do not creep back into the home mar- digenous and community-based innovation to
ket, knowledge about lower prices will—creat- private sector claims. Ill-awarded patents,
ing the potential for consumer backlash. granted despite prior art, obviousness or lack of
Without mechanisms to deal with these threats, innovation—such as a US patent on the Mexi-
producers are more likely to set global prices (for can enola bean—are contributing to the silent
AIDS drugs, for instance) that are unafford- theft of centuries of developing country knowl-
able for the citizens of poor countries. edge and assets.
Part of the battle to establish differential Second, current practices are preventing
pricing must be won through consumer edu- the fair implementation of the World Trade
cation. Civil society groups and activists, the Organization’s agreement on Trade-Related As-
press and policy-makers could help the citizens pects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS).
of rich countries understand that it is only fair As signatories to the 1994 TRIPS agreement, de-
for people in developing countries to pay less veloping countries are implementing national
for medicines and other critical technology systems of intellectual property rights following
products. Without higher prices in rich coun- an agreed set of minimum standards, such as 20
tries, companies would have far less incentive years of patent protection. A single set of min-
to invest in new research and development. imum rules may seem to create a level playing
The broader challenge for public, private field, since one set of rules applies to all. But as
and non-profit decision-makers is to agree on currently practiced, the game is not fair be-

cause the players are of such unequal strength, public financing—will fair implementation of the
economically and institutionally. TRIPS agreement become a real possibility.
For low-income countries, implementing
and enforcing intellectual property rights put
stress on scarce resources and administrative Policy—not charity—to build technological
skills. Without good advice on creating national capacity in developing countries
legislation that makes the most of what TRIPS
allows, and under intense external pressure to Global arrangements can only be as effective as
introduce legislation beyond that required by national commitments to back them. The first
TRIPS, countries can legislate themselves into step is for governments to recognize that tech-
a disadvantageous position. Moreover, the high nology policy affects a host of development is-
Commitments under costs of disputes with the world’s leading nations sues, including public health, education and
are daunting, discouraging developing coun- job creation.
TRIPS to promote
tries from asserting their rights. There are many successful examples of in-
technology transfer If the game is to be played fairly, at least two ternational corporate philanthropy involving
changes are needed. First, the TRIPS agree- technology. For instance, in-kind donations by
to developing countries
ment must be implemented in a way that enables pharmaceutical companies have saved many
are paper promises, developing countries to use safeguard provi- lives, and the agreement to give poor farmers ac-
sions that secure access to technologies of over- cess to vitamin A–enhanced rice could help re-
often neglected
riding national importance. duce global malnutrition. These initiatives have
in implementation. They For instance, under a range of special con- tremendous appeal—they can be a win-win
ditions TRIPS allows governments to issue com- proposition in which a country gets access to vital
must be brought to life.
pulsory licenses for companies to manufacture new technologies and a company get good pub-
products that have been patented by others. lic relations and sometimes tax incentives.
Such licenses are already in use from Canada and But these kinds of industry initiatives are
Japan to the United Kingdom and the United no substitute for structural policy responses
States for products including pharmaceuticals, from governments. High-profile projects may
computers and tow trucks. They are used par- gain such support from industry, but less news-
ticularly as antitrust measures to prevent re- worthy research cannot depend on it. When
duced competition and higher prices. But so far HIV/AIDS drugs and golden rice are no longer
these provisions have not been used south of the in the news every day, will Chagas disease and
equator. Developing countries, like other coun- mosaic virus–resistant cassava motivate the
tries, should be able to do in practice what same global public support?
TRIPS allows them to do in theory. Developing countries should not forever be
Second, commitments under TRIPS and held hostage to the research agendas set by global
many other multilateral agreements to promote market demand. If any form of development is
technology transfer to developing countries are empowering in the 21st century, it is development
paper promises, often neglected in implemen- that unleashes human creativity and creates tech-
tation. They must be brought to life. nological capacity. Many developing countries are
The heart of the problem is that although already taking up the challenge to make this hap-
technology may be a tool for development, it is pen. Global initiatives that recognize this will
also a means of competitive advantage in the not only provide solutions to immediate crises but
global economy. Access to patented environ- also build means to cope with future ones.
mental technologies and pharmaceuticals, for ex- The ultimate significance of the network age
ample, may be essential for combating global is that it can empower people by enabling them
warming and for saving lives worldwide. But for to use and contribute to the world’s collective
countries that own and sell them, they are a knowledge. And the great challenge of the new
global market opportunity. Only when the two century is to ensure that the entire human race
interests are reconciled—through, say, adequate is so empowered—not just a lucky few.


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