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' 1385 S. West Broad Street, Southern Pines, NC 28387 USA
: Sevenson Environmental Services, 333 West I95th Street, Glenwood, 1L 60611 USA

Dalrymple et al. (1992) presented an excellent synthesis of temperate- gan and Cebulski 1970), parts of Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds (North
zone estuarine sedimentology and stratigraphy. Their models provide a Carolina, USA) where peat is the dominant modem sediment (Ingrain
much-needed overview of the stratigraphic variations in estuaries and, as 1987), and the microtidal parts of the James River (Virginia, USA) where
such, will serve as the basis for recognition ofestuarine systems in ancient shell buildups and peat deposits are significant (Nichols et al. 199 I). A set
deposits. Nevertheless, we believe that Dalrymple et at. overlooked some of ancient estuary deposits in the Cambro-Ordovician carbonate shelf
important aspects of estuarine depositional systems, especially as devel- deposits of the Champlain valley (Vermont, USA) show that the autoch-
oped in carbonate-producing environments, and that their terminology is thonous carbonates play a similar role in a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic
somewhat simplistic. estuarine environment(Chisick et al. 1987; Washington 1992; Washington
Dalrymple et al. developed their estuarine depositional models using and Chisick, in press). So-called lacustrine estuaries (see Nixon 1990 and
only two sediment sources: marine and fluvial. In doing so, they ignored Herdendorf 1990) are commonly dominated by peat.
a third source: autochthonous sediments like carbonates and peat. In In terms of estuarine dynamics, Dalrymple et al. classify estuaries as
noncarbonate estuaries, aulochthonous sediments are generally organic either wave-dominated or tide-dominated. Although this distinction is a
sediments, like peat or other swamp deposits, that develop outside of the convenientconceptual tool and may be quite useful when studying modem
primary tidal and river channels. In carbonate estuaries, autochthonous temperate estuarine environments, it obscures the underlying cause of the
sediments are generally algal and/or coral buildups along the sides of the resulting differences in morphology and internal stratigraphy. The true
estuary and as islands or shoals in the estuary. basis for the morphologic differences is the relative rates of marine sedi-
Autochthonous sediments become stratigraphically important where ment input and sea-level rise. If the marine sediment input rate equals or
neither fluvial nor marine sediments are able to overrun the central parts exceeds that necessary to fill the end of the estuary for a given rate of sea-
of the estuary until significant amounts of autochthonous sediment have level rise, a "wave-dominated" morphology and stratigraphy is produced;
accumulated. This can be expected in long estuaries, estuaries with high if the marine sediment input rate is less than that necessary to keep up
autochthonous sediment production rates, and estuaries with low alloch- with the rate of water-level rise, a "tide-dominated" morphology and
thonous (marine + fluvial) sediment input rates, all of which are domi- stratigraphy is produced.
nated by autochthonous sediments in those parts of the estuary that Dal- In addition, the marine end of an estuary coincides with the locus of
rymple et al. called the "central basin" of wave-dominated estuaries and primary marine sediment input. By placing the marine end of their es-
the "salt marsh" of tide-dominated estuaries (note that even the term tuaries even with the shoreline, Dalrymple et al. have inadvertently as-
"salt-marsh" implies the production of autoehthonous material). Of course, sumed that the marine sediment is siliciclaslic,and so arrives at the estuary
even where autochthonous sediments dominate, a central channel is gen- mouth mainly by longshore drift on the shoreface. Estuaries developed in
erally maintained connecting the river to the sea, so longitudinal models carbonate-bank environments, on the other hand, do not receive their
have been able to ignore this sediment. marine sediment at the shoreface; rather, the primary drift of carbonate
Examples of modem estuaries with significant aulochthonous sedimen- sediment occurs near the outer edges of the bank. As a result, carbonate
tation include Shark Bay (Australia) with autochthonous carbonates (Lo- estuaries do not end at the shoreline but extend out across the shelf as a
linear depression that ends in the area of rapid drift near the shelf margin.
AUTOCHTHOHOUS This morphology allows for some marine sediment input by spillage from
the adjacent shelf into the sides of the estuary, making the facies distri-
butions in carbonate estuaries generally more complex.
From a stratigraphic perspective, there is a third variable to consider
for low-marine-input systems: whether the fluvial input is sufficient to
overrun the marine input before the marine input catches up with the rise
in water level. High marine input rates for silieiclastic systems are generally
driven by wave action, whereas tidal action results in low marine input
rates; thus, the distinction made by Dalrymple et al. is generally valid and
conceptually useful for temperate estuaries. On the other hand, the scheme
ignores scenarios with no significant fluvial input, no significant marine
input, and no significant sediment input from any external source. Gen-
erally, a lack of marine sediment input would appear to be unlikely in
normal marine environments. In "lacustrine estuaries", however, there is
F-M often a virtual lack of lacustrine (equivalent to marine) sediment input.
Low fluvial input is linked to specificenvironmental conditions upstream.
FLUVIAL MARINE The inclusion of autochthonous sediments in the models, however,
FIG.1.--Proposedsediment-sourceclassificationof estuaries.A autochthonous, allows the fluvial and/or marine sediments to be overwhelmed (or at least
F fluvial,M marine,A-Fautochthonous-fluvial,A-Mautochthonous-marine,F-M dwarfed) by the autochthonous sediments, especially if the allochthonous
fluvial-marine.A-F-Mmixed. sediments are added at a sufficiently low rate. Even where the allochtho-

Journat oF S[DImentarv Researcr, Vot. B64, No. 1, FeBruary, 1994, e. 74-75

Copyright © 1994., $EPM {Societyfor Sedimentary Geology) 1073-1318/94/0B64-74,'$03.00

nous sediments are added at a rate sufficientto keep up with the subsidence, DALRVMPLI~,R.W., 7ZarTLl~,B.A., a~o Bovo, R., 1992, Estuarine facies models: conceptual basis
a long estuary can generate significant autochthonous sediments that need and stratigraphic implications: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 62, p. 1130--1146.
HErr~nOORF,C. E., 1990, Great Lake estuaries: Estuaries, v. 13, p. 493--503.
to he considered in the stratigraphic scheme. INC~AM,R. L., 1987, Peat Deposits of North Carolina: North Carolina Geological Survey Bulletin
The lerminology presented by Dalrymple et al. includes only two cat- 88, 84 p.
egories because they recognized only two sediment sources. The addition I..a~ra~, B.W, and CEBUtSKI,D.E., 1970, Sedimentary envirnnments of Shark Bay, Western
Australia: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 13, p. 1-37.
of autochthonous sediments to the scheme generates seven basic types of N,CHOtS,M.M., JONNSon,G.H., a~o PeEBL~, P.C., 1991, Modern sediments and facies models
estuarine stratigraphic systems (Fig. 1): autochthonous, fluvial, marine, for a microtidal coastal plain estuary, the James estuary, Virgmia: Journal of Sedimentary
autochthonous-fluvial, autochthonous-mafine, fluvial-marine, and mixed. Petrology, v. 61, p. 883-.-899.
N,xoN, S.W., 1990, Toward a broeder definition of estuaries?: Estuaries, v. 13, p. 492.
Despite the limitations just mentioned, we would like to emphasize that WaSHnGrOn, P.A., 1992, Slratigraphic relations in the central Champlain Valley: recumng
the conceptual synthesis presented by Dalrymple et al. places the sedi- estuarine deposits and a relreating shelf margin: Field Conference of Taconic Geologists,
mentology of estuaries into an elegant and easily grasped context that will 1992 Guidebook, p. 1..-47.
Wasr~l~GroN,P.A., ANDCHtSlCK,S.A., in press, Foundering of the Cambro-Ordovician shelf margin
make this field more accessible to geologists working in ancient sedimen- in the northern and central Appalachians: onset ofTaconian orogenesis or eustatic drowning,
tary deposits. Therefore we applaud their work and hope that it is properly in Dennison, J.M., and Ettensohn, F.R., eds., Sedimentary Cycle Control: Tectonics vs.
extended to include these other factors, which can greatly influence the Eustasy, SEPM Special Publication.
nature of estuarine deposits. Received 7 July 1993; accepted 7 July 1993.


CH~s,~g,S.A., WasH~Nc,ton, P.A., and Fr~EDMa~,G.M., 1987, Carbonate-elastic synthems of the

middle Beekmantown group in the central and southern Champlain Valley: New England
Intercollegiate Geological Conference, 1987 Guidebook, p. 406-442.

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