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The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa




Bachelor of Arts
(English Classes)


Arshad Nawaz jappa

Bs (Hons) English literature

Contact No:
Cell: 0300-76-78820
Email: Arshadjappa@gmail.com
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa


The novel opens with an explanation of how Santiago, the old Cuban fisherman, has not caught a
single fish in eighty-four days. For the initial forty-four days, a boy named Manolin had kept
company with the old man. Then Santiago, because of his ill fortune, is termed ‘Salao,’ meaning bad
luck. As a result, Manolin’s parents forbid the boy from travelling with Santiago and order him to go
on another boat, which catches many fish. The boy is saddened at the prospect of deserting old
Santiago, whom he admires as a father. The old man also sorely misses the company of the young
boy, who ran small errands for him, often brought him food, and was like a son.

It is not the first time that Santiago has had a stretch of bad luck in his fishing career. He tells
Manolin that he once went without catching a fish for eighty-seven days, but then his luck changed.
Now Santiago is quite confident that he will succeed again because he knows a few "tricks" about
the sea and is still strong enough to land a really big fish. He feels hopeful that his luck will soon
turn again.

Some of the other fisherman make fun of old Santiago and his bad luck; other fisherman, who know
Santiago’s real worth and talent, regard his situation with sadness. The old man lets neither the
teasing nor the pity affect him in any measure.

On the morning of the eighty-fifth day, Santiago plans to set out early and go far out into the sea.
Before he departs, Manolin comes to wish the old man good luck and bring him coffee. Before it is
light, Santiago rows his weather beaten skiff away from the shore, starting his fateful trip. At his age,
Santiago should probably fish close to the shore, but he ventures far out. His bravery is not the
foolhardiness of an unthinking and blind hero; nor is it the last resort of a desperate man whose
patience has run thin, after waiting eighty-four days to catch a fish. Instead his bravery comes with
self-confidence; his alert mind and active body are fully prepared to face any contingency.

Santiago is a sensitive soul who loves mankind and nature. He sees different types of birds and feels
a oneness with them. He considers the flying fish and the dolphins his friends. He thinks of the sea as
a kind and beautiful, but willful, woman, who showers both favors and curses when one least expects
them. He is also a cautious and observant fisherman. He slowly and carefully puts out his hooks,
covered with tuna and sardines, at different depths and rows. Santiago also refuses to let his past luck
cast a shadow over his present opportunity.

At about noon on the first day, Santiago spies a bird in the sky; it is a man-of-war, come to feed on
fish. It is a significant sign for the old fisherman, because the bird has probably spied flying fish,
which are also eaten by dolphins. The dolphins, in turn, will attract the tuna, which attract the marlin.
It is a big marlin that Santiago really wants to catch. Before long, he hooks a large fish, which seems
to be a marlin; he wishes he knew its size so he could estimate what he is up against. When Santiago
tries to pull the fish in, the catch is so heavy that the line threatens to break and the boat almost
capsizes. The fish begins to pull the boat in a northwestern direction. Santiago lets the marlin
continue to tug, hoping it will tire out and come to the surface. He is also waiting for dusk, because
the setting sun often attracts fish to the surface.

The day draws to a close; the sun goes down, and the stars start glittering in the sky, but the fish still
does not come to the surface or alter its course. Santiago prepares to wait out the night, even though
the big fish is taking him further from the shore and the glimmering lights of Havana. Santiago
begins to think about the fish on the end of the line and empathizes with it. Although he has caught
many giant marlins in the past, this fish seems different and special; it knows to stay away from the
shore, where it can be more easily caught.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa
Other fish start taking Santiago’s bait, but he cuts off all the lines in order to concentrate on the huge
fish. At times, he wishes that the boy were with him, but he does not let the fact that he is alone on
the sea worry him; instead, he determines that he will kill the fish before sunset, no matter what
happens. The fish, however, does not come up to the surface; consequently, Santiago is unable to kill
it before the darkness sets in. The night is calm and uneventful.

The second day dawns without any major change in either the fish or Santiago’s position. The fish is
still showing as much strength, courage, determination, and endurance as Santiago. He continues to
swim and tow the boat against the current. Santiago hopes that soon the fish will turn into the
current, proving that it is tiring. Santiago admits that he himself is beginning to feel a bit tired. In
order stay awake, Santiago has a steady conversation with himself, with the fish, or with the birds
that come to rest on the boat.

Suddenly the fish pulls the line with such a strong, quick jerk that if Santiago were not fully alert; the
boat would have capsized. When it is calm again, he notices that his right hand has a deep gash in it
and is bleeding profusely. He dips his bleeding hand in the water to stop the blood from flowing out.
He believes that both he and the fish are now hurting. Santiago wishes he could see the fish that he
has caught, but it remains tantalizingly beneath the surface of the water.

Being a pragmatic man, Santiago knows that he will need both of his hands and his whole body in
top working condition if he is to master the fish and then return safely to shore. He is worried about
the cut in his right hand and the cramps in his left. He first tries to tend to his hurting hands; then in
order to preserve his strength, he eats some raw tuna. While he eats, he worries that both of his hands
are temporarily useless, one being cut, one having cramps, and both being used to help him eat. He
wonders what he would do if the fish jumped when his hands were idle.

At noon, the fish surfaces dramatically and majestically ahead of the boat. It is almost as if the noble
creature were staging a magnificent drama before Santiago to show him exactly what he is up
against. The giant marlin is more than eighteen feet long with a dark purple head and
lavender-striped back and sides. Santiago imagines that the fish weighs more than fifteen hundred
pounds. It is not the first time that Santiago has caught such a huge fish, but it is the first time that he
is alone, waging a physical and psychological battle against a powerful giant. Although he marvels at
the size and strength of the fish, Santiago feels that he has the upper hand because of his human will
and intelligence.

Though he is not overtly religious, Santiago begins to pray, begging for help in holding on to and
killing the fish. Although the prayers do not ease his physical suffering, they encourage his mental
tenacity. He declares that he will show the fish "what a man can do and what a man endure" and
begins to concentrate on holding on to the line and preserving his strength. As Santiago’s left hand is
still cramping, he uses his right hand to hold line, but it cuts the hand more deeply.

The fish turns east of north, still towing the boat, while Santiago holds the line. The old man tries to
ignore his tiredness and the pain in his shoulders caused by the line. Instead, he thinks about lions on
the beach and about Joe DiMaggio, the great American baseball player known for his supreme
strength and courage; both images serve as inspirations to him. To bolster his courage further,
Santiago remembers the time he had been victorious in a game that hand been tied for more than a

As the sun begins to sink below the western horizon on this second day, Santiago wonders what the
night will bring. Thus far, the fish has not altered his course or changed its depth for long; therefore,
the line remains as taut as ever in his right hand. With his left hand, Santiago catches a dolphin,
which he immediately eats. He criticizes himself for having come out to sea without salt or lime,
thinking the dolphin meat would taste better with either. He also reproaches himself for not drying
out some salt from the seawater during the heat of the day.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa
Feeling a bit refreshed after eating, Santiago counts his blessings. His right hand is healing, his left
hand is no longer cramping, and his legs are strong; additionally, Santiago still feels that he has a
great advantage over the fish, which has a hook in its throat and an empty belly, since it has not eaten
in two days. Then Santiago begins to admire the giant fish, feeling it has exhibited tremendous
dignity in its bearing. He feels that the people who will eventually eat it are really not worthy of such
a marvelous creature. Thinking such thoughts, the old man drifts off to sleep for about two hours; it
is the first rest he has had in two days. Santiago knows that sleeping is necessary if he is to keep his
head clear.

As the third day dawns, the weather deteriorates. Santiago predicts that there will be a hurricane
before long. The contest between the old man and the fish also grows more intense. Santiago is
extremely fatigued, and the cramps return to his left hand. In truth, his whole body is racked with
pain, but he convinces himself that "pain does not matter to a man." Santiago thinks that the fish
must also be feeling pain, for it has started to circle. As a result, the old man increases the strain on
the line, hoping that the circles will become shorter. He dreams of the fish coming to the surface,
close to the boat, so close that Santiago can kill it.

The old man sees the fish on its third turn and again appreciates its sheer size and beauty. He keeps
his harpoon close by and ready, hoping that the fish will soon come close enough for him to kill,
preferably by striking its heart not its head. After several failed tries, Santiago successfully spears the
great fish just before noon. When it is still, the fisherman passes a line through its gills and mouth
and makes a noose around its tail and another round its middle; he then ties the fish to the boat.
Feeling triumphant, Santiago prepares to go home.

Santiago is blissfully unaware of the presence of sharks that have been attracted by the blood of the
giant fish. He catches and eats a few shrimps, trying to renew some of his energy. He then spies the
first sharks and attacks them with his harpoon; unfortunately, he loses the harpoon in the battle. As a
result, the sharks begin to bite off large chunks from the fish. The old man makes an improvised
harpoon from his oar and fights all night to defend the giant fish he has caught. It is, however, a
losing battle; during the night, the sharks devour the entire fish. By dawn, only the bare skeleton is
left. Sad and in pain, Santiago departs for home with the skeleton tied to his boat.

Totally exhausted, Santiago reaches the shore; after caring for his boat, he begins to climb the hill
towards his hut. He is so weak and weary that he falls several times. Finally reaching the hut, he falls
on the bed and thankfully sinks into a deep slumber. Because of the storm, the fishermen have not
gone out. They see the huge skeleton of the fish, admire its gigantic size, and feel pity for the old
man whose incredible efforts have been wasted. They do not understand that Santiago has really won
a victory. In catching the fish, the old man has demonstrated grace under pressure, man’s supremacy
over his circumstances, and his ability to withstand terrible odds.

The boy Manolin goes to the hut to see Santiago, kindly bringing him coffee. The boy cries when he
sees the old man’s bleeding hands. The gentle Santiago comforts him. Together, they plan to go
fishing again. Manolin leaves Santiago alone so he can sleep; the old man dreams of the lions on the
African beach.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa
Q.1: Describe the Old Man’s struggle against the sharks in your own words.
Or “Man can be destroyed but not defeated.” Comment on Old Man’s heroic
struggle against the sharks.
Or Of all the challenges faced by the Old Man, fight against the sharks is the
greatest. Discuss
Or Fight against the sharks is a real test of the Old Man’s mettle. Elaborate
Or Which is the greater challenge for the Old Man from the struggle with the big
fish and fight against the sharks?
The old Cuban fisherman, Santiago, faces two major challenges in this
novel apart from many minor ones. The first challenge is his contest with the big fish,
marlin, whereas the second being his battle against the sharks. Critically viewing, the fight
against the sharks appears a rather challenging task than the catching of marlin.
Santiago is by far extremely exhausted due to his nerve-racking fight with the giant
fish, Marlin. He has been in a state of fight for some two days, all alone and without much
food. However, he is resolute and diligent against every impending danger.
Sharks, the hunter-beasts of the sea, are the real challenge between the old man’s
actual victory and its acknowledgement. Santiago, after having been tired owing to a
constant fight against the marlin without much food and sleep, is no more a strong old
man. It has been only one hour since the victory of the old man over marlin that the first
sharks attacks him. He calls it “Dentuso”. As soon as this shark tears away some forty
pounds of marlin’s flesh, the old man furiously strikes its head with his harpoon, and the
shark is doomed. However, with its death, the shark also takes away the old man’s harpoon
and rope. Thus, the old man is now unarmed.
The first shark proves only the precursor of a large-scale shark-attack on the
marlin. The old man uses his gear and every other possible means to kill the attacking
sharks, and, in fact, he manages to kill some of them. But the sharks prove too stubborn for
the old man, as they do not give up in spite of old man’s stiff resistance. They are countless
The marlin began to be eaten up gradually. The sharks were snatching away every bit
of its flesh, time and again, and the old man could do nothing. However, it was against the
dignity of this aged sea-hero to become a mere spectator; therefore, he continues his
struggle against the hostility of opposite forces to save the achievement of his life. He kills
many of these hunter beasts in a constant fight using his oar, tiller and knife.
However untiring his struggle, the old man is unable to save his beloved big fish,
marlin, from the sharks. He reaches back to the coast with only skeleton. Nevertheless,
critically speaking, he proves his utterance true that “a man can be destroyed but not
defeated.” Like a true hero, he does not give up in the face overpowering danger until the
last moment——even when he has no hope for the marlin to be spared. Interestingly
enough, he does not mind the loss of the fish and, when asked by the boy, he expresses his
will to go back for fishing.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa

In this novel of Ernest Hemingway, the sharks represent an all-powerful force of

Nature and the old man fights against this hostile force with an iron will even when at odds.

Q.2: Describe the heroic struggle of the Old Man.

Or Write a note on the heroic spirit of the Old Man
Or The Old Man is by all means on extraordinary fisherman. Elaborate
Or No other fisherman is as skilled and as perfect in fishing as the Old Man.
Or Compare and contrast the Old Man with the other fisherman.
Or Santiago is a greater fighter. Comment
Or The Old Man is brave but not reckless. Comment
The old man, Santiago, is indeed a remarkable heroic figure among the heroes of
Ernest Hemingway. He is a man of sublime vision, high goals and noble character. In the
art of finishing, he is certainly matchless. Despite being without a fish for 84 days, his
mastery of fishing cannot be questioned. The other fishermen of the town call him, as we
are informed, with the native term “Salao” i.e. the unlucky. It is very true because luck
plays a central role in the story of this novel. However, when we come to see the resolution
of the old man, we find him unshaken like ever. He does not bother about what the people
of town say about him. He is simply following his great-goal——the goal of hooking a
great fish. This shows his devotion to his work as well as his vision. Santiago is not a man
of blank personality; instead, he is an ideological person who believes in the dignity of man.
Critically speaking, every action of Santiago proves him a great hero and his
personality reflects all nobility that is due to legendary characters. He is undoubtedly
superior to the other fishermen; however, he is never heard boasting and expressing his
superiority. His resolution coupled with techniques of fishing certainly makes him an
“extraordinary fisherman.” His passions, self-consolation, proportionate work, methods of
hooking, so on and so forth, turn him into a “perfect fisherman”.
While contesting with the marlin, the great fish, he utters this heroic statement:
“Man is not made for defeat.” This shows his belief in the dignity of man. Dignity does not
mean to him a mere act of boasting, but granting an equal right to other creatures for
survival. He allows the big fish to kill him if he can, and he regards himself as superior only
in tricks. His respect for the marlin exhibits how grand a hero he is. Comewhatmay, he
cannot compromise on his victory, for he is ready to accept death and destruction, but
“defeat” and “failure” are two words unknown to his being.
The old Santiago, a very brave man, is also a very altruistic character. Defeat to him
is as noble as victory, but it is his inner hero that goes always for victory as it is a symbol of
manliness and pride. He renders equal respect to his opponent because he believes in the
fundamental right of self-defense. After having hooked the marlin, he combats the sharks to
save him. He does not do so only because the marlin is his hunt, but also because he is his
responsibility. He, in fact, calls him his ‘brother’ at times. While combating the sharks, the
old man soon discovers that Nature favors them for victory against his heroic character.
Thus, he humbly embraces the reality of failure.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa

All such characteristics of his sublime being, as above discussed, in fact, make him
into a man of “no match”, whether in art or in conduct. The whole novel shows that an
indifferent universe goes all out against heroic Santiago.

Q.3: Why does Santiago not mind the derogatory remarks of other fishermen on the
Or Describe Old Man’s poverty and lack of resources.
Or Describe Santiago’s search for a big fish.
Or “Everyday is a new day,” says Santiago. Comment
Or The theme of victory and defeat is embraced in the story. Explain
Or Discuss the role played by the fate in this novel.
Or How does “The Old Man and the Sea” fit into the general philosophy of
“Everyday is a new day” is the manifestation of the highest form of optimism we
find in the novel, ‘The Old Man and the Sea’. Hemingway seems to have been recovering
from the “Nihilism” of his early and middle age. Santiago, the old fisherman, is the heroic
incarnation of Hemingway’s ideal. The old man’s character, in fact, gives expression to the
inborn heroic spirit of ageing Hemingway. Despite being a veteran of First World War,
however, the spirit of heroism inherent in Hemingway could not fully embody itself in
action. This novel, therefore, appears to be a product of its writer’s long-desired yet
unaccomplished heroic career.
Is has been 84 days since the last success the old man has had in catching fish. He is
being named in the native language as “Salao”, the worst form of being lucky. Other
fishermen, especially that of the youth circle, use for him derogatory words and examples.
Only his peer fishermen feel sympathy for the extraordinary yet unlucky fisherman,
Santiago: the rest of the town speaks of him in negative terms. It is here, the life of the old
man on land, where we catch the first glimpse of his heroism. Santiago does not bother
what the people say about him, for he believes in dedication to the mission. Lack of
resources and vivid poverty of the old man are two other disadvantages that add to the
graveness of the situation. On the other hand, it is sheer talent of the old Santiago that
enables him hook the greatest fish ever seen by the fishermen of that town.
By all definitions——and despite all hostility of circumstances——the old man
emerges to be a “Champion fisherman”. He spends a long time in the search of a big fish,
which equates the worth of an ideal life for the old man. 84 empty days compel him to plan
something extraordinary to accomplish his high goal. He thus plans to go out far in the
sea——beyond his actual sphere. It is here that the novelist wants us know that fate is an
all-powerful entity and that nothing can be accomplished beyond one’s reach. Human
sphere marks the area of man’s mastery and beyond it, however much effort one puts, little
is left in his hand. Only unfulfilled wishes are the phenomenon he is gifted in turn by the
The novel depicts old man’s remarkable struggle against the marlin, which, in fact,
shows how far a man can go after his goal. While being out of human sphere, however, he
is left only with the skeleton——a half victory. Sharks stand for an aspect of fate in the
novel, which eventually wins over old man’s heroic struggle.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa

Q.4: Elaborate the final stage of Santiago’s struggle with the fish/marlin.
Or The fight of the Old Man with the fish must be won.
Or The old man’s life and honor depend upon victory from the fish. Discuss
Or Does Santiago prove the truth of his remark, “Man is not made for defeat”?
Or The Old Man fights against the big fish/Marlin to the very end without being
despaired. Comment
Or The Old Man in his struggle against the Marlin does not get despaired because
that would be worth death. Comment
Or How was the Old Man able to hook the Marlin?
Or “Fish”, he said softly aloud, “I will stay with you until I am dead.” Discuss
Or How far do skill and resolution of the Old Man count in his struggle against
the fish?
The story of the struggle of the old man, Santiago, no doubt leaves a mark on every
reader. It is a remarkable heroic achievement of the zenith of human courage and
determination. Here shows the traditionally pessimistic novelist, Ernest Hemingway, a
contradiction to his own philosophy of life. It is surprising that his pen wrote down a novel
in the Post-World War era that stands for an invincible determination and sublimity of
conduct. This story of optimism in the face of an ever-opposing Nature is indeed a miracle
of man’s nobility.
The old man, Santiago, remains quite resolute in his struggle against the marlin.
Despite age and despite his body being somewhat exhausted, his nerves never give up. He
feels his nerves as young as a young man’s and he consoles his soul and mind at times to
continue his fight courageously. Continually, the old man also feels sympathy and love for
the fish. This is because he is well-versed in the tradition of humanity. He does not employ
ill means or treacherous tricks to catch the fish; instead, he allows the fish to use his best
tricks. It is obvious from one of his epiphanies that occur in his mind and he comments on
his own situation in the words given below:
“My choice was to go there to find him (marlin) beyond all people…Now we are
joined together and have been since noon and no one to help either one of us.”
This shows how resolute Santiago is in his fight that he does not even want to think of
having other men to help him——except for the boy at times. He considers himself only
superior in skills. When the fish pulls him down and his face bleeds, he utters these
noteworthy words:
“Fish, I will stay with you until I am dead.”
This statement speaks not only of his fury, but also of his trust in his determination. He
employs all superior skills of fishermanry, whereof the best ones are his patience and
vigilance. His aching body and injured hands commit no mistake in the whole episode.
When it has been over two days since the beginning of the struggle, the final stage——the
real test of the old man——approaches. Marlin disturbs him by jumping high in the air,
pulling the line tight, and making Santiago wait too long. However, the resolute old man
soon compels the fish to encircle the boat and get gradually close. After many unsuccessful
turns, when the fish has come very near and passes under the boat, Santiago strikes the
marlin with his harpoon. The marlin makes a final effort to rescue himself, but in vain. The
fish is now dead and the old man the champion.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa

We can, therefore, sum up this topic in precision that the old man proves the
veracity of his statement. He grants an equal right to the fish to kill him, for he respects his
opponents. And it is this thing that exclusively befits the aged custodian of heroic traditions
of the sea, Santiago.

Q.5: Hemingway’s mysticism is that he feels one with the fish as the part of the grand
scheme of Nature. Discuss.
Or Write a brief note on Hemingway’s style.
Or Hemingway’s the knowledge of ocean sound. Discuss.
Or Santiago is more philosophic than other philosophers. Explain.
Or Trace the some of the symbols employed by Hemingway in this novel?
“The Old Man and The Sea” is a novel full of symbols and images. Hemingway
generously employs a plethora of symbols in the knitting of the old man’s story. To an
ordinary reader, no doubt, the novel sounds a boring work. However, underneath the outer
shell of dullness and boredom, there is a very appealing heroic struggle of a man who is
“perfect” in his art——art of fishing. It is Hemingway’s unique style that gives a wonderful
sense of life to an ordinary story of finishing. Hemingway’s style is an ever-living
character——terse but simple——and it has certainly made him immortal.
Moreover, it is not just the style that impresses us in this novel, but also the
profound knowledge of the sea that Ernest Hemingway possesses. In fact, it is Hemingway
himself who is present in the character of Santiago in all spirit. Another interesting element
in the philosophy of Hemingway manifest in his style is his mysticism. It is a new
age——post-World War mysticism——which is, in one way or another, the regeneration of
ancient mysticism. In fact, what we mean by mysticism is the inner, esoteric knowledge we
are endowed by the supernatural.
Hemingway presents the whole scheme of things as a grand monolithic phenomenon
of Nature. He treats both Santiago and Marlin as only two different embodiments of Nature
and it is why that the old man, Hemingway’s mouthpiece, says to the fish:
“You are my brother.”
Mysticism leads in its ultimate to the philosophy that every thing is the part of other;
hence originally one. It is this mysticism which replaces religious aspirations of ageing
Hemingway in this novel. Although there are a few references to Catholic Christianity,
however, they are too feeble to serve our purpose. This whole episode may be termed as the
rebirth of spirituality in Hemingway. Hemingway’s style in this novel is heavily influenced
by the New Age Mysticism. Secondly it is his knowledge of the ocean that leaves a mark on
his style. He goes into every minute detail of the things present in, on, and above the sea.
The whole environment of fishing has been literally elaborated in the novel. Thus, we can
conclude that mysticism is Hemingway’s style and sea the arena where he exhibits his
superior knowledge. Heroism and eventual defeat of man at the hand of Nature are to
dominate themes blended in his unique style.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa

Q.6: Sea is presented as a living character in the novel, “The Old Man and the
Sea”. Discuss
Or Sea is as good a character as any other in the novel. Elaborate
Or What is the significance of the sea in this novel?
Sea is as good a character in the novel, “The Old Man and the Sea”, as is any other.
When discussing this amazing piece of Hemingway’s penmanship, no one can ignore the
significance and crucial role of the sea for the simple reason that it is the manifestation of
Nature; hence a living character. Hemingway incarnates the invincible power of Nature
into the geographical entity of sea. Of course, sea is a dominant phenomenon, which, due
to its gigantic size, has no match on earth. The power of the creatures living inside it,
collectively, assumes the authority of Nature. Thus, we are justified to say in the light of
this novel that Nature knocks down what man nurtures. Since the old man remains alone
for the most part, it is the sea that accompanies him everywhere. Flying fish, dolphins,
marlin, sharks, sea birds, turtles, weeds and water, all collectively formulate the single
character known in Hemingway’s novel as a “Sea”. The old man even talks to the sea and
its creatures.
Hemingway is a “naturalist”, for he opposes the theory of “special creation”. He
believes that it is the mechanism of the laws of Nature that ultimately proves victorious in
every contest between Nature and nurture. However much a man struggles, whatever tricks
and methods he employs, the power of Nature is going to defeat him in the end.
Critically speaking, Santiago is only an object on the vast plane of the sea, which
surrounds him from every side. Sea also puts every hurdle in his work of fishing——the
ideal of the old man. Although the mastery of Santiago wins in the first phase, the second
round is won by the sea, which renders his entire heroic struggle as fruitless, hence useless
in the worldly terms.
Therefore, we can conclude on solid textual grounds that sea is as good a character
in the novel, “The Old Man and the Sea”, as any other.

Q.7: Explain the relationship of the old man and the boy.
Or The boy is the symbol of youth and power for the old man. Discuss
Or The old man looks upon Manolin as not only his apprentice, but also his
friend and his equal. Elaborate
Or Discuss the old man’s loneliness at the sea and his aspiration for the boy to be
present with him.
Manolin, the young apprentice boy, is introduced in the beginning of the novel as
one having great love for his master, Santiago. However, we are told that the boy has been
compelled to forsake the old man and abandon his skiff on the account of Santiago’s
ever-mounting crisis. Santiago, the old man, remains without fish for a long time and
thereby the parents of Manolin enroll him in a “lucky” boat. The old man going without
fish becomes “Salao” and eventually his boat an “unlucky” boat. The relationship between
old man and the boy marks the two-faceted reality of human relationship i.e. (a) one of
youth and age and (b) that of master-disciple.
The Old Man and the Sea (Critical Notes)by Arshad Jappa

However, the decision forced on the boy by his parents shows the impatient nature
of human beings and their selfishness towards the unlucky and lowly. The boy naturally has
sympathy for the old but determined Santiago. Nevertheless, he is not allowed despite his
greatest desire to rejoin him. This restriction does certainly not keep him from visiting old
man. He not only serves the old man, but also takes care of all his major businesses. The
boy appears to be a semblance of the disciples of Jesus Christ in the novel. He is fully
devoted to the cause and personality of Santiago. Moreover, he respects the old man’s ideas
and appreciates his youth-like aptitude for baseball.
Manolin is indeed an equal of the old man is some ways. He always gets hope to the
old man with his encouraging remarks. We see the peak of this encouragement-bond in the
end when the old man is beaten by the sharks and he laments, saying: “I am not lucky. I am
not lucky anymore.” The boy immediately rejoins him answering in an encouraging as well
as healing tone: “The hell with luck, I’ll bring the luck with me.” The old man fully
understands the nature of this relationship and gives it great value.
Only one utterance of old man, namely, “I missed you (Manolin)”, is sufficient to
make us believe how greatly the old man is associated with the boy. The boy has a firm
belief that there is only one great fisherman, Santiago. He can be seen crying in the end
when the old man returns despaired and injured. Manolin cannot stand the sight of his state
and he runs out of his shack to get him coffee and eatables.
His decisions to rejoin the old man without caring for his parents shows his deep
affection for the old man. Santiago, on the other hand, finds in Manolin the incarnation of
his youth and skill. He is his family and his disciple simultaneously. We can, therefore,
conclude on solid grounds that Manolin is not only an apprentice of the old man, but also
his trusted friend and, in some ways, his equal. It is the only relation in the novel which
seems to have integral connection with the theme.


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