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Pareño, Jackielyn B.


1. Describe the teaching behavior of a teacher without a specific lesson objectives upon entering the class.

A teacher without specific objectives upon entering the class may likely be very nervous and uneasy.
How can he/she be able to teach without any objectives? The whole class will definitely collapse. There will be
no acquisition of knowledge and the teacher may likely blame himself/herself for not doing his/her lesson plan.
It will affect the teacher’s self esteem and he/she might teach one topic to another topic that may not be related
and may not be included in the curriculum.
He/she won’t be able to teach well, a teacher should be equipped with not just the knowledge but also a clear

2. “Hands- on-minds -on-hearts -on” Learning is inline with the principle that learning is an active
process. What is mean by hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on learning?

Hands-on-minds-on- hearts-on is active engagement where you inquire knowledge and you acquire the
knowledge easily because you are interested in the lesson or simply because you put your heart into it.
Hands-on-minds-on-hearts-on is defined mainly as any instructional approach involving activity and direct
experience with natural phenomena or any educational experience that actively involve students in
manipulating objects to gain knowledge or understanding.

3. Describe what a teacher does when he/she engages himself/herself purely in ‘teaching for testing.”
How does it affects student’s learning?

It can either make or break a student if the teacher engages purely in teaching for testing.
If the test measures the skills students are expected to be learning and teachers prepare students by
teaching those skills, then teaching to the test is a good thing. But if the test is not directly related to what
is being taught or teachers depend on repeated drills with old test questions to prepare students, it’s a
different story. Teaching to the test can waste valuable learning time.

4. Choose one topic of your choice and create your own graphic organizer.
5. While the demonstration is going on, is it advisable to ask questions or clarifications from the

Yes, it is advisable to ask questions and clarifications to ensure the students acquisition of the topic taught.
During instruction the teacher is advise to ask questions to assess the students’ knowledge, promote
comprehension and to stimulate critical thinking. Well-crafted questions lead to new insights, generate
discussion, and promote the comprehensive exploration of subject matter. The teachers should ask questions to
help the students uncover what has been learned, to comprehensively explore the subject matter, and to
generate discussion and peer-to-peer interaction.

Pareño, Jackielyn B.

1. Give at least two (2) adjectives of a proactive classroom management style.

1. Proactive classroom management style has a positive learning environment.

2. It also reflects a well-disciplined classroom

2. What is meant by this statement: “Restlessness is the father of classroom disciplinary problem.”
In teaching, there will be a lot of circumstances that you may feel restless. For our students, to be focus
in every topic that we need to discuss to them, we future educators should be able to be active to command
the students to listen. We should avoid putting so much energy for a minor disruptions in the classroom if you
can handle it in simple manner. We can’t avoid these circumstances but if you feel restless just look at the faces
of your students who were all hoping that they will learn from you. Just smile and don’t stress yourself over
petty things.

3. When is praise said to be genuine?

The praise is said to be genuine when it conveys not only approval but information about the progress a
child is making. It is a genuine praise when it is specific, spontaneous and the praise was well deserved by the
students. It is genuine when it promotes initiative and attempting new skills. Don’t say “good job when it’s not”.
The praise is said to be genuine when the intention of the praise was to motivate students learning and promotes
less competition among students.

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