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Why has the Philippines not legalized same-sex marriage?

There are three reasons why same-sex marriage will not be legalized in the Philippines.

First. Mahatma Gandhi once said “A nation’s culture resides in the hearts and soul of its
people.” “It is impossible that the same-sex marriage be legalized here in the Philippines from the
point of our own culture. The law lives within the culture. The law does not create culture; it is
rather the culture that creates the law” said by Feliciano Belmonte, the Speaker of the House of
Representative from 2010-2016. The country has been adopting the Catholic culture since the
Philippines has been colonized by Spain for almost 300 years. No wonder why some of the
provisions in the Family Code most especially about marriage, were adopted from the Code of
Canon Law or simply the Law of the Catholic Church. Since the country has been adopting the
Catholic culture, the country does not allow same-sex marriage because Catholic culture is simply
against it. To allow same-sex marriage means to break the culture and to break the culture is to
break the law.

Secondly. It is not because the State is biased to the Catholic Church but practically because
it is against nature. Man is not compatible with another man nor a woman with another woman.
Marriage, as the Family Code defines it “is a special contract of permanent union between a man
and a woman entered into in accordance with the law for the establishment of conjugal and family
life.” A permanent union for the establishment of conjugal and family life, this means that marriage
basically has two ends: Procreation and Conjugal union. Procreation is the bringing forth of
offspring and conjugal union is the unitive aspect of the couple which is expressed in sexual
intercourse. There will be no such thing as same-sex marriage for in the first place it will never
meet the ends of marriage. There will be no procreation nor conjugal union. Granted that there are
sterile couples who cannot procreate but are allowed to marry because there is still the unitive
aspect of marriage. The unitive aspect in same-sex marriage is reduced to a form of entertainment.
It distorts the purpose of conjugal act. Again man is not compatible with another man nor a woman
with another woman.

Lastly, each one of us human beings has human rights. Rights, in simple definition, are
freedoms. The right to life is also like saying freedom to live or the right to privacy to freedom to
privacy. However, to avoid the abuse of rights, we create laws to regulate such rights to bring order
in a state. In case of marriage, we have the right to marry, we are free to marry. However, it is
regulated only for male and female couples. Same-sex marriage is immoral in nature. What is
immoral must not be tolerated, hence same-sex marriage must not be tolerated. However, this does
not mean that we discriminate homosexuals. Being a homosexual is not immoral, it is not even
prohibited. If there is no law in effect that prohibits then it is allowed. What is immoral are
homosexual actions including same-sex marriage.

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