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YZ September 1991 Corrosion protection wrapping tape and heat DIN shrinkable material mae for pipes designed for service temperatures up to 50°C 30672-1 oe 621.644.2-75; 20,197.6:662.76:628.11.3_ DEUTSCHE NORM LUmhatungen aus Korrosionsschutzbindan una warmeschrumotencem Material Supersedes fur Renrictungen fur Oaverbetreastamperaturen bis 50°C August 1979 edition in keeping with current practice In standards published by the International Organization for St nceraization (ISO), 2 comma has been used throughout as the cecimal marker. ‘This standara nas been jointly prepared by DIN Deutsches institut fdr Normung and OVGW Deutscher Verein des Ges- und Wassertaches ¢,V. (German Association of Gas and Water Engineers) and has been adopted into the OVGW Coase of practice en gas and water Dimensions in mm Contents 1. Scope ani field of application 2 4 Requirements + 4.1) Materiais a 4 2 Concepts: 20 4.4.4 Thickness 4 2.1. Primer 2 4.1.2 Tensile strain at break 4 2.1.1 Primers containing solvents. 3 4.13 Tensile strength + 2.1.2 Solventiess primers 3 1. Wrapping tape and fiprectrae heat 2.2 Wrapping tape shrinkable material 4 2.2.1 Petroleum jelly tape 3 Heat shrinkable material containing fibres 4 222 tuner tape 354 Saponiteaion number! 4 2281 Plast ape ih plas coe She aacmnure ieee i 22.3.2 Plastic tape with fabric core 3 Tie aagng a cevated cemperatures ‘ 2232 Panto tpe wah nt cn 3 S182 Azeng wm imenionm tm one 2.3 Heat shrinkable material 3 4.1.8 Structure of fibve cores 5 2.4 Filler putty 3 4:17 Flow resistance of petroleum jelly 5 2.8 Protective system $ 42° applied protective ey 5 216 Patering materia Oppo tees 5 27 Pipes 8 i. ae H pee 3 422 impact strengin 5 2.8.1 Push-in socket jomt a 42.2 Peet strength fee a 3. 42.3.1 Stengih between material and aubstate SS 3 42.2 Stengin oatween layers ol tape or nest pas ; striae moter 5 2.1 indentation hardness 3424 Shear strength : —_ 3 temperatures upto $0°C s oes sae Patering maton é 2.15 Waning tomperature rap ELL a Sessggnm ce : : 6 2. Designation of maleate apples to s0cke! ris =. 6 Continues on pages 2 to 19 igen ama nar moe rogaagd wth Bar rn 5 ‘Ret. No. DIN 30672-1; 1991-09 rh Onishes ae OCG A saaned a the etary ‘Pree giove00 Sues He. 0108 ‘an ena al bote ane enor MO Oe : “en Page? - IN 30672-1:1991-09 5 Testing : 5.1. Test houses 5.2. Types of tests 5.3. Samples and documentation 3.1 Samples 3.2 Manutacturer’s documentation 5.4 Testing materials 5.3.1 Thickness 5.42 Tensile strain at break 3.4.3. Tensile strength Tape with plastic core and fibee-tres heat shrinkable material Tepe with fabric of mat core 5.43.3 Haat shrinkable material with flores 5.4.4 Determining tne saponification number 5.4.5 Resistance to accelerated ageing 8 Ageing at elevated temperatures 8 Ageing with immersion in a seaium nyaroxice solution 8 5.4.8 Stucture of fre cores 8 5.4.7 Flow resistance of petroleum jelly tapes... 8 AUS Testing applied protective systems... 2 8 3.5.1. indentation harcness 8 Wrapping tape 8 Heat shrinkable material 8 1 Scope and field of application 1.4. This standard specifies requirements anc test meth- 08s for wrapping tape, heat shrinkable material (2.9 Sleeves) ang other related materials (such as primers) for the corrosion protection of buried and underwater steel ang iron pipes. ‘The materials covered by this standard are classifiec ac- cording ta the mechanical stresses and aggressivity of Soil {environments to which they will be exposed [stress classes 18. B and: cf. table 2 in DIN 30675-1) and are differentiated by the service temperatures for which they are intendes. ‘namely eter those up to 20°C or nose up to 50°C. Special requiramenis for socket joint are given in subclause 4.2.7 Mechanical stresses occurring as a result of thermal move- mens in the pipeline (e.g. t joints) have not been taken ato “onsiseration, Vv 1.2. Corrosion protection wrapping tape and heat shrink~ able material which = 38 a result of technological advance- ‘mants ~ dtfer trom tne specifications given nere may, on application, be accepted by a special committee as Sein vm compliance with this to be submitied to the Normenausschud Gastechnx (Gas Tech nology Stanaaras Commitee), Mauptsir. 71~79, 0-65750 Eschborn, togatner with a test report issued by an mmearial fest nouse recognized by the Slandaras Committea. Test ng shall nave Deen carted out in accordance with ths ‘The special committee which will review the applicavon comonses a) the chazman of Technical Committee Aulen- orrouon at tne Normengusscnul Gastecnnik. of Ms ner deputy: : ©) the head of the test house which performed testing: €} the technical secretary of the Normenausschud Gas- reco 5.5.2 Impact strength .. 5.5.3 Peel strength ..--2-.+ 3 Strength between material and substrate Strength between layers of tages Strengin Detween layers of heat shinkable matenal 10 S.4 Shear strength .- 10 Wrapping tape : 10 55.4.2 Heat sheinkable materat (for ser temperatures up to 50°C) ang not-workable patching matenal ........0... 19 55.5. Continuity 10 55.66 Resistivity 5 10 55.7 Resistivity of nest shrinkable material applied to socket joints, " 5.8 Test ceport ..... " 6 Marking " Standards referred to Other relevant standards Previous editions Amendments Explanatory notes 9) the technical secretary of the Normenausscnud Wasserwesen (Water Practice Standargs Gommites! 2) the technical secretary of te Normenausscnud Fohre, Rohrverbindungen und Rotviewungen (Pipes Pipe voints and Pipelines Standards Commnttes) The decision of the committee will be based en whether ot fot the requirements specifies here regarding safety. per formance. etc. are satstied in some other manner than inat provided for in the stangara, Recognition of conformity By the spacial committee is not etteciive until itas been confirmed by the Tachnical Com- mittee responsiole for ths stancarg, [An application for recognition of conformity with this stanc- ard ie deemed to be a request for slancardization. Pecog, hition by the special committee signifies the acceptance of this request. Notification of such will be ghvea in tho Di Muteiungen (DIN News). together wath a note to the effect that a revised edition of the standard is to be pubishee Under the abridged procedure. ifn objections are received ‘uring the four-week period allowed for comments, then the contumation of cantormity gwen by the Techies! Com- mutee 1s taken 35 aporoval of this revised ection Addrosses of test houses may be obtained from: a) Normanausscnull Gastechmk (Gas Stanaaras Comanttee), Mauptote, 31-7 Eschborn ) OVGW Deutscher Veron ges Gas- und Wasser facnes 2,V.. Postiscn $2440, 0-65727 eecnborn Technolegy 0-65760, 2 Concepts For acaitional concepts, see ine DIN 59900 sexies ana in 50928. 24 Primer A layer between the protective materiai and its subst [metal surace or pipe coating) 24.1 Primers containing solvents Primers which may contain petroleum jelly. Bitumen, plas- tic. rubber, or asin, as well as adaiives and organic sol- vents 2.1.2 Solventiess primers Primers which may contain petroleum jelly, bitumen, plas- tic, rubber, oF resin, as well as single~ oF multi-component additives (a.g. nardeners or accelerators), Dut co not con- 2.2 Wrapping tape For the purposes of this standard. wrapping tape is ar adhesive tape wrapped aroun buried or underwater pi to provide long-term corrosion protection against aggres- sive soll or water enviconments. The mast common types at Corrasion protection wrapping tape are described below 2.2.1 Petroleum jelly tape ‘Tape comprising a synthetic flore non-woven mat or woven fabric core impregnated with a petroleum jelly mixture anc 2 plastic film layer applied to one sige, 2.2.2 Bitumen tape ‘Tape having a glass fiore or synthetic fibre reintorcement (fabric or mat) that is covered on bath sides with bitumen 223 Plastic tapes Plastic tapes have one or more layers: normally, 0% of the plastic material used is polymeric (not including filers) 2.23.1. Plastic tape with plastic core A plastic stip with one or both sides coated with plastic material, The use of recycied material for the core is not permitted. although reworked material may de added as, ong as itis of the same type as the original materia 2.23.2 Plastic tape with fapric cove A tape having either a woven fabric core of synthetic ot {glass flores ora synthetic fibre mat core that is then coatec (on one or Doth siges with plastic 22.3.3 Plastic tape without a core ‘Tape that may have a plastic intermediate layer (that nev- ertheless does not function as a core) with a thickness UD 0 0,35 mm, this layer serves to Keep the tape from over- streiching curing processing, 2.9 Heat shrinkable material Heat shrinkable material may be in the form of sieaving sheathing, tubing (with er without fasteners} or moulcee pieces. The material consists of a cross-linked plastic ‘more than £03 of which is polymenc (not including files). Heal shninkapie material may contain syathatic oF glass finres ana can be uncoated or coated on one side. or the purposes of this standard, not-workable patching ‘maternal 1s alse considered a5 heat shankable materia uncoated heat shrinkable matenal is usec. 3 suitable Blast ungeriay shall be provided. together win a primer wnere necessary 2.4 Filler putty Mastic materal for smootning out uneven spots and noles 450 that the protective material can be apoied without Yords. spits or other eiscontinuties ————— Pages DIN 20672-1: 1991-08 2.5 Protective system or the purposes of this standard, ‘protective system’ r fers to corrosion protection wrapping tape or heat shrink. able materal (ing, sleeving, ete.) applied in one or mors layers to pipes, using primers anc Tiler putty where neces sary. The inner layers of wraps narmally Serve to protect the surlace of the pipe tram carrasion, while the cuter ayers Niet only enhance the protective quality of the inner layers bout also serve as protection against external mecha stresses, 2.8 Patching material Tape. neat-shrinkaole or hot-workable material uses ‘repair defects n pipe coatings applies at works (c!. OvGW Meriblatt (OVGW Cade of practice) GW 14), It necessary, rimer andier filer puty is used to smooth out rough 2.7 Pipes ‘or the purposes of this standard, the tarm ‘pipe’ refers not nly to pipe sections, but also to all ancilary equipment such as fittings, valves, atc. 2.8 Socket joints See the DINZ3E01 series, CIN 28603 and DIN 2560 for more information on pushin and screwed socket jcints 2.8.1 Push-in socket joint Joint in piping fermed by pushing a spiget through a gasket and then into a ce 2.8.2 Screwed socket joint Joint in piping formed by a spigat‘anc socket, sealed by ying pressure to the gaskel by screwing on a metal ng 2.9 Tensile strength Force per unit wicth required to tear the material 2.10 Peel strength Force per unit width required to pee! a pi Under test away trom ite suastrat 2.11 ‘Indentation hardness Resistance of ine material 0 inaentation wnen siruck by an ‘ncenter under detined test conaitions, ex residual thickness sec as ne 2.12 Impact strength ‘he energy absorbed by the material when subjected to impact testing 2.19. Shear strength ‘The force required to cause shearing in the wterface OF ‘wean the material under test ana iis suostrate 2.44 Resistivity The electrical resistance of ine material under test per unit Pages * IN 30673-1:1991-09 2.15 Warking temperature range Temperature ange within whien the materiais covered by this standard (ineluding primers, filer putty, ete) can be applied without impaiang their performance. 3. Designation ignation of a wrapping tape in accor standard, of s-28s class C and fer use at service tures up to 50°C: Wrapping tape DIN 30672 -C- 50 Designation of heat shrinkable materai to be apoliec to socket jolts, of siress class 5 and for use at service tems peratures up to 30°C. Heat shrinkable material DIN 30672 -8-30M “4 Requirements oe 4.1. Materials Unless otherwise stated, the following requirements apoly to matenals in the a8 delivered condition (ve. matenais Used for primers, wrapaing tapes and patching material) of after unrestricted shninkage (heat-shrinkable material 4.14 Thickness Tha minimum thickness of petroleum jelly tapes shall be + mm, that for bitumen tapes shall b¢ 4mm. The thickness of plastic tapes and heat shrinkable material (as delverec) Shall be at the manulacturer's oiscretion. For materials to be applied in more than one layer. tne manulacturer ig t0 stale the Pominal thickness of layer: however, only the thicknesses specified acove ar required 4.1.2 Tensile strain at break juhen tasting in accordance with subclause 5.4.2. ine ten Zale stain at break of tapes and heat shrinkable materia shall be at east 250% of the original gauge length. This Fequrement applies only to plastie tapes without 2 tare core ang tbre-Iree neat shnnkapie material 41.3 Tensile strength 41.3.1 Wapping tage and fibre wes tasting in accordance with sudciause ¢plastic {ape with 4 plastic core and hbreslres neat shrinkage ma tenay or aubelause «ape contaning a fibre car, # onsite strangtn shall be at least 30 per 19 mm cin Ths requirement does not apy 10 piaste ‘apes without 2 Heat snankagle matenal containieg Hbres when tasting in accordance with subciause ine fensile strength of heat shrinkable material containing f+ ‘res shall be at least 2000 N. a 4.1.4 Saponification number Wihen tested in accordance with supclause 5.4.4, cores and Uncoated heat snninkable material snail have a saponitica- tion number no greater than 10mg KOM per gram ol intial ‘Ihe saponification number of primers, filler sutly and max tenals other than those used in coras shat be no greater than 25 mg KOH 2er gram of intial mass. For primers. this value applies to the dry mass. LUnesated naat errinkable maters! and plastic tapes with cores that ca nc: comply with the requirements specilied here are deames 10 Den accordance with this standard i the reauvements given in subciause 1.5.2 4.15 Rasistance to accelerated ageing Ageing @t elevated temperatures This subclause oes not apoly to petroleum jelly taces, piumen tapes of plastic tapes without a core ‘when testing in accordance with suoclause (ve. at the temperatures specttied in table 1), ne tensile strain at break ane tensile strength values recorced after ageing for 100 days shall enange by ro more tnan 25% when com= pared to the values ootained before againg {.2. in accord: ance with subclauses 5.4.2 and 5.4.3), ‘The ratio of the values measured after ageing for 100 days to those measurse aller ageing for 70 gays shal be no less man 0.8. Ageing with immersion in a sodium hydroxide solution ‘This subclause azolies only to heat shrinkable material and plastic tapes with cores nat complying with subelause When testing in accordance with subclause $.4.5.2. the tensile strain at Sreak and tensile strength values recordee after ageing in a sodium nydroxice solution for 100 aays Shall change by no more than 25% when compared to the values oblaines Setore ageing (i.e, in accordance with subelauges 5.4.2 and 5.4.3) ‘The ratio of tie values measured after ageing for 100 days 9 those measured alter ageing for 70 days shall be noless than 0.8 ‘Table 1; Conditioning temperatures for accelerated ageing tests Conawioning temperature ee at Service temperatures [vp t0.90°C | uptos0c 50°C 79°C J Seensante mace aneinkage) | cores. t Uncoated heat snemkagle matenal fatter unrestricted 1ankage) 4.1.6. Structure of fibre cores When tested as described in subelause 5.4.6, the woven fabric or non-woven mate used as cores for wrapping tapes shall meet the requirements gwen in table 2. Table 2: Requirements for fibre cores Minima | mass | ‘fibres per "ye of core tans Simhat foe woven ove | 100 | 60 Swanate fore nen-waven mat | 100 | = Gis fore woven tapney | 2009 | 30) | 1) No righ han HGS case as clare tre manwactren 5) tar calcaton, feast 180 g/m 3 Gritoaounie noes, These requirements do not apply to fabric oF mats that are adged to a plastic core as reinforcement. 4.1.7 Flow rebistance of petroleum jelly tapes when tested as in subclause §.4.7.thejlly ofthe petroleum Jelly tape under test shail not drip oF flow. 4.2. Applied protective systems ‘The following requirements do not apply to areas of patches directly covering filer putty Used 10 fil notes, voids, pinholes, ete, 4.2.1. Indentation hardness When testing in accordance with table 3 and subciause 5.5.1. the resicual thickness of the material at ihe incerta tion shal be atleast 1.5 mm for petroleum jelly ane bitumen tapes. and at least 0.6mm fer plastic tapes and heat shrinkable material Table 3: Test forces for indentation hardness testing Protective system | Test force per unit area, of svess class, Io Nene a [ 8 ce 10 4.2.2. Impact strength man tested in accordance with tablet ane subeiause 5.5.2, the applied protective matenal shat! b2 santnvous 2. tare shall be no breakdowns when examining te seecimen with nigh voltage equipment Table 4: Impact energy for impact testing a Pages IN 30672-1:1995-08 4.2.9 Peel strength Strengtn betw n matarial and substrate The foilowing requirements do not apply te petroleum jelly tapes. cordance with subclause §.5.3.1, the ween the material and its substrate (snetal surface cr pipe coating) shall mest at least the requires ments given in table 5 ba no more than 259 lower 8 The ratio of the values measured after ageing fer 100 days to those measured after ageing far 70 days shall not be less than 0 Strength between layers of tape or heat shrinkable material ‘The following requirements do net apply te petrcleum jelly ang oitumen tapes. ‘when testing in accordance with subciause §.6.3.1, the pee! strength between layers of tape or neat shrinkable Taterial snall mest at least the requirements giver in ta Values for materials subjected to ageing for 100 days shail be no more than 25% lower than the values specified in rable s. ‘The ratio of the values measured after ageing for 100 days to those measured after ageing for 70 days snall not be less Table 5: Requirements for peel strength") Peal svengtn ia N per 10. wit, tortmataale of sass class Rea ye Test temperatura in °C 2 [50 | 23 | 80 Between material rT and subetrat ; Matera and | | metalic surface”) aja a poli at warns") e}efele] Between layers of | | | Imermontioves) fs | fas | Outer layerts) ang | toner layer) ale a Svaraye of heat j 1 Shankable material a |e a Setormest yes Pi 33 Dees not opiy o petroleum ey tapes ) For btumen tapes wth a peel strength not greater than 8N per TO mm wine a resided layer Sa that eat feast 1.6 mm tuck shall remain the pe Suiface ater testing “Boas not apply to bitumen tapes i a | 3 L 3 c : 18 4.2.4 Shear strength Materials intended fer use at service ter tures up to 50°C. \winen testing in accordance witn subelause $.5.4.1 (wrap tng tape) or subctause (neat shankable material the shear strengin snail be at least § N/cm* pera Pages IN 30672"1: 1991-09 4.24.2 Puithing material ‘When tesiing in accordance witn subclause, the shear strength shall be at least 25 Nicm" 4.2.5 Continuity ‘when testes in accordance with subciause 5.5.5, tne sur- face of the protective system shall be continuous (2. tee ‘of pinholes, etc.) This requirement is deemed to be iuifilec ino breakdowns occur during testing 4.2.6 Resistivity When tested in accordance with subclause 5.5.6, the resis tity shall meet at least the requirements given in table 6 ‘Table 6: Resistivity Resistivity, Protective systems | ri of sess class neces | © I ry ratio of the resisvty measured ater seating tor ro days to mat measured atte testing or 70 cays shalt be + noviess tan 6." fine later valve Is ony ten times the ™ former vate, attr the materials removed, there snall be no wai sign of rusting onthe pipe surface (a sight ci: Salorton may Be proves). 4.2.7 Resistivity of materials applied to socket joints Wen tested in accorcance with subclause 5.5.7, material applied to socket joints snail mest the requirements for resistivity specitieg for stress class C in tableS and subclause 4.2.6 5 Testing The limit aviation for al conditioning and testing periods 9, that for test temperatures is =2 K. 5.1 Test houses 4 suociause 1.2 regarding recognizes test houses cert Tied for ine tasting of corrosion protection wrapping tape ang neat stvinkable material 5.2 Types of tests See OVGW-Arbeutsblatt (OVGW Coce ol pr ‘es types, : 5.3. Samples and documentation 5.3.1 Samples AAs needed. ne manutacturer shall supply the test house wth at feast three rolls Gt 20 cm wide bitumen tape. or six ‘olis of plastic or petroleum jelly tape with a Scm widtn. oF fen pieces of heat shrinkable material for pipes with a {50 mm external diameter and en pieces of heat shrinkable material for pipes with a 110 mm external diameter. When matenal forthe corrosion protection of socket joints 1s to be: tested, the manulacturer is t0 provide three GOO mm long Eee! Joint assembiies of DN 100 pipes with a type 8 socket joint accordance with sudciause 2.2.1 of OIN 28608 (Le. with 12 socket depth equal to (115 = 10} mm): the joint shall be Straignt ang shall be covered with the material under test 5.3.2 Manufacturer's documentation The manufacturer's instructions for the application of tne materials shal be provided in German in tripicate, When testing tape with a glass fibre core, the tape manutacturer is to Supaly a dectaration by the glass fibre manutacturer Stating that the glass used is of a hydrolytic resistance grat Class no higher than HGS 3, Manufacturers of tapes and heat shrinkable matenal are to provide proof that their materials are compatible with any pipe coatings. 5.4 Testing materials Prior to testing, neat shrinkable material shall be subjected to unrestricted shrinkage according to the manuiacturer's instructions (e.g. by conditioning the matenalin an oven for 435 minutes at 130°C). 5.4.1 Thickness Five specimens at least 50 mm long shall be taken from tree different rells orsmoulced pieces and their thickness measuree mecnanicaty (€.9. using callers), The thick: hess of petroleum jelly and bitumen tapes shall be meas- lured to an accuracy of 0.1 mm and that a plastic tapes and heat shrinkable material to an accuracy of 0.01 The thickness of textured material may be gerived from the mass per unit area, 5.4.2. Tensile strain at break Test specimens which will be subjected to accelerated ageing as in subclause 5.4.5 may be conditioned for one hhour Before testing in accordance with ths subelause The tensile strain at break of plastic tapes (without a fibre core} and fibre-tree heat shrinkable matenal shall be tested tn accordance with DIN EN ISO 527-1 using type $ spec meng ag in DIN EN !SO 527-3. Ten spacimens shall be cut Tongitudinally trom three citferent rolls (for tapes) or cut along the circumference of three different units {for heal shrinkable materia). See table 7 for gauge lengths and t ing speeds. Ouring tasting there shall be no breaks autsice of the gauge langtn. Fer plastic tape specimens, the plastic matsrai covering the core may be removed Iram tne ends of ihe specimen to facaltate snpping 5.4.3. Tensile strength Specimens wnicn will be subjected to accelerated ageing ab i sudelause 5.4.5 may De conditioned lor one nour Delore periorming tensile strength testing. See table 7 lor gauge lengins ang testing speeds 54.3.1 Tape with plastic core and tibre-tree neat stink able material Carry out testing in accordance with DIN EN ISO 527-1 us- tng ten type $ specimens as in DINEN ISO 527-3, cut as Gescnbed in subciause 5.4.2 ‘unng testing tnere snall Beno breaks outsice of the gauge length. For plastic tape specimens, the plastic mater ‘covering the core may De removed Irom the ends of the Specimen to facilitate gripping, Cel Page? DIN 20672-1:1991-09, ‘Table 7: Parameters for tensile strain at break and tensile strength testing Type of specimen Type specimen as in OINEN ISO 527-3 Strips (et subclause (ct. subclauses 5.4.2 and §.4.3.1) Gauge lena, in mm 25 sa Testing speed, in mmvmin 200 I 50 Speci | 5p depen flange Ly ST Figure 1: Assembly for testing the ten Tape witn fabric or mat core Perform testing in accordance with DIN EN 180 $27-1 us- specimens in the form of 50 mm x 180 mm strips cut from tnreeaifferent ros along the longitudinal axis. Ensure that no slippage occurs by tightening the grips accordingly. Heat shrinkable material with fibres Cary out testing on ten circular specimens ct a 97 mm diameter, cut fom three aitferent units Clamp specimens in an apparatus as shown in figure Press the ball and the specimen against each otner at arate of 200 marvmin until the specimen tears. 5.4.4 Determining the saponification aumber Cores of tapes anc material used 10 coat heat-shrinkable ‘material shall be tasted separately ‘The saponification number snail be determined in accord- ance with OINS34i01. Filles shall be tested separately, since some filer materiais have an erroneously high s3- Ponification number when tested and since the filer mate- fal used is atten unknown, ‘To separate files from the material, use one of the follow sng methods, Motnod A: Hot fitration Dissolve (4 = 0.01)9 of the material in 100 mi ef a sotvent (e.g. toluene) by neating. Tren, fiter te solution, i neces: sary using a heatable funnel. Rinse the residue twice, using 25 mi of tne neated solvent for each rinse US Lower flange ‘Stee! ball, polished 025203 strength of heat shrinkable material containing fibres Method B: Extraction Place (4 + 0,01)g of the material ang 150ml of a suitable Solvent (e.g. toluene) into a Soxhlet extractor with 70 ml capacity ang a 250 mi round-bottomed flask. Continue @x- ‘eacting until the mass of the extract in the thimble, oven- dried at 180°C, remains constant, Method ¢: Centrifugation Put | 0,03) g of the material into a centrifuge tube, add a suitable solvent (e.g, toluene) anc then place the tube in a water of sand bath. Accelerate the dissolution by stirring with a glass stirrer. Carry out centritugation once the mate- fais fully dissolved, and decant the clear centnfugate, Mix some of the solvent into the resicue, warm the mixture, subject it once more to cenintugation and then decant tne clear centrifugate again. Make up the solution to 150 mi Adding solvent to the final centifugate To determine the sapenitication number, add SOmi ppropan-2-6l and (25 + 0.03) ml of a0,1 moll ethanolic po- {assim hydroxide solution to the filer-tree solution and heat to boiling witn backtlow for 30 minutes. Then, preter ably with the adaition of 25 ml water, cool 10 23°C using 2 0.1 molt etnanolic nyarochioric acid solution. Back-titrate the excess potassium hydroxige using a combination elec: Wode or a single glass electrode. The end point is reached at a BH value of 10,5. The use of a motorized. piston-oper- ated burette which is synchronized with a pH recording device is recommended. Use blank testing to determine the amount of potassium hydroxide consumed by the added Pages IN 30672" 1991-09 ‘The sapoaifigation number. VZ, expressed in mg KOH/g. is to be caleulated using the Following equation: ctHCH ig the concentration of the hydrechione ‘acid solution, in mov, V, ig the nydrochloric acid consumed sung Dlank testing, in mi; 1, is the hydrochloric acid consumed curing testing, in mi: Eig the initial mass. in g 5.4.5 Resistance to accelerated ageing Ageing at elevated temperatures Accelerated ageing is performed on slastic tape with a core nd on heat shrinkable material. After ageing. tape with a plastic core and neat shrinkable material without ‘ores Shall be testec for tensile sirain at bresk and tensiie strength; tape witha fibre core and heat shrinkable ma:era wth ores shall be tested for tensile strength ony. First, obtain tensite strain at oreak values for 20 specimens nator tensile strength values for 20 specimens. as ce bed in subciauses 5.4.2 and 6.4.3, respectively Yfen, carry out aceeleraied ageing in accordance with + DIN 59508 im an oven with natura ar ciculation at the tem- eratures listed in table 1; some specimens will be ages for Fo ays. some for a 100 cay periog ‘ter ageing, condition the specimens for at least 48 hours in DINS001S~29/50-2 standard atmosphere anc ther once again test the tensile strain at break (as In suDctause 5.4.2) and/or tensile strength (as in subelause 5.4.3) Againg with immersion in a sodium hydroxice selution This testis to be performed only on uncoated heat shrink able materal ang plastic tapes not complying with the re- Guirements specified m subclause 4.1.4. After ageing. pias- tc tape with 2 plastic core and fibre-tree neat shrinkable material shal be tested for tensile strain at break anc ten- ile strength; plastic tape with a fibre core and heat shrink able material with fibres shall be tested for tensile strengin ony, “ Freely suspend 20 specimens as in subciause $.1.2 Wer tensile strain at break testing) and 20 as in subclause $4.3, "ortensile strength testing) ia 0," mol/l sodium hyeroxice A ptignand men neat at 50°C. For each ype atest tense + “Blain at break or tensile strength), remove ten specimens alter 70days and the remaining ten specimens atter 100 cays. Each time, the specimens shall be ninsea tn istilea water and’ suspenced ia cistiled water for hours at 29°C, Atler ageing, concition the specimens for a! least 48 nours ‘DIN 0014 ~ 23/50-2 stangara atmespnera ane tnen tex: the tanzile strain at Dreak a¢ ne suBciause 5.4.2 and to steangen as in sunclause 5.4.3 5.4.8 Structure of fibre cores Remove cates for testing. First. count the numper of Her er 100mm. Then, determine the mass per unit area Dv ‘aigning specimens wiin a gwen area; Sefore waigning, ccalemate glass fabric wm accoreance with ISO 1867. ar cry Synmneic fibre fabric for two nours at 1C0°C. ang then son: ‘iten for 24 naurs in DIN SO0ts - 23,50-2 stancarc atmes- phere, Since ine hydrolyue resistance grain class can only o8 ‘etermined for glass grains wiih a size of 0.315 mm zo 0.3mm and not for ine fabric seit, tne requirements o: subclause 4.1.6 are notmally deemed tuitiied when a manufacturer's dactaration 18 provided. In cases of doubt. the manufacturer to supply a glass sample prepared in accordance with ctause 6 of 1S0719 and the hydralytic resistance grain class isto De determined using the method Gescribed inerein. 5.47 Flow resistance of petroleum jelly tapes Suspend three 180 mm « 50.mm specimens of petroleum jelly tape in aie ane concition them for 48 hours at S0°C. “Then, cnack for avicence of flowing or crisping, 5.5. Testing applied protective systems 5.5.1 Indentation hardness Wrapping tape Following ine manufacturer's instructions. apply the pro- tective system le.9. ‘a5 and primer) to a ‘iat stee! plate covering an area of a! least 80 mm 50 mm. Condition the Ssoecimen fer one Neue atthe test temperature and then use the agpropriate test force specified in table 3 to Dring 3 Cylinerical nardmetal indenter witha lapped suriace in san- with tne specimen without vioration or shock. ADpIv T2hours and nen use a DIN S7E-A dial gauge the thickness of the material at the indentation to an accuracy of 1/100.mm, ‘The test temperature shall be 23°C; when testing materials cesigned for seruice twmperatures up to S0°C. testing shall be at 50°C. a ‘Three tests shall de performed: ifthe requirements are not met Guring one of the tests. three additional specimens are fo be tested, wneraoy the requirements are to be me! dur Ing each test Table 8 gives the cimensions ané mass of indenters. “Table 8: Dimensions and mass of indenters for indentation hardness testing area ot | stress class| O'ameter. | contact | Mass, iomm |) suttace. | inkg a 113 oo | Os 8 113) oo | 10 c 18 2s 128 Haat shrinkable maternal Foilowng she manulacturer's instructions, apply the heat ainkabie materia! 19 a '00mm long DN 100 pipe section including any jemting systems, where necessary}, the Cov ‘#23 shall Ow 3! least SO mm wide. Materal m a0 ‘not 19.09 spirally wound around the pipe Tren. carey Toren fou! testing 28 19 subelause §.3.".1 5.5.2 Impact strength Following the manulacturer's nstructions, apply the peo fectua ayatany t0 89 tested (including primers. fagencr’ 3G) t@ 2. ON ICO iba Section. Material m step form shal nat be spirally wound around tne pe fom a neignt of abeut 1m, and without tnetion. deep a 25:mm aiamoter call ento tne sneeimen: the draction ofa in 19 be peroendicular to the specimen surface. Make sur ine specimen ss supported so that i does not yield unger the wmpact of the faling weight. The test temperatare sat! tbe 23°C, the impact energy as in tabie 4. ang te uncer tainty of measurement no more than 5%, The distance between points of imoact shall be at least 30mm. The test shail encompass 30impacts: after each impact, continuity shall be tested 35 descnbed in subclause 5.5.5. 5.5.3. Peel strength Strengtn between material and sunstrate Specimens shall be as follows: 2) ON 100 pipée with a 100 mm fengtn ang surtaces of stdndard preparation grade Sa 2! as in DIN S8923-1 covered with the protective material as folows 2.1) 9 specimens snail be provides win material in tengad for use at service temperatures up to 30°C. 2.2) 12 specimens shall be provided with matenat ‘tended for use at service temperatures up 10 80°C. b} ON 100 aipes of 100mm length and a coating sup~ plied at works, coverec with the protective material 33 follows: bl) 3 specimens snail be provided with material in tended for use at service temperatures up to 20°C. 5.2) 6 soecimens shail be proviced with materia in- tendea for use at service temperatures up to S0°C. ‘Specimen preparation ‘The material under test shallbe appliee 10 the pipes follow ing the manufacturer's instructions: tapes are act to ‘spirally wound. Figure 2: Peel strength testing device {ct O1N 30674-1), Pages OWN 30672-1:1991-09 First, condition all assembled specimens for seven days at 23°C. Then, age twee specimens each as ina, Vand a3) for ‘0 days and tree specimens each a¢ in ai) and a2} for 100 days (see table | for temperatures); follow with condi. tioning for feast 48 hours in DIN $0014 ~ 22/50-2 standard atmospnere Test temperatures shail be as follows: 3 spacimens each as in a.) 2.2) B.1) and b, ‘9 specimens each as in a.2) and b.2}: 80°C. All specimens which have undergone accelerated ageing 235 described above shail be tested at 23°C. Test procedure First, cut into the material uncer test through to the pipe surface. cutting along the circumference (e.g. using a dou" ble-bladed saw with a S0'mm clearance between blades). Then, cut a SOmm wics ang 20mm lang portion of the material away from the supstrate without comeietely re: al Pull this piece away from the substrate ‘ale of 100 mmimin using the device shown in figure 2 Tasting at §0°C shall be conducted in a contcll erature chamber; in this ease. speck tioned at the test temperature for about ene hour grior to resting, Record the mean force required to pull away tne materia expressed in N per 10mm width, cisragarding the force required to pull away the first and last 20 mm of the mate- fal. Values whlen are more than 259 lower than those eg in table 5 shall be ignored when determining the uss fer each 20mm section. it the raquirements are not met during one of the tests, six ‘more specimens are to be tested, whereby the require ‘ments are to be met during each test 2re. Strength between layer Specimens shail be as follows: tapes 12) 9 spacimens of material intehee temperatures up to 30°C; ) 12 specimens of material in temperatures up to 50°C. ‘Specimen preparation for use at service 10d for use at service With the aghesve side down, place a20 to $0 mmwide anc 200mm long strip of tne material whien wil De. the Underlayar of tne protective system on a piece of silican Paper and then apply to a support with a smooth, ever surlace (e.g. a glass plate). Lay an equally-sizea sirp of the materia which will be the upper layer of the protective sys tem on tne lower sttip. Cover with a heauy steal plate that hhas atleast a 2 mm thick layer of microceliviar rubber en ils lncersiae, and subject the specimen assembly to afoad of 4 Nom. Condition assemblec specimens for seven cays at 23°C ang then remove the sikeon paver. Age three specimens each as in a) and 6) lor 70 cays and three specimens each as ina) and D) for 100 days (see table 1 for temperaturesr: tollow with concitionng for at 48 nours in GIN $001 ~23/50-2 standarc atmos Test temperatures shall be as follows: B specimens each as in a) and b) 29°C 3 specimens as in B}: $0°C. |All specimens whicn nave undergone accelsratec ageng 35 described above shail be tested at 23°C Test procedure Te determine tne peel strengin between layers, take one land of ine upper layer anc earalully peal away from the lower layer along 2 lengin of about 20mm, Then. peel an equal length of tne lower layer away trom the plate. Place the end of each strip in the gras of the tensile testing ma chine ang continue paaiing at a rate of 100 mmvmvn. Page 10. « DIN 30672:1: 1991-08 a —rt—‘—O™_O_ ey Strength between layers of heat shrinkable material yecimens snall be as follows: 8) Specimens of materia! intended for use at service temperatures up to 30°C; D) 12 specimens of material intendad tor use at service temperatures up to 50°C. Specimen preparation Following the manufacturer's instructions, apoly two layers of the neat shrinkable matenal to sections of DN 100 pipes that have been covered with silicon paper (fr ease of sepa. ration). Aker conditionng fer 24nours in OIN 50014 ~29/50-2 Standard atmosphere, remove material from the pipe and ut into 20mm wide strips ‘Age three specimens each as in a) and 8) for 70 days anc three specimens each as in a) and b) for 100 cays (see “hie t for temperatures): follow with conditioning for least \Urours in BIN 50014 ~ 25/50-2 standard atmosghare. Test temperatures shall be as follows: 3 specimens each as in a) and bj: 23°C: 3 specimens as in b): 50°C. All specimers which have undergone ac 48 described above shal! be tested at 23°C, Test procedure Carry out testing as specified in subclause lerated ageing 5.8.4 Shear strength Wrapping tape ‘This test only applies to materials ntended for use at serv- ice temperatures up to 50°C. Foltowing the manufacturer's instructions, apply the mate= tial under test to six steel plates (160 mm long, 20 to SO mm wide, with surtaces of stancara preparation grade Sa 2! a8 In DIN'$5928-s), three of which are to have been provided with a coating recommended by the manufacturer, Leave {an overiay of the material at ope end for clamping, Condi- tion the assembled specimens under a foad o! 1 Nicm® for days at room temperature are testing, carefully separate the applied material trom “Tne substrate So that the effective shear length is 20 mm, Carry out testing at 50°C: concition the specimens at the test temperature for ene hour prior to testing, Record tne torce required to pull the materia along an axis Paralol to ine substrate (metal surface or pipe coating) at rate of 10 mnvmin. The shear sivengin 1s the mean ol te highest lorces recorded, expressed in Niem" Haat shankable matena! (or service tempera tures up t0 50°C) ang not-workable patcring matecal Following the manulacturnr’s instructions, apply the mate: "al unger test to sux steal plates (100 mim long, 20 t0 $0 mm \wiae, with surtaces of stancard preparation grace Sa 2's. 'n DIN 55928-, three of which are to have been proviged win a coating recommences by the manufacturer, The applied system is to nave the same thickness as it wil ia service. Lay a second plate on the first so that the plates ‘overlap by 20mm: trim any excess material Irom the sides, Condition the assembled specimens accoraing to the manufacturer's instructions. Testing shall be as in subelause 5.5.5 Continuity Continuity shail be tested using commercially available high voltage equipment as in OINVOEO433-2. The test voltage shall be 5 KV plus 5 KV for avery 1 mm thickness of the material, but no more than 25 KV. The electrode (e.g. ‘metal brush) shall 98 i9 contact with the coating surtace since any gaps would produce false results. Specimens shall be as In suuciause 5.5.6, 55.6 Resistivity Following the manufacturer's instructions, apply the mate rial under test 10 three pipes with surfaces of stancara preparation grace Sa 2% as in DIN'S5926-4. The test su face shall be at least 0.03 m* and shall be tested for sont ruily as specifies in sudclause 5.5.5, The test medium shall be a.0.1 mol/l sodium chloride solu- ion, The test apparatus shall comprise @ counter-clectroce vith a suctace area of at least 10cm adic. source with an Output ef at least 50 V, an ammeter and a voltmeter immerse the spacimens in the test mecium for a total of 100 days at 23°C. using one of the methods described below, 8) Place the specimen horizontally in a plastic con tainer having sice openings of a suitable site. Seal te space between the container walls and the specimen with a nen-concustive material. Then, pour in the te medium, cavenng'ne specimen by at least 10 mn, b) Seal one end of the specimen to be tested with @ on-concuctive material so that the steel surface coes ot come in contact with the test medium. Place the Specimen vertically in a vessel containing the test me- ium, For testing, the specimen may be removed from the me: dium and wetted with an electroiyte solution Test procedure Connect the positive pole of the dc. source to the speci- ‘men and the negative pole to the counter-electrode, The voltage shail be applied only during measurement fie. once during the first ten days, once after 70 days and once ater 100-daysy; measurement results can be recorded as x 4s the voltage has been applied for one minute Resistivity, r,, expressed in Q r,s given by the following equation, 's the voltage between tne counter-slectrode fang the specimen. in V: f the test surtace, in a’ 1s the current flowing through the material. in A S isthe area The current tlawing through the d.c. source is equivalent to tat Hlowing tnrough the material aniy i there i itie or AS leakage along the surtace between the material ana the lee! pipe ends. Leakage current earthing comotying with Din VDE 0903-3 shall be providee, if necessary 1 the resistivity crops below the avnimum valves speciiac in table 6 curing the frst ten days of testing. repeat tne test on three new specimens. If the Fesistvily of one of ne new soecimens drops below tne specilied value, the specimen nas faileg the test After the test has been completed (.. alter 100 days), take tne specimens out of the vessel, remove the matevat tom the pipes ang examine the pipe sutlace for any signs of rusting 5.5.7 Resistivity of heat shrinkable material applied to socket joints Specimens shall be joint assemblies of ON 100 pipes with 2 type B socket joint in accordance with subclause 2.2.1 of OIN 28603 .c. with a socket depth equal to (115 = 10) mms the pipe sections in the joint snail be in contact with one another so that they are conductive. Following the manu- facturer’s instructions, cover three specimens with the heat shrinkable material to be tested and then condition for 2arnours at room temperature, with the jomt being in the ‘same position that it will be in during service. Determine the coating resistivity as In eubclause 5.5.6, except tat ihe resistivity shall be measured after 24 hours arate of 30 mm per minute, pull the joint assembly apart ‘by 30mm and push it Back in again to a point 20 mm past the original position, Repeat this cycle ten times. Finally, bring the socket joint back into tne original position ane redetermine the resistivity as in subclause 5.5.6, excect that the test period ie only 24 hours. ‘Then, detect the joint assembly in either direction to an angie of 3", at arate of 1" per minute. Repeat this procedure five mes, Attar returning to the orginal position, determine the coating resistivity once more, over a period of ‘00 days, 5.6 Test report ‘The tite of the test report shall clearly ingicate wnich tests ware performed. The report itself shall include: 2) the names of the manufacturer and client; b) date te manufacturer's documentation was re- ceived by the test house, In addition, the specified requirements and actual results for each test performed shall be listed. A summary of the essential findings shall be included at the end of the resort Standards referred to oIN2460 ‘Steel wate IN 28601-1 pipes A , Paget IN 30672-1:1991-09 6.1 Corrosion protection wrapping tape and heat shrink able material shall De marked with at least the following information: ‘a) manufacturer's name or trademark, ) type of material ©) designation as in clause 3: @) number of layers of the material when applied: 2) permissible temperature range for application, 4) _extent 10 wnich heat snrinkable material has shrunk {not required for mouiced pieces} rer's statement that material is compat- ings apglied at works, where applicable: hy DIN-OVGW test mark and registration number"; i) shetf te, fess tnan two years, ‘This information shal! be identical with the intormat tained In the manufacturer's documentation, 6.2 It snail be possibie to identify the intended use of ‘wrapping tapes and heat shrinkable material based on the {given type description, stress class anc number of layers, This information, together with the application instructions, Is to be provided by the manufacturer, including the service temperature and stress class for the entire protective system, ‘Screwed socket joints in gas and water ductile iron pressure pipelines - Assembly, sockets and screwed rings, in 28601-2 Ser on 28601-3, 86 socket joints in gas and water ductile iron pressure pipelines - Solted-gland flexible jomts and sealing rings Screwed socket joints in gas and water ductile iron pressure pipelines - Soltec-gland Hexible joints, bolts and nuts DIN 28603, Pushain joints in ductile icon pressure pipelines ~ Mating dimensions and mass on g0673 ‘Thermoset plastic coatings for buried steel pipes in 2067-1 Polyalhyiene coatings for ductile ron pipes - Requirements and testing ow 30675 externa ow soo14 crosi0n protection of Buried pipes ~ Covtosion protection systems for steel pipes “Arulical climates in techmieal applications ~ Standara atmosoneres ‘o1N 50900-1 Corrosion af metals ~ General concepts ‘inv 5090-2, Corrosion ot metals - Electracnemical concepts ‘1m 5090-3, Corrosion of metais ~ Concepts associated with carresion testing on soae3 Testing and assessment of corrosion protection of coated metalic materials in contact with aqueous corrosive media ins3401 Determination af saponification number IN sasog"* Accelerated ageing of rubber DIN 55928-4 Corrosion protection of steel structures by the application of organic or metallic coatings ~ Preparation and testing of surfaces DIN EN ISO 827-1 Plastics ~ General principles for thé determination of tenia properties (ISO §27-1:1993+Corr1:1994) DIN EN ISO 827-3 Determination of tensile properties of plastics ~ Test conditions for films and sreets (ISO 527-3:1995) 180 719:7985 Glass ~ Hydrolytic resistance of glass grains at 98°C = Mutha of test and classification 180 1887:1998, Textile glass ~ Determination of combustible-matter contant DIN VDE 0303-3 Testing of electrical insulating material DIN voE 0899-2 High-veltage generation and measurement ~ Veltage measurement using sphere gaps (one sphere earthed) OVvGW-Arbeirsbiatt G 669") Begingung und Verianren zur Eneilung des DIN-OVGW-Pritzeichens for Ereeugnisse in der Gasversargung (Procedure for awarding of the OIN-OVGW “egistered test mark for prouucts used in gas sucaly systems) OVGW-Aierkbiatt GW 14") ‘Ausbesserung von Fehistellen in Korrosionsschutzumnuilungen von Rahren aus Eisenwerkstotfen (Repairing corrosion protection coatings on steel and iron pipes) Measurement ot electrical resistance of non-metallic materials, “ther relevant standards 7 DIN 30670 Ei Polyethylene coatings for steel pipes and fitings in 30673 Bitumen coatings and linings for steel pipes. ftings and vessels iN 30674-1 Polyethylene coatings for ductile iron pipes - Requirements and testing in 30675-2 External corrosion protection of Duried pipes - Corrosion protection systems for ductile iron pipes in 30677-2 External corrosion protection of buried valves — Heavy-< in s0929-2 Probablity of corrosion of metallic materials when subjact to corrosion from the outside - Service components inside buildings DIN 50929-3, Provablity of corrosion of metallic materials when subject to corrosion trom she outside - Suned and underwater pipe- lines and structural components ty thermoset plastic coatings Previous editions 71N 90672: 09.76, 08.79. Yu Amendments ‘The following amencments have been made to the August 1979 aaition of DIN 20872, a) This standard now covers socket joint assemblies anu patching materais, 1b) The requirement for tensile strain at break has been raised to 250% 15) Parameters for testing peel strength nave been cha 4) Details ragarding the sacenification number ave bavn reviaed (et. Explanatory notes! 1) Heat agemng test parameters have been altered from Wirtscnatts- una Verlagsgesellscnalt Gus una Wasser mbH, Josel-Wirmer-Strae 1-3, 053123 Bona. « Page 13 Din 30672-1:7991-09 Explanatory notes Corrosion protection materials fr piping intended for use at service temperatures above 50°C will be covered by another standard (in preparation) ‘The saponification number requirement has been retained In the present ation of this standard because although gaoonifable substances are often also biodegradable, microbiological examination does not provide usetul data regarding Saponification, indeed. a raiable metnod for testing the resistance of corrosion protection wrapping tape ang heat shrinkable ‘material to mould growth has not yet been developed. ‘The saponification number is also of relevance 10 corrosion protection materials (e.g. cathodic systems) as regards the fesistance of such materials to hycrogen embritlement (due to hyeralvtie reactans, especially at pate hyaroxy! ions can oui ‘The requirement for the indentation hardness of plastic tape takes into consideraticn the known oxygen permeability af ine ateriais Tos! commonty used for the film cores of Such tape, namely polyethylene and outyl rubber. The requirements Speced for petroleum jelly and bitumen tapes are ikewisa based on practical experience witn the most commen materials [ef subciause 4.2.1) new materials are used, tneWr oxygen permeabilty must be taken into Consideration when assessing indentation naranase + ‘The condition anc history of pipe coatings applied at works can have an etect on the strength of the adhesive bond between Such evatings and corrosion protection wrapoing tape of Real shrinkable material applies later, Ifthe peel strength require ments species m table 3 are not met during testing, the extent to which thls falure se Gue to the characteristics of the pipe Coating snould be examines if tor export purposes, tne extent of cathodic distending is to be determined, testing shall be carried out in accordance with subclause 5.12 of DIN 30871 Requirements for resi fo Feliagie mi areas where tance to siress cracking, or crazing, have net been specified in this standard since there are ae yet ‘ods of testing this property in corrosion protection tape and heat srvinkable materials To increase the impact strength ang indantation hardness of the materials dealt with in this standard, special rot~esistant nats that 30 dot afect catnocie protection Gan be included in the corrosion protection system. Specifications for such mats

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