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A group of words which expresses a complete idea or thought is called a

He bought a car.

The above group of word expresses a complete idea. Such combination of

words is called a sentence.

Now, look at another group of words “book a read him”. This group of words
does not make a complete sense so it cannot be called a sentence.
A sentence is a combination of words including a subject and a verb which
express a complete idea. A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends
with a period, question mark or exclamation mark.
He goes to school.
She is eating an apple.
My name is John.
What are you doing?
Who are you?
What a beautiful flower!

Kinds of Sentence
There are four kinds of sentences.

Assertive or Declarative Sentence

A sentence that makes a statement or assertion is called an
assertive or declarative sentence. Assertive sentence ends with a
He goes to school
He likes to play chess.
They are singing a song.

Interrogative Sentence
A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative
sentence. Interrogative sentence ends with question mark.
Where are you going?
Do you use your laptop?

Imperative Sentence
A sentence that expresses a request, command or advice is called
an imperative sentence.
Open the door. (an order)
Please help me. (a request)

Exclamatory Sentence
A sentence that expresses strong feelings or emotions is called an
exclamatory sentence. These sentences express surprise, joy,
sorrow, appreciation, love excitement, frustration, anger etc. An
exclamatory sentence ends with exclamation mark.
What a beautiful flower it is!
How nicely she is singing!
That is fantastic!
Hurrah! We won the match!

Kinds of Sentences According to Structure

A sentence may consist of one clause (independent clause) or more clauses

(independent and dependent clauses). An independent clause is also called
main clause. A dependent clause is also called subordinate clause.

On the basis of numbers of clause and types of clauses present in a

sentence, sentences are divided in to four kinds.

Simple Sentence
A simple sentence consists of only one independent clause containing
a subject and a verb and it expresses complete thought. There is no
dependent clause.
“An independent clause (also called main clause) is called a simple

He laughed.
She ate an apple.
They are sleeping.
I bought a book.

Compound Sentence
A compound sentence consists of at least two independent
clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions. There is no dependent clause
in compound sentence. The coordinating conjunctions use to join
independent clauses are “for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so”. Independent
clauses can also be joined by a semicolon (;). A comma may or may not be
used before the conjunction in compound sentence.

I like an apple but my brother likes a mango.
I helped him and he became happy.
He failed two times yet he is not disappointed.
I asked him a question; he replied correctly.

Complex Sentence
A complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one
dependent clause joined by subordinating conjunction (because, although,
since, when, unless etc) or relative pronoun (that, who, which etc).

I met the boy who had helped me.
She is wearing a shirt which looks nice.
You can’t pass the test unless you study for it.
If a complex sentence begins with an independent clause, a comma is not
used between clauses in a complex sentence. If a complex sentence begins
with dependent clause then a comma is use after dependent clause in a
complex sentence. See the following example.

He is playing well although he is ill.

Although he is ill, he is playing well.

Complex - Compound Sentence

A complex-compound sentence consists of at least two independents and
one or more dependent clauses. It is also sometimes called compound-
complex Sentence.

1. He went to college and I went to a market where I bought a
2. I like Mathematics but my bother likes Biology
because he wants to be a doctor.
In the first sentence of above sentence, there are two independent clauses
“he went to college” and “I went to a market”, and one dependent clause
“where I bought a book”.

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