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Dear Concordia High School Families,

Concordia High School students and faculty have been overrun with the flu and other flu like symptoms.
Last Friday we had 18 students and 2 teachers out and today we have 35 students and 3 staff out. As of
the writing of this letter 29% of our student population is out sick.

Teaching classes has become difficult due to the number of absences and the ongoing make up work for
our students.

Today we have called a local doctor, the health department, the accreditation commission, administrators
at Lutheran and public schools, and TAPPS trying to gather enough information to make an informed
decision based on facts and respected recommendations. After weighing all the data we have decided that:

Concordia High School will be closed from Tuesday, January 30 to Friday, February 2. We will
resume school on Monday, February 5 (B day).

Note: We are still investigating whether these days will have to be made up.

1. Doctor’s Note: A doctor’s note must be provided to the school office if your student has been
absent in January due to the flu. We will NOT COUNT absences for flu due to the current
2. Grade Checks are being moved to Tuesday, February 6th. However, if a student had late work to
turn in. It should be emailed to the teacher. This particularly affects students for Mrs. Rader and
Mrs. Gideon.
3. Games & Practices: Since this closing is not weather related, we are allowing the sports teams to
practice and play games as long as your student has been fever free for at least 24 hours. Coaches
will be in touch with students and parents regarding the plan for each sport.
4. Fine Arts & Academic Teams: The drama team and Science Olympiad team may continue
practice also. Attendance should only happen if the student is healthy. Coaches will be in touch
regarding plans for practice.
5. Fever Free: A student should only participate if fever free for over 24 hours. A fever is classified
as 100 degrees or more.
6. Monitor Temperature and Symptoms: Before sending your student to any practice please take
your students temperature and check for any symptoms. If they exhibit even a low fever or have
a scratchy throat please be proactive and do not send them.

We continue to do all we can to encourage our kids and families about the importance of sleep, hand
washing, elbow bumps instead of handshaking, not sharing drinks, sneeze protocol and the expectation to
remain home with a fever.

The custodian, faculty and staff will be cleaning CHS and disinfecting desks, tables, chairs, computers,
etc. Floors will be vacuumed, mopped and disinfected.
ADDITIONALLY: More hand sanitizer stations will be added throughout the campus for parents,
students, faculty, and guests.


○ Cleaning chemicals used are Clorox, Lysol Spray, and Clorox 4 In 1 Spray.
○ We are purchasing disinfectant foggers for the classrooms, which will be used several
times during the remaining flu season, in the evening after school.

We appreciate your diligence in making sure that your children do not attend school with any flu
symptoms. Early detection of flu symptoms can prevent the spread of the virus. Early symptoms can
include fatigue, body aches and chills, cough, sore throat, fever, and gastrointestinal problems.
Please refer to this U.S. Department of Health and Human Services brochure from the Center for
Disease Control.
CLICK HERE: The Flu: A Guide for Parents

Thank you again for your continued prayerful partnership for our children and our school.
In Christ!

David Mueller
Executive Director
Concordia High School

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