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Wonder of wonders 2


This bouquet of poems is dedicated to my Grandfather who was one of the

main source of my interest in Nature and development of curiosity which
increased by leaps and bounds when I chose biology as a subject - each lesson
enhancing my sense of wonder about natural phenomena which were explained
so nicely by our good teachers, of botany and zoology in particular, that it went
on increasing day by day . .

Thereafter a gap of several years ensued but that interest resurfaced when
I got an opportunity to update my meager knowledge later on. However, when I
tried to do so it proved to be a Herculean task as there has been virtually an
explosion in various fields of science-particularly biology, and many new
disciplines have emerged - and along with them new wonders have come to

But with the active encouragement of my dear wife and sister coupled
with revival of interest in English poetry my little effort has bloomed in its
present form.

The idea here is to present proven scientific facts and theories in Verse
(rather than in prose ) form in a rhythmic and rhyming manner, in a simple
language, to make it interesting and intelligible even to those readers, of other
than science background , who were interested in scientific discoveries and
understanding of the ways of Nature.

For this purpose effort has been made to cull the latest and precise facts
from published works--encyclopedias , reference books and journals and to
explain the technical terms through foot notes and a glossary .

Another feature which I have tried to impart to these poems is to refer to

Western or Indian mythology , wherever possible, and try to match well known
ancient episodes or narratives with some facts or features about modern living
organisms or phenomena discovered in our times , in an effort to show that
what appears “impossible was plausible” and thus to render the matter more

Luckily my father had familiarized me with the ancient Greeko-Roman

and my mother with old Indian mythology and ethos and this has come handy in
Wonder of wonders 3

fulfilling this task as ancient Greeks and Indians were very close to Nature and
their scientists and philosophers and our Rishis and munis were very keen
observers of nature ; in fact various Vedic hymns are dedicated to Nature and
ancient treaties on astronomy etc. are a proof positive there of .

Our modern scientists are also great experimenters and keen observers of
the same nature ; further aided by modern instruments they have been able to see
better and probe deeper into the mysteries of Nature . It is therefore not
surprising if many old observations or speculations made centuries ago find echo
in modern scientific discoveries .and I have tried to draw parallels where ever
these are striking.

The fact that many English poets have in their similes drawn on
European mythology and Nature has also been a source of inspiration and
allowed me to indulge in a sort of day dreaming ; but with facts as my base
rather than fantasy .

It is a maiden effort and an experiment of sort and my purpose will be

well served if those who take pains to go through it are able to share my sense of
wonder and appreciation of the Nature’s propensities .

[ Incidentally it may be found useful to those readers who are interested

in general knowledge or are preparing for some competition; if so it will be an
additional bonus ]

The book is biocentric and so planned as to arrange the whole series

of poems in such a fashion that after the introductory poem depicting wonder at
the characteristic tendencies of nature each successive poem focuses on Natural
wonders relating to a specific field of scientific investigation and research and
related matters.

Wonders of nature are infinite--they have been going on from

eternity and will go on till infinity, all the same a beginning has been made with
selection of a few of them; and God willing more may follow in due course .

I will be failing in my duty if I fail to acknowledge my debt to my

brother in law Professor Dr V.S.Bhatnagar who first suggested its publication,
and, but for whose guidance it would not have been possible to do so.
Santosh (Ratan)
Wonder of wonders 4


.I Wonder of wonders : Nature’s tendencies ; peculiarities .

II. Wonders of nature : Sensitivities of living beings .

III Nature’s Marvels : Tale of a cell - as a Song of Life .

IV Wonderful secrets : Ways and techniques of Nature .

V Grand Cosmos i : Grandeur ; Children of the Stars ;

VI Cosmological wonders ii : Solar system planetary peculiarities

VII Wonderful earth : Geographical wonders .

VIII Wonderful changes : Changing forms, roles and tales .

IX Life’s Mystery : Miracles – facts and fantasy .

XI World inside : Palaeontological wonders .

XI Friends and foes : Relations in Co-evolution .

XII Evolution and embryo : Embryological surprises .

Santosh ( Ratan )
5/108 SFS
Mansarovar Jaipur



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