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Auto One-line Generation

Power Analytics Corporation

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©Copyright Power Analytics Corporation 2012

All rights reserved

Version 1.00.00 October 2008

Auto One-line Generation

IMPORTANT NOTE: Power Analytics Corporation’s software products are tools intended to be used by
trained professionals only. They are not substitutes for your professional judgment or for independent
verification and testing of results as they pertain to your specific application. Use of all Power Analytics
Corporation software products is governed by the terms and conditions of the End-User License Agreement
(“EULA”) you accepted when purchasing and installing the software. You must comply with these terms and
conditions in applying the instructional material in this manual. If you do not have or are unfamiliar with the
contents of your EULA for this software, you should request, read, and understand a copy of your EULA
before proceeding.

Auto One-line Generation

Auto One-Line Generation

The current way to build, edit, expand and communicate with the program applications is to use
Graphics Interface. To find, edit and simulate a small portion of a very large file, one needs the
proper tool to look at the portion of the network and perform analysis.

Power Analytics has developed a new powerful function called Auto-One-Line.

The “Auto-One-Line” feature handles projects with drawings (GUI) as well as projects that have
been built in text mode.

Following are some of the capabilities of Auto One -line:

 The project can be developed in graphics/GUI or text based

 The user can view a small part of the project network while considering the entire
project database (large project data base). This is not an equivalent network
 The new function allows user to: open, build, edit and communicate with the
project in text based or using the GUI
 No need to open large drawings with extensive information, which may not be
 The user has the opportunity to select a bus, called “Neighborhood”, and ask the
program to draw one or several adjacent level buses or draw the entire network


Open a given project that is in text mode – IEEE39-1. By using the program “Text Editor” the
user has the opportunity to investigate the project database, make any changes or add new
network components to the existing project database.

Auto One-line Generation

Project data displayed in text mode

Auto One-line Generation

There are two options to view a particular part of the project network:

 Launch any Paladin DesignBase application within the project text environment
 Ask the program to automatically draw the part of the network which is under the study

Using the second option, the user can select any Bus as a “Neighborhood” bus and with respect
to this bus instruct the program to consider one or several buses away from the “Neighborhood”
bus for automatic drawing.

In this example we consider the bus “T10SEC” as a “Neighborhood” bus:

The user can “Edit”, “Add”, “Copy” or “Delete” network components.

To generate the drawing of the network part that is of interest, enter “1” in the “Number of Levels
to Include” as shown in the figure capture above.

Auto One-line Generation

The program automatically considers all the network components that are one level away with
respect to the “Neighborhood” bus T10SEC. The user can select either IEC or ANSI symbols
and the page size, as shown below.

In this example, the ANSI symbol is selected:

The Page size selected is ANSI B:

Auto One-line Generation

The network drawing is automatically generated by the program based on the project database.
Notice that bus T10SEC is the “Neighborhood” bus and only the components one level away
from this bus are displayed:

7 buses out of 77 total buses

Auto One-line Generation

Further, the user can launch Power Flow, Short Circuit, etc., and instruct the program to display
the results either onto the drawing or as “Text Output Results”.

Power Flow results map displayed on the network drawing

(7 buses out of 77 buses)

Auto One-line Generation

Fault map of the network under study

Fault at T10SEC bus – ½ cycle and fault branch contribution

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