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“So why are we here again mate?

I don't mind a gold piece or two for some lifting work, but this's getting a bit to
be endless do they”. I muttered restlessly as I shouldered the baggages of...this rag tag of adventurers. Sell-sword like me
have seen many things, carrying goods and occasionally fending off some orcs or two. It's not exactly common to see an
elf and a dwarf in a party, and god they do not go really well do they, a bunch of humans, one in grey robe, another one
that speak in grandeur tone all the time, and three little midgets humans .

“ Be quiet gnome, one does not simply go to ... ”

“ Fine fine fine, give me the gold pieces and I'll be on my way”. I interrupted with clear dissatisfaction in my voice,
as I don't see eyes with people that behave royally and all high mighty. Moral and honor he said huh, t's always those
jokers that preached high value that ended up betraying the group at any first notice.

“ Best be containing your worldly desire gnome, else you ended up like those dwarves that lost the whole nation
due to their unending greed on gold”. The fair skinned elf chimed in, while leering the dwarf sitting in a far corner.

“ Oh, greed and wordly desire heh, how bout you get off your high horse and maybe stop poking your stick into
those tavern ladies we met yesterday instead of preaching me about desire and greed u gay elf”. The drawf replied, in his
gruffly voices

I walked away before that elf and dwarf engaged themselves in another round of petty fight. I approached the
short scrawny human. He let up a shudder when I approached him from behind, still shivering and holding necklace in his

“What brings you human in this deep cave , middle of no where heh,” I quipped

The young man recollected himself from deep shock, and said “Me and my friends are hobbit, not human...and we
are on the quest to...”

“Not human? Dang...you “hobbit” looked exactly like human...albeit a tad short u know, what's the difference
exactly. you sure this ain't any made up race or something?”

The “hobbit”, or what I called a shorter human...as if stumbled to a question, went quiet for 5 minute..., and clearly
his anxiety is felt as he keep rubbing the necklace on his neck. The quietness is getting unbearable until I decide to broke
the silence once. “Just an old gnome tease jolly good fellow, that sure looks like some interesting necklace you had”, I
quipped, in attempt to defuse the growing discomfort

The hobbit replied “ well, you see, we are planning to throw this ri...” The grey looking old man suddenly let out
some cough, which interrupted the hobbit.

The damn old man, always spoke in riddles doesn't him...

Just when I wanted to resume the chat, a huge shrieking cry was heard and a demon was suddenly heard
chasing our back. Bloody hell what was that thing, I muttered to myself as the party ran. The wing, the breath of the
demon was something unworldly, and how his burning hot larva body clearly said that he meant business... The party
sprinted until we met a bridge. I thought to myself, if the whole party were to sprint through the bridge and cut it off, we will
be safe from this...demon winged hybrid monstrosity.

All the party members were able to suceed crossing the bridge except me and the grey old man. Short physique
be damned...and when I was about to reach the other side, a muttering of the old man can be heard afar

"You cannot pass," he said. . "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass...”

“Bloody old man...if you want to cut off the bridge, at least do it at the end of the bridge, ” Clearly my advice is
neglected because the last word I heard before I fell into unconsciousness is


It was days later when some adventurers found me unconscious lying nearby deep down mountain, and kind
enough to send me to the tavern.And since then fateful weird encounter I have developed a phobia to huge mountains,
valley in particular. Best if those adventurers get themselves mauled by orc, eaten by spider for just ditching it mid way

The tavern lady that nursed me back to health broke my thought and asked “Hiya gnome what's your name”

“LEG-NO-LAS...” before I finished the sentence, the tavern lady screamt “ U MEAN LEGOLAS THE CHARMING
ELF...U sure be short...and...not handsome for an elf”

“It's LEG-NO-LAST, three different phrase you dinky girl” I cussed and muttered...Not a great start in this new
town heh...but best be going. I told myself as I walked out from the tavern

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