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Strategies for Laboratory and Patient Management

Practice Guidelines for Autopsy Pathology

Autopsy Procedures for Brain, Spinal Cord, and Neuromuscular System
James M. Powers, MD, and the Autopsy Committee of the College of American Pathologists

● The Autopsy Committee of The College of American Pa- Guidelines: Guidelines are recommendations for pa-
thologists has prepared this guideline in conjunction with tient management that identify a particular management
representatives of other organizations to assist pathologists strategy or a range of management strategies. Practice
in autopsy procedures for brain, spinal cord, and neuro- variation is reasonable to the extent that definitions of
muscular system. The guideline is to be regarded as being management strategies or applicable clinical categories al-
primarily an educational tool. Application of these rec- low incorporation of patient- or physician-specific infor-
ommendations on autopsy reporting is to be made on the mation.
basis of the judgment of the pathologist engaged in a spe- Options: Practice variation is expected since implemen-
cific case. tation of options requires incorporation of substantial pa-
(Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1995;119:777–783) tient- or physician-specific information.
It should be understood that adherence to these guide-
T he American Medical Association is working coopera-
tively with national medical specialty societies, in-
cluding the College of American Pathologists (CAP), to
lines does not guarantee a successful outcome. Rather,
these guidelines are provided as an educational tool to
assist physicians in providing quality care. The ultimate
guide the development and implementation of practice judgment regarding the propriety of any specific proce-
guidelines. In an attempt to improve the quality and con- dure must be made by the pathologist in light of the in-
sistency of practice guidelines, attributes have been estab- dividual circumstances presented by a specific patient or
lished to guide their development.1 specimen. Adherence to a guideline is voluntary.
I. Practice guidelines should be developed by or in con- The College recognizes that this document may be used
junction with physician organizations. by hospitals and other institutions, managed care organ-
II. Reliable methodologies that integrate relevant re- izations, and insurance carriers and other payers. How-
search findings and appropriate clinical expertise ever, this document was not developed for use regarding
should be used to develop practice guidelines. reimbursement or credentialing. The College cautions that
III. Practice guidelines should be as comprehensive and these uses involve considerations that are beyond the
specific as possible. scope of this document.
IV. Practice guidelines should be based on current infor- The Autopsy Committee was charged by the CAP with
mation. the responsibility to develop and assess practice guide-
V. Practice guidelines should be widely disseminated. lines for autopsy pathology. Thus far, two practice guide-
lines for autopsy pathology have been adopted by the CAP
Several definitions are important to the development, Board of Governors: ‘‘Practice guidelines for autopsy pa-
understanding, and use of practice guidelines. thology: autopsy performance’’ was approved by the CAP
Parameters: Practice parameters are strategies for pa- House of Delegates on October 14, 1992, and the CAP
tient management developed to assist physicians in clini- Board of Governors adopted it as official policy on No-
cal decision making. Practice parameters include stan- vember 14, 1992. The guideline was published in the Ar-
dards, guidelines, and other patient management strate- chives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.2 ‘‘Practice guide-
gies. lines for autopsy pathology: autopsy reporting’’ was ap-
Standards: Standards are accepted principles for pa- proved by the CAP House of Delegates on April 13, 1994,
tient management. Practice variation due to patient- or and the CAP Board of Governors adopted it as official
physician-specific factors is not expected. policy on May 20, 1994. The guideline was published in
the Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.3
This practice guideline, the third developed by the Au-
Accepted for publication March 10, 1995. topsy Committee, concerns examination of the central ner-
From the Autopsy Committee of the College of American Patholo-
vous and neuromuscular systems. This committee in-
gists, Northfield, Ill.
Reprint requests to University of Rochester Medical Center, Depart- cludes representatives of the American Academy of Foren-
ment of Pathology, Box 626, Room 1-6525, 601 Elmwood Ave, Roch- sic Sciences, the American Association of Neuropatholo-
ester, NY 14642 (Dr Powers). gists, the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, the
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al 777
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, the Association of taken to avoid skin incisions on the face. After removal of
Anatomic and Surgical Pathology Directors, the Associa- the calvarium or opening of infant skulls through the su-
tion of Clinical Scientists, the Association of Pathology tures, the skull cap may be transilluminated to reveal bone
Chairmen, the College of American Pathologists, the So- lesions. The interior of the cranial cavity is inspected fol-
ciety of Pediatric Pathology, and the United States and Ca- lowing removal of the brain. The basilar dura may be sep-
nadian Academy of Pathology. This guideline was devel- arated from the skull to facilitate inspection for fractures.
oped initially by the Professional Affairs Committee of the The pituitary may be removed. The internal and middle
American Association of Neuropathologists, 1992, with ear is encased in temporal bone and can be removed en
additional input from the CAP Neuropathology Commit- bloc and decalcified, if indicated. If not removed, the cav-
tee. ity of the middle ear may be opened with a bone chisel
This practice guideline was subjected to reality testing or one may sample bone from the petrous ridge. The re-
and then revised by the Autopsy Committee. The CAP gion of the cavernous sinus, the ophthalmic and carotid
House of Delegates approved this guideline on October arteries, and other anatomic structures below the floor of
26, 1994, and the CAP Board of Governors adopted it as the intracranial cavity can also be visualized and sampled.
official policy on November 18, 1994. It becomes effective Examination of the extracranial sources of the cerebral
upon publication. circulation is important in many cases; if necessary and
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR BRAIN AND possible, the neck vessels can be visualized or removed
SPINAL CORD after provisions for preservation of the external carotids
Examinations of the brain and spinal cord are per- are made.7,8 If removal is not appropriate, low-pressure
formed at autopsy to identify and diagnose diseases af- perfusion of the common carotids with water and obser-
fecting the central nervous system and to provide detailed vation of the presence and rate of flow from the carotid
descriptions of the sites of lesions in relation to the struc- siphon usually provide an assessment of patency.
tural and functional systems of the brain. The latter often
provides important correlation with premortem clinical Eyes
and neuroradiologic findings. To detect all macroscopic In cases in which examination of the eyes is indicated
lesions, closely spaced sectioning of well-fixed brain and and authorized, their removal can be accomplished by un-
spinal cord (‘‘brain cutting’’) usually is performed after roofing the orbit or through an anterior orbital approach
fixation (eg, in a solution of formaldehyde for at least sev- and sectioning of the extraocular muscles. The anterior
eral days). This policy is intended for routine cases, but in orbital or external approach is accomplished by cutting
some circumstances it may be necessary to cut the brain the conjunctival attachments to the bulb, the extraocular
in the fresh state (eg, forensic cases in which information muscles, and the optic nerve with the aid of ophthalmic
is needed during the prosection or for investigative pro- scissors or a thin scalpel. This procedure can be greatly
tocols that necessitate the collection of fresh samples or facilitated by using ophthalmic lid retractors to increase
slices and their placement in nontraditional fixatives). The exposure and protect the eyelids. The intracranial or in-
laterality of lesions and specimens is documented. ternal approach necessitates the breaking and partial re-
If possible, the history and other clinical data are re- moval of the orbital plate with a chisel and hammer, bone
viewed carefully and the patient’s physician is consulted forceps, or an oscillating saw. This permits visualization
to determine the specific goals and needs of the autopsy. of the orbital contents and removal of the globe. The pos-
For example, fresh cerebrospinal fluid and tissue samples
terior attachments of the globe are cut and its conjunctival
may be required for microbiologic culture; tissues may
margin is then incised carefully to avoid damaging the
need to be frozen for later biochemical or molecular stud-
eyelids. As an alternative strategy, the posterior portion of
ies; or tissues may require special fixation for electron mi-
croscopy, immunocytochemistry, or in situ hybridization. the globe may be removed through the intracranial ap-
These and other sampling procedures usually are per- proach. Standard prostheses or cotton balls can then be
formed before immersing the brain in the routine fixative. placed in the orbit. Vitreous fluid for biochemical analyses
It also may be important to sample other specific sites can be aspirated with a needle-syringe while the globe is
or tissues based on the patient’s history (eg, sampling at in situ.
appropriate vertebral levels in cases of spondylosis, spinal
fracture, or bone involved by a metastatic process; sam- Dura
pling of dorsal root ganglia, peripheral nerve, and skeletal The dural cap often is dissected free from the skull in
muscle in hereditary, degenerative, or neuromuscular dis- the course of removing the brain. The dura is inspected
orders; or sampling of dorsal root and trigeminal [Gas- for evidence of subdural or epidural hematomata and, if
serian] ganglia in herpes zoster infection). present, the volume of the hematoma is estimated. The
Most of the details included in this guideline are most dura also is examined for lesions, such as meningiomas.
appropriate for the postmortem examination of hospital- It may be appropriate to sample the dura for histologic
ized adults and children; comparable methods for peri- examination. The superior sagittal sinus is palpated and
natal and infant autopsies are included in the upcoming inspected after opening longitudinally or by multiple
CAP ‘‘Practice guidelines for autopsy pathology: 4. The cross sections. A sample cross section of the superior sag-
perinatal and pediatric autopsy’’ (Autopsy Committee of
ittal sinus, including ample tissue on each side (to include
the CAP, unpublished) and for forensic cases in the CAP
arachnoid granulations) may be taken in cases where
Handbook of Forensic Pathology.4
blockage of the absorption of cerebrospinal fluid is sus-
Intracranial Cavity pected (eg, postsubarachnoid hemorrhage, meningeal car-
The brain and spinal cord are usually removed sepa- cinomatosis, or other causes of communicating hydro-
rately at autopsy, as described in standard texts.5–9 Care is cephalus).
778 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al
Brain brainstem attached, to provide optimal clinicopathologic
After examination of the dura, the brain is removed, correlation.
weighed, and its weight recorded. Normal weights for age The cut surfaces of the slices are examined methodically
and sex are given by Dekaban and Sadowsky10 and Ho et and carefully; gross lesions can be sampled for histologic
al.11,12 The surface of the brain is inspected, lightly pal- examination only if they are detected at this step. Lesions
pated for abnormalities, and the vasculature is examined. are measured, described, and, when appropriate, photo-
Abnormal findings are described, measured, and, when graphed and sampled. If appropriate, thinner slices are cut
appropriate, photographed. (0.5 to 0.75 cm) to search for elusive metastases, infarcts,
In cases with massive subarachnoid hemorrhage, the etc, as might be indicated by radiologic or clinical infor-
search for a suspected aneurysm is facilitated by washing mation or by initial findings at brain cutting. In certain
away the clotted and unclotted blood prior to fixation. If cases, thicker slices (2.0 to 5.0 cm) may be required be-
an aneurysm is identified, it may then be perfused with cause of the friability of the brain, notably in the setting
of massive intraparenchymal hemorrhage, tumor, or cases
water to validate leakage. When an aneurysm or another
of postmortem autolysis.
vascular malformation is suspected, but is not visible by
The cerebellum and brainstem may be cut in many dif-
external inspection even after the subarachnoid space is
ferent ways. Some pathologists prefer to leave the cere-
cleared of blood, it may be visualized by gently perfusing
bellum and brainstem attached to each other and to cut in
the suspected vessel with water or by injecting the cere-
a plane transverse to the axis of the brainstem, usually at
bral arteries with contrast material (eg, barium-gelatin
0.5 to 1.0-cm intervals. The cut surfaces of these slices are
suspension) followed by roentgenography-assisted visu-
then inspected carefully, and lesions are measured, de-
alization. In this and other instances in which there is sub-
scribed, photographed, and sampled as appropriate. Other
stantial hemorrhage, the formaldehyde solution may be
pathologists separate the cerebellum from the brainstem
changed after 1 to 2 days to facilitate adequate fixation.
by cutting through the cerebellar peduncles. The cerebel-
Occasionally, the brain needs to be cut prior to fixation. lum can then be cut sagittally to demonstrate atrophy of
In such a situation, placing a dry paper towel onto each the anterior vermis (as in alcoholism or certain cerebellar
tissue slice prior to fixation is advised to prevent shrink- system degenerations) prior to axial sectioning. Alterna-
age artifact. Most often, however, the entire brain is placed tively, the cerebellum can be cut in still another plane, such
in an appropriate fixative (usually a formaldehyde solu- as one parallel to the axis of the brainstem.
tion) for a suitable period of time (usually at least several To ensure an accurate sagittal section of the brainstem,
days). To prevent distortion, the brain is promptly sus- the brain can be placed upside down (circle of Willis up-
pended (usually by a string tied loosely around the basilar permost), allowing a smooth ventral to dorsal sagittal cut
artery) in a bucket of fixative without contact to the sides to be made. While the cut is being made, the brainstem,
or bottom. which is often twisted slightly to one side during fixation,
The infant brain contains more water and less lipid than is clearly visualized and positioned so that it is cut pre-
adult brain and consequently does not fix as well. After 1 cisely in the midline.
to 2 weeks in formaldehyde solution, infant brains may be
‘‘hardened’’ by immersion in changes of graded alcohols, Spinal Cord
starting with a 70% solution. Removal of the spinal cord, when indicated, is usually
Before the fixed brain is cut, the patient’s history and accomplished through an anterior approach after the con-
other clinical data are reviewed with attention to potential tents of the thoracic and abdominal cavities have been re-
clinicopathologic correlation. Computerized tomographic moved. The paravertebral muscles are freed from the ver-
scans, magnetic resonance images, or other radiologic tebra, permitting visualization of the vertebral pedicles
studies may be reviewed and, if possible, are available at and the emerging peripheral nerves and plexuses (cervical
the brain-cutting session. Useful instruments for brain cut- and lumbar). Cutting the pedicles is accomplished with
ting may include a brain knife, scissors, scalpel handle an oscillating saw; many pathologists prefer a fan-tailed
with blade, forceps without teeth, and a rule. The brain blade. The angle of cut to the vertebral body varies from
surface is again inspected and palpated for abnormalities, horizontal in the lumbar spine, oblique at thoracic levels,
such as dysmorphism, atrophy, edema, asymmetry, or fo- and nearly vertical to the cervical spine. Care is taken not
cal softening. The cranial nerves and the major vessels at to cut too deeply into the spinal canal. Horizontal cuts
the base of the brain are inspected. The distribution and through intervertebral disc spaces permit a partial or ex-
extent of atheroma are described. The cingulate, medial tended removal of the vertebral column and spinal cord.
temporal, and cerebellar tonsillar regions are examined Whether the approach is anterior or posterior, the dura at
for evidence of herniation. Surface abnormalities may be the foramen magnum needs to be transected completely.
photographed before sectioning the brain. This is accomplished more easily from an intracranial ap-
The brainstem and cerebellum usually are separated proach, but can be done with considerable difficulty from
from the cerebrum by a straight transverse slice with a below by inserting the scalpel blade between the dura and
scalpel, often midway between the pons and the mam- surrounding bone for the entire circumference of the cord.
millary bodies (at the level of the cerebral peduncles). In After the column of vertebral bodies is removed, the
doing so, care is taken to make a single smooth incision cord in its dural enclosure is examined in situ. The cord
so as to leave a flat surface of brainstem from which a is gently lifted from the spinal canal by cutting through
sample of substantia nigra-midbrain can be taken. The ce- the nerves just distal to the dorsal root ganglia as they
rebrum is usually cut coronally at 1.0-cm intervals; alter- reside in the intervertebral foramina. Removal of the cer-
natively, it may be cut in the plane of available computed vical cord, in cases of neck trauma or malformations (eg,
tomography or magnetic resonance imaging films, hori- Klippel-Feil or Arnold-Chiari syndrome) is more difficult
zontally, or sagittally, with or without the cerebellum and and may necessitate posterior removal.7–9 If a posterior ap-
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al 779
proach is necessary, the midline skin and the paraspinal menting diseases, additional sections may be needed
muscles are incised, permitting visualization of the ver- [see ‘‘Autopsy Guidelines for Alzheimer’s Disease’’].)
tebral lamina. The laminae are cut with an oscillating saw • Hippocampus with adjoining temporal cortex
about 2.0 cm from the midline and at an angle to the lam- • Basal ganglia, including striatum (caudate and puta-
ina of about 458. The posterior arches are then removed, men), globus pallidus, internal capsule, and hypothala-
exposing the cord, which can be removed after in situ mus
examination. One avoids compression or tension on the • Midbrain with substantia nigra and cerebral peduncle
cord, because handling artifacts can disfigure normal • Pons with locus ceruleus and base of pons
anatomy as well as gross and microscopic lesions. After • Medulla with inferior medullary olives and pyramids
removal of the spinal cord and nerve roots, the anterior • Cerebellar cortex and deep white matter with dentate
and posterior faces of the spinal canal are examined for nucleus
masses that could impinge on the spinal cord or for other • Spinal cord, including lumbosacral enlargement with
lesions, which can be matched to the corresponding level roots, if available. If the entire spinal cord is removed,
of the spinal cord. The anatomic levels of spinal cord can representative sections of each major level (cervical, tho-
be identified following criteria given by Hughes,13 Hira- racic, and lumbar) may be included in one cassette.
no,14 and Weller.15
This list of blocks would constitute less than 1% of the
The ventral and dorsal surfaces of the spinal cord may
tissue of the central nervous system. Therefore, it is im-
be examined after cutting the dura longitudinally in the
portant to conduct a close and thorough inspection of the
ventral and/or dorsal midline. The ventral surface of the
brain for macroscopic lesions, to have a thorough knowl-
spinal cord is identified easily by the single anterior spinal
edge of areas typically affected in particular diseases, and
artery. Alternatively, especially in cases where pathologic
to develop an awareness of areas likely to be involved with
material (eg, tumor, blood, pus, or herniated cerebellar tis-
the expression of signs and symptoms as displayed by the
sue) fills the subdural or subarachnoid space, it may be
preferable to leave the dura intact and, after fixation, take
After sampling, the sliced brain is returned to fixative
cross sections of spinal cord for histologic examination
until the case is signed out. When unexpected lesions are
that include the unopened dura and nerve roots. The spi-
detected microscopically in routine sections of brain, fur-
nal cord may be fixed in a container long enough to allow
ther blocks may be taken. Moreover, additional tissue will
it to lie straight, suspended in a cylinder of fixative, or it
be available should consultation with a neuropathologist
may be placed in the same container as the brain, if the
become necessary.
dura has not been opened.
Paraffin processing and special neurohistologic stains
At brain cutting, the spinal cord traditionally is cut
are described by Earle,5 Hirano,14 and Weller,15 and in texts
transversely, often at 0.5- to 2.0-cm intervals and more
on laboratory techniques.
closely at levels where gross inspection or clinical history
suggest the presence of a lesion. The cut surfaces are in- Reporting
spected for pathologic changes; these are described, mea-
An autopsy is performed to gain information concern-
sured, photographed, and sampled as appropriate.
ing a patient’s illness, response to therapy, and mode of
Photography death. Thorough, accurate, and timely reporting of initial
When indicated, photography usually is performed af- and final autopsy findings to the patient’s physician and
ter the brain is fixed and before taking samples for his- family is an essential component of the autopsy. Autopsy
tology. Occasionally, photography of the unfixed or in situ documents, in addition to photographs and histologic
brain may be appropriate at the time of autopsy (eg, in slides, also make up an important part of the permanent
the case of an acute subdural hematoma unattached to record of the patient.
dura or before washing off blood in a case of subarach- Generally, the neuropathologic findings of an autopsy
noid hemorrhage). Sometimes it may be important to take are reported in three parts: (1) gross autopsy findings, (2)
pictures of the surface of a fixed, abnormal brain before it findings made at the time of brain cutting, and (3) histo-
is sectioned. logic findings described and integrated with the gross
Photography of lesions in brain slices serves the impor- findings in a final report on the case. If indicated, negative
tant function of documenting the gross appearance and (normal) and positive (abnormal) findings are included.
the precise location of a lesion for clinicopathologic cor- In addition to abnormal findings, the report usually in-
relation or for other purposes. Photographs usually in- cludes the brain weight; the results of inspection of the
clude a metric rule as well as the identifying number. Oc- intracranial cavity, spinal canal, dura, brain (including
casionally, it may be desirable to include a section of a major vessels and cranial nerves), and spinal cord (includ-
normal brain for comparison. A black or dark blue back- ing vessels, roots, and spinal ganglia); and relevant neg-
ground usually provides optimal contrast. ative information that concerns issues raised by the clinical
Sampling for Histology
Contents of Report
The choice of blocks from brain and spinal cord, if re-
moved, will depend on the nature of the case and the The report on the fixed dura, brain, and spinal cord
goals of the autopsy. It is prudent to take blocks from the usually includes the following:
major regions of the central nervous system, as well as • Brain weight after fixation if fresh brain weight was
from significant lesions. A list of regions to be sampled omitted
might include the following: • Description of brain surface (eg, meninges; presence/
• Cerebral cortex, including overlying meninges, such as absence of brain atrophy, edema, asymmetry, or focal
the junction of superior and middle frontal gyri. (In de- softness on palpation and the location and size of ab-
780 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al
normalities; presence/absence of herniations and mid- not given appropriate consideration. More recently, a prac-
line shifts; surface discoloration; normal/abnormal an- tical standardized neuropathology protocol has been de-
atomic pattern of gyri and sulci; description of anatomic veloped for the Consortium to Establish a Registry for
pattern of major cerebral arteries and presence/absence Alzheimer’s Disease (CERAD), a multicenter study sup-
of atheromata or other vascular lesions; and normal/ab- ported by the National Institute on Aging.18 The CERAD
normal appearance of cranial nerves, brainstem, and protocol, used by many neuropathologists at Alzheimer’s
cerebellum) disease research centers, establishes levels of diagnostic
• Description of cut surface of brain slices (eg, atrophy or certainty, ie, ‘‘definite Alzheimer’s disease’’ or ‘‘probable
edema; sharpness of cortical gray-white junction; ven- Alzheimer’s disease,’’ and promotes common language
tricular system normality, enlargement, or disfigure- among pathologists. An illustrated primer for patholo-
ment; symmetry; midline shift; degree of pigmentation gists, using these criteria, with sample cases and recipes
of substantia nigra; presence/absence of vascular le- for two commonly used stains (modified Bielschowsky
sions; and presence/absence of anatomic variations or and thioflavin S), is also available.19
parenchymal lesions) Following evaluation of the gross brain as detailed in
• Description of spinal cord, if removed (eg, appearance this guideline, as in the CERAD publication,18 or as in the
of meninges and surface vessels; presence/absence of practical primer for pathologists,19 a minimum of seven
softenings, discoloration, or masses; symmetry; normal sections are recommended for tissue sampling: four
anatomic pattern; and appearance of cut surfaces) regions of neocortex (superior-middle temporal gyrus,
• Description of dura (eg, presence/absence of thrombosis middle frontal gyrus, inferior parietal lobule, and anterior
in superior sagittal sinus or lesions of epidural or sub- cingulate gyrus); hippocampus; amygdala with entorhinal
dural surfaces) cortex; and midbrain, including the substantia nigra.
• Status of the tissue (eg, temporarily retained, disposed These sections are embedded in paraffin. Recipes for rec-
of, or photographed) ommended stains (Bielschowsky silver impregnation and/
• Microscopic findings or thioflavin S fluorescent stain) and specific case exam-
ples are also provided in the primer or in standard
Final Report sources. The silver- or thioflavin-stained neocortical sec-
At many teaching institutions, the final neuropathologic tions are evaluated for the frequency of senile plaques of
report includes a narrative summary of the important the neuritic type, as well as neurofibrillary tangles, and
gross and microscopic findings. The latter are accompa- are scored using a semiquantitative rating system (eg,
nied by a discussion of the anatomic diagnoses. It is ap- sparse, moderate, or frequent). This grade is then corre-
propriate to include pertinent negative findings in this dis- lated with the patient’s age to arrive at an age-related
cussion as they relate to clinical differential diagnoses. plaque score, which is combined with the clinical history
This discussion may be read by other pathologists, by the (presence or absence of dementia) to determine the diag-
patient’s physician, and possibly by the patient’s family. nosis. If desired, a more detailed protocol is described in
Issues of concern to each of these audiences are addressed the CAP publication Autopsy Performance & Reporting.20
clearly and accurately and with due regard for possible The overwhelming majority of Alzheimer’s disease
genetic and medicolegal implications. The essence of this cases will fit not only the CERAD criteria for ‘‘definite
report is then integrated into the body of the complete Alzheimer’s disease,’’ but will also fulfill the quantitative
autopsy report. In most nonteaching and some teaching guidelines proposed by the 1984 consensus panel.17 Cases
hospitals, neuropathologic findings simply are summa- lacking the classic changes of Alzheimer’s disease may be
rized and incorporated into the complete autopsy report referred to a neuropathologist for consultation. Other con-
according to ‘‘Practice guidelines for autopsy pathology: ditions associated with dementia include multiple infarcts,
autopsy reporting.’’3 Pick’s disease, Binswanger’s encephalopathy, posttraumat-
ic or postanoxic encephalopathy, normal pressure hydro-
AUTOPSY PROCEDURES FOR ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE cephalus, Parkinson’s disease with dementia, Lewy-body
Alzheimer’s disease is encountered with increasing fre- disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with dementia, Hun-
quency as the population over the age of 65 years increas- tington’s disease, chronic cerebral infection, Creutzfeldt-
es. Because of concern about a possible genetic compo- Jakob disease of long duration, Wernicke’s disease, other
nent, and because no definitive diagnostic test currently alcohol-associated dementias, hippocampal sclerosis, and
exists for Alzheimer’s disease during life, there is a great cases in which no specific neuropathologic lesions are
demand by families and caregivers for the performance of identifiable.
autopsies to confirm the clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Therefore, an autopsy of a patient diagnosed clinically
disease. Yet, many pathologists are relatively inexperi- as having Alzheimer’s disease may need to include ap-
enced in dealing with brain specimens, and their labora- propriate steps for diagnosis of any of the conditions listed
tories have little experience in performing the histopath- above. If Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is a diagnostic consid-
ologic procedures that are essential for the recognition eration, the pathologist takes special precautions in the
and evaluation of neurodegenerative disease. handling of the autopsy. This would be particularly ap-
In such cases, the major goal of the autopsy is to estab- propriate in a patient with a rapid clinical course, early
lish the correct diagnosis of the neurodegenerative dis- onset of myoclonus (shocklike muscle contractions), and
ease. Such autopsies often are restricted to examination of characteristic changes on electroencephalogram. Recom-
the brain.16 In 1984, a panel of neuropathologists devel- mendations for the handling of such tissue have been re-
oped minimal and provisional microscopic criteria for es- cently updated by the CAP Autopsy Committee.21 A sim-
tablishing the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease17; these ple and effective procedure in which formaldehyde-fixed
widely cited criteria, however, were arguably arbitrary, tissue is disinfected by immersion in formic acid for 1
and variations in stain, technique, and interpretation were hour has been described.21,22
Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al 781
AUTOPSY PROCEDURES FOR NEUROMUSCULAR for routine histopathology: hematoxylin-eosin stain, peri-
DISORDERS odic acid–Schiff for glycogen, and Sudan stains for neutral
At postmortem examination it may be possible to di- lipid, and for immunofluorescent studies. Enzymes can
agnose some neuromuscular diseases by routine histologic also be evaluated, especially if the autopsy has been per-
sections; however, more often than not additional histo- formed promptly after death. The commonly studied en-
pathologic stains, enzyme histochemistry, immunocyto- zymes are adenosinetriphosphatase, dehydrogenases, te-
chemistry, or electron microscopy are required. These spe- trazolium reductases, and acid and alkaline phosphatases.
cialized studies may call for consultation with a neuro- Immunocytochemistry and molecular studies, including in
pathologist. Adequate preservation and storage of tissue situ hybridization, can be performed on tissue preserved
obtained at autopsy are the first steps toward securing the in this manner. After the appropriate frozen tissue sections
appropriate evaluation. have been cut, the remaining tissue can be thawed in
formaldehyde solution, embedded in paraffin, sectioned,
The Muscular System and stained in a routine fashion.
While sampling muscle, specimens of nerve also are col- Techniques for processing specimens for electron mi-
lected. Proper evaluation of neuromuscular disease usu- croscopy are found in standard references.24,25 A common
ally requires both specimens. The prosector decides in ad- fixative is either 2% to 5% glutaraldehyde or paraformal-
vance which specimens are needed and how to preserve dehyde/glutaraldehyde prepared in either 0.1 mol/L
them. For assistance with this decision, the prosector may cacodylate buffer, pH 7.2, or 0.1 mol/L phosphate buffer,
profit by referring to references 23 through 25. pH 7.2. Formaldehyde solution is not a preferred fixative
It is best to sample muscle from both proximal and dis- for electron microscopy.
tal portions of the extremities, as well as the pertinent Tissue to be used for biochemical studies can be excised,
muscles and nerves determined to be clinically diseased. snap frozen (liquid nitrogen, dry ice, isopentane/dry ice,
The proximal and distal leg muscles and nerves can be or isopentane/liquid nitrogen), and stored in a 2708C
sampled without disfiguring the body. Two muscles that freezer or on dry ice. The samples are frozen in small
are very useful to examine are gastrocnemius and quad- aliquots both to permit rapid freezing and to avoid re-
riceps. Not only are these easy to obtain, but they provide peated cycles of freezing and thawing, which might be
considerable data with respect to the muscle fiber types necessary when performing multiple assays at different
and size distributions from biopsy specimens, which per- periods of time and in different laboratories. Muscle han-
mits comparison with normal and abnormal conditions. dled in this manner can be stored indefinitely without sig-
The upper extremities are more difficult to sample be- nificant loss of enzymatic activity or substrate. Tissue
cause the incisions might be visible. However, with the stored at 2208C may be unsuitable for certain assays.
routine Y-incision, the deltoid muscle is accessible by ex-
The Peripheral Nervous System
tension and undermining of the main incision. It is inad-
visable to sample muscles of the hands and forearms un- Lesions in the peripheral nervous system are often focal
less you receive specific consent to do so. Generally, these or regional; this necessitates directed sampling in accord
muscles are not examined unless the body is to be cre- with the clinical history. These lesions are difficult to doc-
mated or the funeral is to be held with a closed casket. ument without using specialized techniques, such as 1.0-
When sampling muscles, tendon insertion sites, muscles mm-thick (semithin) plastic section evaluation or teased
that are severely involved or end-stage, and sites of recent nerve fiber analysis. The following protocol is suggested
electromyography or biopsy are avoided. There are a to document lesions such as vasculitis and amyloidosis
number of standard references24,25 that describe the tech- using routine paraffin processing or to obtain samples for
nique of obtaining muscle tissue. Each muscle sample, if referral to centers where more specialized analyses are
feasible, consists of fixed tissue for paraffin sections, performed.
‘‘flash’’ frozen tissue for histochemical or biochemical A limited portion of the peripheral nervous system is
studies, and specially fixed tissue for electron microscopy. accessible through the usual Y-shaped incision; specific au-
thorization in the autopsy permit may be necessary for
Handling the Muscle Specimen additional incisions in the limbs. Available through the Y-
If the type of neuromuscular disease from which the shaped incision are the nerve roots in the spinal canal,
patient suffered is uncertain, save enough tissue to permit dorsal root and sympathetic ganglia, nerve trunks, and
all types of studies. One can always omit certain studies lumbar as well as brachial plexuses. Somatic nerves may
at a later time, but a necessary test cannot be performed be found in proximal muscles, sensory nerves in the skin
without a preserved specimen. of the torso, and autonomic nerves in the paravertebral
In addition to paraffin sections that may include special ganglia and in the nerves through various viscera. When
stains, enzyme histochemical studies are performed on the autopsy permit allows for the examination of nerves
frozen sections of skeletal muscle. Cross sections are op- in the limbs, the pathologist may consider sampling long
timal for these histochemical studies. The tissue cylinder, segments of nerves, such as the proximal and distal sciatic
which is approximately 1.0 cm long and 0.5 to 1.0 cm in and particularly the sural nerve in the calf. Sampling prox-
diameter, is prepared for freezing. Methods for freezing imal and distal nerves provides the large volume of tissue
are available in standard texts.24,25 necessary for documenting diseases with localized diag-
Once the specimen has been frozen, it is kept frozen in nostic lesions. Distal nerves may show only the end-stage
an airtight container to prevent desiccation. The tissue is changes resulting from the accumulation of multiple prox-
best stored in an ultralow freezer (2708C). If only a cryo- imally placed lesions.
stat is available for preserving the frozen specimen, one Considerable data are available for the sural nerve since
may need to override the defrost cycle manually. it is the preferred site for nerve biopsy. This nerve may be
Muscle, when frozen in the proper manner, can be used difficult to locate; consequently, we will discuss its acqui-
782 Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al
sition in some detail. It may be obtained by a 6.0- to 10.0- References
1. Office of Quality Assurance. Attributes to Guide the Development of Prac-
cm incision beginning halfway between the lateral mal- tice Parameters. Chicago, Il: American Medical Association; 1990.
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14. Hirano A. A Guide to Neuropathology. New York, NY: Igaku-Shoin; 1981.
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21. Brown P. Guidelines for high risk autopsy cases: special precautions for
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Arch Pathol Lab Med—Vol 119, September 1995 Practice Guidelines—Powers et al 783

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