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Jan/Feb/Mar 2018 Focus

The Official Publication of Drive-In Ministries

Volume 34/ No. 1

Director’s Cut by Mike Jones

In This Issue New Era of Mobile Movie Ministry
The beginning of this Allen began to see the Lord’s hand in the pos-
Director’s Cut New Year (2018) sibility of LED screens becoming a reality for
- New Era of Mobile has brought with it Drive-In Ministries and began praying and
Movie Ministry the inauguration of talking more with this man and others. The
a new era of mobile Lord put him in touch with Christian friends
movie ministry for who knew how to work with this technology.
Ministry Newsreel Drive-In Ministries. Christian businessmen who agreed with his
For the first time in Drive-In’s history we are vision began to support the vision, advise
U.S. Report able to show evangelistic movies outdoors on him, and put him in touch with others who
- Alabama Property a large screen during daylight hours. could help.
- Allen Nye For a number of years now, the developing Costs of these screens had come down some
technology of LED lighting has been advanc- over the previous years, but still remained
ing to the point that large LED billboards very expensive.
International Report along the highways are brilliantly lit in the A new 7’ x 14’
- JIM2ROMANIA daytime with amazing clarity and illumina- screen (the size
- Nigeria tion with changeable computerized images. we needed)
- Brazil Consequently, we at Drive-In began following cost $20,000+.
this technology with great interest thinking However, in continued conversations with the
of the possibility of using this technology for man with the truck, the man told Allen that
Ministry Spotlight daytime movies and greater quality nighttime he was about to update his equipment and
-Colombia movies. However, all inquires were met with would sell him his used screen for $10,000.
shocking and staggering price tags, often in Allen began to quickly put word out to the
the $100,000 range. Christian businessmen’s group, churches,
Early in 2017, Allen Nye, our Drive-In mis- and friends around the area. He scheduled
General Fund sionary in Florida, came across a man with a fund raising banquet. Within a couple of
a U-haul months the Lord had provided the $10,000
type truck for the screen. Next, $500 was needed to
Memorial that had LED replace many of the 199,200 LED bulbs in
signs on the the six panels. A trailer to carry the screen
sides. He proved to be much less of an expense than
www.drive-inministries.com could show advertisements while going down buying a special truck. Allen’s home church
the road and could show movies in craft provided a good used enclosed trailer to use
P.O. Box 680250
Prattville, AL 36068 shows, in parks, etc. He began a conversa- or sell for money toward a different one. It
O 334.361.1660 tion with the man, which the Lord used to cre- was decided that a custom built open trailer
F 334.361.9578
ate a friendship, which led to new information would be best and the Lord guided Allen and
of LED availability, costs, and contacts. his team through the process.
More prayers and requests for funds continually went up and out ing the generator quieter and sealing up the back of the
and the Lord continued to provide. The trailer was built, screen screen to keep out the dirt and moisture.
was mounted, generator was installed, and the highly technical Our next challenge will be to take it
computer programming began. After a month or so of electronic to several places to test it out and
glitches, problems, and dead ends, finally the solutions were work out any bugs that may pop up.
found and all the panels began to work together as planned. After a few test runs we will start to
After almost eight months of working and over $17,000 of fund promote this new concept among
raising, the first mobile meeting using the new screen was con- churches in the area. There will be
ducted on January 6!! We hope this will be the first of many- new opportunities we never experi-
more of these screens to be built for all of our U.S. ministries. enced before since we could only show movies in the dark.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! There may also be some new challenges we never experi-
May the Lord encourage you as you read the rest of this Focus! enced before that we will need to address.
Please continue to pray that we will have many new oppor-

Ministry Newsreel tunities to show movies and that we will be able to recog-
nize open doors we were never able to enter before. God
is in the details! We do not want to miss what HE has for
U.S. Reports
us down the road that we never imagined before!
An unusually cold Alabama fall and winter has slowed us
from putting the finishing touches on preparations for our
International Reports
first mobile meetings on the new property, as well as, kept
us from having some fall meetings. But, we look forward
God is working in Romania while your missionary is here
to the next couple of months being able to finish up these
in the states! Robert, an 18 year old
few things, then start having some meetings, sports events,
boy trusted Christ as his Savior two
and other activities as March and April bring us warmer
weeks ago. He asked me how he can
weather. Even then we will not stop working, but shift our
be closer to God, so I showed him the
work to the second pavilion, planting shrubbery and trees,
Romans road verses and John 3:16.
walking track, and other parameter needs.
He prayed and asked Jesus to forgive
We are very excited to get to this point in construction and
him and be his Savior! The next day he helped his mother
preparation and are regularly encouraged by the number of
do the same thing. Pray for their spiritual growth. Also
people who stop by and ask about the facility and express
pray for Roberts sight; he is going blind with Optic Nerve
gladness for it. Several have even volunteered to help and
Atrophy. Robert is in the photo here.
some are already using the road around the soccer field as
I had a cataract removed from my left eye, January 3,
a walking track.
and tomorrow, January 17, will have the right removed.
This spring we will be needing more volunteer groups
I learned my eye surgery doctor’s parents and grandpar-
to help with putting the posts and roof over pavilion #2,
ents are from a village close to Craiova, the city I live in in
a fence around the soccer field, and planting shrubbery
Romania! Tomorrow I will ask him about helping Robert’s
and trees. If you can bring a group or help another group,
vision problem.
please let us know.
We still have need for ministry support for our operation
ALLEN NYE costs. If God would have you help, you can mark it for
We are putting the final touches on our LED Trailer! We Romania ministry fund account. Thanks for praying and
played a movie on it recently, and are now working on mak- giving toward the ministry there! God bless you!
Nigeria pray for the grace to overcome all obstacles and challenges
that may come our way this year. By the grace of God and
GOFAMINT (GOspelFAithMinistryInternational)
overflow of the anointing of our fathers in GOFAMINT as a
by George Adeniyi
whole, the year 2018 will be our year of bountiful harvest
Glory be to God in the highest for His grace that sustained
in the evangelism department in Jesus name.
us in the year 2017. The ac-
tivities for the year began
on January 20, 2017 with Brazil
Usi City Wide Crusade, by Chad Beaumont
and ended on December Cindy and I are amazed at the graciousness of our Lord
22, 2017, with 6 days pro- Jesus Christ.To all of you who have joined the ministry to
grammed at Oyo. The summary of ministry for the year is take the gospel to those in Brasilia, we thank you with all
as follows: of our hearts.
From the foregoing and by God’s grace, we were able to Why is God calling us to Brazilia? In the Catholic church
reach out to twelve regions, 24 districts, and we conduct- they are infused from birth
ed 51 meetings. with a works mentality toward
Overall attendance: 42,673 salvation. They are taught to
Decisions: 6,480 do more good things than bad
As we commence things and a loving God will
our activities in the allow them into heaven. We have seen this on every trip
New Year, we ear- we made to Brasilia. The best weapon against this mental-
nestly desire your ity is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
prayers for a suc- Cindy and I feel like the best way to bring this message to
cessful year. Please the Brazilians is through Drive-In Ministries. We con

Ministry Spotlight
COLOMBIA by Joseph Jones
When we finally arrived in Colombia, I was excited, but also somewhat nervous. This being
something I had never done before, I did not know what to expect. Everything was a new
type of experience for me and I had no idea if I was going to like
it. Any fears I had melted away when we went to Ambalema.
During the mornings, we would have the Bible school with the kids. We did such things as play games,
teach them about Jesus, and make crafts. Everyday, more and more kids showed up to Bible school,
and by the last day we had almost 200 kids come. It was amazing to see how joyful these kids are
despite their hard lives in less than ideal circumstances.
At night, we would travel to a small village named Venadillo where we would play soccer
until it got too dark to see, then we would go watch the Drive-In movie. In Venadillo, there
was a good 40 people that showed up for the movies. I didn’t get to minister to many of
the people through my English words, but I tried to show God’s love to them in every way I
could. It was a very humbling time for me and I pray that I can go back again in June.
Thank you so much for your support! It made a big difference for me.
Prattville, AL
P.O. Box 680250 | Prattville, AL 36068 PERMIT NO. 100

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tinue to be excited, committed, and humbled that God is This fund is again in need of $1000 more each month this
leading us to work with this great ministry to bring the year to meet the projected operating expenses. A new
gospel of Jesus to the people of Brazil. Please prayerfully commitment to this fund doesn’t have to be endless, 10
consider joining with us in this great ministry. more people committing $100 a month just for this year
will meet this need for now. Please pray for this need and
General Fund if you can help, thanks, if you can’t, please encourage
The General Fund is a one-of–a-kind fund and often the someone else to help!
hardest to keep funded. It appears that most people pre- ***DON’T FORGET***
fer to give to a fund or project that has a specific begin- Drive-In is now registered with AmazonSmile! When you
ning and end, like a mission trip or something that needs select Drive-In Ministries as your charitable or-
to be purchased, but the General Fund begins when the ganization 0.5% of your eligible purchase price
ministry begins and never ends until the ministry ends. will go to Drive-In! Please keep us in mind when
Consequently, it is the most important fund in the min- you shop online with AmazonSmile!
End-of-year gifts are critical to boost and sometimes
save the fund from deficits (and we are tremendously
thankful), but the faithful monthly support gifts are the A gift was given to Drive-In in memory of Dr. John D. Tal-
bread and butter. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you to ley Jr. He was a dear friend and faithful supporter of Drive-
all of you who give to this fund. In Ministries, and will be greatly missed.
If you would like to receive the Focus by email, or would like
to be removed from the Focus mailing list, please contact us by email or phone.

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