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Aur Allah jisey Chahta hai Izzat deta hai aur jise Chahta hai zillat deta

hai.(Surah Imran )


Vocabulary: Nobody can claim to have a complete command over Vocabulary at all.
Therefore, instead of cramming a whole lot of words, I suggest and teach learning the skill
of LEXICOGRAPHY. It enables you to understand the formation and meaning of words.
There are 7-8 very simple techniques of Lexicography which I’m sharing with you all.

Lexicography focuses on the design, compilation, use and evaluation of general dictionaries.
The edition in the dictionaries takes place on the following basic principles of Word
1. Conversion:
A linguistic process that assigns an already existing word to a newword class ( part of speech ).
This process is also known as a functional shift or zero derivation.
e.g. 1. The police hared after the thief.
2. You can bank on his talent.

2. Portmanteau word
"Portmanteau word" is used to describe a linguistic blend, namely "a word formed by blending sounds
from two or more distinct words and combining their meanings."
e.g. 1. brunch (breakfast + lunch)
2. motel (motor + hotel)
3. smog (smoke + fog)
4. emoticon ( emotion + Icon )

3. Derivation:
The process of creating a new word out of one or more old words, either by adding a prefix or suffix or
by compounding.
e.g. ness, ise, ize, ish, ly, al, ify, able, ance, er, en, un, in, im, railway, breakfast

4. Onomatopoeia:

Onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates or suggests the source of the sound that it describes.
e.g. Meow, roar, chirp, bang.
5. Root:
A word or word element (that is, a morpheme) from which other words grow, usually through the
addition of prefixes and suffixes.
e.g. Happy, prison, etc.


Etymology is the study of the history of words, their origins, and how their form and meaning have
changed over time. By an extension, the term "etymology (of a word)" means the origin of a particular

For languages with a long written history, etymologists make use of texts in these languages and texts
about the languages to gather knowledge about how words were used during earlier periods of their
history and when they entered the languages in question. Etymologists also apply the methods
of comparative linguistics to reconstruct information about languages that are too old for any direct
information to be available.
By analyzing related languages with a technique known as the comparative method, linguists can make
inferences about their shared parent language and its vocabulary. In this way, word roots have been
found that can be traced all the way back to the origin.
If you have just a little bit of know-and-how of Etymology then you can easily guess the MOST
PROBABLY right answer instead of banking on mere FLUKE.You will be surprised to know that the real
English words are merely 50 % while the remaining are composed with the addition of either a prefix ( the
word that is written before the original word. e.g. un, in, im, etc.) and suffix ( the word that is written after
the original word. e.g. less, ale, ily, etc.)
The main thing you need to learn is the root word which gives birth to numerous words.
For instance, the word "vid" generally refers to "view". If you know this thing then you can easily
understand meanings of the words you have never heard or read before. e.g. video. vision, visual.
evidence. and many more such words which will give you the sense of the word.
Here again I quote that I had never studied etymology at all but had good common sense of comparing
different words and taking out the similarities.
Nothing is easy or difficult to study. All I know is easy to me and vice versa.
It also needs one's personal interest as well to develop the skill.
Developing the skill of etymology needs your keen observation along with little effort.
Another example for etymology is as follows.
The words such as spectacle, spectrum, prospect, aspect, spectacular, inspection, inspector, etc, have
some thing in common and that is "spec". So one can easily develop the sense that all these words have
more or less the similar meanings having a common word among them. All have some connection, one
way or the other, with the meaning "VIEW".
Hence, one can easily guess the meanings of various bizarre words which one comes across during
composition paper.

Root, Prefix or Suffix Meaning Examples

a, ac, ad, af, ag, to, toward, near, in addition aside, accompany, adjust, aggression, allocate,
al, an, ap, as, at to, by annihilate, affix, associate, attend, adverb
apolitical, atheist, anarchy, anonymous, apathy,
a-, an- not, without
aphasia, anemia
ab, abs away from, off absolve, abrupt, absent
-able, -ible Adjective: worth, ability solvable, incredible
acer, acid, acri bitter, sour, sharp acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony
act, ag do, act, drive active, react, agent, active, agitate
Acu sharp acute, acupuncture, accurate
-acy, -cy Noun: state or quality privacy, infancy, adequacy, intimacy, supremacy
-ade act, product, sweet drink blockade, lemonade
aer, aero air, atmosphere, aviation aerial, aerosol, aerodrome
agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous,
ag, agi, ig, act do, move, go
Noun: activity, or result of
-age courage, suffrage, shrinkage, tonnage
agri, agro pertaining to fields or soil agriculture, agroindustry
-al Noun: action, result of action referral, disavowal, disposal, festival
-al, -ial, -ical Adjective: quality, relation structural, territorial, categorical
alb, albo white, without pigment albino, albite
ali, allo, alter other alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism
alt high, deep altimeter, altitude
am, ami, amor love, like, liking amorous, amiable, amicable, enamoured
ambi both ambidextrous
ambul to walk ambulatory, amble, ambulance, somnambulist
-an Noun: person artisan, guardian, historian, magician
ana, ano up, back, again, anew anode, anagram, anagenetic
Noun: action, state, quality or resistance, independence, extravagance,
-ance, -ence
process fraudulence
Noun: state, quality or
-ancy, -ency vacancy, agency, truancy, latency
andr, andro male, characteristics of men androcentric, android
ang angular angle
anim mind, life, spirit, anger animal, animate, animosity
ann, annu, enni yearly annual, annual, annuity, anniversary, perrenial
Noun: an agent, something
-ant, -ent disinfectant, dependent, fragrant
that performs the action
Adjective: kind of agent,
-ant, -ent, -ient important, dependent, convenient
anterior, anteroom, antebellum, antedate,
ante before
antecedent antediluvian
anthrop man anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy
antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis, antibody,
anti, ant against, opposite
antinomies, antifreeze, antipathy
anti, antico old antique, antiquated, antiquity
apo, ap, aph away from, detached, formed apology, apocalypse, aphagia
aqu water aqueous
Adjective: resembling,
-ar, -ary spectacular, unitary
related to
archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy,
arch chief, first, rule
matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era
-ard, -art Noun: characterized braggart, drunkard, wizard
aster, astr star aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut
-ate Noun: state, office, fuction candidate, electorate, delegate
-ate Verb: cause to be graduate, ameliorate, amputate, colligate
-ate Adjective: kind of state inviolate
-ation Noun: action, resulting state specialization, aggravation, alternation
auc, aug, aut to originate, to increase augment , author, augment, auction
aud, audi, aur, audience, audio, audible, auditorium, audiovisual,
to hear, listen
aus audition, auricular, ausculate
aug, auc increase augur, augment, auction
automobile, automatic, automotive, autograph,
aut, auto self
autonomous, autoimmune
bar weight, pressure barometer
on, around, over, about,
be excessively, make, cause, berate, bedeck, bespeak, belittle, beleaguer
name, affect
belli war rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose
benefactor, beneficial, benevolent, benediction,
bene good, well, gentle
beneficiary, benefit
bi, bine two biped, bifurcate, biweekly, bivalve, biannual
bibl, bibli, biblio book bibliophile, bibliography, Bible
bio, bi life biography, biology, biometricsm biome, biosphere
brev short abbreviate, brevity, brief
cad, cap, cas, receive, deceive, capable, capacious, captive,
ceiv, cept, capt, to take, to seize, to hold accident, capture, occasion, concept, intercept,
cid, cip forceps, except, reciprocate
cad, cas to fall cadaver, cadence, cascade
-cade procession motorcade
calor heat calorie, caloric, calorimeter
capit, capt head decapitate, capital, captain, caption
carn flesh carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal
cat, cata, cath down, with catalogue, category, catheter
caus, caut burn, heat caustic, cauldron, cauterize
cause, cuse, cus cause, motive because, excuse, accusation
ceas, ced, cede, to go, to yield, move, go, succeed, proceed, precede, recede, secession,
ceed, cess surrender exceed, succession
cent hundred centennial, century, centipede
centr, centri center eccentricity, centrifugal, concentric, eccentric
chrom color chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic
chronology, chronic, chronicle chronometer,
chron time
anachronism, synchronize
fratricide, homicide, incision, incision, circumcision,
cide, cis, cise to kill, to cut, cut down
circumnavigate, circumflex, circumstance,
circumcision, circumference, circumorbital,
circum around
circumlocution, circumvent, circumscribe,
cit call, start incite, citation, cite
civ citizen civic, civil, civilian, civilization
exclamation, clamor, proclamation, reclamation,
clam, claim cry out
clin lean, bend decline, aclinic, inclination
include, exclude, clause, claustrophobia, enclose,
clud, clus claus to close, shut
exclusive, reclusive, conclude
cohesiveness, cognate, collaborate, convene,
co, cog, col, coll, commitment, compress, contemporary, converge,
with, together
con, com, cor compact, confluence, convenient, concatenate,
conjoin, combine, correct
recognize, cognizant, diagnose, agnostic,
cogn, gnos to know
incognito, prognosis
complete, compel, conscious, condense, confess,
com, con fully
contr, contra, contradict, counteract, contravene, contrary,
against, opposite
counter counterspy, contrapuntal
cord, cor, cardi heart cordial, concord, discord, courage, encourage
corporation, corporal punishment, corpse,
corp body
corpulent, corpus luteum
cort correct escort, cortage
cosm universe, world cosmos, microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut
cour, cur, curr,
run, course occur, excursion, discourse, courier, course
crat, cracy rule autocrat, aristocrat, theocracy, technocracy
cre, cresc, cret, grow create, crescent, accretion, increase
crea create creature, recreation, creation
creed, credo, credence, credit, credulous,
cred believe
incredulous, incredible
cresc, cret,
rise, grow crescendo, concrete, increase, decrease, accrue
crease, cru
crit separate, choose critical, criterion, hypocrite
current, concurrent, concur, incur, recur, occur,
cur, curs run
courier, precursor, cursive
cura care curator, curative, manicure
cycl, cyclo wheel, circle, circular Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic
from, down, away, to do the detach, deploy, derange, decrease, deodorize,
opposite, reverse, against devoid, deflate, degenerate
dec, deca ten, ten times decimal, decade, decalogue, decimate, decathlon
dec, dign suitable decent decorate dignity
dei, div God divinity, divine, deity, divination, deify
dem, demo people, populace, population democracy, demography, demagogue, epidemic
dent, dont tooth dental, denture, orthodontist, periodontal
derm skin, covering hypodermic, dermatology, epidermis, taxidermy
di-, dy- two, twice, double divide, diverge, diglycerides
diameter, diagonal, dialogue dialect, dialectic,
dia through, across, between
diagnosis, diachronic
dictation, dictionary, dictate, dictator, Dictaphone,
dic, dict, dit say, speak
edict, predict, verdict, contradict, benediction
dismiss, differ, disallow, disperse, dissuade, divide,
not, opposite of, reverse,
dis, dif disconnect, disproportion, disrespect, distemper,
separate, deprive of, away
dit give credit, audit
docile, doctor, doctrine, document, dogma,
doc, doct teach, prove
master, that which is under
domin dominate, dominion, predominant, domain
don give donate, condone
dorm sleep dormant, dormitory
dox thought, opinion, praise orthodox, heterodox, paradox, doxology
-drome run, step syndrome, aerodrome, velodrome
produce, abduct, product, transducer, viaduct,
duc, duct to lead, pull
aqueduct, induct, deduct, reduce, induce
dura hard, lasting durable, duration, endure
dynam power dynamo, dynamic, dynamite, hydrodynamics
dys- bad, abnormal, difficult, dysfunctional, dyslexia, dyspathy
impaired, unfavorable
not, missing, out, fully, away,
e- emit, embed, eternal,ether, erase, email, e-tailer
computer network related
ec- out of, outside echo, eclipse, eclectic, ecesis, ecstasy, exzema
household, environment,
eco- relating to ecology or ecology, economize, ecospheres, ecomanagement
ecto- outside, external ectomorph, ectoderm, ectoplasm
-ed Verb: past tense dressed, faded, patted, closed, introduced
Adjective: having the quality
-ed winged, moneyed, dogged, tiered
or characteristics of
-en Verb: to cause to become lengthen, moisten, sharpen
-en Adjective: material golden, woolen, silken
put into, make, provide with,
en-, em- enamor, embolden, enslave, empower, entangle
surround with
Noun: action or process, reference, emergency, dependence, eminence,
-ence, -ency
quality or state latency
endorse, endocardial, endergonic, endoskeleton,
end- inside, within
endoscope, endogenous
upon, close to, over, after,
epi- epicenter, epicarp, epilogue, epigone, epidiorite
equidistant, equilateral, equilibrium, equinox,
equi- equal
equation, equator
-er, -ier Adjective: comparative better, brighter, sooner, hotter, happier
Noun: person or thing that flyer, reporter, player, member, fryer, collector,
-er, -or
does something concentrator
-er, -or Verb: action ponder, dishonor, clamor
energy, erg, allergy, ergometer, ergograph,
erg work, effect
collective qualities, art,
-ery practice, trade, collection, snobbery, bakery, geenery, gallery, slavery
state, condition
Noun: plural of most nouns
-es, -ies ending in -ch, -s, -sh, -o and passes, glasses, ladies, heroes
-z and some in -f and -y
Verb: third person singular
present indicative of verbs
-es, -ies blesses, hushes, fizzes, defies
that end in -ch, -s, -sh, - and
some in -y
-ess female actress, goddess, poetess
Adjective or Adverb:
-est, -iest latest, strongest, luckiest, lyingest
ev-, et- time, age medieval, eternal
ex- out of, away from, lacking, exit, exhale, exclusive, exceed, explosion, ex-
former mayor
exter-, extra-, external, extrinsic, extraordinary, extrapolate,
outside of, beyond
extro- extraneous, extrovert
fa, fess speak fable, fabulous, fame, famous, confess, profess
fac, fact, fec, fect, difficult, fashion, feasible, feature, factory, fact,
do, make
fic, fas, fea effect, manufacture, amplification, confection
fall, fals deceive fallacy, falsify, fallacious
femto quadrillionth femtosecond
fer bear, carry ferry, coniferous, fertile, defer, infer, refer, transfer
fic, feign, fain, fit,
shape, make, fashion fiction, faint, feign
fid belief, faith confide, diffident, fidelity
confidante, fidelity, confident, infidelity, infidel,
fid, fide, feder faith, trust
federal, confederacy, semper fi
fig shape, form figurem, effigy, figure, figment
fila, fili thread filigree, filament, filter, filet, filibuster
fin end, ended, finished final, finite, finish, confine, fine, refine, define, finale
fix repair, attach fix, fixation, fixture, affix, prefix, suffix
flex, reflex, flexible, flexor, inflexibility, reflect,
flex, flect bend
flict strike affliction, conflict, inflict
influence, fluid, flue, flush, fluently, fluctuate, reflux,
flu, fluc, fluv, flux flow
Adverb: in a manner of,
-fold fourfold
marked by
for, fore before forecast, fortune, foresee
forc, fort strength, strong effort, fort, forte, fortifiable, fortify, forte, fortitude
form, format, conform, formulate, perform, formal,
form shape, resemble
fract, frag, frai break fracture, infraction, fragile, fraction, refract, frail
fuge flee subterfuge, refuge, centrifuge
Noun: an amount or quanity
-ful mouthful
that fills
Adjective: having, giving,
-ful fanciful
marked by
fuse pour confuse, transfuse
-fy make, form into falsify, dandify
gam marriage bigamy, monogamy, polygamy
gastr, gastro stomach gastric, gastronomic, gastritis, gastropod
gen kind generous
genesis, genetics, eugenics, genealogy, generate,
gen birth, race, produce
genetic, antigen, pathogen
geo earth geometry, geography, geocentric, geology
germ vital part germination, germ, germane
gest carry, bear congest, gestation
giga billion gigabyte, gigaflop
gin careful gingerly
gloss, glot tongue glossary, polyglot, epiglottis
glu, glo lump, bond, glue glue, agglutinate, conglomerate
gor to gather, to bring together category, categorize
to gather, to bring together,
grad, gress, gree grade, degree, progress, gradual, graduate, egress
step, go
graph, graphic, autograph, photography, graphite,
graph, gram, graf write, written, draw telegram, polygraph, grammar, biography,
lithograph, graphic
grat pleasing congratulate, gratuity, grateful, ingrate
grav heavy, weighty grave, gravity, aggravate, gravitate
greg herd gregarious, congregation, segregate, gregarian
hale, heal make whole, sound inhale, exhale, heal, healthy, healthiness
helio sun heliograph, heliotrope, heliocentric
hema, hemo blood hemorrhage, hemoglobin, hemophilia, hemostat
adhere, cohere, cohesion, inherent, hereditary,
her, here, hes stick
heterodox, heterogeneous, heterosexual,
hetero other, different
hex, ses, sex six hexagon, hexameter, sestet, sextuplets
homo same homogenize, homosexual, homonym, homophone
hum, human earth, ground, man humus, exhume, humane
hydr, hydra, dehydrate, hydrant, hydraulic, hydraulics,
hydro hydrogen, hydrophobia
hyperactive, hypertensive, hyperbolic,
hyper over, above
hypersensitive, hyperventilate, hyperkinetic
hypn sleep hypnosis, hypnotherapy
-ia Noun: names, diseases phobia
-ian, an Noun: related to, one that is pedestrian, human
-iatry Noun: art of healing psychiatry
-ic Adjective: quality, relation generic
Noun: related to the arts and
-ic, ics arithmetic, economics
-ice Noun: act malice
-ify Verb: cause specify
ignis fire ignite, igneous, ignition
Adjective: having the
-ile projectile
qualities of
in, im into, on, near, towards instead, import
illegible, irresolute, inaction, inviolate, innocuous,
in, im, il, ir not intractable, innocent, impregnable, impossible,
infra beneath infrared, infrastructure
Noun: material made for,
-ing flooring, swimming, building
activity, result of an activity
-ing Verb: present participle depicting
-ing Adjective: activity cohering
international, intercept, interject, intermission,
inter between, among
internal, intermittent,
within, during, between
intra intramural, intranet, intranatal
layers, underneath
intro into, within, inward interoffice, introvert, introspection, introduce
-ion Noun: condition or action abduction
Adjective: having the
-ish newish
character of
Noun: doctrine, belief, action
-ism formalism
or conduct
-ist Noun: person or member podiatrist
-ite Noun: state or quality graphite
-ity, ty Noun: state or quality lucidity, novelty
-ive Noun: condition native
Adjective: having the quality
-ive, -ative, -itive festive, cooperative, sensitive
-ize Verb: cause fantasize
reject, eject, project, trajectory, interject, dejected,
jac, ject throw
inject, ejaculate, adjacent
adjoining, enjoin, juncture, conjunction, injunction,
join, junct join
judice judge prejudice
jug, junct, just to join junction, adjust, conjugal
juven young juvenile, rejuvenate
labor work laborious, belabor
lau, lav, lot, lut wash launder, lavatory, lotion, ablution, dilute
lect, leg, lig choose, gather, select, read collect, legible, eligible
leg law legal, legislate, legislature, legitimize
-less Adjective: without, missing motiveless
levi light alleviate, levitate, levity
lex, leag, leg law legal, college, league
liber, liver free liberty, liberal, liberalize, deliverance
lide strike collide, nuclide
liter letters literary, literature, literal, alliteration, obliterate
loc, loco place, area location, locally, locality, allocate, locomotion
word, study, say, speech,
log, logo, ology catalog, prologue, dialogue, zoology, logo
reason, study
loqu, locut talk, speak eloquent, loquacious, colloquial, circumlocution
luc, lum, lun, lus, translucent, luminary, luster, luna, illuminate,
lust illustrate
lude play prelude
-ly Adverb: in the manner of fluently
macr-, macer lean emaciated, meager
magnify, magnificent, magnanimous, magnate,
magn great
magnitude, magnum
main strength, foremost mainstream, mainsail, domain, remain
malformation, maladjusted, dismal, malady,
mal bad, badly
malcontent,malfunction, malfeasance, maleficent
manual, manage, manufacture, manacle,
man, manu hand, make, do manicure, manifest, maneuver, emancipate,
mand command mandatory, remand, mandate
mania madness mania, maniac, kleptomania, pyromania
mar, mari, mer sea, pool marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid
matri mother matrimony, maternal, matriarchate, matron
half, middle, between, mediate, medieval, Mediterranean, mediocre,
halfway medium
megaphone, megaton, megaflop, megalomaniac,
mega great, million
megabyte, megalopolis
memo, commemoration, memento, memoir,
mem recall, remember
ment mind mental, mention
-ment Noun: condition or result document
meso middle mesomorph, mesoamerica, mesosphere
metaphor, metamorphosis, metabolism,
meta beyond, change
metahistorical, metainformation
meter measure meter, voltammeter, barometer, thermometer
metr admeasure, apportion metrics, asymmetric, parametric, telemetry
microscope, microfilm, microcard, microwave,
micro small, millionth
micrometer, microvolt
migra wander migrate, emigrant, immigrate
mill, kilo thousand millennium, kilobyte, kiloton
milli thousandth millisecond, milligram, millivolt
min little, small minute, minor, minuscule
misconduct, misinform, misinterpret,
mis wrong, bad, badly
mispronounce, misnomer, mistake, misogynist
emit, remit, submit, admit, commit, permit, transmit,
mit, miss send
omit, intermittent, mission, missile
mob, mov, mot move motion, remove, mobile, motor
mon warn, remind monument, admonition, monitor, premonition
monopoly, monotype, monologue, mononucleosis,
mono one
monorail, monotheist,
mor, mort mortal, death mortal, immortal, mortality, mortician, mortuary
amorphous, dimorphic, metamorphosis,
morph shape, form
morphology, polymorphic, morpheme, amorphous
multifold, multilingual, multiped, multiply, multitude,
multi many, much
multipurpose, multinational
nano billionth nanosecond, nanobucks
nasc, nat, gnant,
to be born nascent, native, pregnant, naive
nat, nasc to be from, to spring forth innate, natal, native, renaissance
Neolithic, nuveau riche, neologism, neophyte,
neo new
Noun: state, condition,
-ness kindness
neur nerve neuritis, neuropathic, neurologist, neural, neurotic
nom law, order autonomy, astronomy, gastronomy, economy
nom, nym name nominate, synonym
nomen, nomin name nomenclature, nominate, ignominious
non nine nonagon
non not nonferrous, nonsense, nonabrasive, nondescript
nov new novel, renovate, novice, nova, innovate
nox, noc night nocturnal, equinox, noctilucent
numer number numeral, numeration, enumerate, innumerable
numisma coin numismatics
ob, oc, of, op toward, against, in the way oppose, occur, offer, obtain
oct eight octopus, octagon, octogenarian, octave
oligo few, little Oligocene, oligosaccharide, oligotrophic, oligarchy
omni all, every omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnivorous
onym name anonymous, pseudonym, antonym, synonym
oper work operate, cooperate, opus
-or Noun: condition or activity valor, honor, humor, minor
ortho straight, correct orthodox, orthodontist, orthopedic, unorthodox
-ory Noun: place for, serves for territory, rectory
-ous, -eous, -ose, Adjective: having the quality
adventurous, courageous, verbose, fractious
-ious of, relating to
over excessive, above overwork, overall, overwork
pac peace pacifist, pacify, pacific ocean
pair, pare arrange, assemblage, two repair, impair, compare, prepare
Paleozoic, Paleolithic, paleomagnetism,
paleo old
Pan-American, pan-African, panacea,
pan all
pandemonium (place of all the demons),
paradox, paraprofessional, paramedic, paraphrase,
para beside
pat, pass, path feel, suffer patient, passion, sympathy, pathology
pater, patr father paternity, patriarch, patriot, patron, patronize
path, pathy feeling, suffering pathos, sympathy, antipathy, apathy, telepathy
pedal, impede, pedestrian, centipede, tripod,
ped, pod foot
podiatry, antipode, podium
pedo child orthopedic, pedagogue, pediatrics
compel, dispel, expel, repel, propel, pulse, impulse,
pel, puls drive, push, urge
pulsate, compulsory, expulsion, repulsive
pendant, pendulum, suspend, appendage,
pend, pens, pond hang, weigh
pensive, append
per through, intensive persecute, permit, perspire, perforate, persuade
peri around periscope, perimeter, perigee, periodontal
phage eat macrophage, bacteriophage
phan, phas, phen,
show, make visible phantom, fantasy
fan, phant, fant
phe speak blaspheme, cipher, phenomenon, philosopher
phil love philosopher, philanthropy, philharmonic, bibliophile
phlegma inflammation phlegm, phlegmatic
phobia, claustrophobia, acrophobia, aquaphobia,
phobia, phobos fear
ergophobia, homophobia
telephone, phonics, phonograph, phonetic,
phon sound
homophone, microphone, symphony, euphonious
photograph, photoelectric, photogenic,
phot, photo light
photosynthesis, photon
pico trillionth picofarad, picocurie, picovolt
pict paint, show, draw picture, depict
plac, plais please placid, placebo, placate, complacent
pli, ply fold reply, implicate, ply
plore cry out, wail implore, exploration, deploring
plu, plur, plus more plural, pluralist, plus
breath pneumatic, pneumonia,
pod foot, feet podiatry, tripod
metropolis, police, politics, Indianapolis,
poli city
megalopolis, acropolis
poly many polytheist, polygon, polygamy, polymorphous
postpone, component, opponent, proponent,
pon, pos, pound place, put expose, impose, deposit, posture, position,
expound, impound
pop people population, populous, popular
porter, portable, transport, report, export, import,
port carry
support, transportation
portion part, share portion, proportion
post after, behind postpone, postdate
pot power potential, potentate, impotent
pre, pur before precede
apprehend, comprehend, comprehensive,
prehendere seize, grasp
primacy, prima donna, primitive, primary, primal,
prin, prim, prime first
primeval, prince, principal
pro for, foward propel
prototype, protocol, protagonist, protozoan,
proto first
Proterozoic, protoindustrial
psych mind, soul psyche, psychiatry, psychology, psychosis
punctual, punctuation, puncture, acupuncture,
punct point, dot
pute think dispute, computer
quat, quad four quadrangle, quadruplets
quintet, quintuplets, pentagon, pentane,
quint, penta five
quip ship equip, equipment
quir, quis, quest,
seek, ask query, inquire, exquisite, quest
re back, again report, realign, retract, revise, regain
reg, recti straighten regiment, regular, rectify, correct, direct, rectangle
retro backwards retrorocket, retrospect, retrogression, retroactive
ri, ridi, risi laughter deride, ridicule, ridiculous, derision, risible
rog, roga ask prerogative, interrogation, derogatory
rupt break rupture, interrupt, abrupt, disrupt, ruptible
sacred, sacrosanct, sanction, consecrate,
sacr, sanc, secr sacred
salv, salu safe, healthy salvation, salvage, salutation
sanctify, sanctuary, sanction, sanctimonious,
sanct holy
sat, satis enough satient, saturate, satisfy
sci, scio, scientia know science, conscious, omniscient, cognocienti
telescope, microscope, kaleidoscope, periscope,
scope see, watch
scribe, scribble, inscribe, describe, subscribe,
scrib, script write
prescribe, manuscript
se apart, move away from secede
sect, sec cut intersect, transect, dissect, secant, section
sediment, session, obsession, possess, preside,
sed, sess, sid sit
president, reside, subside
semifinal, semiconscious, semiannual,
semi half, partial
semimonthly, semicircle
sen, scen old, grow old senior, senator, senile, senescence, evanescent
sentiment, consent, resent, dissent, sentimental,
sent, sens feel, think
sense, sensation, sensitive, sensory, dissension
sept seven septet, septennial
sequence, consequence, sequel, subsequent,
sequ, secu, sue follow
prosecute, consecutive, second, ensue, pursue
servant, service, subservient, servitude, preserve,
serv save, serve, keep conserve, reservation, deserve, conservation,
-ship Noun: status, condition relationship, friendship
sign, signi sign, mark, seal signal, signature, design, insignia, significant
similar, assimilate, simulate, simulacrum,
simil, simul like, resembling
assist, insist, persist, circumstance, stamina,
sist, sta, stit stand, withstand, make up
status, state, static, stable, stationary, substitute
soci to join, companions sociable, society
sol, solus alone solo, soliloquy, solitaire, solitude, solitary, isolate
solvent, solve, absolve, resolve, soluble, solution,
solv, solu, solut loosen, explain
resolution, resolute, dissolute, absolution
somn sleep insomnia, somnambulist
soph wise sophomore (wise fool), philosophy, sophisticated
specimen, specific, spectator, spectacle, aspect,
spec, spect, spi,
look, see speculate, inspect, respect, prospect,
retrospective, introspective, expect, conspicuous
sper render favorable prosper
sphere ball, sphere sphere, stratosphere, hemisphere, spheroid
spirit, conspire, inspire, aspire, expire, perspire,
spir breath
stand, stant, stab,
stat, stan, sti, sta, stand stature, establish, stance
st, stead
-ster person mobster, monster
strain, strict, stringent, strict, restrict, constrict, restrain, boa
bind, pull, draw tight
string, stige constrictor
stru, struct, stroy, construe, structure, construct, instruct, obstruct,
stry destruction, destroy, industry, ministry
sustain, survive, support, suffice, succeed,
sub, suc, suf, under, below, from, secretly,
submerge, submarine, substandard, subnormal,
sup, sur, sus instead of
sume, sump take, use, waste consume, assume, sump, presumption
superior, suprarenal, superscript, supernatural,
super, supra over, above
superimpose, supercede
syn, sym together, at the same time sympathy, synthesis, synchronous, syndicate
tact, tang, tag, tig, tactile, contact, intact, intangible, tangible,
ting contagious, contiguous, contingent
tain, ten, tent, tin hold, keep, have retain, continue, content, tenacious
tect, teg cover detect, protect, tegular, tegument
telephone, telegraph, telegram, telescope,
tele distance, far, from afar
television, telephoto, telecast, telepathy, telepathy
tempo, temporary, extemporaneously,
tem, tempo time
contemporary, pro tem, temporal
tenacious, tenant, tenure, untenable, detention,
ten, tin, tain hold retentive, content, pertinent, continent, obstinate,
contain, abstain, pertain, detain
tendency, extend, intend, contend, pretend,
tend, tent, tens stretch, strain
superintend, tender, extent, tension, pretense
tera trillion terabyte, teraflop
term end, boundary, limit exterminate, terminal
terr, terra earth terrain, terrarium, territory, terrestrial
test to bear witness testament, detest, testimony, attest, testify
the, theo God, a god monotheism, polytheism, atheism, theology
thermometer, theorem, thermal, thermos bottle,
therm heat
thermostat, hypothermia
thesis, thet place, put antithesis, hypothesis, synthesis, epithet
tire draw, pull attire, retire, entire
atom (not cutable), appendectomy, tonsillectomy,
tom cut
dichotomy, anatomy
torture, retort, extort, distort, contort, torsion,
tor, tors, tort twist
tortuous, torturous
tox poison toxic, intoxicate, antitoxin
tract, tra, trai, attract, tractor, traction, extract, retract, protract,
drag, draw, pull
treat detract, subtract, contract, intractable
transform, transoceanic, transmit, transportation,
trans across, beyond, change
tri three tripod, triangle, trinity, trilateral
trib pay, bestow tribute, contribute, attribute, retribution, tributary
tribute give contribute, distribute, tributary
turbo disturb turbulent, disturb, turbid, turmoil
type, prototype, typical, typography, typewriter,
typ print
typology, typify
ultima last ultimate, ultimatum
shadow umbra, penumbra, (take) umbrage, adumbrate
un not, against, opposite unceasing, unequal
uniform, unilateral, universal, unity, unanimous,
uni one
unite, unison, unicorn
Noun: act, condition,
-ure exposure, conjecture, measure
process, function
vacate, vacuum, evacuate, vacation, vacant,
vac empty
vade go evade, invader
vale, vali, valu strength, worth equivalent, valiant, validity, evaluate, value, valor
veh, vect to carry vector, vehicle, convection, vehement
convene, intervene, venue, convenient, avenue,
ven, vent come circumvent, invent, convent, venture, event,
advent, prevent
ver, veri true very, aver, verdict, verity, verify, verisimilitude
verb, verv word verify, veracity, verbalize, verve
convert, revert, advertise, versatile, vertigo, invert,
vert, vers turn, change reversion, extravert, introvert, diversion, introvert,
convertible, reverse, controversy
vi way viable, vibrate, vibrant
vic, vicis change, substitute vicarious, vicar, vicissitude
vict, vinc conquer victor, evict, convict, convince, invincible
video, evident, provide, providence, visible, revise,
vid, vis see
supervise, vista, visit, vision, review, indivisible
revive, survive, vivid, vivacious, vitality, vivisection,
viv, vita, vivi alive, life
vital, vitamins, revitalize
vocation, avocation, convocation, invocation,
voc, voke call evoke, provoke, revoke, advocate, provocative,
vol will malevolent, benevolent, volunteer, volition
volcan fire volcano, vulcanize, Vulcan
revolve, voluble, voluminous, convolution, revolt,
volv, volt, vol turn about, roll
voracious, carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous,
vor eat greedily
Adverb: in a direction or
-ward homeward
Adverb: in the manner of,
-wise timewise, clockwise, bitwise
with regard to
With against withhold, without, withdraw, forthwith
Noun: state, condition, result
-y society, victory
of an activity
-y Adjective: marked by, having hungry, angry, smeary, teary
zoo (zoological garden), zoology, zodiac,
Zo animal

Question 1:
Volcan : ?
A. Explosion
B. Earth
C. Change
D. Fire
E. Territory

Question 2:
Trans : ?
A. Across
B. View
C. Similar
D. Water
E. BAit

Question 3:
Trib : ?
A. Animal
B. Street
C. House
D. Solve
E. Give

Question 4:
Tox : ?
A. Vehicle
B. Time
C. Poison
D. Clever
E. Earth

Question 5:
Syn : ?
A. Answer
B. Struggle
C. Serious
D. Severe
E. Same

Question 6:
The, Theo : ?
A. Paradise
B. Road
C. God
D. Church
E. Hell
Question 7:
Sept : ?
A. 4
B. 8
C. 5
D. 2
E. 7

Question 8:
Sol : ?
A. Slim
B. Sharp
C. Swift
D. Amazing
E. Alone

Question 9:
Spir : ?
A. Unhappy
B. Annoyed
C. Notorious
D. Breath
E. Powerful

Question 10:
Proto : ?
A. First
B. Act
C. Surpass
D. Apply
E. Supply

Question 11:
Pod : ?
A. Earthquake
B. Floods
C. Productivity
D. Foot
E. Famine

Question 12:
Phil : ?
A. Elegy
B. Epic
C. Roads
D. Portrait
E. Love

Question 13:
Onym : ?
A. Army
B. Horse
C. Spear
D. Name
E. Helmet

Question 14:
Every : ?
A. omni-
B. octa-
C. poly-
D. carn-
E. anglo-

Question 15:
Mort : ?
A. death
B. philosophy
C. ethics
D. semantics
E. grammar

Question 16:
Manu : ?
A. attentive
B. automatic
C. pluto
D. time
E. hand

Question 17:
-ist : ?
A. stove
B. person
C. pricipal
D. burner
E. boss

Question 18:
Infra : ?
A. Sleep
B. suprise
C. support
D. beneath
E. synonym

Question 19:
helio : ?
A. galaxy
B. labyrinth
C. planet
D. sun
E. moon

Question 20:
demo : ?
A. society
B. poeple
C. country
D. village
E. surroundings

Question 21:
Circum : ?
A. Plasma
B. Vapors
C. solid
D. around
E. pool

Question 22:
bibl : ?
A. library
B. pen
C. laboratory
D. head
E. book

Question 23:
Bar : ?
A. Patient
B. Walk
C. fatigue
D. Pressure
E. Sleep

Question 24:
Anthrop : ?
A. man
B. arena
C. warfare
D. battle
E. sword

Question 25:
Arch : ?
A. pistol
B. alarm
C. castle
D. rule
E. arrow

Question 26:
Carbo : ?
A. heat
B. coal
C. night
D. sky
E. Steam
Question 27:
Deci : ?
A. third
B. sixth
C. seventh
D. tenth
E. foirth

Question 28:
Cav : ?
A. Stars
B. Dogs
C. Chickens
D. hollow
E. Fish

Question 29:
dic : ?
A. Command
B. Cruelty
C. Speak
D. Strength
E. Nadir

Question 30:
dome : ?
A. village
B. country
C. city
D. street
E. house

Question 31:
Gyn : ?
A. Father
B. Son
C. Man
D. Women
E. Short

Question 32:
Demi : ?
A. Across
B. View
C. Similar
D. Water
E. Half

Question 33:
Haemo, Hemo : ?
A. Animal
B. Blood
C. House
D. Gas
E. Plasma
Question 34:
Hypno : ?
A. Vehicle
B. Time
C. Poison
D. Clever
E. Sleep

Question 35:
Lact : ?
A. Answer
B. Struggle
C. Serious
D. Milk
E. Same

Question 36:
Leg : ?
A. Simple
B. Road
C. God
D. Law
E. Thought

Question 37:
Lumin : ?
A. stop
B. light
C. dark
D. thunderous
E. sky

Question 38:
Mar : ?
A. Slim
B. Sea
C. Swift
D. Amazing
E. Alone

Question 39:
Meta : ?
A. Unhappy
B. Annoyed
C. Notorious
D. Breath
E. Aboves

Question 40:
Myth : ?
A. Sudden
B. Surprise
C. Surpass
D. Apply
E. Story

Question 41:
Nema : ?
A. Steam
B. Crowd
C. Hair
D. Food
E. Famine

Question 42:
Nov : ?
A. Epic
B. Critical
C. Railway
D. New
E. Hatred

Question 43:
Oct : ?
A. 7
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
E. 9

Question 44:
Opt : ?
A. eye
B. skin
C. head
D. shoulder
E. feet

Question 45:
Ora : ?
A. space
B. sea
C. mouth
D. semantics
E. vision

Question 46:
Phob : ?
A. fare
B. automatic
C. fair
D. fear
E. hand

Question 47:
Pluto : ?
A. stove
B. law
C. rule
D. wealth
E. boss

Question 48:
Sanc : ?
A. stimulate
B. suprise
C. distant
D. holy
E. synonym

Question 49:
Selen : ?
A. galaxy
B. labyrinth
C. planet
D. sun
E. moon

Question 50:
Somn : ?
A. research
B. study
C. country
D. tired
E. sleep

1. fire
2. across
3. give
4. poison
5. same
6. God
7. 7
8. alone
9. breath
10. first
11. foot
12. love
13. name
14. omni
15. death
16. hand
17. person
18. beneath
19. sun
20. people
21. around
22. book
23. pressure
24. man
25. rule
26. coal
27. tenth
28. hollow
29. speak
30. house
31. women
32. half
33. blood
34. sleep
35. milk
36. law
37. light
38. sea
39. above
40. story
41. hair
42. new
43. 8
44. eye
45. mouth
46. fear
47. wealth
48. holy
49. moon
50. sleep
Grammar usage:
The Grammar portion also comprises the basics of grammar that are not difficult whatsoever.
Nobody can claim to have a complete command over grammar whatsoever. Tere are two
methods of handling this portion of the test.
i. Learn all the English Grammar right from the basic till the end
ii. Read a good book and listen to the commentaries during matches or even English news. It
will enable you get used to listenibg to Correct English. This very induction of listening to
correct English will enable you find out the grammatical mistakes.
I still remember that even prior to my admission in an English Language Academy, I knew how
to speak correct English. I was able to do so because I was used to listening toCorrecr English
while watching matches on TV or even Cartoons. We have never learnt the Noun, Promoun, Very,
Adjective, etc of our mother tongue, still we are able to trace whenever anyone errs somewhere while
speaking our language. Similarly, if you are used to reading and listening to correct English, you will
surely be able to spot the error you come across.
e.g. Larka apna kaam kar rahi hai.
Now, you’ll quickly notice the mistake because neither your eyes nor ears are used to such errors.
Similarly, if you are accustomed to listening and reading Correct English, you’ll quickly be able to spot
the error. Even if you are still not satisfied with it, you may well read the book “ English Grammar In Use
“ by Raymond Murphy for better understanding. It is a very good booj that contains loads of exercises.
And nothing can be better for you than PRACTICE.
Here is a test for you to check your Grammar.


Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the

phrase printed in bold type to make the grammatically correct?
If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.

1. The small child does whatever his father was done.

A. has done B. Did

C. Does D. had done

No correction

2. You need not come unless you want to.

A. You don't need to come unless you want to

B. You come only when you want to

C. You come unless you don't want to

D. You needn't come until you don't want to

E. No correction required

3. There are not many men who are so famous that they
are frequently referred to by their short names only

A. Initials B. Signatures

C. Pictures D. middle names

No correction

4. The man to who I sold my house was a cheat.

A. to whom I sell B. to who I sell

C. who was sold to D. to whom I sold

No correction

5. They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.

were shocked at
A. B. had all shocked at
had been all
C. had all shocked by D.
shocked on

No correction

6. I need not offer any explanation regarding this incident -

my behaviour is speaking itself.

A. will speak to itself B. speaks for itself

speaks about
C. has been speaking D.

No correction

7. He is too important for tolerating any delay.

A. to tolerate B. to tolerating

C. at tolerating D. with tolerating

No correction

8. The population of Tokyo is greater

than that of any other town in the

A. greatest among any other

B. greater than all other

greater than those of any


D. greater than any other

E. No correction required

9. The performance of our players was rather worst than I had expected.

A. bad as I had expected B. worse than I had expected

C. worse than expectation D. worst than was expected

E. No correction required

10. Why did you not threw the bag away?

A. did you not throw B. had you not threw

C. did you not thrown D. you did not thrown

E. No correction required

11. Shapes of gods and goddess are worshipped by people.

A. Images B. Reflections

C. Clay shapes D. Clay toys

E. No correction required

12. In addition to enhanced their reputations through strategic use of philanthropy, companies are
sponsoring social initiatives to open new markets.

A. of enhancing their reputation

B. to having enhance their reputation

C. to enhancing their reputation

D. to have their reputation enhancing

E. No correction required

13. The intruder stood quietly for few moments

A. for few time B. for the few moments

C. for moments D. for a few moments

E. No correction required

14. The police has so far succeeded in recovering only a part of the stolen property.
A. thus far succeeded for recovery

B. so far succeeded in recovery of

C. as for as succeeded in recovery of

D. so far succeeded to recover

E. No correction required

15. He confidentially asked the crowd if they thought he was right and the crowd shouted that they

A. that he did B. that they had

C. that he is D. that he didn't

E. No correction required

16. Why should the candidates be afraid of English Language is not clear.

A. the candidates should be B. do the candidates be

C. should be the candidates D. are the candidates

E. No correction required

17. He found the gold coin as he cleans the floor.

A. as he had cleaned B. while he cleans

C. which he is cleaning D. while cleaning

E. No correction required

18. He admired the speed with which he completed the work and appreciating the method
adopted by him

A. appreciate the method being adopted

B. appreciated the method adopted

C. appreciate the method of adoption

D. appreciated the method adopting method

E. No correction required

19. Maria unnecessarily picked up a quarrel with Rani and left the party hurried.

A. has picked up B. picked on

C. picked D. picking up

E. No correction required

20. She cooks, washes dishes, does her homework and then relaxing.

A. relaxing then B. then is relaxing

C. relaxing is then D. then relaxes

E. No correction required

21. Acquisition of certain specific skills can be facilitated from general awareness, education to
novel situations

A. can be facilitated by B. may facilitate through

C. can be felicitated with D. may be felicitated with

E. No correction required

22. He never has and ever will take such strong measures.

A. had taken nor will ever take B. had taken and will ever take

C. has and never will take D. had and ever will take

E. No correction required

23. Technology must use to feed the forces of change.

A. must be used to feed B. must have been using to feed

C. must use having fed D. must be using to feed

E. No correction required

24. Anyone interested in the use of computers can learn much if you have access to a personal

A. they have access B. access can be available

C. he or she has access D. one of them have access

E. No correction required

25. They are not beware of all the facts

A. are not aware for B. are not aware of

C. are not to be aware D. must not to be aware for

E. No correction required

26. We can not always convey ourselves in simple sentences.

A. cannot always convey B. can not always express

C. cannot always express D. can not always communicate

E. No correction required

27. What does agonise me most is not this criticism, but the trivial reason behind it.

A. most agonising me B. agonises me most

C. agonising me most D. I most agonised

E. No correction required

28. As there was no time, the remaining items were deferred into the next meeting.

A. are deferred till B. were deferred till

C. were deferred to D. had deferred with

E. No correction required
29. Despite of their differences on matters of principles, they all agree on the demand of hike is

A. Despite their B. Despite of the

C. Despite for their D. Despite off their

E. No correction required

30. The man who has committed such a serious crime must get the mostly severepunishment.

A. be getting the mostly severely

B. get the most severe

C. have got the most severely

D. have been getting the severe most

E. No correction required

31. For many centuries in Indian History there was no city so famous like the city of Ujjain.

A. as B. such as

C. likewise D. so like

E. No correction required

32. We don't know how did the thief made an escape.

A. how the thief did make B. how the thief does make

C. how the thief made D. how was the thief made

E. No correction required

33. He is a singer of repute, but his yesterday's performance was quite disappointing.

A. performances of yesterday were

B. yesterday performance was

C. yesterday performance were

D. performances about yesterday were

E. No correction required

34. Their earnings are such that they find it difficult to make both ends to meet.

A. to makings both ends meet

B. to make both ends for meeting

C. to make both ends meet

D. for making both ends to meet

E. No correction required

35. He has received no other message than an urgent telegram asking him to rush his
village immediately.

A. asked him to rush his village

B. asking him to have rush his village

C. asking him to rush to his village

D. asking him rushing at his village

No correction required

36. One of the most significant phenomenons of our time has been the development of cinema.

A. phenomenon B. phenomena

C. phenomenonna D. phenomenonns

E. No correction required

37. Had you been told me about your problem, I would have helped you.
A. If you would have told B. Had you have told

C. had you told D. If you have told

E. No correction required

38. It was until many years later that Gandhi became a rebel against authority.

A. It was not until many years B. It was till many years

C. It was not many years D. Until It was many years

E. No correction required

39. Anand has the guts to rise from the occasion and come out successfully.

A. in rising from B. to raise with

C. to rise to D. to rise against

E. No correction required

40. If you are thinking about investigation overseas, isn't it makes sense to find an experience

A. it is not making B. doesn't it make

C. does it make D. is it making

E. No correction required

41. This is one of the most important inventions of this century.

A. invention of this century B. invention of these century

C. invention of centuries D. invention of the centuries

E. No correction required

42. The orator had been left the auditorium before the audience stood up.

A. had been leaving B. was left

C. had left D. would leave

E. No correction required

43. He dislikes the word dislike, isn't he

A. didn't he B. doesn't he

C. hasn't he D. does he

E. No correction required

44. We must take it granted that Madhu will not come for today's function.

A. take it for granted B. taking it granted

C. took it as granted D. have it granted

E. No correction required

45. The research study is an eye-opener and attempts to acquaint us with the problems of poor

A. attempted to acquaint B. attempts at acquainting

C. attempt to acquaint D. attempting to acquaint

E. No correction required

46. It was unanimously resolved that the parties should unitedly undertook launching of popular

A. should be united undertook B. should be unitedly undertaken

C. should be unitedly undertake D. should unitedly undertake

E. No correction required

47. They continued to work in the field despite of the heavy rains.

A. even though there is heavy rain

B. although heavily rains

C. in spite the heavy rains

D. even though it rained heavily

E. No correction required

48. It is always better to make people realise the importance of discipline than to impose them on

A. impose it with them B. impose them with it

C. imposing them on it D. impose it on them

E. No correction required

49. My doctor knew that I would eventually recover and do kind of work I would be doing before

A. would have been doing B. would have done

C. had been done D. had been doing

E. No correction required

50. Later he became unpopular because he tried to lord it on his followers.

A. to lord it for B. to lord over

C. to lord it over D. to lord it over on

E. No correction required

51. The crops are dying; it must not had rained.

A. must had not B. must not be

C. must not have D. must not have been

E. No correction required

52. The courts are actively to safeguard the interests and the rights of the poor.
A. are actively to safeguarding

B. have been actively safeguarding

C. have to active in safeguarding

D. are actively in safeguarding

E. No correction required

53. The drama had many scenes which were so humorous that it was hardly possible to keep a
straight face.

A. hardly possible for keeping

B. hardly impossible for keeping

C. hardly impossible for keep

D. hardly possible keeping

E. No correction required

54. Hardly does the sun rise when the stars disappeared.

A. have the sun rose B. had the sun risen

C. did the sun rose D. the sun rose

E. No correction required

55. You will be late if you do not leave now

A. did not leave B. left

C. will not leave D. do not happen to leave

E. No correction required

56. The train will leave at 8.30 pm, we have been ready by 7.30pm so that, we can reach the station
in time.

A. were B. must be

C. are D. should have

E. No correction required

57. All the allegations levelled against him were found to be baseless.

A. level against B. level with

C. levelling with D. levelled for

E. No correction required

58. Ramesh is as tall if not, taller than Mahesh.

A. not as tall but B. not so tall but as

C. as tall as, if not D. as if not

E. No correction required

59. He hesitated to listen to what his brother was saying.

A. listened to hesitate B. hesitated listen to

C. hesitates to listening D. is hesitated to listen to

E. No correction required

60. The prosecution failed in establish in every case today.

A. to B. on

C. as D. upon

E. No correction required

61. One of my drawbacks is that I do not have to tolerance of ambiguity.

A. do not have B. cannot have

C. am not D. did not have to

E. No correction required

62. They should have calmly thought of the advantages that would accrue to them.

A. should have been calm in thinking about

B. should be calmly thought of

C. shall have to calmly thought of

D. should have calmly think of

E. No correction required

63. The easiest of the thing to do is to ask the address to the postman.

A. of the things to do B. among the things did

C. of the thing to be done D. of all the things done

E. No correction required

64. We demonstrated to them how we were prepared the artistic patterns.

A. are prepared B. have prepared

C. are preparing D. had prepared

E. No correction required

65. Because of his mastery in this field, his suggestions are wide accepted.

A. are widely accepted B. widely acceptance

C. have widely accepted D. have been wide accepted

E. No correction required

66. They felt humiliated because they realised that they had cheated.
A. have been cheated B. had been cheated

C. had been cheating D. were to be cheated

E. No correction required

67. Tax evaders should heavily punished as they do it intentionally.

A. should be heavy fined B. should have heavily fined

C. shall have heavy fine D. should be heavily fined

E. No correction required

68. We met him immediately after the session in which he had been given a nice speech.

A. would be giving B. has been given

C. will have given D. had given

E. No correction required

69. For some days the new professor lectured above the heads of his pupils.

A. over the head of B. over the heads of

C. on the heads of D. through the heds of

E. No correction required

70. The accused now flatly denies have admitted his guilt in his first statement.

A. having admitted B. had admitted

C. have been admitting D. has admitting

E. No correction required

71. We were still standing in the queue when the film was beginning.
A. film began B. film had begun

C. beginning of the film was over D. film begins

E. No correction required

72. If I would have realised the nature of job earlier, I would not have accepted it.

A. If I have had B. In case I would have

C. Had I been D. Had I

E. No correction required

73. The crime has growth rapidly in Russia since the disintegration of the communist system.

A. rapid crime has grown B. crime has grown rapidly

C. crimes grow rapidly D. crimes have been rapidly grown

E. No correction required

74. They failed in their attempt to repair the demolished portion of that building.

A. for their attempt to repair B. in their attempting to repair

C. with their attempt to repair D. in their attempt for repairs

E. No correction required

75. I earnestly believe that you will visit our relatives during your forthcoming trip to Mumbai.

A. had hardly believe that B. sincerely would believe

C. certainly believing that D. could not believe

E. No correction required
76. By such time you finish that chapter, I will write a letter.

A. The time when B. By the time

C. By that time D. The time

E. No correction required

77. Though we have kept in mind to try and maintain most facilities, we would like to request
you to kindly bear with us any inconvenience that may be caused.

A. must keep in mind to try and maintain

B. have kept in mind trying and maintain

C. would keep in mind to try and to maintain

D. should have kept in mind to try and to maintain

E. No correction required

78. The tea-estate administration is in such mess there is no leader to set the things right.

A. in such a mess here

B. in a such mess that here

C. in such a mess that there

D. with such a mess that there

E. No correction required

79. They examined both the samples very carefully but failed to detect any difference inthem.

A. some difference in B. some difference between

C. any difference between D. any difference among

E. No correction required
80. "Friends and comrades, the light has gone away from our lives and there is darkness

A. off B. out of

C. out from D. out off

E. No correction required

81. Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him not to refrain from smoking.

A. to not refrain from B. to resort to

C. to refrain from D. to be refrained from

E. No correction required

82. They have a scheme of rewarding the best of the performers every year.

A. a best performer B. the best among the performer

C. a best among performer D. the best of the performer

E. No correction required

83. What happens to all those travellers on the ship was not known?

A. What happened of B. What happened in

C. What is that happens to D. What happened to

E. No correction required

84. Making friends is more rewarding than to make enemies.

A. to be unsociable B. to be sociable

C. being unsociable D. making enemies

E. No correction required

85. The moment they saw me, they were delight

A. had delighted B. were delighted

C. are delighted D. have been delighted

E. No correction required

86. He should not had done it.

A. had not B. should had not

C. should not have D. should have

E. No correction required

87. No sooner do the bells ring than the curtain rose.

A. did the bell ring B. did the bells ring

C. had the bell rang D. had the bell rung

E. No correction required

88. The moment the manager came to know fraudulent action of his assistant, he order
immediately dismissed him.

A. immediately ordered his dismissed

B. ordered his immediate dismissal

C. immediately order dismissal of his

D. ordered for immediately dismissal of him

E. No correction required

89. The meeting was attended to by all invitees.

A. all attended to by B. attended by all

C. fully attended to by D. like attending to all

E. No correction required
90. If he has to spend five hours in the queue, it was really a wastage.

A. is a really wastage B. is real a wastage

C. has really a wastage D. is really a wastage

E. No correction required

91. The world has seen small real attempt at population and resource planning.

A. few B. little

C. less D. a few

E. No correction required

92. My hair stood off ends when I saw the horrible sight.

A. stood at ends B. stood on ends

C. stood to ends D. stands on ends

E. No correction required

93. The long or short of it is that I do not want to deal with that new firm.

A. The long and short of it B. The long and short for it

C. The long or short for it D. The shot and long for it

No correction required

94. Can you tell me why did you not speak the truth?

A. why did not you speak B. that why did you not speak

C. why you did not speak D. why did you not spoke

E. No correction required
95. The people generally try to curry favour with the corrupt but influential person.

A. cook favour B. seek favour

C. extract favour D. display favour

E. No correction required

96. I have got some tea, but I do not have a sugar.

A. some B. got

C. more D. any

E. No correction required

97. Had I realised how close I was to the edge of the valley, I would not have carried the bags

A. Had I been realised B. If I would have realised

C. When I realised D. Had I had realised

E. No correction required

98. Most of the Indian workers are as healthy as, if not healthier than, British workers.

A. as if healthy as not healthier B. healthier but not as healthy

C. as healthy, if not healthier D. so healthy, if not healthier

E. No correction required

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. E
6. B
7. A
8. E
9. B
10. A
11. A
12. C
13. D
14. E
15. E
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. A
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. C
27. B
28. B
29. A
30. B
31. A
32. C
33. E
34. C
35. C
36. B
37. C
38. A
39. C
40. B
41. E
42. C
43. B
44. A
45. B
46. D
47. D
48. D
49. D
50. C
51. C
52. B
53. E
54. B
55. E
56. B
57. E
58. C
59. E
60. A
61. A
62. E
63. A
64. D
65. A
66. B
67. D
68. D
69. B
70. A
71. B
72. A
73. B
74. E
75. E
76. B
77. E
78. C
79. C
80. B
81. C
82. E
83. D
84. D
85. B
86. C
87. B
88. B
89. B
90. D
91. B
92. B
93. A
94. C
95. E
96. D
97. E
98. E
The Comprehension portion simply comprises the paragraph given. It has five questions and
each question contains 5 options. You just have to select the right option. There are certain
technical methods for attempting this question too.
The best techinque for attempting this section would be the Sandwich Method. It means that
you sandwich the questions between the paragraph.
i. Read The Questions
ii. Read The Paragraph
iii. Read The Questions
Moreoer, try and underline the words that indicate the Interrogative Sense of the questions.
i.e. 5 W’s and 1 H : Why, Where, When, What, Whi, How.

A list of One-word substitution will immensely help you in all the 3 portions of English. Here, I am
sharing that list.

A person who believes in fate Fatalist

A person who is above hundred years Centenarian
A book published after the death of its author Posthumas
A book written by an unknown author Anonymous
A cinema show which is held in the afternoon Matinee
A citizen of the world Cosmopolite
A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area Epidemic
A drug or other substance that induces sleep Soporific
A flesh eating animal Carnivorous
A game in which neither party wins Draw
A game in which no one wins Draw
A game or batter in which neither party wins Drawn/ Tie
A Government by a king or queen Monarchy
A Government by one Autocracy
A Government by the few Oligarchy
A Government by the Nobles Aristocracy
A Government by the officials Bureaucracy
A Government by the people Democracy
A Government by the rich Plutocracy
A grass eating animal Herbivorous
A great lover of books Bibliophile
A handwriting that cannot be read Illegible
A land animal that breeds in water Amphibian
A letter, poem etc. whose author is unknown Anonymous
A life history written by oneself Autobiography
A life history written by somebody else Biography
A list of books Catalogue
A list of names, books etc. Catalogue
A loss of damage that cannot be compensated Irreparable
A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy Callous
A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion Fanatic
A man who is easily irritated Irritable
A medicine that kills germs Germicide
A medicine that prevents decomposing Antiseptic
A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine Antidote
A member of the middle class Bourgeois
A method that cannot be imitated Inimitable
A pardonable offense Venial
A person appointed by parties to settle the disputes between them Arbitrator
A person difficult to please Fastidious
A person liable to be called to account for his action Answerable
A person supported by another and giving him/her nothing in return Parasite
A person who always thinks of himself; somebody who is selfish or self- Egotist
A person who attacks first Aggressor
A person who believes easily whatever he is told Credulous
A person who believes that all events are pre-determined Fatalist
A person who cannot read or write Illiterate
A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage Misogamist
A person who has power over all Omnipotent
A person who hates women Misogynist
A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly Smuggler
because they are illegal
A person who knows everything Omniscient
A person who loves every body Altruist
A person who readily believes whatever is told to him/her. Credulous
A person who remains unmoved and unaffected by other people's Impervious
opinions, suggestions
A person who rides on horse-back Equestrian
A person who speaks two languages Bilingual
A person with an evil reputation Notorious
A person's peculiar habit Idiosyncrasy
A place where orphans live Orphanage
A place where weapons and ammunitions are stored Arsenal
A position for which no salary is paid Honorary
A post held without receiving salary Honorary
A post which doesn Honorary
A remedy which never fails Infallible
A sentence whose meaning is unclear Ambiguous
A short message added on to the end of a letter after the signature Postscript
A shortened form of a word or phrase Abbreviation
A sound that cannot be heard Inaudible
A speech delivered without any previous preparation Extempore
A speech or a presentation made without previous preparation Extempore
A state of perfect balance Equilibrium
A statement which cannot be understood Incomprehensible
A study of ancient things Archaeology
A study of animals Zoology
A study of birds Ornithology
A study of derivation of words Etymology
A study of man Anthropology
A study of races Ethnology
A study of the body Physiology
A supposed cure for all diseases or problems Panacea
A thing no longer in use Obsolete
A thing that cannot be seen with human eyes Invisible
A thing that is fit to be eaten Edible
A word opposite in meaning to another Antonym
Absence of government Anarchy
All-powerful; possessing complete power and authority Omnipotent
An absolute government by one man Autocracy
An animal or a human being that eats any kind of food Omnivorous
An animal who preys on other animals Predator
An assembly of hearers at a lecture or concert Audience
An exact copy Facsimile
An office with high salary but no work Sinecure
Anything that leads to death Fatal
Assembly or parliament in which no party has got clear majority Hung
Sentences Start with Alphabet - B
Belonging or pertaining to an individual from birth Congenital
Belonging to the Middle Ages Medieval
Belonging to the same period of time Contemporary
Sentences Start with Alphabet - C
Celebration of a hundredth year, once Centenary
Cut off the head Behead
Sentences Start with Alphabet - D
Destroy or get rid of something completely Eradicate
Do away with wholly Abolish
Sentences Start with Alphabet - F
Free somebody from blame or guilt Exonerate
Sentences Start with Alphabet - G
General pardon Amnesty
General pardon for political offenders Amnesty
Government by officials Bureaucracy
Government by the nobles Aristocracy
Government by the officials Bureaucracy
Government by the people Democracy
Sentences Start with Alphabet - H
Handwritten book Manuscript
Hard but liable to be easily broken Brittle
Hater of mankind Misanthropist
Having opposing feelings Ambivalent
Sentences Start with Alphabet - I
Impossible to change Incorrigible
Incapable of being dissolved in a liquid Insoluble
Incapable of being seized by attack Impregnable
Inscription on a tombstone Epitaph
Sentences Start with Alphabet - K
Killer of one Matricide
Sentences Start with Alphabet - L
Liable to be called to account Accountable
Life story of a man written by himself Autobiography
Life story of a man written by other Biography
Looking into one Introspection
Lover of mankind Philanthropist
Sentences Start with Alphabet - M
Medical examination of a dead body Postmortem
Men living in the same age Contemporary
Misappropriation of money Embezzlement
Murder of a father Patricide
Murder of a human being Homicide
Murder of a mother Matricide
Murder of an brother Fratricide
Murder of an infant Infanticide
Murder of self Suicide
Murder of the king Regicide
Sentences Start with Alphabet - N
Not applicable Irrelevant
Sentences Start with Alphabet - O
Of a man showing feminine attributes Effeminate
Of a man or animal that feeds on its own species Cannibal
Of a person extremely desirous of money Avaricious
of a person who can use both hands equally well Ambidextrous
Of a person who cannot be pleased easily Fastidious
Of a person who easily believes whatever is told to him Credulous
Of animals feeding on flesh Carnivorous
Of animals feeding on grass and plants Herbivorous
Of animals living in flocks Gregarious
Of manners more like those of a woman than a man Effeminate
One incapable of being tired Indefatigable
One who always thinks himself to be ill Valetudinarian
One who believes in fate Fatalist
One who believes in God Theist
One who calculates premium Actuary
One who can do anything for money Mercenary
One who can make himself at home in all countries Cosmopolitan
One who can speak two languages Bilingual
One who can throw his voice Ventriloquist
One who cannot be corrected Incorrigible
One who cannot read or write Illiterate
One who changes sides Turncoat
One who copies from other writers Plagiarist
One who damages public property Vandal
One who dies without a Will Intestate
One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist
One who does not care for art, literature etc Philistine
One who does not make mistakes Infallible
One who does something not professionally but for pleasure Amateur
One who doesn't know how to read and write Illiterate
One who doubts the existence of god Agnostic
One who eats too much Glutton
One who feels sympathetic towards human beings Humanitarian
One who goes on foot Pedestrian
One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views Bigot
One who has no money Pauper
One who has strange habits Eccentric
One who hates mankind Misanthrope
One who hates women Misogynist
One who helps others Good Samaritan
One who is a newcomer Neophyte
One who is all powerful Omnipotent
One who is difficult to please Fastidious
One who is easily deceived Gullible
One who is fond of sensuous pleasures Epicure
One who is greedy for money Avaricious
One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain Stoic
One who is new to a trade or profession Novice
One who is not easily pleased Fastidious
One who is out to subvert a government Anarchist
One who is present everywhere Omnipresent
One who is qualifies for election Eligible
One who is quite like a woman Effeminate
One who is recovering from illness Convalescent
One who is unable to pay his debts Insolvent
One who is unmarried Celibate
One who knows everything Omniscient
One who knows many languages Polyglot
One who lives in a foreign country Immigrant
One who looks on the bright side of things Optimist
One who looks on the dark side of things Pessimist
One who loves books Bibliophile
One who loves mankind Philanthropist
One who makes an official examination of accounts Auditor
One who pretends to be what he is not Hypocrite
One who pursues some art or sport as hobby Amateur
One who questions everything Cynic
One who speaks less Reticent
One who thinks only for oneself, a person who is selfish, self absorbed and Egoist
self centered
One who thinks only of himself Egoist
One who thinks only of welfare of women Feminist
One who works for free Volunteer
Sentences Start with Alphabet - P
People living at the same time Contemporaries
People of noble families or the highest social class Aristocracy
People who work together Colleagues
Person who rides on horse-back Equestrian
Persons living in the same age Contemporaries
Practice of having one wife or husband Monogamy
Practice of having several husbands Polyandry
Practice of having several wives Polygamy
Practice of having two wives or husbands Bigamy
Sentences Start with Alphabet - R
Recovering from illness Convalescent
Remarks which do not ally apply to the subject under discussion Irrelevant
Rule by the mob Mobocracy
Sentences Start with Alphabet - S
Science of coins or medals Numismatics
Science of origin of universe Cosmology
Somebody or something with the same name as somebody or something Namesake
Somebody who doesn Vegetarian
somebody who eats human flesh Cannibal
Somebody who is considerably experienced in something Veteran
Somebody who works or serves only for personal profit Mercenary
Something said or done without preparation Extempore
Something that cannot be corrected Incorrigible
Something that cannot be imitated Inimitable
Something that has been determined beforehand Foregone
Something that is essential and cannot be dispensed with Indispensable
Something that is quickly and easily set on fire and burned Inflammable
Something that quickly catches fire Inflammable
Spoken or done without preparation Extempore
state of antagonism Hostility
Statements open to more than interpretation Ambiguous
Study of environment Ecology
Systematic study of election trends Psephology
Sentences Start with Alphabet - T
That can be eaten Edible
That cannot be altered or withdrawn Irrevocable
That is prohibited by law Illicit
That through which light can partly pass Translucent
That through which light can pass Transparent
That through which light cannot pass Opaque
That which cannot be avoided Inevitable
That which cannot be believed Incredible
That which cannot be changed Irrevocable
That which cannot be conquered Invincible
That which cannot be cured Incurable
That which cannot be defended Indefensible
That which cannot be described Indescribable
That which cannot be explained Inexplicable
That which cannot be hurt Invulnerable
That which cannot be imitated Inimitable
That which cannot be noticed Imperceptible
That which cannot be practiced Impracticable
That which cannot be put into practice Impracticable
That which cannot be read Illegible
That which cannot be satisfied Insatiable
That which cannot be seen Invisible
That which does not bear the name of the writer Anonymous
That which is against law Illegal
That which is considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social Illicit
That which is lawful Legal
That which is not likely to happen Improbable
That which is unlikely to happen Improbable
The act of killing an infant Infanticide
The action of looking back on past time Introspection
The area over which an official has control Jurisdiction
The branch of biology dealing with plant life Botany
The custom of having more than one husband at a time Polyandry
The custom of having more than one wife at a time Polygamy
The first speech made by a person Maiden
The killing of an infant Infanticide
The life story of a man written by himself Autobiography
The murder or murderer of one Fratricide
The period between childhood and adulthood Adolescence
The science which treats with life Biology
To date before the true time Antedate
To explain something mysterious or difficult Elucidate
To free somebody from all blame Exonerate
To give one Delegate
To go down in value Depreciate
To go from bad to worse Deteriorate
To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a disease Aggravate
To increase the speed; to hasten the progress of Accelerate
To lay special stress on Emphasize
To rise in value Appreciate
To root out an evil, disease Eradicate
To take away some one Disenfranchisement
To take somebody away by force and hold him or her prisoner, usually for Kidnap
To transfer one's authority to another Delegate
To turn friends in enemies Alienate
To write under a different name Pseudonym
Sentences Start with Alphabet - V
Very negative person Pessimist
Violating the sanctity of a church Sacrilege
Sentences Start with Alphabet - W
Water fit for drinking Potable
Without life Inanimate
Without payment Gratis
Words which have the same meaning Synonyms
Words written on the tomb of a person Epitaph
Work for which no salary is paid Honorary
Worship of idols Idolatry

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