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| can see that your son has just taken the third hamburger from the Plate. Isn't that a bit too much for a child of six? | don't really know. 'm happy that he has a good appetite. When he was younger he hardly ate anything. He's still growing so | don't think it does any harm. ''m not sure about that. | heard that you have to pay attention from a very young age to how much the child eats since obesity is becoming more and more widespread among children. If he doesn't learn how much food he needs when he's a child he'll almost certainly become a fat adult Bercike isn't fat. He just has strong bones. And he doesn't always eat that much Well, | don't know. Im sure he weighs at least 35 kilos. That's too much for a child of that age. Maybe you should pay attention to What he eats. Hamburgers are not too healthy. Yes, but Bercike loves fast food. So we often go to the hamburger shop at the comer. You shouldn't. He should always get hot meals and he should eat much more fruit and vegetables. Fast food doesn't contain the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Yes, | know. | have tried to do my best to make him eat more healthy food but he simply would not eat anything healthy, He cries all day if he doesn't get what he likes. | always take pity on him and buy him a hamburger or a pizza. Maybe you should try to introduce more healthy food and cut down on unhealthy food slowly and gradually ifhe protests so much. | will try. Maybe it helps. But the problem is that my husband is fed Up after my son's crying for ten minutes and would give him any- thing to make him shut up, Well, you will have to try and be consequent or else you won't succeed. It won't be easy,

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