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1. School without Rules from Great Britain (despre scoli neobișnuite din țările vorbitoare in
Near the city of Bath in the UK it is one of the most atypical schools in the world. There,
children do not have benches, homework or exams. However, there are houses in trees,
terraces and rooms in nature, partially covered.
This school is called The Green House Project. The school is attended by 23 pupils aged
between 5 and 14 years. The school is open only three days a week and the fee per quarter
amounts to 1,250 pounds.
According to the authors of the project children: "Learn to solve problems, to find their true
2. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Un autor din țările vorbitoare in engleză)
Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edinburgh. He is most famous as the
inventor of Sherlock Holmes. He also wrote numerous science-fiction stories, historical
novels, romance of love, poetry, reality-based texts and others. He trained as a doctor,
gaining his degree from Edinburgh University in 1881. He worked as surgeon, as medical
officer, as ophthalmologist.
He was married two times, first wife passing away of tuberculosis.
In the last part of his life, Doyle was attracted to spiritism, he was the friend of magician
Harry Houdini.
Conan Doyle died of a heart attack on 7 July 1930.
3. Traditions from Christmas Eve in Great Britain
Christmas Eve is an important day for English families: packing gifts, baking cakes, hanging
stockings or pillowcases in front of the fireplace or traditionally preparing the pudding. The
day before Christmas is eating a single dish, Frumenty, consisting of a corn cob. For this
food there is superstition according to which it is to be prepared after the Trinity day and it
is necessary to consist of 13 ingredients for the representation of Christ and of the 12
apostles. A silver pen is always thrown into the pudding, which is supposed to bring health,
happiness and wealth to the lucky one who will find it in his portion. At the end of the day,
family members gather near the fire.
4. The Museum of Modern Art in New York
The Museum of Modern Art in New York, also called MoMA, was founded in 1929. It
consists of collections of modern art from the nineteenth century to the present. The
collections represent different forms of visual expression - paintings, sculptures,
photographs, films, drawings, illustrations, architecture and design, television and
electronic media. It also has a library where there are around 300,000 books. The most
valuable and most exclusive collections of modern painting and sculpture are here and
contain around 3600 names. Through the density and quality of the exhibited works,
MOMA is considered to be the most influential modern art museum in the world.

1. The important of Homework
Why is homework important? I think this question is one of the most common questions
that occurs to students.
In addition to getting great grades, the homework was implemented for other reasons.
Homework has positive aspects for both teachers and students. It help teachers to
appreciate the students' qualities and to understand what gaps students have. For students
there are several positive parts. Among these are: it improves children’s thinking and
memory; it develops organizational skills; teaches to work independently; it teaches
children to take responsibility for his or her work; allows children to review and practice
what has been covered in class; it encourages to explores subjects more fully than
classroom time permits; it helps children learn to use resources, such as libraries, reference
materials, and computer web sites to find information. This list could be continued for a
whole lot of reasons.
So how much students would not love to spend time doing homework, this is an important
part of time that helps personal development.
2. Important of culture
Culture is characterized through a group’s unique traditions, rituals, attitudes, beliefs, and
values. It forms an important element of social life of a man. Culture plays an important
role both in the personal development of an individual and in the development of an entire
Culture is important to us because it defines our evolutionary identity. Culture helps us
understand our ancestral values and gives us the very meaning of life. It regulates us
conduct and prepares us for group life. It teaches us what type of food he should take and
what manners, how we should cover ourselves and behave with the fellows, how we should
speak and influence the people, how we should cooperative and compete with other.
The culture gives the individuals or groups the feelings of unity with the group. also culture
gives a group its specificity, its diversity and a print as ethnicity or nation.
Finally I would say: a world without diverse cultural will not be as colorful as it is now.
3. Live
What is life and what is its meaning? This is the question that at least once in a lifetime a
person addresses it.
In accordance with some dictionaries: life is the state characteristic of bodies having specific
features of self-development, self-preservation and self-production, or, in higher bodies,
with the possibility of pursuing a goal. According with other dictionary: life is the aspect of
existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth (reproduction
and metabolism). If we look for other dictionaries we will get many other definitions of life,
from different points of view and we can not say that one or another definition is correct
and another is wrong. Religion emphasizes some aspects of life, science - other aspects, and
philosophy - other aspects. These aspects can exist in their own right and at the same time
they can form a whole whole.
So life has many definitions, and every person has a meaning for life. It is important to find
this meaning.
4. Gender equality
Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities
across all sectors of society, including economic participation and decision-making, and
when the different behaviours, aspirations and needs of women and men are equally
valued and favoured.
Equality between women and men is one of the European Union's founding values. It goes
back to 1957 when the principle of equal pay for equal work became part of the Treaty of
Despite the fact that there are many laws and many attempts to determine gender
equality, many women are deprived of rights in the world. Around the world nearly 98
million girls are not in school. Globally, 1 in 3 women will experience gender-based violence
in her lifetime. In the developing world, 1 in 7 girls is married before her 15th birthday, with
some child brides as young as 8 or 9.
With such a statistic we could say that the world is far from gender equality, but still enjoys
one thing: about this problem is talking and try to solve.

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