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Assignment # 3


Question 1
Following are the three of many content variables that make a message persuasive:
1. Facts vs. Vividness
Evidence based facts and vivid images can used to enhance the effectiveness of a message being
persuaded. A combination of both makes a message powerful as the facts lay foundation for the
receiver to get the information while the images provide a long term storage of facts in the memory.
It should be noted the credibility of source is of prime importance while providing evidence for
the facts and the images being utilized should be coherent with the content of message.
2. Fear
Fear can be utilized to persuade a person. This persuasion technique is based on “Protection
motivation theory” which states that fear induces motivation to protect the self. This technique can
be used only when the audience are convinced that the hazards are serious and probable and the
recommendations are effective and possible to be incorporated.
3. Humor
Humor can also be used to enhance persuasion. According to psychologists (Lyttle 2001 p 207),
people in a good mood are more likely to respond to persuasive messages. Hence humor produces
somehow an effect similar to Halo effect that the person (being persuaded) starts assuming positive
traits for the persuader. However the content of humor should be in accordance with the motive
otherwise it may distract the receiver from the original content to be persuaded.

Question 2
Out group Homogeneity effect is the tendency to view the members of an outgroup as
homogeneous or similar than the members of ingroup. This makes the outgroup members to be
more stereotyped and an overgeneralization in their behavior is assumed. For example, a person
living in a highly urbanized society may view those living in rural areas as of low intellect or

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