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Design Of OO Network Topology Processor By Graph Theoretic Abstraction Shubha Pandit S.A.Soman S.A.Khaparde Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Powai Mumbai -76 1 Abstract Network Topology Processor (NTP) processes real-time cir cuit breaker (CB) status to derive electrical topology of the Power System Network (PSN). Other Energy Management System functions like Power System State Estimator (PSSE) are based on real-time network topology obtained from NTP. ‘This paper proposes an Object Oriented (00) design of a NTP that can handle any arbitrary substation arrangement. ‘The design stresses sparsity exploitation and computational speed for a critical on-line application like NTP. 2 Introduction Modern power system has grown in size and complex- ity. Various constraints such as security, economy, envi- ronmental regulations are forcing the power systems to operate closer to their design capabilities and security margins. Utilities are required to operate as optimally as is possible. This has made the task of the operator more difficult as he has to have a ready reference of the dy- namically changing scenario of the large interconnected system. Monitoring and control of large interconnected power system requires minute by minute processing of real-time measurements such as line power flows, power injections and bus voltages. The measurement data is collected by remote terminal unit at substation and transmitted to the energy control center. In order to remove inconsistencies, filtering of this data is required. Any such on-line mon- itoring program requires another on-line program which provides system configuration that can change dynami- cally due to circuit breaker (CB) operations. The system configuration specifies the interconnection of various net- work elements, depending upon the open/close position of the various isolators and CBs in the network. This means that in order to update the system configuration, the current status of the CB and the corresponding inter- connection of network elements has to be made available. 89 It is the job of the network topology processor to collect both these data and create the latest system connectiv- ity diagram. Thus, the entire process of network topology updating finally boils down to large scale logic processing of circuit breaker status. ‘The information processed by the Network Topology Processor (NTP) has been handled in literature in a number of ways. The apparatus data and the substa- tion topology information has been stored as offline data tables with each row corresponding to a breaker in (1) ‘The same is stored in the form of admittance matrix of the system in [2]. Yehsakul (3) defined a bus.to.branch array for each physical branch represented by a differ- ent branch index. The network data can also be rep- resented as a binary matrix relating to the connectivity of nodes [4]. Bertran et. al. {5] use tables or matri- ces as databases with vector partitioning into groups to store network information. They have implemented the concept of depth.first search algorithm to determine con- nected components of an abstract graph in the connec- tivity algorithm. Though NTP does not concern itself with visualization of graph of the power system, the con- cept of developing a graph of the system that reflects its electrical connectivity has been discussed in detail in this paper. With the growing complexity of the Energy Manage- ment System (EMS) software, there has been a paradigm shift from algorithmic decomposition implementation to Object Oriented (00) implementation. The OO system design leads to software development that is reusable, modular, resilient to changes and scalable [6]. In OO modelling, world is viewed as a collection of objects that interact with each other to achieve the desired functional ity. They provide a cohesive binding of data and methods into classes. This should be contrasted with procedural implementation which have global data even though func- tions can be modular. A class captures the commonality of abstraction in objects. In other words, an object is an Figure 1: Typical Power Network instance of a class. Neyer et. al. presented an OO Load Flow design in 1990 [7]. Since then, research has been focused om OO design of power system analysis software. Work has been i sgn classes for sparse matrices, network apparatus and applications. An OO NTP was Proposed | (2). based on message passing ar- chitecture. This design pr The proposed work takes a graph theoretic approach {0 implement a NTP in an OO environment. The Power System Network (PSN) is modelled through class Sub. Stn & class topology and class category ‘networks result in sparse ‘matrices, He matrix can be represented by a graph, class graph io derived from class sparse.matriz. This class is weed te ‘model graph theoretic computations. An optimally im. plemented clas ect is designed to manipulate the graph ‘theoretic operations. {hn the next section, we define the problem and discuss its solution methodology. ‘Then we move onto the analyze phase in which appropriate classes are identified, which Sections. In the end, we 3 Problem Description & Solu- tion Methodology Figure 1 shows diagram of a typical PSN. It can be seen that network can be viewed a8 a two level hierarchical structure. PSN is composed of electrical substations vst nected through lines, transformers, cables, ete If es zoom on to a substation, as shown in figure 2, a aut work consisting of buses interconnected CB can beseen. Varying substation configurations like ring ns, Figure 2: Ring Bus Arrangement sth varying costs, exibil one.and half CB arrangement with varying cst 1 cal ity of operation and reliability exist. 3 epee node as an interconnection point of two ole of a CB. A path of closed CB leas to ote ne CBS ‘or more physical nodes into an electrical no. Ty be a for a substation selene = cee ‘eal Ve sa single electrical node. Opening 3 oe it into multiple electrical nodes. Thus, #Be "0 the in NTP is to analyze substation con! sods? number of electrical nodes and map the physical a electrical nodes. We designate this analysis level processing. we cal Once substation level processing is oon ie Proceed to network level processing, A GIN jes of one transformer, ete) terminates into PhYSICM Mt ess, a or more substations, For the sake of comity of include the mapping of physical from in the substi” Circuit onto electrical from and to nodes i ‘completed level processing. After this processing *onstructed: i graph (of electrical network) can be COMET rogest Sraph is then analyzed during the net ing to find the number of islands. 4 Identification Of Classes os ie The vocabulary of problem domain contain fas ys #2 line, transformer, substation, OB, ete: WN aoe of identify a class for each of them. Most of Tar, are alo sed in other applications Uke Land Fry ysis, Power System State Estimation. TA adh oe selon Savolves tat oa graph. This gives us a cue to ; fc apple raid TT in many applications including Observation io EMS. Thus, our analysis has led to O° cently class graph. Methods of class graph can DE °C get plemented using the set theoretic APPFOO=N erate been designed to optimally aa here- However, this class has not been Finally, we identify need of a supporting class to imple- ment associative array. Power system nodes are best des- ignated by character strings. The substations are named by their locations. On the other hand, from the point of view of computations, we prefer nodes being numbered by non-negative integers. Class asso.array has been de- signed to map character strings into non-negative inte- gers. In the next section we discuss design of PSN classes. 5 Network Modelling In order to determine the actual connectivity or topol- ogy of any network, it is essential to gather information regarding the different apparatus that is connected at var- ious substations in the system. Also, the arrangement of the breakers inside all the substations along with their status is required to fully define the topology. Thus, the data requirement for NTP can be summarized as 1. Substation data : which includes information on sub- station topology like ring main, one and half cir- cuit breaker. For NTP application, two end nodes of the CB defined by two physical-nodes ( make a distinction with electrical node), and the informa- tion about the status of the switch is required. A phantom breaker is a fictitious breaker which is in- troduced for the sake of analysis and is assumed to be always closed. Such a breaker is introduced usu- ally at phantom nodes. A phantom node has no CB associated with branches or circuits originating from it. A typical example is a node created by tapping a line. Substation names and the physical node names for each bus within a substation are taken as distinct and unique in a system. . Apparatus data : This includes line, transformer, oad and generation data. The ends of a line or a transformer (from bus and to bus) are identified by the substations into which the line terminates and the physical bus of the substation to which it is con- nected. The processing of this data can be handled by designing following classes. 5.1 class topology Class topology has been defined to model the substation configuration, in which a CB is modelled using the struc ture spmat, The structure spmat is actually designed to model static linked list for defining sparse matrices. It has been defined using template facility of C++ as follows: ‘template struct spmat 4 int row, column, link row, link column; T value; BH However, it can be reused to model a CB with integer parameters. class topology { public : char from[20], to[20], name[20); char *#ELECT_nane; int nodes_created; spmat #vect_cb ; asso_arr nane_arr} topology(); find_comectivity(); a The attributes of class topology are discussed below. Name of the each substation is stored in name. The physical nodes to which a CB is connected are stored using character strings from and to. An associative array name.arr assigns integer nodenumber for every physical node. The circuit breaker (CB) data and its status (ON or OFF) is defined by vect.cb which uses struct spmat defined earlier. The field row of spmat can be used to store the from-node number of the CB while column can represent to.node. Field value can be used to store the status of CB with 1 as closed and 0 as open. Integer —1 can be used to represent a phantom breaker. All possi- ble substation topologies can be captured by this simple abstraction. This class has been defined as a private at- tribute of class Sub_Stn. As such, it is not visible to other classes. 5.2 class Sub_Stn ‘This class has been defined to model set of substations in aPSN. class Sub_Stn { private : asso_arr name_to_no; class topology {} ‘topology * vect_substn; imt topo_count, zones_created; public: read_data(); create_graph() ; create_lookup(); o1 ‘Table 1: Class category apparatus Apparatus class Tastance Tine branchline | «L—line ‘Transformer | branchX | *L_Xmer PV.node | node PV Lp PQnode | node PQ pq shunt, shunt, Lshunt ‘The attributes of class Sub_Stn are discussed below: We have already identified that. network level graph con- tains embedded substation level graph. A graph of the substation can be constructed by inserting an edge be- tween pair of physical nodes, if and only if there exists a CB between them which is closed. In substation level Processing, we are interested in identifying maximal sets of physical nodes connected through closed CBs. Each ‘such set represents a unique electrical node. Method find. connectivity() of class topology creates an array of sp- ‘mat corresponding to closed or phantom CB in order to replicate the dynamic connectivity of all the substati Method create_graph() sequentially creates a graph cor. responding to the closed CBs of each substation. Method (find_comp(A)) (of class graph) invoked by method cre- «ate_graph computes all possible components alias the elec trical nodes in the substation graph. A substation graph thus contains at least one electri- cal node, however, it may split into many, depending ‘upon the number of components created. Subsequently, method create-graph() also names each electrical node by @ unique character string. Corresponding to each sub- station, the names of electrical nodes are stored in an array ELECT-name. The process of identifying number of electrical nodes and assigning new names is repeated for all substations. topo.count stores the number of sub- stations in a network indicating number of instances cre- ated of the class topology. Method create lookup() estab- lishes many.to.one mapping of physical nodes to electri. cal nodes and stores it in a lookup table. the connectivity information is in terms of the phys- ical nodes of individual substation, the lookup table is searched to find the ling electrical node. ‘Thus the information about the network connectivity gets translated from the physical nodes in substation to elec. trical nodes of the system. Two electrical nodes of the two substations are thus linked by apparatus connected. (7H casetetetrsenten | pam pontine SJ eet PO phys carta doe sibs demetion | A ante | + ‘sous? id i) mame { senee vases 1h Figure 3: Abbreviations , in In the network level processing, we are ee 6 identifying islands in the system. ‘The process ie a substation level processing. We create a ea noe eit graph corresponding tothe apparatus (cic (A) ity of the electrical network. Method fin 7 identifies the islands in the electrical network canbe ‘The various apparatus connected in the SYST gis modelled through classes. These classes DYE sable cussed in literature (7) & (8) and are i ic 6 Object Oriented Design In section 4, we have identified the role a : men's bilities of the various classes that provide FN, dee behaviour. In the subsequent sections, we BON yy die signed these classes. During analysis, We ¥° 6 x4 for grams to capture the structure of the class®s °™ 4 to the system’s architecture. A class — show the existence of clases and oy the logical view of a system. Figure ai of a NTP. The various icons at: "A cloud 8 developing the diagrams are shown in BENS yniai used to represent a class. Each class must "AS gagde name associated with it, which is vriten i 8 orcs | lar box inside the cloud. Important attri viicated bale | along with access permission can also be instends SEY ‘the class name. Classes rarely eae a collaborate with other classes in @ essential connections among classes such 95 1 show? association, "has" and using” relations the t9Pe using different icons. The diagram oy of physical containment ( by value oF collaborating class along with the number created of the same. Thus the class diam visualize a large system with relative ease cal o0st0O™ Ik can be seen that class NTP i6 ® BMS gad cast tion of class category apparatus, class used whe graph. Class SubStn models a number of substation ob- jects. A number of instances of class topology are created in a object of class Sub.Stn depending upon the number of substations of the system. During design, object diagrams serve as the primary ve- hicle for describing scenario which express the behaviour of the system. An object diagram is used to show the existence of objects and their relationships in the logical design of a system. In other words, an object diagram rep- resents a snapshot in time over a certain configuration of objects. The figure 5 shows the object diagram for NTP, Directed arcs show the methods that a client invokes on the supplier object. The number associated with the mes- sage show the sequence of the activity. Directed arc es- tablishes relationship between client and supplier. Class graph has a constructor to instantiate a graph from an ar- tay of spmat. By restricting the array spmat to one with closed CB, a graph is created that reflects the electrical connectivity of a substation. Method find_component(A) finds the number of components of this graph and hence identifies electrical nodes in a substation. A electrical node in a substation is a set of distinct physical nodes connected through zero impedance branches. Having es- tablished this mapping, the from and to nodes of a cir- cuit element are mapped onto the corresponding electri- cal nodes. On similar lines, graph of the network is now created. Method find.component(A) computes number of islands of network. 7 Results The above design has been implemented in C++. It has been tested on various test systems which include the IEEE 14 bus system as well as test system in reference (1). It was observed that the proposed NTP is able to analyze all standard substation topology as well as any arbitrary topology. This is because of the use of class graph which generalizes all possible substation topologies. It was further observed that cases leading to islands due to circuit breaker operations could be diagnosed correctly. ‘The computational effort is minimal because 0° 1. efficient sparse matrix storage scheme; 2. use of class set with optimal implementation & 3. computational work being restricted to finding com- Ponents of a graph. 8 Conclusions A novel OO NTP design and implementation was pre sented in this paper. Efficient sparsity exploitation and 93 graph theoretic application makes it suitable for large sparse graphs. The primary work is done by class set which is designed with high level of efficiency. Both class graph and class set are reusable by applications such as Linear System Solver, Relay Coordination of mesh sys- tems, Observability Analysis and Power System State Es- timation which justifies the effort. 9 Acknowledgement Financial assistance by Center for Scientific and Indus- trial Research (CSIR), Govt. of India, under the scheme 22(0287)/99/EMR-II is gratefully acknowledged. References (1] Albert M. Sasson, Stephen T. Ehrmann, Patrick Lynch, and Louis S. V. Slyck. Automatic power sys- tem network topology determination. IEEE Transac- tions on Power Apparatus And Systems, PAS-92:610— 618, 1973. {2] Mauro Prais and Anjan Bose. A topology-based algo- rithm for tracking network connectivity. IEEE Trans- actions on Power Apparatus And Systems, 3(3):992- 998, 1988. (3) Phongsak D. Yehsakul and Iraj Dabbaghchi. A topology-based algorithm for tracking network con- nectivity. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus ‘And Systems, 10(1):339-346, 1995. [J F. Goderya, A. A. Metwally, and O. Monsour. Fast detection and identification of islands in power net- works. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus And ‘Systems, PAS-99(1):217-221, 1980. [p] M. Bertran and X. Corbella. On the validation and analysis of a new method for power network connec- tivity determination. IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus And Systems, PAS-101(2):316-824, 1982. (6) Grady Booch. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications -second edition. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1994. [7] Andreas F. Neyer, Felix F. Wu, and Karl Imhof. Ob- ject oriented programming for flexible software : Ex- ample of a load flow. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 5(3):689-695, 1990. {s] B.Z.Zhou. Object oriented programming, C++ and power system simulation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 11(1):206-215, 1995. Figure 4: Class Diagram of NTP fead data Creed datal uP. ma zest) 1: ctor_Sub_ sin —Sbsin Physical node stecicl nodes a S:assign elect Figure 5: Object Diagram of NTP

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