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A Brief Description of the Film



IN 1939, a committee of medical men in Bris-

bane, Queensland, Australia, admitted that I
had proved to their satisfaction that the dis-
ease anterior poliomyelitis presented symp-
toms previously unknown and unrecognized
and, therefore, I had made, to use their exact
words, "a contribution to the science of medi-
cine.'' It was just at this time that Australia
joined the combatant nations in the war
against Germany and as a consequence was
overtaxed by her efforts to deal with the mo-
bilization of her volunteer army. The civilian
medical personnel of the country was very
much reduced, and the universities were be-
coming depleted of students, owing to the
rush to enlist in the armed services. Acting
upon the advice of this committee, who thought
it advisable for me to present my findings to through the good offices of Dr. Henderson, was
a research institution in a country where peace introduced to Drs. Wallace Cole and George
still reigned, I decided to come to the United Williamson, of St. Paul. These physicians pre-
States. I arrived in this country as an official sented several patients to me suffering from
visitor, introduced by the then premier of my the aftereffects of poliomyelitis. These pa-
State, the Honorable William Forgan Smith, tients had ceased to respond satisfactorily to
and a committee of medical men comprised of the best orthodox treatment, and deformities
the following: had materialized during such tr!;:latment. At
Dr. Aubury Pye, M.D., B. Chm., F.R.C.S. (England} this time several months had elapsed since the
Medical Superintendent, General Hospital, Brisbane, onset of the disease. With my newer knowl-
Queensland, Australia.
edge of the symptoms of the disease and treat-
Dr. Felix Arden, M.D., B. Chm., F.R.C.P. (England}
Medical Superintendent, Children's Hospital, Bris- ment for these symptoms, I was able to cor-
bane, Queensland, Australia. rect deformities and restore function to some
Dr. Jarvis Nye, M.D., B. Chm., F.R.C.P. (Australia) muscle groups in the short space of one week.
Consultant Physician.
Dr. Alan Lee, M.D .. M.S .. F.R.C.S. (England} Consult-
ant Surgeon.
Dr. A. frybNg, M.D., D.T.M.. D.P.H.. Public Health
Service,, Brisbane, Quconsland, Australia,

I amvcd m Ne\'\- York m the month 01 April,

19~0. At this tnn 1oc1hti s we:1e not avaiktblo
l r my r ,c11k1l1on of th£' 10:,tilh~ of my chm-

1· th, \ \ rnmith men

1 1ltt l ite 11•,:i:~hmc.: of Dr.
f 1!1t M n, > 'linil t r thh, ires-
!, , I
, i tit M, 1 ,) J'~,1111 l, 1hon ~11d,
t r$ nrs. C'"'I cmd kn1.1 p tha t tw o Yt 1 D1. ' c 111 b 1 1, l<J-1 '.'>, llt1 1:1tz 1h«-th K, nny l1rntl tlllr
wuldl::crquird t tl ::x·h th ~r 't1\lll'h WU:l ,tti ·111lly l..ll I llt d <t: 111 tnl1 <jllll I } It
e\'t n tht most int llig nt fl..,~lmi ·i m . 'l'lh .'t' 11\l nt nl llh ho ·.l'ik I.
Qt ntl ,m n ..._-kn wl dql d tlnt tht m o il th y
i\d111 h ,ii.; l\ lo lltt ltH,111\111 I d,•11•1111111, d by
saw f th w rk, th m r th y t q t ' :i with
th I ll Wlllq ~'I
tin, $t 1tt lll nt. I 1ls t ll <..ll :i th it lht ~~ 1 vh l -
f Profo.:-$ r H. J. W1lkill$Oll Pi o k ~~ r of t\n 1t l 1.1!1t nt:. 1n1ht htc lm: l 1 ;l11111111 d by I hy.1
drn,~, 111 l11t' 11,prnhn1111:, of 11t,111ol,1qy and
my f tht" Vnin,rsit ' of U t 'n: k1nct, ho st •
p1'd1 II IC'~, 1. I t h1 tvlt Ill h '111 It:, ~1 'lit 'I l 11 l I 1si;;i
urt d fer tbe ~ ·t ,'t'nt 1ti n of tins tr otm "'nt t
kl. J\ft1 r d1 11111h d10:::mo·,ir. Itri· le n st b
J resc r :h institution, f r th r w 1.1s mu h t
lish1. cl, th pc li ,nt, cirt tr m ,It t tt d t th ln
e \ l:un d.
s titut . 1t h, Ir m Ch 111 11 It ntm nt qiv n at th
1n f"\ m 19 0, :i r rt W O$ submith d
h1stit11t th it 1110 p1 ,,. 1'nh1tk111 of th K nny
"" It'', Pr k'S8 r of 1rthop di ·
·on f thl <li,;l ,1·;1 h,, hccn rPcord d on
:md I r 1il n :l k.n1.1pp, T'rofc-8s r f
filn rn in ii ,1 ut bll I v1dt'n d1r tly contr
l Tbern~ y, Umyc1:1ty f Mimw · ta,
di ·tinq tlit th1' 1it \\}'1. n whidi 11 pr v1ou
tr 1.1hn1. nt b hi h 't n l : d
l r1. viou., ~
r 'St'n l ,ti n:, havo accepted polio
tin the ntrol n rv
us ~vsh m only Thi:~ h b n r corded ln
th1• Journal of th Am rican M dical Alloalca-
tion l: v c 11Hnndinq i r I ors in orthopedi
sur 11. ry cm i t n hots in m d1c:al choola
I h 1, Jun , 1944, and was support by ttt.
rt ',t m ·h ~ammitt e of th Univ rsity of M
s to 111 a m di 1 publi tion The
month lat r At this point I reallnd
4 s
I h d ss ·iati n with this rt search
tie-s during treatment Also, I refer you to the
comnutt '~ nr som other re arch committe0 a cknowledged standard textbook written by
and could r-oint out to them the e vidence pro Dr. Robert Lovett. In this b ook Dr. Lovett ex-
duced m this film my visit to the United presses extreme satisfaction in the statement
States would eventually prove worthless. Basil that in a certain epidemic deformities had
0 Connor, President of the Notional Founda- been reduced to thirty-six per cent. Dr.
tion for Infantile Paralysis, had p ublicly ac Lovett attributes this-and terms it a most sat-
knowledged that my concept a nd treatment isfactory situation- to careful medical super-
had saved the country from a national disaster vision.
in 1943. However, as the medical s upervisors KENNY TREATMENT EUMINATES DEFORMITIES
of that part of my work which had achieved All investigators, whether antagonistic or
this splendid objective were still under the im- kindly disposed have admitted that deformi-
pression, apparently, that the treatment was ties have b een eliminated in all patients re-
being given for a disease affecting the central ceiving the unadulterated Kenny treatment.
nervous system only, it can be understood the This includ es patients in England, Australia,
great need of the evidence here produced. It and the Unite d States of America. The im-
has also been acknowledged that the deformi- portance of this statement cannot be overesti-
ties, which have remained the u nsolved prob- mated , for it is recognized that when deformi-
lem of aU practitioners, materialized during the ties exist, function of many muscles is impos-
administration of the very best accepted ortho- sible a nd paralysis from this condition is the
dox treatment. For confirmation of this state- result
ment, I can refer you to the Journal of Bone
and Joint Surgery, published in October, 1941,
where Drs. McCarroll and Crngo, o f St. Louis,
admit that !iftv per cent of the patients with
1runk involvement dr>veloped these deformi-
6 1
the cause of the second symptom, inco -ordina- tion, typing of the muscles and their method of
tion, and the third, alienation. It has a damag- functioning to accomplish co-ordinate action.
ing effect upon the reflexes which will cause Many statements have been made concern-
an inco-ordinate q:mtraction of the muscle ing this work by those who have preferred to
fibre, and also pairi, upon stretching. This pain view it from afar. Such statements, unfortu-
contributes to the patient's mental effort being nately, are vague and unconvincing, either in
put forth to prevent impulses from reaching one way or another. For instance, the symp-
the opposing muscle group, causing this op- tom of spasm was alluded to in the January,
posing group to • • • • • stretch @J) 357 I 1944, issue of the Journal of the American
with serious consequence. The Medical Associa·tion as physiological nonsense.
opposing group is deliberately alienated. The While in the May issue the same condition was
fourth condition, d enervation, requires a thor- alluded to as a scientific fact. On August 5,
ough study of good physical medicine in order )' Mr. Basil O'Connor, president of the National
to preve nt d eformities and give back to the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, announced
patient a u seful and unencumbered existence. J that the results of research regarding this dis-
This stud y includ es a perfect knowledge of: ease had proved negative. In the New York
Herald Tribune, dated August 6, 1944, a contri•
I Th(' bodily uni ts a nd their individual and
bution appeared written by John J. O'N.Ul,
collrctive function.
11. The paltorn of rno vc mc nl reql stc>rC'd in the
c· rt ·brum cmd l10w lo p rl'vcn1 its obliteration. SCIENCE NEW CONCEPTlO?f OF
Ill I low to tcik1 ndvnntaqt', of the unav-oid- MYEUTIS SEEN AS msEASE or
abl1 rL • u11 i o[ ll 1t :;ymplorn :-: l!l ('nlionC'd c,bovo F1RST AND NERVE AFrll
tn pie v nl d,•for111 itic· ~ nnd 111n inla in C1 i:lrc1igllt
l lt Qll,l W.llil ] J ,1rJi}y l1 11•f.'! 1(ftllC1 .
lV A intim, t l.n,Jwl il 11 c,l Ill cku,si li o I, t1 d to, th seven profeaaora
Tlitr,' 111<I\' 11.· so111t" /1>c,1/ c'h1111g1·s i11 iso/attid muscles condition This detection is of great dia gnostic
d11n11q tht ·l1,· 11tt· s/11111•, th,· 1w/11n• of ~,,l,ich must be
st11d1\:d f11rtha. This' c'l1!111[Jc if pr,•sc11t may be primary value and will assist materially in the proce-
i11 the 11111sc/l~s th,·msd,·es or may lie secondary to dure of taking preventa tive measures to com-
r hllllf /l'S in 111,· cmtra/ 11e1·1;ous system.
bat both the spread of the disease and the fur-
The same gentlemen, when alluding to the ther d evelopment of the symptoms in many
condition of spasm, state:
This co111millcc bcli1"z cs that while this does e.i-ist in

the earl\' rfl(Jses of the disrosc "it usually disappears DEMONSTRATION OF ACUTE CASES
Thc1-c 111ay be rcsidnal spasm which can
lead to dcformit'j•." I will now deal with the film production and
It is in this statement and those already its message. The first scene is in the Isolation
quoted that the importance of the presentation ward of the Elizab eth Kenny Institute, Minne-
of this film is emphasized. You may notice lhat apolis, presenting the patients in the acute
admission and contradiction is again apparent. . stage sufferin g from the condition of spasm or
This is quite understandable, when it is re- shortening of the skin, subcutaneous tissue,
membered that according to the concept fascia and muscle fibre . The first picture pre-
taught in all medical schools, it was not resid- sents the pa tient, Allen, suffering from severe
ual spasm that led to contractures and de- spasm of posterior lower limb and trunk
formities but strong, normal muscles pulling a reas. There would be no incentive whatever
the weak, flaccid ones which were supposed to
be completely paralyzed and denervated. The
muscles in spasm were supposed tc be in nor-
mal contraction.
It will be understood that the conditions pre-
sented do not materialize spontaneously. There
is another condition preceding these symp-
toms. The films made on this subject demon-
strate as near as possible how to detect this
10 11
conct•pt 1s tciken into consideration Ilownvcr, ly. You will see by a ltrmd mg the skin and
the attaC"k has brought about the condition of subcutaneous tissue the deformity of the spinal
mco ordination. The pattern of movement has column is overcome in one week. However,
been disorganized It is the work of the well- the contour of the spinal muscles must receive
trained Kenny technician to restore this pat- careful and mtelligent treatment and allow the
tern, and for this purpose the operator must be abdominals to shorten. This procedure requires
familiar with the newer knowledge of the clas- a knowledge of pediatrics and neurology on
sification and typihg of the muscular system the part of the Kenny technician.
which is taught at the Institute. You will see You will next view patients reieased from
the same condition present in the upper limb isolation and understand the necessity of an
area affected in the patient, Robert. This con- observer trained in orthopedics, or the art of
dition of shortening of the area is very evident keeping the body straight while examining the
in both of these patients. The central nervous patient. The nursing care in the isolation ward
system correlated to either of the apparently has prepared the way by releasing the skin
flaccid areas has not been affected in any de- and subcutaneou s tissue and opening the way
gree. for the restoration of the normal reflexes. How-
ever, the more deep-seated fascia and muscle
The next patient, Rosemary, has involvement
fibre req uire attention to prevent the materiali-
of the trunk. The tightness of the skin and
zation of de formities. This procedure is de-
subcutaneous tissue may be judged by the
scribed in this group. The early detection of
sharp, white appearance of the vertebrae
the b e ginning of deformity and knowmg Ua,, ;,c,a,·...,,..,a-
which are apparently trying to protrude
cause and how to correct it is the ans.w.er
through the skin. The marked lordosis is
the statement made in the three countri(M
caused through this shortening, for, when it is
tioned, reading:
released, the deformity disappears. I have seen F. x f'l'cted deformities did not ntat,riolf_U it f1Jfli.
patients moulded in plaster jackets in this posi- treatl"<l l>y Miss Ke11ny, but did ~ W
sp/inted ~atients, we ourselves tr,otttl.. 1Jf ~
tion and the deformity is registered permanent- othet1 su,rgeons.

12 13
~n the dUerent -ro~ps and individuals pre- Minnesota. This picture presents my eoncept
sen~ed, you ,,. .!}; see nvincing proof o f the of the d isease and how to prevent deformities.
vaLle 01 tbs .illO\•.,lecige. You will see patients The demonstration in the begmnmg of this
wLo had received foe very best orthodox treat- film imparts the knowledge of how to prevent
ment still helpless, hopeless cripples at the end the deformities shown in the hnal picture The
of long-term treatment. You will see, when importance of this demonstration cannot be
treatment has been changed and given a c- overestimated w hen it is understood how these
cording to the new concept, a marked im- deformities prevent useful function of many
provement. You will observe the stunted muscle groups which eventually become com-
growth, fixed deformities and awkward gait, pletely paralyzed, not by any direct effect of
even with the 01d of artificial supports in the the disease on the central nervous zystem or
patients treated prior to my arrival. You will even the part paralyzed, but the direct effect
see more severely-affected cases treated with of the disease of the soft tissue in the periphery
the Kenny method by technicians trained in of which you will see indisputable evidence m
this department of physical medicine and will this pictur~
observe there is no reta rdation of g rowth, no
deformities, and that the patients walk with The unreleased
ease and can ascend a nd descend stairs un- fascia and muscle fibre will cause the pei•t,-;~
aided. The great n ecessity of recognizing the nent alienation of the muscles and
important part of the retention of the pattern 9roups that cannot receive the
of movement cmd maintaining the subcon- laxation of the part affected Bodt
c1ous re cogrnbon of the b odily units and their and the nonaffected part
mcd1amc~ can be rcetdil y undors tood . manently paralyzed Y
·11.e procedure of rn11.:.,cle ro r duc:ation is de- the patients preeentltd
:c:rib(~d 111 tlie book w rlltun in collaboration patients Jean and RI.IDDv~
wi th Dr. J F Poli!, r. uhlir•)ir cl by tlw Bruce Pub .,een in the compar
11 lung Com po n y, Mrn nc Of oliF,, rind St. Paul, of the thigh and
owing to the marked genu valgum nnd the
nontreatment for inco-ordination and tho ob
literation of the true pattern of movement, afac,
the reduction of the consciousness of thn unib
of the lower limbs from three- thigh, leg, Gnd
foot-to one by immobilization, so she cannot
stand or walk alone.
Over a period of ten years on three conti-
nents, Europe, Australia, and America, I have
proved that when the conditions and symp-
toms shown in this film are correctly treated,
early deformities are abolished. During the
same period of time it has been admi ttcd by
all observers that when the disease is treated
from the viewpoint of a central nervous system
infection, only deformities develop in spite of
the best efforts of the orthopedic surgeon It
has been placed on record as late as the year
1941 that this happens in 50 ;, of the cases with
trunk involvement. The Australian investiga-
tors, Dr. W. Forster, M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S. (Eng-
land) and Dr. E. Price, M.D., F.R.C.S. (Eng-
land), emphatically stated, The reason why
should be eamestly sought. I earnestly hope
the explanation given in this film supplies that

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