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Heart Valve
ANJA DAMAZYN JAN 11, 2018 08:04PM

Initial thoughts....
- will be dif cult to tie it all together and nd material
- we could possibly use rubber tubes as the arteries, veins,

Need to include...
- arteries, veins, valves, etc. because they all work together
and effect one another 
- all four chambers

How materials can be tested...

- design a heart and pump uid that is the same thickness as
blood through the valves, at the same speed that blood moves
through valves
- we might need to have multiple pumps because blood ows
in multiple directions (to the heart and away from it)

Need to know....
- size of heart / heart valves - thickness, length, weight, etc. 
- different parts of the heart
- speed blood travels 
- direction of blood ow
- average beats per minute so we can have the heart beating
while the blood ows through (in our model)
- all parts affect/work together
-  about lea ets
- different uids in heart 


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