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I. Basic Information
Project Title: Pole Sitao production
Crop Commodity: Pole Sitao
Proponent: Richard B. Pabrua
Project site: Back of Administration building
Project Area: 1x10 sq. m
Project Duration: September -December

II. Rationale
Pole Sitao (Vigna unquiculata subsp. sesquipedales) popular produce
vegetable among edible legumes because the pods. Young shoots as well as the beans
are available throughout the year.
A Herbaceous crops pole sitao has trifoliate leaves. The flowers are in pairs and
borne on the axil of the leaf which vary on color depending on variety, these adopt well
in dry loam or sandy loam soil with good drainage and soil pH that range 5.0-6.0 favors
areas with a temperature of 20C to 35C requires low rain fall with high humidity 95%
suits well in an elevation and topography of about 100m above sea level.
Pole Sitao is a good source of protein, vitamin A, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Iron,
Phosphorus and Potassium. It also a very good source of vitamin C foliate , Magnesium
and Manganese.

III. Objectives
The project aim to enhance our skills and develop on how to plant Pole Sitao, and to test of
varieties to achieve higher profit.

1. To earn profit in small area of land.

2 .To apply the techniques learn inside the classroom.

IV .Methodology
A. Procurement of materials

Seeds, fertilizer and other materials inputs will be purchase in agricultural supply in the locality.

B. Land Preparation

Prepare the land thoroughly by flowing and harrowing twice. Mix decomposed animal manure
or compost to improve soil structure and condition. Make furrows 1.0 to 1.5 meter apart.

C. Planting

Sow 2-3 seeds per hill with a distance of 30 cm between hills and cover lightly with soil. Allow
only 2 plant per hill.

D. Fertilizer

Two days after sowing put a (14-14-14) 15 grams per plant.

First side dressing will be done 35 after planting by (46-0-0) at rate of 20 grams per plant .

E. Trellising

Trellis should be erected after emergence or just before the vines reach 30cm length. Any
system of trellising with the use of available materials can be adopted.

F. Weed Control

Weed cost considerable yield loss of not controlled early in the season control includes like
cultivation, spot hand weeding, tillage and mulching.

G. Harvesting

Usually green pods ready for harvest 7-10 days after flowering. Pole Sitao is ready to harvest 40-
45 days after sowing. Harvest 2-4 days sort the pods according the market standard and pack neatly in a
polyethylene bag before transporting to the market.
V. Financial Aspect



Seeds Sachet 2 50 100
Urea kilo 1/2 8.50 8.50
14-14-14 kilo 1/2 11.50 11.50
Sub total 120



1.land preparation
a. Land cleaning 1MH 25.00 25.00
b. Plot construction 1MH 25.00 25.00

a. planting 1MH 25.00 25.00
b. irrigation 1MH 25.00 25.00
Sub total 100.00

Return on Investment
The area will produce 22 kg of pole sitao to be sold at 20php. The total gross income of
pole sitao will be 440.




ROI=100 %

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