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Modal verbs: s�o verbos autosuficientes, ou seja, numa pergunta, quando vc for us�-

los, basta coloc�-los na frente da pergunta e o sinal de interroga��o no final, n�o

sendo necess�ria nenhuma modifica��o na frase.
Quando usar um modal verb, nunca colocar o verbo na sequ�ncia no infinitivo, ou
seja, o verbo que vem na sequ�ncia vem sem o "to" (o "to" n�o vem nem na frente nem
a tr�s do modal verb).

-Would (seria -> abreviado: 'D = 'd): I would love it if one of those was true (I
would love = eu adoraria = eu amaria).
O "would" representa o nosso "futuro do pret�rito" (s�o aqueles verbos que terminal
com "-ia", exemplo: cantaria, amaria, dan�aria, etc).
Forma negativa: wouldn't, exemple: eu n�o gostaria = I wouldn't like

-Should (devia/deveria): Maybe your resolution should be to gossip (fofoca) less.

=> usado para dar conselho
exemples: vc deveria estudar = you should study, vc deveria trabalhar = you should
Forma negativa: shouldn't

-Must(dever, ser necess�rio, ser for�ado): Oh, this must be killing you! = Oh, isso
deve estar matando vc! => sentido de obriga��o (vc tem que fazer isso) ou sentido
de dificuldade/dever... � mais formal, n�o � t�o usado.
2� video: We use "must" when we are almost certain (quase certos) about something.
Exemple: That must be Jack. He always rings at this time!

-May (Pode -> 2� video): "May" is udes to say that something is a possibility.
Exemple: I'm going to fill the bath, Jack MAY want a bath when he arrives. He
sometimes does. Or he MAY have had a shower before he left work!
*Quando inserir "the". Na frase acima dir�amos, "depois dele deixar o trabalho",
mas depois do "left" n�o tem o "the". Como saber quando usamos ou n�o o "the"?

-Will (vai): All right, I will prove to you. => futuro

Forma negativa: won't

-can: That I can keep it this time. => pedir permiss�o para fazar alguma coisa ou
falar sobre habilidades (ex.: eu posso falar ingl�s = I can speak English)
Forma negativa: can't
2� video: We use "can't" to say we think something is impossible. Exemple: He CAN'T
be at the cinema. He never goes to the cinema without taking me! He MIGHT have gone
to the cinema with someone else. He CAN'T have gome with someone else. He wouldn't

-Might: I might know something => possibilidade, ou seja, pode ser que sim ou pode
ser que n�o (n�o temos certeza).
Exemples: Pode ser que eu h� = I might go, pode ser que chova = It might rain
2� video: "Might" is used to say something is possible but we think it's unlikely
(improv�vel). Exemple: Of course, he MIGHT stop at the pub for a drink on his way
home. He something does, but he didn't say so on the phone.
He's very late. He MIGHT HAVE HAD and accident, althougt he's a very careful

-Could (podia/poderia)

(It's Jack)
(It isn't Jack)
100% certain YES (That must be Jack) (...Jack may want a bath...) (He
can't be at the cinema...) 100% certain NO

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