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Recursive Two-Way Parabolic Equation Approach for

Modeling Terrain Effects in Tropospheric Propagation
Ozlem Ozgun

Abstract—The Fourier split-step method is a one-way The efficient modeling of tropospheric propagation in such
marching-type algorithm to efficiently solve the parabolic equa- environments has long been a challenging problem due to the in-
tion for modeling electromagnetic propagation in troposphere. homogeneties in the medium, as well as surfaces and obstacles
The main drawback of this method is that it characterizes only
forward-propagating waves, and neglects backward-propagating that re-direct the propagating energy. Although some asymp-
waves, which become important especially in the presence of totic techniques (geometric optics and geometrical theory of
irregular surfaces. Although ground reflecting boundaries are diffraction for terrain problems) have been used in propagation
inherently incorporated into the split-step algorithm, irregular modeling, these methods suffer from the presence of the verti-
surfaces (such as sharp edges) introduce a formidable challenge. cally-varying refractivity profile in the atmosphere. The para-
In this paper, a recursive two-way split-step algorithm is presented
to model both forward and backward propagation in the presence bolic wave equation, which was first introduced by Leontovich
of multiple knife-edges. The algorithm starts marching in the and Fock [1], is a forward-scatter, narrow-angle (or paraxial)
forward direction until the wave reaches a knife-edge. The wave approximation to the Helmholtz wave equation. It has achieved
arriving at the knife-edge is partially-reflected by imposing the the theoretical framework for modeling electromagnetic propa-
boundary conditions at the edge, and is propagated in the back- gation in the troposphere, and has provided practical solutions
ward direction by reversing the paraxial direction in the parabolic
equation. In other words, the wave is split into two components, for most applications. The development of efficient numerical
and the components travel in their corresponding directions. The solutions of the parabolic wave equation has offered a major
reflected wave is added to the forward-wave in each range step to breakthrough for modeling long-range tropospheric propaga-
obtain the total wave. The wave-splitting is performed each time tion problems in arbitrarily-varying (viz., range- and/or altitude-
a wave is incident on one of the knife-edges. This procedure is dependent) refractivity environments. The parabolic equation
repeated until convergence is achieved inside the entire domain.
method is an initial-value problem that requires an initial field
Index Terms—Electromagnetic propagation in troposphere, at a reference range, and marches out in range by computing the
Fourier split-step method, parabolic wave equation, terrain fac-
field along the vertical direction in each range step. One of the
most widely-used methods for numerical solution of the para-
bolic equation is the Fourier split-step (FSS) algorithm, intro-
I. INTRODUCTION duced by Hardin and Tappert [2]. The robustness of the FSS al-
gorithm allows the use of larger range steps, and thus, provides a
rigorous and fast solution to most long-range propagation prob-
T HE troposphere affects the radio wave propagation over a
vast frequency range, from VHF to optical frequencies, in
various ways. It bends, reflects and scatters the electromagnetic
lems. The FSS technique has been studied by many researchers
to model the propagation over sea or flat terrain, and has been
waves, and thus, radio waves can propagate over the horizon well documented in the literature [3]–[9]. Moreover, there are
and enhance the range of communication. However, irregular a number of well-known software tools developed for the de-
terrain and anomalous atmospheric conditions have strong in- termination of radar coverage for real-world propagation condi-
fluence on the tropospheric propagation, because these effects tions by using the parabolic equation method, such as AREPS1
may disrupt the communication links due to the interference (Advanced Refractive Effects Prediction System) and TEMPER
that is not normally there. In the anomalous atmospheric condi- (Tropospheric Electromagnetic Parabolic Equation Routine).
tions, where steep refractive index gradients in the atmosphere Although the parabolic equation method was initially applied
occur, the radio waves may be trapped in a duct and guided over to propagation over the flat terrain or sea surface, it has also
distances far greater than the normal range. In addition, the ir- been utilized for modeling propagation over irregular terrain
regular terrain surfaces reflect and diffract the electromagnetic [10]–[13]. The majority of the marching algorithms, which are
waves in a complicated way. Hence, it is essential to properly devised for the solution of the parabolic equation, characterizes
predict the combined effects of terrain and ducting to success- only forward-propagating waves, and neglects backward-prop-
fully model the propagation in troposphere. agating waves. Although these algorithms may incorporate the
terrain diffraction into the parabolic equation method, they omit
Manuscript received December 27, 2008; revised March 14, 2009. First pub-
the backward reflected waves, and offer one-way marching al-
lished July 21, 2009; current version published September 02, 2009. gorithms even in the presence of obstacles. Typically, the for-
The author is with the Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus ward-propagating wave carries most of the energy. However,
Campus, Department of Electrical Engineering, Guzelyurt, Mersin 10, Turkey
(e-mail: ozozgun@metu.edu.tr).
the reflected waves may produce strong backward-propagating
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online waves in the presence of obstacles, especially under anomalous
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2009.2027166

0018-926X/$26.00 © 2009 IEEE

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on September 6, 2009 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

atmospheric conditions. Hence, it is crucial to accurately esti- horizontal or vertical polarization, respectively. Furthermore,
mate the multipath effects in order to successfully model the is the refractive index, which may be range- and
propagation over terrain. altitude-dependent. The problem is bounded by the ground/sea
In this paper, a two-way parabolic equation approach is pro- at the bottom, and by the top boundary, which is of infinite
posed in conjunction with the recursive implementation of the extent. We consider the problems where the electromagnetic
Fourier split-step algorithm to account for both forward- and waves propagate at small angles from the horizontal direction
backward-propagating waves in an environment involving mul- (viz., paraxial or -direction). The parabolic (or paraxial) ap-
tiple-knife edges and arbitrary atmospheric conditions. This al- proximation of the wave equation in (1) is expressed as: (the
gorithm starts at or near an antenna and marches out in range in suppressed time-dependence is )
the forward direction. If the wave meets a knife-edge (or ob-
stacle in general), it is partially-reflected and is marched out
in the backward direction by reversing the paraxial direction in (2)
the parabolic equation formulation. The initial field for the re-
flected wave is determined by imposing the boundary conditions
where is the reduced function, which
along the edge. At the range step, where the wave reaches the
is assumed to vary slowly in range, is the earth radius, and
knife-edge, the wave is split into two components, namely for-
is the wave-number. If we ignore the term , which cor-
ward- and backward propagating waves. Each wave is marched
responds to the earth curvature, the expression in (2) reduces
out in its own paraxial direction. At each range-step, the re-
to the wave equation over flat earth. The parabolic approxima-
flected wave is added to the forward-propagating wave to find
tion considers only the forward-propagating waves, and neglects
the total wave inside the computational domain. Each time a
the backscattered fields. In addition, its accuracy is restricted
wave (forward or backward) reaches one of the knife-edges, it is
to propagation directions that are very close to the horizontal
split into two components. The algorithm is implemented until
a predetermined convergence criterion is achieved in the entire
The parabolic approximation converts the problem into an
domain. It is worthwhile mentioning that the rotation of the di-
initial-value problem that can be solved by employing numerical
rection in the parabolic equation has been employed to com-
methods marching in range, in conjunction with the appropriate
pute the bistatic radar cross section of an object embedded in
boundary conditions. The Fourier split-step method is one of
a homogeneous medium, in the context of the finite difference
the most widely-used, efficient and robust algorithm to solve the
method [14]. But, this approach does not account for multiple
parabolic equation, and can easily handle the refractive index in-
reflections, which may occur between different parts of a com-
homogenities. The algorithm begins at or near the antenna, and
plicated object, as well as for creeping waves due to the small
marches out in range (see Fig. 1). In other words, the initial field
features of the object. The main idea of the proposed approach
is obtained at a reference range by using the antenna pattern, and
in this paper is to recursively change the direction of propaga-
then, the solution is advanced in range by calculating the solu-
tion in forward-backward manner to estimate the multiple-re-
tion along the vertical (or altitude) direction during each range
flection effects during electromagnetic propagation over terrain.
step. The field at range is approximated as
Although multiple knife-edges are considered in this paper, the
algorithm can be generalized to any irregular terrain profile in a
straightforward manner.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II summarizes
the basic principles of the parabolic equation/split-step algo-
rithm for the sake of completeness. Section III outlines the im- (3)
plementation procedure of the proposed algorithm. Section IV
presents several representative examples to demonstrate the pro- where designates the Fourier Transform, is the transform
posed method in various environment configurations. Finally, variable defined by where is the propagation angle
Section V draws some conclusions. from the horizontal, and is the modified refractive index given
by . The Fourier Transform is approximated
II. OVERVIEW OF FOURIER SPLIT-STEP/PARABOLIC EQUATION by Fourier sums on the bounded computational domain, and is
METHOD implemented by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). There are
In the analysis of tropospheric propagation, we deal with the some important issues in the implementation of the split-step
two-dimensional (2D) electromagnetic problem, which is gov- algorithm. First, the initial field at is obtained by the in-
erned by the scalar Helmholtz equation as follows: verse Fourier Transform of the far-field pattern of the antenna in
-space. Second, the Dirichlet and/or Neumann type boundary
(1.a) conditions over a perfectly conducting surface can be handled
or alternatively, by the Sine and/or Cosine Fourier Transform, depending on the
type of polarization. To realize the algorithm over an imperfectly
(1.b) conducting surface, the mixed Fourier Transform has been de-
veloped to account for the impedance boundary conditions [6].
where —in range and altitude—represents one of Finally, since the Fourier Transform is realized by discretization
the transverse components of the electric or magnetic field in (i.e., by FFT), the upper boundary must be truncated in such a

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on September 6, 2009 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

field is computed by adding the backward-field, which is ini-

tiated by the forward-field at the edge, to the forward-field. The
initial field of the backward-wave is obtained by imposing the
boundary conditions at the edge. In other words, to satisfy zero
tangential field at the edge, we set the field in (4) to zero at
, and then, express the initial field for the backward-wave
as follows:


Fig. 1. Conventional Fourier split-step algorithm. The initial backward-wave is marched out in direction by
solving the parabolic equation in (2), where the sign of is
reversed, as follows:
way that artificial reflections do not occur at the upper boundary.
This is achieved by extending the maximum altitude, and then,
by decreasing the field smoothly in this extended region. The (6)
smooth decay can be ensured by using absorbing regions (such
as perfectly matched layers) or by applying windowing func- Hence, the FSS algorithm is implemented by reversing the signs
tions (such as Hanning, Hamming, etc.). For detailed analysis of and in (3) to find the backward-field at range ,
of the Fourier split-step algorithm, the readers are referred to as follows:


The two-way Fourier split-step (FSS) algorithm is basically (7)
the consecutive implementation of the conventional FSS algo-
rithm by properly changing the direction of propagation in a
forward-backward fashion to model the irregular surfaces over The forward-wave in the region is propagated in
terrain. The algorithm is described for multiple knife-edges in -direction in the usual manner, except that the field is truncated
this paper. On the other hand, it can be generalized to any terrain by simply setting it to zero at the edge, as shown in Fig. 2(b).
profile of irregular shape in a straightforward manner by mod- Thus, the total field, in terms of the forward and backward fields,
eling the terrain as a succession of knife-edges, as discussed at is expressed as in (8), shown at the bottom of the page.
the end of this section. For the single knife-edge problem, the two-way FSS algo-
First, we describe the algorithm by considering a single rithm requires only a single forward-backward implementation.
knife-edge located at with extension . In other words, the field is reflected once by the edge, and is
Starting from an initial field at , the field is marched out marched back to arrive at the initial range step. When the back-
in the forward direction (i.e., -direction), by using (3) given in ward- and forward-waves reach the initial and final range steps,
Section II, until the field reaches the knife-edge. When the field respectively, the algorithm is terminated. For the problem in-
meets the knife-edge at , it is split into two components volving multiple knife-edges, the two-way FSS algorithm is re-
propagating in forward and backward directions (or, in and cursively implemented to take into account of the multiple re-
directions, respectively), as depicted in Fig. 2. The field flections, as illustrated in Fig. 3 for two edges. Each time the
propagating in the region is expressed as follows: field reaches one of the edges, it is separated into two fields
propagating in opposite directions. In this way, when the back-
ward-field, which is reflected from the second edge, reaches
(4) the first edge (see steps 8 and 9 in Fig. 3), it is reflected again
and is marched out in the forward direction. The total field is
where and are the forward and backward prop- then obtained by summing the backward- and forward-fields at
agating fields, respectively. Since the forward-field has already each range step. The contributions of the multiple reflections
been calculated by using the initial field at , the total decrease rapidly as the recursive calculations are carried out. A


Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on September 6, 2009 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 4. Staircase approximation of irregular terrain.

Fig. 2. Two-way Fourier split-step algorithm for single-edge: (a) Forward

wave, (b) backward wave. (Empty rectangles represent zero fields).

Fig. 5. One-way propagation factor for propagation over smooth surface in the
presence of surface duct.

into account. Hence, the proposed algorithm intends to provide

a good approximation to a general terrain profile by incorpo-
rating the multipath effects into the solution of split-step algo-
rithm. It is also worthwhile mentioning that the implementation
of the algorithm for a general terrain profile modeled by stair-
Fig. 3. Two-way Fourier split-step algorithm for multiple knife-edges. case approximations becomes more involved owing to the in-
creased number of forward-backward propagating waves that
must be handled at once. Hence, as the number of forward-back-
convenient way to terminate the algorithm is to define a stop- ward propagating waves increases, the memory requirement in-
ping criterion, which is related to the difference between the creases because of the memory allocated for each forward or
total fields at the th and th steps of the algorithm, as backward propagating wave. However, the proposed algorithm
follows: can be parallelized, especially for large scale problems, by using
parallel processing techniques, in such a way that the marching
(9) algorithm of each field component (forward or backward) can
be implemented in different processors by establishing a proper
where is the threshold (such as, ), and represents communication between them. Therefore, we can achieve a sub-
the Euclidian norm. When the ratio in (9) is less than a certain stantial decrease in the overall computation time and memory
value , we assume that convergence is achieved because the when the algorithm is run on multiple processors. Proper paral-
total field inside the entire domain do not change significantly lelization of the proposed algorithm for large scale problems is
for smaller values of this constant. still under investigation.
The algorithm presented in this section can be generalized
to a general terrain profile by modeling the sloping terrain ef- IV. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES
fects by staircase approximations (see Fig. 4), which can be In this section, the results of some numerical experiments are
represented as a series of knife-edges. Although the staircase presented to demonstrate the two-way FSS algorithm in various
modeling makes the implementation of the algorithm straight- environment configurations. The code of the algorithm has been
forward, it obviously exhibits errors for smooth terrain because developed by the author in Matlab by using a 2 GHz-CPU in
the boundary conditions on sloping facets are not properly taken an ordinary PC. In all examples, we assume that the frequency

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on September 6, 2009 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Fig. 7. Single-edge problem: (a) One-way propagation factor, (b) two-way

propagation factor.

the range step is km, the surface is perfectly con-

ducting, and the stopping threshold is (based on nu-
merical observations).
In the implementation of the FSS algorithm, it is common to
define a new quantity, which is related to the modified refrac-
tivity, as follows:


The modified refractivity in (10) is a useful quantity to specify

the ducting conditions. If the vertical gradient of this quantity
is negative, it represents the atmospheric ducts (viz., wave trap-
ping layers). Such conditions are known as anomalous propa-
Fig. 6. Propagation over smooth surface in the presence of surface duct: (a)
Refractivity ( ) profile, (b) propagation factor at 40 km, (c) propagation factor gation, which usually has undesirable consequences in, for in-
at 80 km.
stance, detecting low-altitude targets, because the trapped en-
ergy within the duct can propagate to ranges beyond the normal
is 3 GHz, the polarization is horizontal, the antenna pattern is horizon what would be expected with a standard atmosphere.
Gaussian with vertical beamwidth of 3 , the FFT size is 1024, The general types of ducts are evaporation ducts, surface-based

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Fig. 9. Three knife-edges: (a) One-way propagation factor, (b) two-way prop-
Fig. 8. Single-edge problem: (a) Propagation factor in front of the edge (at 22 agation factor.
km), (b) propagation factor at the back of the edge (at 30 km).

ducts and elevated ducts, which may be caused by several me- 80 km in Fig. 6(b) and (c), respectively. The good agreement
teorological conditions. between the results of the FSS algorithm and AREPS validates
Before presenting the results of the two-way FSS algorithm, the one-way algorithm.
we test the accuracy of the one-way FSS code. For this purpose, Now, we consider a single knife-edge, whose height is 100
we consider the propagation over a smooth surface, and com- m and position is 25 km in range. We assume standard atmos-
pare the results with the ones computed by the AREPS program, phere, and an antenna height of 50 m. We plot the contour of
which analyzes only the one-way propagation. We assume a sur- the one-way propagation factor by considering only the for-
face-based duct, which has been modeled by the modified-re- ward-propagating waves in Fig. 7(a). Next, we implement the
fractivity profile in Fig. 6(a). Between 0 and 135 m, and two-way FSS algorithm, and plot the contour in Fig. 7(b). The
above 150 m in altitude, the gradient of the profile is 0.118 m . interference of the forward- and backward-waves is clearly ob-
Between 135 m and 150 m, which is indeed the ducting layer, served in front of the edge, where the range values are less than
the gradient is assumed to be m . In addition, we as- 25 km. We compare the results in front of the edge by using the
sume that the transmitter antenna (TX) is placed at an altitude geometric optics and geometrical theory of diffraction methods,
of 30 m. We plot the contour of the propagation factor, which is as shown in Fig. 8(a), for the range at 22 km. At the back of
the field relative to free-space, in Fig. 5. We also plot the prop- the knife-edge, the values are exactly the same as the ones in
agation factor as a function of altitude at ranges of 40 km and the one-way propagation. Hence, we compare the results at the

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Fig. 10. Three knife-edges: (a) Convergence profile, (b) difference between the
two-way and one-way propagation factors at 30 km. Fig. 11. Five knife-edges: (a) One-way propagation factor, (b) two-way prop-
agation factor.

back side with the AREPS results, as depicted in Fig. 8(b), for
the range at 30 km. the total number of steps that are advanced in range is 333
In the next two examples, we deal with the propagation (i.e., maximum range ), and the computation time is a few
involving multiple knife-edges. In both examples, we again as- seconds. In the two-way algorithm, the total field converges
sume the surface-based duct that is defined in the first example in 820 range steps. The waves, propagating back-and-forth
[see Fig. 6(a)]. The transmitter antenna is placed at an altitude inside the computational domain, hit the first, second and third
of 50 m in both examples. We first consider three edges whose edges, 11, 12 and 9 times, respectively, until the convergence
heights are 75 m, 100 m and 125 m, and which are located at is satisfied. The convergence profile is plotted in Fig. 10(a).
25, 45, and 80 km, respectively. We plot the contours of the The computation time is approximately 6 mins, which may be
propagation factor corresponding to the one-way and two-way decreased by employing parallel processors.
algorithms in Fig. 9(a) and (b), respectively. The percentage In the next example, we implement the algorithm for five
difference between the contours of the two algorithms (i.e., knife-edges, whose heights are 50, 100, 75, 50, and 50 m, and
) is 62%, which shows which are positioned at 10, 25, 40, 60, and 85 km, respectively.
that the reflected waves have strong effect on wave propagation. We plot the contours of the one-way and two-way algorithms in
To show the difference between the one-way and two-way al- Fig. 11(a) and (b), respectively. The percentage difference be-
gorithms, we also plot the propagation factor at range of 30 km tween the contours of the two algorithms is calculated as 71%.
as a function of altitude in Fig. 10(b). In the one-way algorithm, The difference between the one-way and two-way propagation

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Fig. 12. Five knife-edges: (a) Convergence profile, (b) difference between the Fig. 13. Irregular terrain: (a) One-way propagation factor, (b) two-way propa-
two-way and one-way propagation factors at 45 km. gation factor.

factors is illustrated in Fig. 12(b). The two-way algorithm con-

verges in 533 range steps. The convergence profile is shown in
Fig. 12(a). The marching waves hit the first, second, third, fourth In this paper, a two-way Fourier split-step algorithm has been
and fifth edges, 9, 9, 10, 10 and 6 times, respectively. The com- presented to analyze the forward and backward propagation in
putation time is approximately 4 mins. Finally, in order to show the presence of multiple knife-edges. Unlike the conventional
that the threshold for the stopping criterion is suffi- one-way approaches, the proposed algorithm can handle mul-
cient for convergence, the last simulation has been repeated by tiple reflections, which are more pronounced in the case of ir-
decreasing the threshold to . Then, it has been ob- regular terrain profile and atmospheric conditions, by reversing
served that the percentage difference between the results of the the paraxial direction each time the wave hits one of the edges.
two cases is only 0.3%. Thus, it has been concluded that the Basically, in this algorithm, the wave striking into one of the
threshold is sufficient for convergence. knife-edges is partially-reflected by imposing the boundary con-
The last example illustrates the algorithm involving irreg- ditions at the edge, and then, the reflected wave is propagated
ular terrain profile, which includes a sharp wedge and rounded in the opposite direction. Representative numerical results have
wedge, as shown in Fig. 13. The two-way algorithm converges been presented to demonstrate the proposed algorithm.
in 401 range steps, and in approximately 3.5 mins. The per-
centage difference between the contours of the two algorithms ACKNOWLEDGMENT
is calculated as 42%. The contours of the one-way and two-way The author would like to thank Prof. M. Kuzuoglu for his
algorithms are plotted in Fig. 13(a) and (b), respectively. valuable comments and support.

Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on September 6, 2009 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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Authorized licensed use limited to: ULAKBIM UASL - MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on September 6, 2009 at 08:33 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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