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Binary Logical Reasoning

Questions for CAT PDF  

2 Nov 2017

Instructions :

Mohan went to an Island on which there were three tribes of

people. People from one of the tribes always spoke the truth.
People from the second tribe always lied. People who
belonged to the third tribe spoke truth and lie alternately. The
Island had only 3 fruits i.e. apple, mango and banana. Mohan
found three people X,Y and Z asked them about their favourite
Their responses were as follows.
X: I like apple. Y likes mango
Y: Z likes mango. X likes banana
Z: I like apple. X likes banana
If it is known that X, Y and Z belonged to different tribes and
each one of them liked a different fruit, then answer the
following questions.

Question 1:

Who likes apple?

a) X

b) Y

c) Z

d) cannot be determined

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Question 2:

Who belongs to the tribe of truth tellers?

a) X

b) Y

c) Z

d) cannot be determined

Question 3:

Who belongs to the tribe of alternaters?

a) X

b) Y

c) Z

d) cannot be determined

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Question 4:

Ramesh, Suresh and Mahesh are three people who belong to

three different tribes of people. The three tribes are known as
knights (those who always speak the truth), Knaves(who
always lie) and Alters(those who alternatively speak the truth
and lie).
Ramesh said that Suresh is not an alter. Mahesh said that
Ramesh is an alter.
Who among the following is Knave?

a) Suresh
b) Ramesh
c) Mahesh
d) Cannot be determined

Question 5:

Ramesh, Suresh and Mahesh are three people who belong to

three different tribes. The three tribes are known as knights
(those who always speak the truth), Knaves(who always lie)
and Alters(those who alternatively speak the truth and lie).
Ramesh said that Suresh is not an alter. Mahesh said that
Ramesh is an alter.
Who is the Knight?

a) Suresh
b) Ramesh
c) Mahesh
d) cannot be determined

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Solutions (1-3):

Let us assume that Y belongs to the tribe which always speaks

the truth.
So we know that Z likes mango and X likes banana, so Y must
like apple.
Now let’s see if the statements by the other people validate or
contradict our assumption. X says I like apple which is wrong
since we know that Y likes apple. His second statement is that
Y likes mangoes. This statement is also wrong since Y likes
apples. So since both the statements of X are wrong, he must
belong to the tribe of liars. Now if our assumption is correct
then Z must be the alternator. Z’s first statement is wrong
since Y likes apple. Z’s second statement is that X likes
banana. This is true. Hence the statements validate our
assumption. So Y is the truth teller, Z is the alternator and X is
the lier. Also Z likes mango and X likes banana and Y likes

1) Answer (B)

1) Answer (B)

1) Answer (C)

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Solutions (4-5):

Since we only have 3 people, we can list down the possible

cases. Let T denote the knights, L denote the knaves, and A
denotes the alters.
Then possible arrangements are
Ramesh said that Suresh is not an alter, so we can remove the
cases TAL and LTA. This is because if Ramesh is a knight
then Suresh can not be an alter and if Ramesh is a knave than
Suresh is an alter. So we have 4 cases left which are
Mahesh says that Ramesh is an alter, so using this statement
we can rule out cases LAT and ATL.
So we have two cases which are left these are TLA and ALT
From these cases, Ramesh can either be a knight or an alter,
Suresh is a knave and Mahesh can also be either knight or an

4) Answer (A)

In both the cases, Suresh is the Knave. So option A is correct

5) Answer (D)

So we cannot determine that who is the knight and who is

alter. Hence correct option is cannot be determined.

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