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TEA Tena Edveston Agency c PE nue + Austin, Texas 78701-1496 « 512.462.9724 » 512 463-9038 F rissioner Mike Morath IMPORTANT, ACCREDITATION INFORMATION ACTION REQUIRED Cortiied Ma & Regular Mal 168-007 November 28, 2017 Nancy Sandlin, Superintendent ‘Adam Losoya, Board President Buckholts Independent School District PO Box 248, Buckhols, TX 76518-0248 Dear Ms. Sandin and Mr. Loyosa: ‘The purpose of this letter i o provide official notice to Buckholls Independent Schoo! District (ISD or istrict) regarding the status ofthe district and its campus. The accountabilty ratings assigned by the Texas Education Agency (TEA of agency), as discussed in further detail Delon, require me to assign Buctholts ISD a 2017-2018 accreditation status of Not Accredited-Revoked and close the ditt effective July 1, 2018. Background Information Buckholts [SD was assigned an accreditation status of Not Accredited-Revoked for 2016-2017 pursuant to 19 Texes Administrative Code (TAC) §97.1055(c)(1)A) because the district received an ‘academic accountabilty ratieg of improvement Required for 2013, 2014, 2018, and 2016. The district requested a review related to ts 2016-2017 accreditation status assignment and following the review, in which no final order was issued, Buckhotts ISO entered into an agraament with the TEA to abate the proceedings pencing the issuance of 2017 academic and 2016-2017 financial accountability ratings, (One of the terms of the agreement provided that ifthe dlstct received a final 2017 academic ‘ccountatily rating of Improvement Required or a final 2016-2017 financial accountability ratrg of ‘Substandard Achiovement, he Commissioner would assign the distil an accreditation status of Not Accredited-Revoked for 20°6-2017 and order closure ofthe district. In August 2017, the TEA released preliminary accountablty ratings, which indicated that Buckholts ISD received a financial accountabilty rating of Meets Standard and an academic accountabiliy rating of Improvement Required, representing the ith consecutive unacceptable academic accountabily rating assigned to the district. The district appealed its preliminary 2017 academic accountabilty rating assignment. On November 14, 2017, the TEA released final academic accountability ratings, indicating that Buckholts ISO received a fital 2017 academic accountabiity rating of Improvement Required. The ‘ating is now final and no longer subject to appeal. TEC §39.15%(e) Revocation of Accreditation A school district must be assigned an accreditation status of Not Accredited-Revoked itis assigned {2 financial accountabilly rating of Substandard Achievement, an academic accountabiliy rating of [Improvement Required, or any combination of the ratings forfour consecutive school years, 19 TAC. §97.1086(d). Pursuant to TEC §§39.051-3.052 and 19 TAC §97.1055(d)(1\A), Buckholts ISD's accreditation status of Not Accredited-Revoked for 2017-2018 ls based on the assignment of an academic accountability rating of Improvement Required for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017, All tights to appeal the ratings identified above have been waived or exhausted, and these ratings are now final and no longer subject to appeal, TEC §39.184(e) ue to the academic accountability ratings assigned to Buckholts ISO, | find that | must assign the district a 2017-2018 accreditation slatus of Not Accredited-Revoked and order closure of the ditict effective July 1, 2018. The procedures available to the district to request a review ofthe accreditation Salus assignment are discussed below. The order of closure wll result in annexation of Buckholts ISD. Conservator Appointment ‘The current appointment of Marsha Riclehuber as the TEA conservator wil remain in effect and will not bbe impacted a this time Public Notification: Accreditation Status Districts that are assigned a status of Not Accredited Revoked must take specific actions tonality the Parenis of students enrolled in the district and property owners in the district. The requirements for Public natiication are specified in 19 TAG §97.1055(0), and a template that reflects the TEA-required format and language for the public notice is posted at hip tea texas. govlaccredstatus/. Buckholts ISD ‘must complete the notification requifement no later than December 29, 2017. Buckholls ISD also ‘must send, by certified mail, retum receipt requested, documentation to the TEA showing compliance withthe netfication requirement. This documentation may be addressed a8 follows: Division of Accresitation Texas Education Agency 1701 North Congress Avenue ‘Austin, Texas 76701 Fax: (612) 475-3665 Districts with an accreditation status below Accredited may be subject to addtional accreditation sanctions as referenced in 19 TAC Chapter 97, Planning and Accountability, Subchapter EE, Questions felated tothe pubic notification requirements may be addressed to acored@itea texas. gov or (512) 463 5899, Informal Review In accordance with 19 TAC §187.1123, the district may request an informal review related to the assignment ofthe 2017-2018 accreditation status of Not Accredited-Revoked, However, an informal Feview shall be provided only if the ISD submits a written request for informal review no later than December 13, 2017. 19 TAC §157.1123(b). Whiten information may be submitted by the required deadline for requesting an informal review. 19 TAC §157.1123(c). I may make a final decision based solely onthe writen correspondence sent by the ISD. A request for informal review must be in wring ‘and received by TEA no late than December 13, 2017, and addressed as follows: Division of Enforcement Coordination ‘Texas Education Agency ‘TO! North Congress Avenue Austin, Texas 78701 Fax: (612) 475-3665 EnforcementGoordination@tea.texas.aov ‘Should the district wish to appear in person atthe review or attend via telephonic conference, the district ‘ust give such notification within its request for review no later than December 13, 2017, and ‘Subsequent notification from TEA wil be issued scheduling the review. ‘The district isnot required to attend the review; however, ifthe distict requests a review and chooses not to attend, the review wil proceed, and a final decision wil be made based upon the documentation that was submitted by the district, it any, with ts request for review. 19 TAC §157.1123(). I no informal review i requested by the deadtine, a final decision may be issued without review. 19 TAC §187,1123(¢). If you submit a timely request for review of the 2017-2018 accreditation status of Not Accredited- Revoked and do not change my decision regarding the accreditation status during the informal review, you wil have an opportunity to fle a petiton for review with the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) pursuant to TEC §39A.301, if you fist satisfy the requicements of 19 TAC §157.1155. Any hearing provided shall be limited to the specic findings andior recommendations detailed in this ‘correspondence. Pursuant o TEC §39A.901(b), the administrative law judge must uphold ray decision Unless the administrative law judge finds the decision is not supported by substantial evidence. The decision ofthe administrative aw judge is final and may not be appealed. Compliance and Cooperation Given the expectations of state law regarding accreditation status and my concern forthe long-term ‘education of the students served by the Buckholls ISD, | am compelled to move forward with this Drocess. It is my sinoere desire that the agency, the district, and the community work together in cooperative and productive manner, ‘Any questions you may have regarding accreditation may be addressed to the Division of Acerecitation at (512) 463-5809 or by email at acored@tea texas gov. ‘Any questions you may have regarding the informal review process may be addressed tothe Division ‘of Enforcement Coordination at (612) 483-3847 or Enforcement Coordination@@tea texas. gov oa ZARA LL es ae a ce: Michael Holland, Executive Director, Region 6 ESC Penny Schwinn, Chief Deputy Commissioner, Academics, TEA ‘A.J. Crabill, Deputy Commissioner, Governance, TEA Kara Belew, Depuly Commissioner, Finance, TEA Martin Winchester, Deputy Commissioner, Educator Support, TEA Joe Siedlecki, Associate Commissioner, System Support, TEA iso Lopez, Associate Commissioner/Chief School Finance Officer, TEA Cory Green, Associate Commissioner, Grants and Compliance Oversight, TEA, Von Riya, Ganaeal Counsel, TFA Christopher Jones, Senior Legal Counsel, TEA Leah Martin, Direcior, Accreditation and Waivers, TEA Lizette Ridgeway, Director, Schoo! Improvement, TEA Fon Rowell, Director, School Governance, TEA Marsha Ridiehuber, Conservator

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