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1. The ulimate form of self-mastery lies in searching for answers on your own, relying on nothing
2. You think for yourself rather than sheepishly accepting other people’s ideas.
3. You value your individual experience over the knowledge gained from everything else.
4. That’s why reading isn’t enough, you must apply what makes sense to you and learn from it first-
5. You value personal intuition, because you know, relying on general opinions, you would end up a
frail, inept copy with no real self-worth.
6. You know, the lack of conviction would not result in innovative ideas, but in accepting what you’ve
been taught and identifying with it as a whole.
7. In other words, you inevitably end up believing the nonsense of others. Their ignorance spreads over
to you, if you don’t make up your own mind.
8. Idealy you form your opinion on lots of research from reliable sources, sticking to facts, logic and
persuasive arguments.
9. You’re a unique, authentic individual who trusts his gut and understands the profound power of a
built-in, bold and robust creative force.
10. You understand that staying true to yourself, doing what you think is right, is a necessity for true
happiness. You value authenticity and defend your stance in a world of mediocrity, in order to keep

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