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JALORE (Rajasthan) 

This document serves a couple of functions. First, it is an introduction to new mathematical concepts.
Second, the source of this document is meant to be an exemplar of a unique approach to solve
mathematical problem..
How to write Tables?
As we all know that use of mathematical tables is for the children as well as for the grown ups. In this
paper I have tried a different approach to this.

Let us consider the mathematical table of 7:-

1 In the first place look at difference between 7 from its nearest tens(10) place i.e. 10-7=3

2 Now we will start to write the mathematical table of 7. We will firstly write the numeric of unit places
of the table i.e. 7-3=4 and so on for the coming unit places as:-

(a) 4-3=1
(b) 11-3=8
(c) 8-3=5
(d) 5-3=2
(e) 12-3=9
(f) 9-3=6
(g) 6-3=3
(h) 3-3=0

3 As we got the unit places of the mathematical table i.e.-

Now we will approach towards the tens place.

4 Now we will mark down the 2 largest unit places from the range of 1 to 10

In this particular mathematical table of 7 i.e. Fourth and Seventh place for 8 and 9 respectively.

5 In the last step , we will start to add 1 in tens places in those places which are unmarked in step 4.

As this 7

14(+1 in unit place)

21(+1 in unit place)

28(Same as earlier digit because of larger number)

35(+1 in unit place)

42(+1 in unit place)

49(Same as earlier digit because of larger number)

56(+1 in unit place)

63(+1 in unit place)

70(+1 in unit place)

Now the mathematical table of 7 is complete and one thing is to be kept in mind that to write any
particular mathematical table we have to mark down the two largest digits in unit places.

How to find the divisibility of a particular digit?

Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 2 :-

Those digits which have 0,2,4,6,8 in their unit place are called as even number and they are divided by 2.

Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 4:-

Those digits which have multiples of 4 in their tens places are divided by 4. For example- 56897​ 24​, in
this particular digit the tens place is 24 which is wholly divisible by 4 and the remainder remains as 0.

Divisibility rule for a digit divisible by 8:-

Those digits which have multiples of 8 in their hundredth places are divided by 8. For example

-78965​ 160​, in this particular digit the hundredth place is divisible by 8 and remainder remains as 0.
Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 16:-

Those digits which have multiples of 16 in their thousandth places are divided by 16. For example

1547​192 ​, in this particular digit the thousandth place is divisible by 16 and remainder remains as 0.
Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 3:-

When a particular digit have a sum of its total digits to be as a multiple of 3, then the whole digit is
divisible by 3. For example - 74841. The sum of 7+4+8+4+1=24, the number 24 is divisible by 3 and the
remainder remains as 0.

Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 9:-

When a particular digit have a sum of its total digits to be as a multiple of 9, then the whole digit is
divisible by 9. For example - 54729. The sum of 5+4+7+2+9=27, the number 27 is divisible by 9 and the
remainder remains as 0.

Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 11 :-

When the difference of sum total of odd and even places of a digit comes as 0 or 11 , then that digit will
be wholly divisible by 11. For example ​6​3​4​7​4​5​6​5, t​ he sum of numbers at odd places is 20 and sum
of the numbers at even place is also 20. When we subtract both of this digit the number we get is 0, so
the particular digit is divisible by 11.

Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 5 :-

When a particular digit have multiples of 5 and 0 in their unit place , then the whole is divisible by 5. For

example 78948​ 5 , the digit at unit place is 5 which is wholly divisible by 5 and leaves the remainder as

Divisibility rule for digit divisible by 7:-

To find a divisibility of a particular digit by 7 , we have to follow a different method in which the number
at unit place is doubled and subtracted for the whole digit , till the sum doesn’t remain as zero.

For example- let us take a digit, 21632835. In this particular digit the number at unit place is 5.

2163283​ 5​ ( Multiplying unit place by 2 and subtracting from whole)

2163283 -10 = 2163273

216327​ 3 ​( Multiplying unit place by 2 and subtracting from whole)


2163​ ( Multiplying unit place by 2 and subtracting from whole)


216​ 0 (Multiplying tenth place by 2 because unit place is 0)


2​ 0(Multiplying tenth place by 2 because unit place is 0)


So this particular number is divisible by and same can be followed for other digits.

Note:- The numbers mentioned in outer circle must be added and the number mentioned in the inner
circle must be subtracted and all other procedure must be followed according to the steps mentioned
in Divisibility of any digit by 7 as mentioned earlier.
How to find sum of two numbers without expanding
their squares?
There is a new way by which we can find sum of any two numbers by using the method of squaring. The
formula which is used in this method is:

X = B​2 ​(+) (-) d(B+O)

B​2 ​= It is the base number which is known to us..

d = It is the difference between original and base number

O = Original number

Let us consider an example where we have to find a square of particular digit i.e. 27​2.

In this example B = 25 , d = 2 and O is 27.

=25​2 ​+2(25+27)

= 625 + 104

= 729 which is square of 27.

In another example we find square of 23,in which B= 25 , d = -2 and O = 23

= 25​2​ - 2(25+23)

= 625 - 96

= 529 which is the square of 23.

Note :- When the given digit is larger than base digit , then there will be addition in the formula and
vice-versa when the given digit is lesser than base digit.

Strange Mathematical Coincidence

As we know there are many instances in a human life where a particular person experiences
coincidence. But I found out a strange coincidence between the mathematical numbers and I am going
to elaborate this mathematical coincidence to the epitome of my mathematical knowledge.

10 - 1 = 9 x 1 = 9 10 - 9 = 1 which can be squared as 1​2​ = 1

10 - 2 =8 x 2 = 16 20 - 16 = 4 which can be squared as 2​2​ = 4

10 - 3 = 7 x 3= 21 30 - 21 = 9 which can be squared as 3​2​ = 9 ( And so on)

11​2​ = 21 x 1 +100 = 121

12​2 ​= 22 x 2 + 100 = 144

13​2​ = 23 x 3 + 100 = 169 ( And so on till the square of 20)

21​2​ = 41 x 1 + 400 = 441

22​2 ​= 42 x 2 + 400= 484

23​2 ​= 43 x 3 + 400 = 529 ( And so on till square of 30)

31​2​ = 61 x 1 + 900 = 961

32​2​ = 62 x 2 + 900 = 1024

33​2​ = 63 x 3 + 900 = 1089 ( And so on till square of 40)

And this coincidence continues to the infinity in numbers.

How to find cube of a particular number by a different

As we know that there are various ways by which cube of a number can be deduced but the particular
formula I am going to mention below is unique in its own sense .

X = b​3​ +/- 3 bdo +/- d​3

Where b = base number i.e. known cube

d = difference between original and base number.

O = the given number in any particular problem.

Examples :-

For finding cube of 27​3​ =

Let us take base as 30​3 ​as base and which is 27000.

= 27000 - 3 ( 30 x 3 x 27) - 27

= 27000 - 7317

= 19683 which is the cube of 27 .

Note:- If the original number is greater than base number then we have to do
process of addition and if the original number is less than base number than we
have to perform the process of subtraction for the same.

Formulae for other digit having powers

The given formula for solving the powers of a particular number having any kind of square and anybody
can find the answer to that particular question which have question of power involved.

The formula is :

​ ​
X = (f -1) ( f +1) ( f​p-2​) + f p-2

Where , f = the given number in the problem

P = power of that particular digit.

Let us take example of 3​4​ and 3​5 ​ respectively.

3​4 ​=​ (f -1) ( f +1) ( f​p-2​) + f p-2

​ ) + ( 3​4-2​)
= (3-1)(3+1)(3 4-2​

= (2)(4) x (9) + 9

= 8 x 9 +9

= 72 +9

= 81 which is power of 4 of 3.

3​5​ = (f -1) ( f +1) ( f​p-2​) + f p-2
= (3-1)(3+1) (3​5-2​) + 3​5=2

= (2) (4) (27) + 27

= 243 which is power of 5 of 3.

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