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The sons of Gondor are a hardy and grim folk,

for it is they, more than any other, that have

stood firm against the forces of Mordor in the
Third Age. From their seat of power in Minas
Tirith, the brave Warriors of Gondor sally forth to
battle the hordes of Evil Men and Orcs under
Sauron's sway. However, the blood of Númenor
is weaker than it has ever been, and the
Warriors of Minas Tirith find themselves sorely
pressed and thinly spread.

The Battle Companies that

march forth from Gondor are
filled with resolved and
hardened warriors ready to do
their duty and give their lives in
defence of the White City. From
Henneth Annûn to Osgiliath to the Harad Road, the warriors of Minas Tirith
stand ready to thwart the plans of Mordor.

Gondor Starting Force Gondor Equipment Options

2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Bows Weapon Cost in Influence
3 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Hand Dice
Weapons and Shields Shield 1
2 Warriors of Minas Tirith with Spears
and Shields Bow 1
Horse (Heroes and Citadel 2
Guard only)
Lance 1
Spear 1
Longbow (Citadel Guard 1

Gondor Promotion Table

Troop Type Promotion Option

Warrior of Minas Tirith with bow Ranger of Gondor. All weapons and equipment are
traded for that of a Ranger of Gondor. Alter the warrior's
statistics appropriately.
Warrior of Minas Tirith with Spear & Shield Knight of Minas Tirith. All weapons and equipment are
traded for that of a Knight of Minas Tirith. Alter the
warrior's statistics appropriately.
Warrior of Minas Tirith with Sword & Shield Citadel Guard/Guard of the Fountain Court. All
weapons and equipment are exchange for that of a
Citadel Guard or Guard of the Fountain Court. The
player may choose which. Alter the Warrior's statistics
either way. Include the Bodyguard special rule.

Hold Firm, Men of Gondor! A Hero with this

ability can exhort his followers to hold their ground
Gondor Influence Table
against even the most overwhelming of foes. The
D6 controlling player may nominate that his Hero is
1 Result "holding firm," in which case the Hero and any
2 No reinforcements Good Warriors within 12"/28cm automatically pass
3 Warrior of Minas Tirith with Shield any Courage tests that are required as long as the
Warrior of Minas Tirith with Shield and Spear Hero remains stationary during his Move Phase. If
4 Warrior of Minas Tirith with Bow the Hero moves, then the ability ceases to work. A
5 Choose one of the above Hero can only use this special rule once per
6 Roll again on table below game.
D6 Result Any Gondor Hero can select this special rule
1-2 Ranger of Gondor instead of rolling for a new special rule on one of
3-4 Citadel Guard OR a Guard of the Fountain the existing tables.
5-6 Knight of Minas Tirith

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