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Journal of Caring Sciences, 2012, 1(2), 101-107

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Lifestyle of Hemodialysis Patients in Comparison with Outpatients

Sima Moghadasian1, Mohammad Hasan Sahebi Hagh2, Leila Aghaallah Hokmabadi3*
MSc, Instructor, Department of Internal Surgery, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
Tabriz, Iran
MSc, Instructor, Department of Community Health Nursing, National Public Health Management Center, Faculty of Nursing and
Midwifery, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran
Postgraduate Student, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences,
Tabriz, Iran


Article type: Introduction: Nowadays, the chronic diseases are known to be associated with lifestyle
Original Article
risk factors. Hemodialysis patients encounter considerable amount of physical, mental and
social pressure. Lifestyle is important because it affects quality of life and has important
Article History: role in prevention. This study aimed to compare the lifestyle of hemodialysis patients and
Received: 24 Jan. 2012 outpatients in health clinics of Tabriz. Methods: This was a case-control study on 155 he-
Accepted: 12 March 2012 modialysis patients and 155 outpatients referring to five dialysis centers and clinics, who
ePublished: 27 May 2012 met the inclusion criteria. Demographic data and some questions about lifestyle in nutri-
tion, stress, physical activity and smoking were asked. Results: The history of hyperten-
Keywords: sion among hemodialysis patients was 34.6% greater than outpatients. High daily salt con-
Lifestyle sumption (more than two tablespoons a day) was 40.5% higher among hemodialysis pa-
Hemodialysis tients than outpatients. In terms of saturated oil intake, it was 30.8%higher among hemo-
dialysis patients. Problem in communicating with family members was 69.8% higher in
Physical activity hemodialysis patients. In terms of physical activity, 46.4% of outpatients had higher physi-
cal activity like walking. Conclusion: Lifestyle in different dimensions was associated
with chronic kidney disease (CKD); therefore, the officials of health system are recom-
mended to develop a program to combat chronic diseases and integrate it with providing
the first-level health services. It seems that public education can have a major role in life-
style modification and in chronic kidney diseases prevention.

als which causes types of deprivation and

Introduction lifestyle changes including financial problems,
Lifestyle is a part of life that most people unemployment, restriction in fluid intake and
have control over it and such behaviors often diet, change in familial roles and tasks and
are changeable. In fact, healthy lifestyle reduction in achieving long term goals”.2
would help health promotion and bad life- Health status and quality of life are very im-
style has negative effects on health. Today, portant concepts for patients with chronic
changing lifestyle and gradually obtaining kidney disease (CKD) and those undergoing
good habits as well as replacing helpful hemodialysis.2 At the end of the next decade,
processes instead of harmful ones in life are the number of patients with end-stage renal
considered as the most important indicators disease, who need dialysis therapy may be
of health in all its dimensions.1 Yaghmayi doubled. Even in developed countries, there
quoted from Thomas et al. that” chronic renal are some problems to cope with this increase.
failure has mutual effects on physical, psy- Therefore, there is an urgent need to highlight
chological and functional status of individu- the importance of modifiable risk factors as a

* Corresponding Author: Leila Aghaallah Hokmabadi (MSc), E-mail: rose_a1359@yahoo.com

This article was derived from MSc thesis in the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, No: 18108.

Copyright © 2012 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Moghadasian et al.

basis for treatment strategies to prevent from stress is correlated with low socioeconomic
progression of chronic renal failure disease status and such conditions can be a risk factor
which should include the expansion of our for progression of chronic renal disease
recent knowledge from a healthy lifestyle.3 through association with other socio-mental
Nowadays, lifestyle is raised as one of the ma- factors and behaviors such as alcohol con-
jor factors affecting health by the health ex- sumption, smoking and drug use.11 Some
perts and professionals and it is estimated that studies showed that those with low physical
7 out of 10 death can be prevented through activity are 93% more at the risk of chronic
changes in lifestyle.4 Estaji quoted from disease than those with higher physical activ-
Phipps that" lifestyle is an approach an indi- ity. In addition, several studies have indi-
vidual selected during his life which is a very cated that smokers are more at the risk of
important factor in physical and mental health chronic renal disease. The prevalence of
and also is affected by culture, race, religion, chronic kidney disease in the industrialized
geographical, economic and social factors, be- world during past two decades has been
liefs and opinions".5 doubled and a major part of this increase has
End-stage renal disease is an important been due to lifestyle related factors. The asso-
public health issue. There are approximately ciation between obesity, smoking, physical
440000 patients with end-stage renal disease activity and renal chronic disease is of high
in the U.S. Moreover, almost 8 million Amer- importance.13 This study aimed to compare
ican adults have chronic renal disease that the lifestyle of hemodialysis patients and
are at the risk of end-stage renal disease and outpatients referring to health clinics of Ta-
its comorbidities.6 Out of 40000 renal patients briz. It is hoped that using the results of the
in Iran, almost 15000 individuals undergo present study, nurses can help those at risk
dialysis, 10 percent of whom annually die with controlling the risk factors of chronic
(about 1500 patients)every year.7 Imposed kidney disease.
financial costs increased from $5 million in
1991 to $12 million in 19988 and also to $23 Materials and methods
million in 2001 in the U.S.9 The cost of kidney This was a case-control study and the study
transplantation and dialysis in developed population included all the hemodialysis pa-
countries averagely is 50 thousand dollars tients (155 people) who referred to dialysis
and World Health Organization has recently centers of Imam Reza, Sina, Shahid Madani,
estimated the staggering figure of 1.1 trillion 29 Bahman and Amiralmomenin hospitals
dollars for the cost of patients with dialysis in and also 155 outpatients referred to clinic of
recent decade.10 Seventy two percent of total Imam Reza Hospital clinic with the following
health budget in the world is spent for renal criteria: having two years of dialysis, no men-
disease, diabetes, hypertension and cardi- tal illness and ability to communicate. Sam-
ovascular diseases each of which can create pling was done through stratified random and
the possibility of other disease and exacerba- systematic random sampling methods. The
tion of the comorbidities.4 Among the life- researcher faced with low number of patients
style factors, appropriate nutrition is an effec- having primary inclusion criteria and there-
tive one on renal function. Important nu- fore all the study population were selected
trients like protein, carbohydrates, fats and and enrolled as the samples. The samples of
sodium are correlated with chronic renal dis- the two groups were matched to each other.
ease.11,12 Studies on stress have shown that Data collection tools in this study was a
stress can make some complications leading questionnaire including demographic cha-
to progression of chronic renal failure. Stress racteristics and some questions related to
is directly associated with the risk of chronic lifestyle in nutrition, stress, physical activity
renal failure such as hypertension. Further- and smoking extracted from www. nwph.
more, other studies have pointed out that net/lifestylesurvey/ and were used after

102 | Journal of Caring Sciences, 2012; 1 (2), 101-107 Copyright © 2012 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Lifestyle of hemodialysis patients and outpatients

modification. In order to determine the valid- 17. P value less than 0.05 was considered sta-
ity and reliability, content validity and test- tistically significant.
retest methods were used, respectively (r =
0.98). Ethical considerations in this study in- Results
cluded obtaining a letter of introduction from The results of demographic characteristics
the President of Aras International Universi- showed that 60%of hemodialysis patients
ty, providing a letter of introduction to the and 62.5% of outpatients were at the age
required centers’ officials, introducing the range of 40-65 years. In terms of place of res-
researchers to the study subjects, confiden- idence, 92.2% of subjects in both groups lived
tiality of information, observing the ethical in cities. Considering economic situation of
principles and integrity in the use of other the family, 45.2 and 46.5% of outpatients and
resources and studies of other researchers. In hemodialysis patients had semi-desirable
addition, the participation in the study was economic status, respectively. The observed
voluntarily, thus a written consent form ob- difference was statistically significant
tained from all the participants according to (p < 0.001). There was no statistically signifi-
the principals of Ethics Committee. This ar- cant difference between age, sex, place of liv-
ticle was extracted from an MSc dissertation. ing, marital status, education and being the
The obtained data analyzed by descriptive head of the household between two groups.
sta tistics using SPSS statistical software, ver

Table 1. Characteristics of participants in terms of nutrition in two groups

Hemodialysis patients Outpatients Statistical
Question Choices
N(%) N(%) indicators
1-6 glasses 120 (62.8) 71 (37.2) χ2 = 30.81
Daily fluid in-
7-12 glasses 29 (30.5) 66 (69.5) p <0.001
13-20 glasses 6 (28.6) 15 (71.4) df = 2
half 34 (36.2) 60 (63.8) χ2 = 22.42
Daily salt intake
1 58 (46.8) 66 (53.2) p < 0.001
2 62 (70.5) 26 (29.5) df = 2
Always 51 (37.8) 84 (62.2)
χ2 = 17.39
Often 95 (62.1) 58 (37.9)
Red meat p < 0.001
Rarely 8 (47.1) 9 (52.9)
df = 3
Never 1 (33.3) 2 (66.7)
Always 85 (65.4) 45 (34.6)
χ2 = 38.95
Saturated vege- Often 61 (48.8) 64 (51.2)
p < 0.001
table oil Rarely 5 (13.2) 33 (86.8)
df = 3
Never 4 (25.0) 12 (75.0)
Always 22 (33.8) 43 (66.2)
χ2 = 19.48
Fresh vegeta- Often 99 (53.2) 87 (46.8)
p < 0.001
bles Rarely 34 (65.4) 18 (34.6)
df = 3
Never 0 (0.0) 7 (100.0)
Always 43 (40.6) 63 (59.4)
χ2 = 9.26
Often 103 (56.9) 78 (43.1)
Fresh fruits p = 0.026
Rarely 9 (47.4) 10 (52.6)
df = 3
Never 0 (0.0) 2 (100.0)
Always 7 (78.9) 30 (81.1)
χ2 = 80.47
Often 33 (27.5) 87 (72.5)
Grains p < 0.001
Rarely 114 (76.5) 35 (23.5)
df =3
Never 1 (50.0) 1 (50.0)

Copyright © 2012 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Journal of Caring Sciences, 2012; 1 (2), 101-107 | 103
Moghadasian et al.

In terms of history of diseases, the results important people (p < 0.001) and concern
showed that 32.7% of outpatients and 67.3% about health (p < 0.001) were significantly
of hemodialysis patients had history of more among outpatients. Coping methods
hypertension (p < 0.001). 26.5% of outpatients with stress, easy acceptance with problems
and 73.5%of hemodialysis patients had the (p < 0.001) and avoiding mental pressure in
history of high blood sugar (p < 0.001). 38.3% the workplace (p < 0.001) were significantly
and 61.7% had the history of high cholesterol higher among outpatients; however, pro-
in outpatients and hemodialysis patients, re- longed life’s discomfort and pressure
spectively (p = 0.01). However, no significant (p < 0.001) was higher among hemodialysis
difference was found for other history of dis- patients (Table 2).
eases. In terms of physical activity, having physical
The results related to nutrition, physical ac- activity such as walking (p < 0.001), allocat-
tivity, stress and smoking are illustrated in ing more days of a week for walking
tables 1 to 4. Salt (p < 0.001), saturated oil (p = 0.01) and having a dynamic physical ac-
(p < 0.001) and red meat intake (p < 0.001) tivity (p = 0.04) was higher among the outpa-
was higher among the hemodialysis patients. tients and there was a statistically significant
Fluid (p <0.001) and grains consumption (p < difference between the two groups (Table 3).
0.001) was higher among outpatients (Ta- Finally, the results of the study showed that
ble1). smoking was higher among the hemodialysis
Problem in communicating with family patients but the difference was not statistical-
(p < 0.001), anxiety in communicating with ly significant (p = 0.4) (Table 4).

Table 2. Characteristics of participants in terms of stress and adaptability methods

with stress in two groups
Hemodialysis patients Outpatients Statistical
Question Choices
N (%) N (%) indicators
Always 2 (15.4) 11 (84.6)
χ2 = 19.85
Problem in communicat- Often 31 (60.8) 20 (39.2)
p < 0.001
ing with family Rarely 96 (56.8) 73 (43.2)
df = 3
Never 26 (33.8) 51 (66.2)
Always 0 (0.0) 11 (100.0)
Anxiety in communicat- χ2 = 18.36
Often 31 (43.7) 40 (56.3)
ing with important p < 0.001
Rarely 94 (59.1) 65 (40.9)
people df = 3
Never 30 (44.1) 38 (55.9)
Always 4 (18.2) 18 (81.8)
χ2 = 25.95
Concern about health Often 27 (34.2) 52 (65.8)
p < 0.001
status Rarely 74 (61.7) 46 (38.3)
df = 3
Never 50 (58.8) 35 (41.2)
Things you could change Always 15 (30.0) 35 (70.0)
χ2 = 45.40
or can change and those Often 55 (41.7) 77 (58.3)
p < 0.001
you could not easily ac- Rarely 84 (73.0) 31 (27.0)
df = 3
cept. Never 1 (7.7) 12 (92.3)
How many working Always 23 (37.1) 39 (62.9)
χ2 = 6.45
problem you tried to Often 110 (53.7) 95 (46.3)
p = 0.091
take care based on prior- Rarely 21 (53.8) 18 (46.2)
df = 3
ity? Never 1 (25.0) 3 (75.0)
Always 1 (4.3) 22 (95.7)
χ2 = 54.20
Asking others to help Often 54 (46.6) 62 (53.4)
p < 0.001
you in life’s problems? Rarely 93 (69.4) 41 (30.6)
df = 3
Never 7 (18.9) 30 (81.1)

104 | Journal of Caring Sciences, 2012; 1 (2), 101-107 Copyright © 2012 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Lifestyle of hemodialysis patients and outpatients

Table 3. Characteristics of participants in terms of physical activity in two groups

Hemodialysis patients Outpatients Statistical
Question Choices
N (%) N (%) indicators
Did you have walking Yes 27 (26.2) 76 (73.8) χ2 = 35.44
as exercise during p <0.001
No 128 (62.1) 78 (37.9)
past 10 years? df = 1

How many days a 4 days a week or less 12 (42.9) 16 (57.1) χ2 = 5.74

week do you have p = 0.01
5 days a week or more 14 (19.4) 58 (80.6)
walking as exercise? df = 1

High active 97 (49.9) 110 (53.1) χ2 = 6.19

Physical activity in
Sedentary 54 (60.7) 35 (39.3) p = 0.045
past 10 years
Inactive 4 (33.3) 8 (66.7) df = 2

Table 4. Characteristics of participants in terms of cigarettesmoking, pipe and water pipe

(hookah) in two groups
Hemodialysis patients Outpatients Statistical
Question Choices
N (%) N (%) indicators
Yes 31 (54.4) 26 (45.6) χ2 = 0.49
Smoking cigarette in past 10 year? p = 0.48
No 124 (49.2) 128 (50.8)
df = 1

Yes 9 (60.0) 6 (40.0) χ2 = 0.57

Smoking pipe and water pipe in
p = 0.45
past 10 year? No 145 (50.0) 145 (50.0)
df = 1

hydrate, fat and sodium can cause

This study showed that history of hyperten- the progression of chronic kidney disease.11
sion, high blood sugar and high cholesterol According to Ritz and Schwenger,14 high
were significantly different between two intake of protein and salt can increase the
study groups; however, there was no signifi- progression of renal disease. Other studies
cant difference between the other disease showed that restricting dietary protein re-
records. Vupputuri and Sandler showed that duces the progression of kidney disease, the
patients with chronic kidney disease also had reduction in sodium intake can reduce blood
hypertension and diabetes.8 pressure, high salt intake can exacerbate the
In line with this study findings about high progression of kidney disease and salt limita-
intake of salt, saturated oil and red meat tion can prolong and delay its progression.14
among the hemodialysis patients, another In the present study, high salt and protein
study also indicated that dietary combination intake was seen in hemodialysis patients.
particularly protein intake is very important.6 A review study indicated that high salt in-
Accordingly, consumption of carbohydrates take harmfully affect on blood pressure and
and fats should be modified. Thus, combina- diet and emphasized that consumption of
tion of reducing sodium intake with modified fruits, vegetables and low-fat foods was asso-
intake of protein, carbohydrates and fats is a ciated with blood pressure reduction. More-
framework for controlling blood pressure for over, vegetarian diets were associated with
chronic kidney disease. In addition, it was lower blood pressure,12 which is in accor-
indicated that high intake of protein, carbo- dance with the results of the present study.

Copyright © 2012 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences Journal of Caring Sciences, 2012; 1 (2), 101-107 | 105
Moghadasian et al.

In terms of stress, this study showed that difference was not significant. The results of
outpatients had higher stress and anxiety Hallanet al. showed that smokers with smok-
than hemodialysis patients; however, they ing 25-29 packs of cigarette per year were
used better adaptation methods for coping 42% more at the risk of CKD compared to
with stress. The review study of Bruce et al.15 non-smokers. People with smoking 50 or
in the U.S. in 2009 indicated that stress direct- more packs of cigarette per year were 10 per-
ly was associated with risk factor of chronic cent more at the risk of CKD compared to
kidney disease (CKD) similar to hyperten- non-smokers13 which was not in accordance
sion. The relationship between stress and with the present study. While the findings of
chronic diseases like CKD has not been wide- Ejerblad showed that there was no significant
ly investigated and further studies should relationship between smoking and CKD.17
explain the association between stress and Considering findings of this study that
progression of CKD. Another review study showed different dimensions of lifestyle can
showed that those who livedalone or had be considered as risk factors of renal diseases,
very low relation with friends and others the officials of Health System are recom-
were more at the risk of cardiovascular dis- mended to encourage people to develop
eases and mortality than those with higher healthy lifestyle.
social relations.15 However, the correlation This study had some limitations. Sincethe
between social relations and kidney disease onset of kidney disease trend causing dialysi-
sis not detectable like any other chronic dis-
has not been investigated comprehensively
ease, separating the two groups based on the
and requires future studies.15 Hemodialysis
start of exposing with risk factors was not
patients in the present study did not have so
possible. Moreover, in most of the cases, pa-
much stress and anxiety which was not in
tients already had underlying disease such as
accordance with previous studies; however,
diabetes and etc. before reaching the dialysis
they did not have good adaptability methods stage. Consequently, they were recommend-
for coping with stress and the majority of ed by their own physicianto adopt some limi-
them asked others to help them for problem tations in lifestyle. In this study, such limita-
solving. It can be said that this problem was tions considered as a part of lifestyle before
seen in them due to the lack of social relation dialysis of patients.
that was in accordance with previous studies.15
The results of the present study indicated Conclusion
that outpatients had higher physical activity
than hemodialysis patients and dedicated Considering that we faced many problems
more time in a day to exercise. Valencia et al. during the study pertaining to multiplicity of
indicated that lifestyle factors were major de- variables, it is suggested to evaluate lifestyle
terminants of kidney disease that was be- factors separately in next studies. Consider-
cause Indian Mexican people had high activi- ing differences in lifestyle factors in various
ty and lower obesity, therefore their diabetes, patients, further studies should be done
hypertension and consequently kidney dis- comprehensively for hemodialysis patients,
ease was lower in spite of their similar poten- other patients and healthy people.
tial for exposure compared to Indian Ameri-
can people16 which was in accordance with Ethical issues
the present study. Appel showed that high None to be declared.
physical activity is helpful to reduce blood
pressure12 which was in accordance with the
Conflict of interest
present study considering that physical activ-
ity and walking was higher in outpatients. The authors declare no conflict of interest
Smoking was higher in hemodialysis pa- in this study.
tients rather than outpatients; however, the

106 | Journal of Caring Sciences, 2012; 1 (2), 101-107 Copyright © 2012 by Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Lifestyle of hemodialysis patients and outpatients

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