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Periodic Table

Passage : 1
Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. (Q.1 to Q.5)
The minimum amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an isolated atom in
the gaseous state is known as ionisation energy or first ionisation energy or ionisation enthalpy (E1) of the
element. The energy required to remove the second electron from the monovalent cation is called second
ionisation enthalpy (E2). Similarly, we have third, fourth ......... ionisation enthalpies. The values of ionisation
enthalpies. The values of ionisation energy depends on a number of factors such as (i) size of the atom (ii)
screening effect (iii) nuclear charge (iv) half filled and fully filled orbitals (v) shape of orbital. In periodic table
ionisation energy increases from left to right except few exceptions and decreases from top to bottom in the
group. Inert gas has the highest value of .E. in the period.

  
X. 122 340 1890
Y. 99 931 1100
Z. 118 1220 1652 [Made 2008, SK Sir]

1. Which of the following is likely to be 2nd group element [2 Marks, 2 min]

(A*) X (B) Z (C) Y (D) X & Y

2. Which of the following pair represents elements could be of the same group [2 Marks, 2 min]
(A*) Y, Z (B) X, Y (C) X, Z (D) X, Y, Z

3. What could be the value of the first electron affinity of Z++ in kJ mol–1 [2 Marks, 2 min]
(A) 118 (B*) 1220 (C) 1652 (D) 734

4. Energy (in kJ/mole) required for the process [3 Marks, 3 min]

Z  Z2+ + 2e– will be
(A) 118 (B) 1220 (C*) 1338 (D) 2872

5. For the element 'A', the first ionisation energy will be numerically equal to : [3 Marks, 3 min]
(A*) EA of A+ (B) EA of A2+ (C) E of A2+ (D) None of these
6. A certain volume of ethylene after partial reduction with hydrogen in presence of a metal catalyst
required 10% more oxygen for complete combustion than it would have originally. Calculate the ethane:
ethylene ratio after partial reduction. [3 Marks, 3 min]
(A) 2 : 3 (B*) 3 : 2 (C) 6 : 7 (D) 7 : 6
7. A hydrogen like ion having wavelength difference between first Balmer and Lyman series equal 593 Å has Z
equal to [3 Marks, 3 min]
(A) 2 (B*) 3 (C) 4 (D) 1
8. The energy required to remove an electron from metal X is E = 3.31 × 10–20 J. Calculate the maximum
wavelength of light that can photoeject an electron from metal X. [3 Marks, 3 min]
(A) 4 m (B*) 6 m (C) 7 m (D) 5 m
hc ( 6.63  10 34 J . s )(3.00  10 8 m / s)
Sol.  = = 6.01 × 10–6 m
E 3.31 10 20 J

9. An element undergoes a reaction as shown : [4 Marks, 4 min]

x + e–  x – energy released = 30.87 eV
If the energy released, is used to dissociate 8 gms of H2 molecules, equally into H+ and H*, where H* is an
excited state, in which the electron travels a path length equal to four times it’s debroglie wavelength.
(a) Determine the least amount of ‘x’ that would be required.
Given: I.E. of H = 13.6 eV/atom
Bond energy of H2 = 4.526 eV/atom.
(b) Why is the amount of x calculated in the above question ‘least’.
Sol. (a) x + 2e–  x2–
energy released = E.A1 + E.A2 = 30.87 eV/atom
Let no. of moles of X be a
 a × Na × 30.87 = 4 × Na × 4.526 + 4 × Na ×13.6 + 4 × Na × 12.75  a = 4 moles

10. An electron in an isolated hydrogen like atom makes a transition from an excited state to the ground state by
emitting a maximum of three spectral lines. The electron stays in that excited state for a period of 1 nano
second (uncertainty in time). The percentage of minimum uncertainty in energy is 2.4 × 10–6. Determine
(a) The principal quantum number of the excited state.
(b) The hydrogen like species. (Calculate Z ) (Take = 3.28 × 10–16 eV.sec.)
[ Hint : Take the energy in excited state as the base for calculation of percentage uncertainty]
[5 Marks, 5 min]
Sol. (a) n = 4 (The hydrogen atom is isolated)
h h
(b) E.t = E =
4 4.t
E h
= 2
 n2
E 4  t  13.6  z
E h  16
=  z2 = 16 z=4
E 4  t  13.6  z 2
The species is Be+3

Comprehesion :
The amount of energy released when an electron is added to an isolated gaseous atom to produce a
monovalent anion is called electron affinity of first electron affinity or electron gain enthalpy. The first
electron affinity is given a negative sign as the addition of an electron to a neutral atom atom is an
exoergic process. The addition of electron to A – repquires energy to overcome the force of repulsion.
Thus, the second electron affinity is an endoergic process. The magnitude of electron affinity depends
on a number of factors such as (i) atomic size (ii) effective nuclear charge (iii) screeeing effects (iv) half
and fully filled orbitals and (v) shape of orbital.
In general, electron affinity increase as the atomic radii decrease in a period. However, there
are exceptions when the atoms have stable configurations. In a group, electron affinity decreases as
the size increases. However, the members of 3rd period have somewhat higher values than the members
in the 2nd period of the same subgroups.

11. What is the DH of the following reaction ?

Mg(g) + 2F(g)  Mg2+ (g) + 2F – (g) or MgF 2 (g)
If electron affinity of F(g) = – 328 kJ mol –1 and
First ionisation energy of Mg = 737.7 kJ mol –1 and
Second ionisation energy of Mg = 1451 kJ mol –1.
(A*) 1532.7 kJ mol –1 (B) 1860.7 kJ mol –1
(C) 2516.7 kJ mol (D) 2844.7 kJ mol –1
[Hinit : Mg(g)  Mg2+ (g) + 2e IE1 + IE2 = 2188.7 kJ mol –1
2F(g) + 2e  2F – EA = – 2 × 328 = – 656 kJ mol –1
DH = 1532.7 kJ mol –1
12. Which one of the following arrangements represents the correct order of electron gain enthalpy (with
negative sign) of the given atomic species ?
(A) F < Cl < O < S (B) S < O < Cl < F
(C*) O < S < F < Cl (D) Cl < F < S < O

13. Which of the following has least electron affinity ?

(A) Oxygen (B*) Argon (C) Nitrogen (D) Boron
14. The electron affinities of halogens are :
F = – 332, Cl = – 349, Br = – 324, I = – 295 kJ mol –1
The higher value of Cl as compared to that of F is due to :
(A) higher atomic radius of F (B) smaller electronegativity of F
(C*) weaker electron repulsion in Cl (D) more vacant p-subshell in Cl
15. Which of the following species has the highest electron affinity ?
(A) F – (B) O – (C) Na+ (D*) O

16. Which of the following processes is endoergic in nature ?

(A*) O – + e  O 2– (B) Cl + e  Cl –
(C) S + e  S– (D) F + e  F –
17. A compound of vanadium has a magentic moment 1.73 BM. Work out the electronic configuration of the
vanadium ion in the compound.
Sol. Number of unpiared electron are given by
Magnetic moment = [n(n  2)] B.M.
where n is number of unpaired electrons
or 1.73 = [n(n  2)] or 1.73 × 1.73 = n2 + 2n  n=1
Now Vanadium atom must have one unpaired electron and thus its configuration is
4+ : 1s2 , 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p6 3d1

18. The first ionization potential of Na, Mg, Al and Si are in the order
(A*) Na < Mg > Al < Si (B) Na > Mg > Al > Si (C) Na < Mg < Al > Si (D) Na > Mg > Al < Si
19. The correct order of second ionization potential of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine is
(A) C > N > O > F (B) O > N > F > C (C*) O > F > N > C (D) F > O > N > C

Comprehension # 1
Electronegativity [Made 2006, AP]
In 1931, Pauling defined the electronegativity of an atom as the tendency of the atom to attract electrons
to itself when combined in a compound. The implication of this is that when a covalent bond is formed,
the electrons used for bonding need not be shared equally by both atoms. If the bonding electrons
spend more time round one atom, that atom will have a ¯ charge, and consequently the other atom
will have a + charge. In the extreme case where the bonding electrons are round one atom all of the
time, the bond is ionic. Pauling and others have attempted to relate the electronegativity difference
between two atoms to the amount of ionic character in the bond between them.

In 1934 Mulliken suggested an alternative approach to electronegativity based on the ionization energy
and electron affinity of an atom. Consider two atoms A and B . If an electron is transferred from A to B,
forming ions A+ and B¯, then the energy change is the ionization energy of atom A(A) minus the
electron affinity of atom B (EB), that is A – EB. Alternatively, if the electron was transferred the other way
to give B+ and A¯ ions, then the energy change would be B – EA. If A+ and B¯ are actually formed, then
this process requires less energy, and
(A – EB) < (B – EA)
Rearranging (A + EA) < (B + EB).
Now with respect to electronegativity for the same change ; E.N A < E.NB .
Thus Mulliken suggested that electronegativity is proportional to .E. + E.A. and could be regarded as
the average of the ionization energy and the electron affinity of an atom.
(  E)
Electronegativity =
Mulliken used  and E values measured in electron volts, and the values were about 2.8 times larger
than the Pauling values.It is to be noted that I.E and E.A values are defined for singular gaseous atoms.

20. We have X atoms of A. If all the atoms gain one electron each the energy released is a eV. If Y atoms of A
lose one electron each, then the energy absorbed is b eV. Then the electronegativity of A on the Mulliken
scale will be : [Made 2006, AP]
1 a b  1 1 a b 
(A) a  b (B*)    (C) a  b  Na (D) 2  X  Y   Na
2 2 X Y 2  
Sol. For A electron affinity per atom = ev
For A Ionisation energy per atom + ev
1 a  b 
E.N (Mulliken) =  
2 x Y

21. For the reaction A(g) + e¯  A’ (g) Hr = Heg . The enthalpy change will be equal to (magnitude wise) :
[Made 2006, AP]
(A) Heg of A¯ (g) (B) H.E. of A (g)(C) HE.N of A(g) (D*) H.E. of A¯ (g)
Sol. A¯(g) A(g) + e–  Hr = HI.E of A¯(g)

22. For a reaction A(g) + B (g)  AB(s) the enthalpy change for the reaction will be (assuming AB(s) to be an
ionic compound) If .EA + E.AA < .EB + E.AB. [Made 2006, AP]
(A*) H  H
.E A  H
egA L.E AB ( s )
(B) HegA  H.EB  HL.E AB ( s )

(C) .E A  E.A B  HLE AB ( s ) (D)  .EB  E . A B  HL.E AB ( s )

Sol. As I.EA + E.AA < I. EB + E.AB the compound AB (s). will be A +B– (s) and not A¯ B+ (s)

From Hess Law

H = HI.E +  Heg +  HL.E(s)

23. Which of the following transitions involves maximum amount of energy

(A) M- (g)  M(g) (B) M (g)  M+ (g) (C) M+ (g)  M2+(g) (D*) M2+ (g)  M3+ (g)
24. Which of the following relation is correct with respect to first (I) and second (II) ionization potentials of
sodium and magnesium
(A) IMg = IINa (B) INa > IMg (C) IIMg > IINa (D*) IINa > IIMg

25. A sample of hydrogen gas has some atoms in one excited state and some atoms in other excited state. It
emits three different types of photons. When the sample was irradiated with radiations of energy 2.85eV, it
emits 10 different photons, all having energy equal to or less than 13.46 eV.
(i) Find the principle quantum numbers of initially excited electrons.
(ii) Find the maximum and minimum energies of the initially emitted photons. [6 marks, 8 min.]
Ans. (i) n = 2, n = 3 (ii) 12.09 eV, 1.9 eV

26. A compound which contains one atom of X and two atoms of Y for each three atoms of Z is made by mixing
5.00 g of X, 1.15 × 1023 atoms of Y and 0.03 mole Z atoms. Given that only 4.40 g of compound results.
Calculate the atomic weight of Y if the atomic weights of X and Z are 60 and 80 amu. respectively.
Ans. 70 amu [4 Marks, 5 min.]

27. The absorption of energy by an atom of hydrogen in ground state, results in the ejection of the electron with
de Broglie wavelength  = 4.70 × 10–10 m. Given that the ionisation energy is 13.6 eV, calculate the energy
of the photon which caused the ejection of electron. [4 Marks, 5 min.]
Ans. 3.27 × 10–18 J

28. Photons of equal energy were incident on two different gas samples. One sample containing
H-atoms in the ground state and the other sample containing H-atoms in some excited state with a principal
quantum number ‘n’. The photonic beams totally ionise the H-atoms. If the difference in the kinetic energy of
the ejected electrons in the two different cases is 10.2 eV. Then find the principal quantum ‘n’ number of the
excited state. [4 Marks, 5 min.]
Sol. E = EeV
K.E1 = EHO – wf ...............(i)

K.E2 = – wf ...............(ii)

 1 
K.E2 – K.E1 = EHo  2  1
n 

10.2eV 1
=– = 2 –1
13.6eV n

= 0.25

EHO = – 13.6 eV is energy of e¯ in G.S. of H atom , = Energy of e¯ in nth state
Ans. n = 2
29. A sample of hydrogen gas is irradiated with photons of energy 10.2 eV. The radiations from the above sample
is used to irradiate two other samples of excited He+ and excited Li2+ respectively. Both the Ionised samples
which were already in the excited state, further get excited by absorbing the incident radiations. Find
(i) The maximum number of spectral lines obtained in the spectra of helium and lithium
(ii) What are the smallest wavelengths in each spectra. [6 Marks, 12 min.]

Ans. A photon of energy 10.2 eV is emitted by H-atom when transition take place from n = 2 to n = 1
i.e. E = 13.6 eV –
= 13.6 eV – 3.4 eV = 10.2 eV
Energy diagram for He+ Energy diagram for Li2+

see the difference in energy of n = 2 to n = 4 See the difference in energy of n = 3 to n = 6

E = 13.6 eV – 3.4 eV = 10.2 eV
E = + 13.6 – 3.4 eV = 10.2eV
(i) In He+ e¯ goes to n = 4 state In Li2+ e¯ goes to n = 6 state
 number of spectral lines  number of spectral lines
n(n  1) 43 n(n  1) 65
= = =6 = = = 15
2 2 2 2
(ii) For smallest  energy (E) should be maximum
Comprehension : (Q. 1 to 3)
In the modern periodic table, elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number and is based upon
the electronic configuration of elements. Depending upon the type of subshell which receives the last elec-
tron, the elements in the periodic table have been divided into four blocks, viz., s-, p-, d- and f-. The modern
periodic table consists of 7 periods and 18 groups. Each period begins with the filling of a new energy shell.
In accordance with the aufbau principle, the seven periods have 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32 and 32 elements respec-
tively. The seventh period is still incomplete. To avoid making the periodic table too long, the two series of f-
block elements called lanthanoids and actinoids are placed at the bottom of the main body of the periodic
30. Identify the least stable ion amongst the following : [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) Li– (B*) Be– (C) B– (D) C–
31. An element with atomic number 107 has recently been discovered. Its block, group number, period and
outershell electronic configuration respectively are :
(A) s-block, group 2, period 6, 6s2 (B) p-block, group 13, period 5, 5s2 5p4
(C*) d-block, group 7, period 7, 7s (D) f-block, group 3, period 6, 6s2
32. Which is the correct order of E.A.  [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) Li > Be > Na > Mg (B) Li > Na > Be > Mg
(C) Li < Be =Na < Mg (D*) Li > Na > Mg  Be
Be – ~ Mg  Na  Li
Sol.   Regular order
H highly  ve

34. Element of which of the following atomic nos. has lowest EN? [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) 37 (B*) 55 (C) 87 (D) 105
Rb Cs
 55
 , 87 & 105 ® are atomic no. Being Radisactive & thus ganeral not consideered to give
Sol. Cs  Rb

order of EN/EA & I.E.

35. Which is not the correct order of EN [3 Marks, 3 min.]

(A) Cl > S > P > Si (B) Si > Al > Mg > Na (C) F > Cl > Br > I (D*) None of these
Sol. Li Be B C N O F
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl All are Regular and correct order [D]

36. Which of the following statements are correct [3 Marks, 3 min.]

(A) F is the most electronegative and Cs is the most electropositive element
(B) The EN of halogens decreases from F to I
(C) The E.A. of Cl is higher than that of F through their EN values are in the reverse order
(D) The E.A. of noble gases is low.
Sol. A, B,. C, D

Comprehension : (Q. 1 to 5)
The properties of the elements (atomic/ionic radii, electron gain enthalpy, ionization enthalpy, electronegativ-
ity, valence, oxidising/reducing power, acid/base character, etc.) which are directly or indirectly related to
their electronic configurations are called periodic properties. These properties show a regular gradation on
moving from left to right in a period or from top to bottom in a group. Down a group, the atomic/ ionic radii,
metallic character and reducing character increase while ionization enthalpy and electronegativity decrease.
Along a period from left to right, atomic/ionic radii and metallic character decrease while ionization enthalpy,
electronegativity, non-metallic characterand oxidising power increase. However, electron gain enthalpy be-
comes less negative down a group but more negative along a period. In contrast, inert gases have positive
electron gain enthalpies which do not show any regular trend.
37. If the ionic radii of K+ and F– are about 1.34 Å each, then the expected values of atomic radii of K and F should
be respectively : [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A*) 2.31 and 0.64 Å (B) 2.31 and 1.34 Å (C) 0.64 and 2.31 Å (D) 1.34 and 1.34 Å
38. Which of the following isoelectronic ions has the lowest first ionization enthalpy ? [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) K+ (B) Ca2+ (C) Cl¯ (D*) S2–
39. The outermost electronic configuration of the most electrongeative element is : [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) ns2 np3 (B) ns2 np4 (C*) ns2 np5 (D) ns2 np6
40. Amongst the following elements (whose electronic configurations are given below) the one having the highest
ionization enthalpy is : [3 Marks, 2 min.]
(A) [Ne] 3s2 3p1 (B*) [Ne] 3s2 3p3 (C) [Ne]3s2 sp2 (D) [Ar] 3d10 4s2 4p3
41. Thick the correct order of second ionisation enthalpy in the following : [3 Marks, 2 min.]
(A) F > O > N > C (B*) O > F > N > C (C) O > N > F > C (D) C > N > O > F
42. Which of the following relation is correct : [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) 2 I.P. – E.A. – E.N. = 0 (B) 2 I.P. – E.A. + E.A. = 0
(C*) 2 E.N. – I.P. – E.A. = 0 (D) E.N. – I.P. – E.A. = 0
Sol. [O]  Use mulliken scale
43. Select the correct answer: [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(i) The first ionisation potentials (in electron volts) of N and O atoms are repectively given by:

(a) 14.6, 13.6 (b) 13.6, 14.6 (c) 13.6, 13.6 (d) 14.6, 14.6

(ii) Na cannot exhibit +2 oxidation state, because its

(a) IE2 < IE1 (b) IE2>> IE1 (c) IE2 = IE1 (d) IE2 = 0
Sol. (i) a (ii) b

Passage :
Pauling gave method to calculate univalent ion radii by assuming that

(i) In ionic crystals (let M+ X–) cations and anions are in contact of each other and sum of their radii is
equal to interionic distance i.e.

d(M+ – X–) = r (M+) + r(X–)

(ii) The radius of an ion having noble gas configuration is inversely proportional to the effective nuclear
charge felt at the periphery of the ion i.e.

r (M )   and r( X  ) 
Z eff .(M ) Z eff .( X  )
Here C is constant of proportionality whose value depends an electronic configuration of ion. Thus
d( M  – X – )   pm

Z eff . (M ) Z eff . ( X – )

Zeff is the effective nuclear charge whose value can be calculated by the formula Zeff. = Z – 
Here  is shielding constant and for neon, the value of  when calculated by slater’s rule, was found to be

44. The value of constant C for NaF crystal is [3 Marks, 3 min.]

(A) 231 (B) 115.5 (C) 614.5 (D) 307.25

45. The value of univalent radii for F– as calculated by pauling method is (Given that interionic distance in
NaF = 231 pm) [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) 94.5 pm (B) 136.5 pm (C) 111.68 pm (D) 115.5 pm
46. The interionic distance by using univalent radii of Mg2+ and O2– , as calculated by Pauling’s method will be
(A) 257.4 pm (B) 205 pm (C) 210.7 pm (D) 219.6 pm [3 Marks, 3 min.]

47. The actual interionic distance in MgO may be (assuming bivalent ion) [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) 205 pm (B) 257.4 pm
(C) 276.0 pm (D) Can’t be predicted

48. The value of ‘C’ for Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+ will be in the order : [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A) Al3+ > Mg2+ > Na+ (B) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+
(C) Al3+ = Mg2+ = Na+ (D) Can not be compared
49. Electronegativity value on Mullikan scale for two different elements are given as 7 and 1.4 respectively. If
bond is formed between then calculate the percentage ionic character of the bond between them. [ENP =
ENM / 2.8 ] [3 Marks, 3 min.]
Sol. E.N. on pauling scale = = 2.5
2 .8
1. 4
E.N. on pauling scale for 2nd element = = 0.5
2 .8
Electronegativity difference = 2.5 – 0.5 = 2
 % ionic character = 16 + 3.5 2 = 16 × 2 + 3.5 × 22 = 32 + 14 = 46%
Ans. 46
50. For the gaseous reaction K + F  K+ + F –, H was calculated to be 19 kcal under conditions where the
cations and anions were prevented by electrostatic separation from combining with each other. The
ionization energy of K is 4.3 eV. What is the E.A of F. [3 Marks, 3 min.]


 4.18  10 3
 19 kcal    1 eV   1 mol 
      = 0.82 eV
H =  
 kcal  19  23
 mol     1.60  10 J   6.02  10 atoms 
4.3 eV – EA = 0.82 eV
EA = 3.5 eV
Another method :
K(g) + F(g)  F – (g) + K+ (g) H = 19 kcal = 0.82 eV
K(g)  K+ (g) + e– E = 4.3 eV
F(g) + e–  F –(g) EA = H – IE = 4.3 – 0.82 = 3.5 eV
51. Ionisation potential of atoms A and B are 350 and 250 kcal mol–1 respectively. The electron affinities of these
atoms are 70 and 90 respectively then [3 Marks, 3 min.]
(A*) Electron cloud is more attracted by A (B) Electron cloud is more attracted by B.
(C*) Electron cloud is less repelled by A. (D) Electron cloud is less repelled by B.

52. Among the elements with atomic no. 9,12, 36. Identify by atomic number of an element which is :
(a) highly electronegative (b) an inert gas (c) highly electropositive
Sol. (a) 9F (b) 36Kr (c) 12Mg [3 Marks, 2 min.]

53. The first .E. of carbon atom is greater than that of Boron atom, whereas reverse is true for the second
ionisation energy. Explain. [3 Marks, 3 min.]
Sol. For 1st .E. C  2s2 2p2
[C < B Regular order]
B  2s2 2p1

For 2nd .E. C+  2s2 2p1

[B+ < C+ due to stable configuration]

54. A monoatomic ion has a charge of + 2. The nucleus of the ion has a mass number of 62. The number
of neutrons in the nucleus is 1.21 times that of the number of protons. How many electrons are in the
ion ? What is the name of the element ? [3 Marks, 4 min.]
62 2+
[Ans. 28Ni , Ni , 26]

55. The angular momentum of an electron in a Bohr’s orbit of H-atom is 4.2178 × 10 –34 kg-m 2/sec. Calcu-
late the spectral line emitted when electron falls from this level to next lower level. [3 Marks, 4 min.]
Ans. 1.8 × 10–4 cm

56. Azurite is a coppercontaining mineral that is a mixture of copper(II) carbonate and copper(II) hydroxide,
[CuCO 3] x·[Cu(OH)2] y. If the mineral is 55.31% Cu, 0.58% H and 6.97% C, with the remainder oxygen,
what are x and y in the general formula? [3 Marks, 4 min.]
[Ans: x = 2 and y = 1]

57. Arrange the following in increasing radii [3 Marks, 3 min.]

(a) Li+, Na+, K+ (Ans: Li+ < Na+ < K+)

+ 2+ 2+ +
n 2a 0
(b) K , Ca , Ar [Ans: Ca < K < Ar (decide by rn = )]
(c) Mg, Mg+, Mg2+ (Ans: Mg2+ < Mg+ < Mg)
(d) O2–, N3–, F– (Ans: F– < O2– < N3–)(In isoelectronic species)(rn x )
(e) O, O–, O2– (Ans: O < O– < O2–)
(f) Mg2+, Ca2+ (Ans: Mg2+ < Ca2+)
(g) Na+, Ne (Ans: Na+ < Ne)
(h) P3–, N3– (Ans: N3– < P3–)

58(a) What is the basic difference in approach between the Mendeleev's Periodic Law and the Modern Periodic
Law ?
(b) On the basis of quantum numbers, justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should have 32 elements.
[5 Marks, 5 min]

59(a) In terms of period and group where would you locate the element with Z = 114 ?
(b) Write the atomic number of the element present in the third period and seventeenth group of the periodic
table. [5 Marks, 5 min]

60(a) Why do elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties ?
(b) What do you understand by isoelectronic species ? Name a species that will be isoelectronic with each of
the following atoms or ions.
(i) F– (ii) Ar (iii) Mg2+ (iv) Rb+ [5 Marks, 5 min]

61(a) Consider the following species :

N3–, O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+
(i) What is common in them ?
(ii) Arrange them in the order of increasing ionic radii.
(b) Energy of an electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom is –2.18 x 10–18 J. Calculate the ionization
enthalpy of atomic hydrogen in terms of J mol–1. [5 Marks, 5 min]

62. Write down [10 Marks, 5 min]

(i) All alkali metals
(ii) Alkaline earth metals
(iii) Members of halogen family
(iv) Members of first transition series
(v) All Gaseous non-metals
(vi) All nobel gases
(vii) Members of Zn, Cu and Ni family
(viii) Members of second period of periodic table
(ix) Elements which are liquid at room temperature
(x) Members of oxygen family

63(a). The first .E. of carbon atom is greater than that of Boron atom, whereas reverse is true for the second
ionisation energy. Explain.
Sol. For 1st .E. C  2s2 2p2
[C < B Regular order]
B  2s2 2p1

For 2nd .E. C+  2s2 2p1

[B+ < C+ due to stable configuration]
+ 2
B  2s

64(a). Identify the element of third period whose successive .E.s are given below [10 Marks, 5 min]

Element E1 E2 E3

X 513 4562 6920
Y 738 1451 7733
Z 1521 2666 3931
Ans: X : Na its (E)2 is very high
Y : Mg its (E)3 is very high
Z : Ar its (E)1 is very high

(b) Which element in each pair has larger IE?

(a) K or Be (Ans: Be)
(b) S or Te (Ans: S)
(c) Ga or Se (Ans: Se)
(d) Ne or Sr (Ans: Ne)
65(a). Which has smaller value of second E, Na or Mg? [10 Marks, 5 min]
(Ans: Mg)

(b) Which has large (E)3 , Be or N?

Sol. 4
Be  1s2 2s2 7
N  1s2 2s2 2p3
Be  1s
2+ 2

N2+  1s2 2s2 2p1 so (Ans: Be)

(c). Which has large 4th E , Ga or Ge?
Sol. Ga  ns2np1 Ge  ns2np2
Ga  ns np
3+ 0 0
Ge3+  ns1np0
so (Ans: Ga)
66(a). Which has large .E. in each pair. [10 Marks, 5 min]
(a) N or O+ (Ans: O+)
+ +
(b) Be or B (Ans: B+)
(c) Be or B (Ans: Be)
(d) Na+ or Ne (Ans: Na+)

(b). Match the electronic corfiguration with the values of (E) of the elements in the nth period (n  1)
EC E (KJ / mol)
ns2 (I) 4000
ns2np1 (II) 1500
ns2np3 (III) 1200
ns2np6 (IV) 1400
Ans: ns2  IV,, ns2np1  III, ns2np3  II, ns2np6  I.

(c) Arrange the following isoelectronic species in order of increasing IE.

(O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+)
Ans: O2– < F– < Na+ < Mg2+

67(a). The (E)1 and the (E)2 in KJ/ mol of a few elements is as shown below [10 Marks, 5 min]
Element (E)1 (E)2
I 2372 5251
II 520 7300
III 900 1760
IV 1680 3380
Which of the above element is likely to be
(a) reactive metal (Ans. II)
(b) reactive non-metal (Ans. IV)
(c) Noble gas (Ans. I)
(d) Metal that forms a stable bivalent halide of formula AX2 ( Ans.III)

(b) Write the order of 2nd IE. of the elements from helium to sodium.
Sol. 2nd I.E. of  He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na
Li < B < Be < C < O < N < F < Ne < H < He
is same as
1st I.E. of H He Li Be B C N O F Ne
Be < C < B < N < F < O < Ne < Na < He < Li

68(a) Specify True / False [10 Marks, 5 min]

(a) Al2O3 in aqueous NaOH forms Na[Al(OH)4]. (True)
(b) CO is an acidic oxide. (False)
(c) (IE)2 of H is less than that of He. (False)(H does not has (IE)2)

(b). Match the following :

(a) Tl 1. an alkaline earth metal
(b) Z = 70 2. element in the fifth period and Grp. 15 (VA)
(c) Ni 3. Largest atomic radii of all the elements
(d) [Ar]4s2 4. an element in the fourth period & Grp. 16 (VI A)
(e) a mettaloid 5. One p-electron in the shell of highest n
(f) a non-metal 6. d-block element
7. f-block element
Ans: (a) 5, (b) 7, (C) 6, (d) 1, (e) 2, (f) 4.
69. Explain the following, giving appropriate reasons. [10 Marks, 5 min]
(i) The value of electronegativity decreases on moving from top to bottom in the same group.
(ii) The electronegativity values of noble gases are zero, while those of halogens are the highest in
each period.
(iii) The metallic character of elements decreases from left to right in a period, but increases from top
to bottom in a group.
(iv) F has the highest electronegativity, while Cl has largest electron affinity.
Sol. (a) Size factor (b) Noble gas  Rarely exhibit comined state
halogens  due to max Z*
(c) Across the period : EN  Non-metallic charge 
Down the Grp : IE  Metallic charge 
(d) F max. Z* is 2nd period
Cl greater due to more e– density on 2nd period element.

70. A single electron orbit around a stationary nucleus of charge +Ze, where Z is constant and e is the
magnitude of the electronic charge. It requires 47.2 eV to excite the electron from the second Bohr
orbit to the third Bohr orbit. Calculate
(a) Value of Z
(b) The energy required to excite the electron from the third orbit to the fourth Bohr orbit.
(c) The wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation required to remove the electron from the first Bohr
orbit to infinity.
(d) The kinetic energy, potential energy and angular momentum of electron in the first Bohr orbit.
(e) The radius of the first Bohr orbit.
(Given E1H = – 13.6 eV, c = 3 × 1010 cm/sec ; h = 6.6 × 10–77 erg-sec, r 1H = 0.539 Å)
Ans. (a) 5, (b) 16.53 eV (c) 36.4 × 10–8 cm,
(d) P.E. = – 668.75 eV, K.E. = + 334.37 eV, h/2 (e) 1.078 × 10–9 cm.

71. Which transition in Li 2+ would have the same wavelength as the 1  3 transition in hydrogen atom.
72. Find the orbital angular momentum of electron if it is in 2p orbital of H in terms of .
h  h 
Sol. For any orbital, the angular momentum is =  (   1)
= 2 .  2  

73. The longest wavelength of the Lyman series for Hydrogen atom is the same as the wavelength of a certain
line in the spectrum of He+ when the electron makes a transition from n  2. The value of n is:
(A) 3 (B*) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6

74. The wavelengths in hydrogen spectrum between 500nm to 700nm is

(A) 756 nm (B) 566 nm (C*) 656 nm (D) 576 nm

75. H-atom in a sample are excited to same energy level n = 5 and it is found that photons of all possible
wavelengths are released when the atoms return back to the ground state find the minimum number of H
atoms in the sample.


All possible transition are shown in the figures above. It can be seen, to get all possible transitions we need
at least six atoms (a, b, c, d, e, f,)
76. The electron gain enthalpies of halogens are as given below.
F = – 332, Cl = – 349, Br = – 324,  = – 295 kJ mol–1.
The less negative value for F as compared to that of Cl is due to : [3]
(A) Strong electron-electron repulsions in the compact 2–p sub shell of F.
(B) Weak electron -electron repulsions in the bigger 3–p sub shell of Cl
(C) Smaller electronegativity value of F than Cl
(D) (A) & (B) both
Sol. (D)
Due to small size of F atom, the electron-electron repulsions in compact 2-p sub shell are large and hence
the incoming electron is not accepted with the same ease as is the case with Cl (less electron - electron

77. The incorrect statement among the following is : [3]

(A) The first ionisation energy of calcium is more than first ionisation energy of gallium
(B) The second ionisation energy of copper is less than potassium
(C) The third ionisation energy of Mg is greater than the third ionisation energy of Al
(D) The IE2 of Mg is greater than the IE2 of Na.

Sol. (D)
E.C of Mg+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 ; E.C of Na+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s0. In case of Na+ the valence electron is to be taken
out from inert gas configuration. Hence much higher energy is required for removal of valence electron.

78. Formation of O2–(g) is represented by two steps as given below.

O(g) + e–  O–(g) ; Hº = – 142 kJ mol–1 .......... (i)
O–(g)+ e–  O2–(g) ; Hº = 844 kJ mol–1 .......... (ii)
The (ii) step is endothermic because [3]
(A) Addition of second electron to an anion is opposed by electrostatic repulsion
(B) Oxygen has high electron affinity
(C) Oxygen is more electronegative
(D) O– ion is comparatively larger than oxygen atom and thus the force of attraction between nucleus
and incoming electron is less.
Sol. (A)
Addition of 2nd electron to O– is quite difficult due to electrostatic repulsion (same charge). Thus to add an
extra electron to O–, energy has to be given.
79. Which of the following statements is true about electronegativity ? [3]
(A) Electronegativity of an element depends upon its ionisation potential and electron affinity
(B) Electronegativity of a cation is proportional to charge on the cation
(C) Electronegativity increases as the s-character in hybrid orbital increases
(D) All of these
Sol. (D)
All statements are correct facts.

80. Which of the following statements is incorrect ? [3]

(A) The relative reactivity of the metals decreases with the decrease in their ionisation energies
(B) Electron affinity of an element is inversely proportional to the screening effect
(C) The electronegativity of an element decreases with decrease in its oxidation state
(D) The radii of isoelectronic species decrease with increase in the magnitude of nuclear charge
Sol. (A)
As ionisation energy increases the stability of the element increases & thus reactivity decreases.

81. By what amount does the angular momentum of an electron in the hydrogen atom change when it
emits a photon of energy 12.09 eV? [3]


E = 12.09 ev
i.e. when electron make transition from n = 3 to n = 1
3h h
angular momentum in n = 3 = ; angular momentum in n = 1 =
2 2
3h h h
chane in angular momentum is = – Ans.
2 2 

82. If 100 ml of 1M H2SO4 solution is mixed with 100 ml of 98%(w/w) H2SO4 solution (d = 0.1 gm/ml) then :
(A*) concentration of solution remains same (B*) volume of solution become 200 ml
(C) mass of H2SO4 in the solution is 98 gm (D*) mass of H2SO4 in the solution is 19.6 gm
10  d  x
Sol. (a) Molarity of second solution is = =1M
(b) Volume = 100 + 100 = 200 ml
200  1
(c) Mass of H2SO4 = × 98 = 19.6 gm.

83. The correct order of second ionisation potential of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine is : [3]
(A) C > N > O > F (B) O > N > F > C (C) O > F > N > C (D) F > O > N > C
Sol. (C)
O+ = 2s2 2p3– half filled configuration has extra stability & F+ = 2s2 2p4 partially filled less stable thus IE2 of
O > F. As nuclear charge increases the IE2 increases.

84. Ionic radii of : [3]

(A) Ti+4 < Mn7+ (B) 35Cl < 37Cl (C) K+ > Cl– (D) P3+ > P5+
Sol. (D)
Valence electrons in P5+ are more strongly attracted by the nucleus as compared to P3+. Hence valence
shell as well as inner shells become closer to the nucleus decreasing the ionic size of P+5 than p3+.

85. Which of the following statement(s) is /are true ? [3]

(A) ionisation energy  Screening effect

(B) The first ionisation energies of Be and Mg are more than ionisation energies of B and Al respectively
(C) Atomic and ionic raddii of Niobium and Tantalum are almost same
(D) Metallic and covalent radii of potassium are 2.3 Å and 2.03Å respectively.
Sol. (A,B,C,D)
(A) Screening effect  , effective nuelear charge  thus valence shell electron is loosely bound. Hence I.E 
(B) Be and Mg has ns2 configuration (stable configuration)
(C) Due to lanthanide contraction
(D) rmetallic > rcovalent (covalent bond formation involves the overlapping of orbitals)

86. Which of the following statement(s) is / are true for IA elements ? [3]
(A) Na is regarded as a typical/representative element
(B) Basic character of their oxides increases down the group
(C) Among alkali metal ions degree of hydration is highest in Li
(D) In general electron affinity values decrease from top to bottom in the group.
Sol. (A,B,C,D)
All are obvious facts.

87. Which of the following pair(s) represent(s) the isoelectronic species ? [3]
(A) S2– & Sc3+ (B) SO2 & NO3– (C) N2 & CN– (D) NH3 & H3O+
Sol. (A,B,C,D)
Species having same number of electrons are called isoelectronic specis.
88. Which of the following represent(s) the correct order of electron affinities ? [3]
(A) F > Cl > Br >  (B) C < N < O < F (C) N < C < O < F (D) C < Si > P > N
Sol. (C, D)
Electron gain enthalpies in kJ mol–1 are :
C = – 121; Si = - 134 ; P = – 74 ; N  O ; O = – 142 ; F = – 328

89. The process(es) requiring the absroption of energy is/are : [3]

(A) Cl – Cl– (B) S  S2– (C) H  H– (D) Ar  Ar –
Sol. (B, D)
(B) Addition of second electron to S– is opposed by electrostatic repulsion due to same charge. Hence
energy is given for the addition of IInd electron.
(D) Ar has stable electronic confiugration (ns2 np6). Hence energy has to be given to add an extra electron to
form Ar –

90(a) What is the basic difference in approach between the Mendeleev's Periodic Law and the Modern Periodic
Law ?
(b) On the basis of quantum numbers, justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should have 32 elements.
[5 Marks, 5 min]

91(a) In terms of period and group where would you locate the element with Z = 114 ?
(b) Write the atomic number of the element present in the third period and seventeenth group of the periodic
table. [5 Marks, 5 min]

92(a) Why do elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties ?
(b) What do you understand by isoelectronic species ? Name a species that will be isoelectronic with each of
the following atoms or ions.
(i) F– (ii) Ar (iii) Mg2+ (iv) Rb+ [5 Marks, 5 min]

93(a) Consider the following species :

N3–, O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+ and Al3+
(i) What is common in them ?
(ii) Arrange them in the order of increasing ionic radii.
(b) Energy of an electron in the ground state of the hydrogen atom is –2.18 x 10–18 J. Calculate the ionization
enthalpy of atomic hydrogen in terms of J mol–1. [5 Marks, 5 min]

94. Write down

(i) All alkali metals
(ii) Alkaline earth metals
(iii) Members of halogen family
(iv) Members of first transition series
(v) All Gaseous non-metals
(vi) All nobel gases
(vii) Members of Zn, Cu and Ni family
(viii) Members of second period of periodic table
(ix) Elements which are liquid at room temperature
(x) Members of oxygen family [10 Marks, 5 min]

95(a). The first .E. of carbon atom is greater than that of Boron atom, whereas reverse is true for the second
ionisation energy. Explain.
Sol. For 1st .E. C  2s2 2p2
[C > B Regular order]
B  2s2 2p1

For 2nd .E. C+  2s2 2p1

[B+ > C+ due to stable configuration]
B+  2s2

(b) Arrange the following atoms in order of increasing radii [5 Marks, 5 min]
Na+, O2–, Ne
Sol. All ions are isoelectronic

O 2 Ne
 
+ 2–
 Na /O /Ne  iso electronic 
Vanderwaal 's

 Na+ < O2– < Ne

96. Arrange the following in increasing radii [10 Marks, 5 min]

(a) Li+, Na+, K+ (Ans: Li+ < Na+ < K+)

n 2a 0
(b) K+, Ca2+, Ar [Ans: Ca2+ < K+ < Ar (decide by rn = )]
(c) Mg, Mg+, Mg2+ (Ans: Mg2+ < Mg+ < Mg)
(d) O2–, N3–, F– (Ans: F– < O2– < N3–)(In isoelectronic species)(rn x )
(e) O, O–, O2– (Ans: O < O– < O2–)
(f) Mg2+, Ca2+ (Ans: Mg2+ < Ca2+)
(g) Na+, Ne (Ans: Na+ < Ne)
(h) P3–, N3– (Ans: N3– < P3–)

97(a). Identify the element of third period whose successive .E.s are given below [10 Marks, 5 min]
Element E1 E2 E3
X 513 4562 6920
Y 738 1451 7733
Z 1521 2666 3931
Ans: X : Na its (E)2 is very high
Y : Mg its (E)3 is very high
Z : Ar its (E)1 is very high

(b) Which element in each pair has larger IE?

(a) K or Be (Ans: Be)
(b) S or Te (Ans: S)
(c) Ga or Se (Ans: Se)
(d) Ne or Sr (Ans: Ne)

98(a). Which has smaller value of second E, Na or Mg? [10 Marks, 5 min]
(Ans: Mg)

(b) Which has large (E)3 , Be or N?

Sol. 4
Be  1s2 2s2 7
N  1s2 2s2 2p3
Be2+  1s2
N2+  1s2 2s2 2p1 so (Ans: Be)

(c). Which has large 4th E , Ga or Ge?

Sol. Ga  ns2np1 Ge  ns2np2
Ga  ns np
3+ 0 0
Ge3+  ns1np0
so (Ans: Ga)

99(a). Which has large .E. in each pair. [10 Marks, 5 min]
(a) N or O+ (Ans: O+)
(b) Be+ or B+ (Ans: B+)
(c) Be or B (Ans: Be)
(d) Na+ or Ne (Ans: Na+)

(b). Match the electronic corfiguration with the values of (E) of the elements in the nth period (n  1)
EC E (KJ / mol)
ns2 (I) 4000
ns2np1 (II) 1500
ns2np3 (III) 1200
ns2np6 (IV) 1400
Ans: ns  IV,,
ns2np1  III, ns2np3  II, ns2np6  I.
(c) Arrange the following isoelectronic species in order of increasing IE.
(O2–, F–, Na+, Mg2+)
Ans: O2– < F– < Na+ < Mg2+

100(a). The (E)1 and the (E)2 in KJ/ mol of a few elements is as shown below [10 Marks, 5 min]
Element (E)1 (E)2
I 2372 5251
II 520 7300
III 900 1760
IV 1680 3380
Which of the above element is likely to be
(a) reactive metal (Ans. II)
(b) reactive non-metal (Ans. IV)
(c) Noble gas (Ans. I)
(d) Metal that forms a stable bivalent halide of formula AX2 ( Ans.III)

(b) Write the order of 2nd IE. of the elements from helium to sodium.
Sol. 2nd I.E. of  He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na
Li < B < Be < C < O < N < F < Ne < H < He
is same as
1st I.E. of H He Li Be B C N O F Ne
Be < C < B < N < F < O < Ne < Na < He < Li

101(a) Specify True / False [10 Marks, 5 min]

(a) Al2O3 in aqueous NaOH forms Na[Al(OH)4]. (True)
(b) CO is an acidic oxide. (False)
(c) PbO2 is reducing agent (False)
(d) (IE)2 of H is less than that of He. (False)(H does not has (IE)2)

(b). Match the following :

(a) Tl 1. an alkaline earth metal
(b) Z = 70 2. element in the fifth period and Grp. 15 (VA)
(c) Ni 3. Largest atomic radii of all the elements
(d) [Ar]4s2 4. an element in the fourth period & Grp. 16 (VI A)
(e) a mettaloid 5. One p-electron in the shell of highest n
(f) a non-metal 6. d-block element
7. f-block element
Ans: (a) 5, (b) 7, (C) 6, (d) 1, (e) 2, (f) 4.

102(a). Which of the following statements are correct [10 Marks, 5 min]
(A) F is the most electronegative and Cs is the most electropositive element
(B) The EN of halogens decreases from F to I
(C) The E.A. of Cl is higher than that of F though their EN values are in the reverse order
(D) The E.A. of noble gases is low.
Sol. A, B,. C, D

(b) Ionisation energies of five elements A, B, C, D and E are listed below:

1 2 3
A 300 549 920
B 99 734 1100
C 118 1091 1652
D 176 347 1848
E 497 947 1500
Two elements are non-metals and three are metals. One of the elements is a noble gas. Identify by letter (a)
the noble gas, (b) the reactive non-metal, (c) the most reactive metal, (d) the atom which exhibits a common
oxidation state of +2, (e) the atom(s) which exhibit a common oxidation state of +1.
Sol. B  Diffrence Between I1 and I2  alkale metal
A  Nitrogen family / halogen family
C  Boran
D  Alkaline earth metal I2 and I3
E  Noble gas
(a) E (b) A (c) B (d) D (e) B

103. Explain the following, giving appropriate reasons. [10 Marks, 5 min]
(i) The value of electronegativity decreases on moving from top to bottom in the same group.
(ii) The electronegativity values of noble gases are zero, while those of halogens are the highest in
each period.
(iii) The electronegativity increases as s-character increases in the hybrid orbital.
(iv) The metallic character of elements decreases from left to right in a period, but increases from top
to bottom in a group.
(v) F has the highest electronegativity, while Cl has largest electron affinity.
Sol. (a) Size factor (b) Noble gas  Rarely exhibit combined state
halogens  due to max Z*
(c) % s charac  ENF  EN 
(d) Across the period : EN  Non-metallic charge 
Down the Grp : IE  Metallic charge 
(e) F max. Z* is 2nd period
Cl greater due to more e– density on 2nd period element

104. Passage [15 Marks, 8 min]

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions ((i) to (v))
Numerous forms of the periodic table have been devised from time to time. A modern version, which is most
convenient and widely used is the long or extended form of periodic table. The aufbau principle (electrons are
filled in the progressive order of their increasing energy i.e. by n +  rule) and the electronic configuration of
atom provide a theoretical foundation for the periodic classification. The horizontal rows are called periods.
There are altogether seven periods. The first period consist of 2 elements. The subsequest periods consist of
8, 8, 18, 18 and 32 elements respectively. The seventh period is incomplete and like the sixth period would
have maximum of 32 elements.
Elements having similar outer electronic configurations in their atoms are grouped in vertical columns. These
are referred to as groups or families. According to the recommendation of IUPAC, the groups are numbered
1 to 18 replacing the older notation of groups 0, A, A .......... VA, V, B, ........... V B.
Each successive period in the periodic table is associated with the filling up next higher principal
energy level following aufbau sequence. The number of elements in each period is twice the number of
atomic orbitals available in the energy level that is being filled. All the elements are classified into four blocks,
i.e., s-block, p-block, d-block and f-block depending on the type of atomic orbitals that are being filled with
the last electron of the element.

i. The element with atomic number 56 is likely to have the same outer shell configuration as the element with
atomic number :
(A*) 12 (B) 18 (C) 14 (D) 20
Sol. Elements with atomic no. 56 & 12 belongs to alkaline earth metal group having configuration ns2.

ii. Elements A, B, C, D and E have the following electronic configurations :

(A) 1s2 , 2s2 2p1 (B) 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p1
2 2 6 2 3
(C) 1s , 2s 2p , 3s 3p (D) 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p5
2 2 6 2 6
(E) 1s , 2s 2p , 3s 3p
Which among these will belong to the same group in periodic table.
(A) a and c (B*) a and b (C) a and d (D) d and e
Sol. Outer most shell electronic configuration should be same.

iii. If aufbau rule is not followed, Ca-20 will be placed in _____ block.
(A) s- (B) p- (C*) d- (D) f-
Sol. If aufbau rule is not followed then 3d will be filled before 4s. So last electron of Ca-20 will go to 3d-subshell.

iv. What is the position of the element in the periodic table satisfying the electronic configuration
(n – 1) d1 ns2 for n = 4
(A) 3rd period and 3rd group (B) 4th period and 4th group
(C) 3rd period and 2nd group (D*) 4th period and 3rd group
Sol. When n = 4, the configuration will be[Ar]18 3d1 4s2 and thusperiod is tourth and group no is third.
v. In Mendeleeff’s periodic table, silver belongs to B group. The group to which silver belongs in long form of
periodic table is
(A) first (B) tenth (C) sixteenth (D*) eleventh
Sol. Electronic configration is [Kr] 3d10 4s1. so group is 10 + 1 = 11.

105. The electron gain enthalpies of halogens are as given below.

F = – 332, Cl = – 349, Br = – 324,  = – 295 kJ mol–1.
The less negative value for F as compared to that of Cl is due to : [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) Strong electron-electron repulsions in the compact 2–p sub shell of F.
(B) Weak electron -electron repulsions in the bigger 3–p sub shell of Cl
(C) Smaller electronegativity value of F than Cl
(D) (A) & (B) both
Sol. (D)
Due to small size of F atom, the electron-electron repulsions in compact 2-p sub shell are large and hence
the incoming electron is not accepted with the same ease as is the case with Cl (less electron - electron

106. The incorrect statement among the following is : [3 min, 3 marks]

(A) The first ionisation energy of calcium is more than first ionisation energy of gallium
(B) The second ionisation energy of copper is less than potassium
(C) The third ionisation energy of Mg is greater than the third ionisation energy of Al
(D) The IE2 of Mg is greater than the IE2 of Na.
Sol. (D)
E.C of Mg+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 ; E.C of Na+ = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s0. In case of Na+ the valence electron is to be taken
out from inert gas configuration. Hence much higher energy is required for removal of valence electron.

107. Formation of O2–(g) is represented by two steps as given below.

O(g) + e–  O–(g) ; Hº = – 142 kJ mol–1 .......... (i)
O–(g) + e–  O2–(g) ; Hº = 844 kJ mol–1 .......... (ii)
The (ii) step is endothermic because [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) Addition of second electron to an anion is opposed by electrostatic repulsion
(B) Oxygen has high electron affinity
(C) Oxygen is more electronegative
(D) O– ion is comparatively larger than oxygen atom and thus the force of attraction between nucleus
and incoming electron is less.
Sol. (A)
Addition of 2nd electron to O– is quite difficult due to electrostatic repulsion (same charge). Thus to add an
extra electron to O–, energy has to be given.
108. Which of the following statements is true about electronegativity ? [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) Electronegativity of an element depends upon its ionisation potential and electron affinity
(B) Electronegativity of a cation is proportional to charge on the cation
(C) Electronegativity increases as the s-character in hybrid orbital increases
(D) All of these
Sol. (D)
All statements are correct facts.

109. Which of the following statements is incorrect ? [3 min, 3 marks]

(A) The relative reactivity of the metals decreases with the decrease in their ionisation energies
(B) Electron affinity of an element is inversely proportional to the screening effect
(C) The electronegativity of an element decreases with decrease in its oxidation state
(D) The radii of isoelectronic species decrease with increase in the magnitude of nuclear charge
Sol. (A)
As ionisation energy increases the stability of the element increases & thus reactivity decreases.
110. Correct order of radius for the following elements is : [3 min, 3 marks]
Ti, Co, Cs, Br, K, O, F
(A) F < O < Br < Co Ti < K < Cs (B) F < O < Br < Co < Ti < K < Cs
(C) F < O < Br < Ti < Co < K < Cs (D) O < F < Br < Ti < Co < K < Cs
Sol. (B)
According to their covalent radii. Atomic radius in pm (from NCERT).
Cs = 265, K = 227, O = 74, Br = 114, F = 64, Co = 125, Ti = 147.

111. Which of the following is incorrect statement ? [3 min, 3 marks]

(A) The first ionisation potential of Al is less then the first ionisation potential of Mg
(B) Radius of hydrated Li+ is more than that of hydrated Cs+
(C) The formation of S2– is an endothermic process
(D) None of these
Sol. (D)
(A) Mg = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 ; Al = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 As electron is to be removed from stable completely filled
s-orbital of Mg as compared to partially filled p-orbital of Al.
(B) Li+ due to small in size attracts more no. of water moleucules and thus have bigger hydrated ion.
(C) Addition of 2nd e– to an anion (same charge) is difficult due to the electrostatic repulsion.
All statements are true.

112. The correct order of second ionisation potential of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and fluorine is :[3 min, 3 marks]
(A) C > N > O > F (B) O > N > F > C (C) O > F > N > C (D) F > O > N > C
Sol. (C)
O+ = 2s2 2p3– half filled configuration has extra stability & F+ = 2s2 2p4 partially filled less stable thus IE2 of
O > F. As nuclear charge increases the IE2 increases.

113. Correct order of Ionic radii is : [3 min, 3 marks]

(A) Ti+4 < Mn7+ (B) 35Cl < 37Cl (C) K+ > Cl– (D) P3+ > P5+
Sol. (D)
Valence electrons in P5+ are more strongly attracted by the nucleus as compared to P3+. Hence valence
shell as well as inner shells become closer to the nucleus decreasing the ionic size of P+5 than p3+.

114. Which of the following statement(s) is /are true ? [3 min, 3 marks]

(A) ionisation energy  Screening effect

(B) The first ionisation energies of Be and Mg are more than ionisation energies of B and Al respectively
(C) Atomic and ionic raddii of Niobium and Tantalum are almost same
(D) Metallic and covalent radii of potassium are 2.3 Å and 2.03Å respectively.
Sol. (A,B,C,D)
(A) Screening effect  , effective nuelear charge  thus valence shell electron is loosely bound. Hence I.E 
(B) Be and Mg has ns2 configuration (stable configuration)
(C) Due to lanthanide contraction
(D) rmetallic > rcovalent (covalent bond formation involves the overlapping of orbitals)

115. Which of the following statement(s) is / are true for IA elements ? [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) Na is regarded as a typical/representative element
(B) Basic character of their oxides increases down the group
(C) Among alkali metal ions extend (degree) of hydration is highest in Li
(D) In general electron affinity values decrease from top to bottom in the group.
Sol. (A,B,C,D)
All are obvious facts.

116. Which of the following pair(s) represent(s) the isoelectronic species ? [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) S2– & Sc3+ (B) SO2 & NO3– (C) N2 & CN– (D) NH3 & H3O+
Sol. (A,B,C,D)
Species having same number of electrons are called isoelectronic specis.

117. Which of the following represent(s) the correct order of electron affinities ? [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) F > Cl > Br >  (B) C < N < O < F (C) N < C < O < F (D) C < Si > P > N
Sol. (C, D)
Electron gain enthalpies in kJ mol–1 are :
C = – 121; Si = - 134 ; P = – 74 ; N  0 ; O = – 142 ; F = – 328
118. The process(es) requiring the absroption of energy is/are : [3 min, 3 marks]
(A) Cl – Cl– (B) S  S2– (C) H  H– (D) Ar  Ar –
Sol. (B, D)
(B) Addition of second electron to S– is opposed by electrostatic repulsion due to same charge. Hence
energy is given for the addition of IInd electron.
(D) Ar has stable electronic confiugration (ns2 np6). Hence energy has to be given to add an extra electron to
form Ar –

119. MATCH THE COLUMNS : [5 min, 5 marks]

Column  Column 
(a) SO2, NO3–, CO32– (P) Semi-metals
(b) B, Si, Ge, As, Sb (Q) Electron affinity
(c) He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe (R) soelectronic species
(d) M(g) + energy  M+(g) + e– (S) Electronegativity
(e) X(g) + e–  X–(g) + Energy (T) Van der waal’s radii
(U) onisation energy
Sol. (a – R), (b – P), (c – T), (d – U), (e – Q)
(A) Have same number of electrons – So isoelectronic species
(B) Has metallic as well as non-metallic properties-semi metal
(C) Exist as mono atomic molecules & are held together by weak vander Waal’s forces-so radius is
defined as van der Waal’s radius
(D) Energy required to remove an electron from valence shell of a gaseous atom is called I.E.
(E) Energy released when an extra electron is added to valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom to
form an anion is called electron affinity

Comprehension # 1 [15 min, 15 marks]

Read the following comprehension carefully and answer the following questions.
The amount of energy required to remove the most loosely bound electron from an isolated gaseous atom is
called as first ionization energy (E1). Similarly the amount of energies required to knock out second, third
etc. electrons from the isolated gasesous cation are called successive ionization energies and E3 > E2 >
(i) Nuclear charge (ii) Atomic size (iii) penetration effect of the electrons (iv) shielding effect of the inner
electrons and (v) electronic configurations (exactly half filled & completely filled configurations are extra
stable) affect the ionisation energies.
Similarly the amount of energy released when a neutral isolated gaseous atom accepts an extra electron to
form gaseous anion is called electron affinity.
O(g) + e–  – –1
  O (g) ; Heg = – 141 kJ mol ................. (i)
O–(g) + e– Endothermic O2–(g) ; Heg = + 780 kJ mol–1 .............. (ii)
In (ii) the energy has to be supplied for the addition of second electron due to electrostatic repulsion between
an anion and extra electron (same charged species). The electron affinity of an element depends upon (i)
atomic size (ii) Nuclear charge & (iii) electronic configuration. In general, ionisation energy and electron
affinity increases as the atomic radii decrease and nuclear charge increases across a period. In general, in
a group, ionisation energy and electron affinity decrease as the atomic size increases.
The members of third period have some higher (e.g. S and Cl) electron affinity values than the members of
second period (e.g. O and F) because second period elements have very small atomic size. Hence there is
a tendency of electron-electron repulsion, which results in less evolution of energy in the formation of
corresponding anion.

120. Identify the least stable ion amongst the following.

(A) Li– (B) Be– (C) B– (D) C–
Sol. (B)
Be has fully filled 2s–subshell (2s2) and therefore, shows least tendency to accept an electron. Thus Be– is
least stable.
121. The first ionisation energy of Na, Mg, Al and Si are in the order of :
(A) Na < Mg > Al < Si (B) Na > Mg > Al > Si
(C) Na < Mg < Al > Si (D) Na > Mg > Al < Si
Sol. (A)
In a period the IE increases due to decrease in atomic size & increase in nuclear charge. But IE1 of Mg is
greater than Al due to more penetration power of S-sub shell electrons and stable 3s2 configuration (completely
filled s-orbital)

122. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

(A) The elements like F, Cl, Br, O etc having high values of electron affinity act as strong oxidising agent.
(B) The elements having low values of ionisation energies act as strong reducing agent.
(C) The formation of S2–(g) is an endothermic process
(D) All of these
Sol. (D)
All statements are correct.

123. Which one of the following statements is incorrect in relation to ionisation enthalphy ?
(A) Ionization enthalpy increases for each successive electron
(B) As we move along the period the greatest increase in ionizaiton enthalpy is experienced on removal of
electron from core of noble gas configuration.
(C) End of valence electrons is marked by a big jump in ionization enthalpy.
(D) Removal of electron from orbitals bearing lower n value is easier than from orbital having higher n value.
Sol. (D)
Orbitals bearing lower value of n will be more closer to the nucleus and thus electrons will experience greater
attraction from nucleus and so its removal will be difficult not easier.

124. Considering the elements F, Cl, O and N, the correct order of their electron affinity values is :
(A) F > Cl > O > S (B) F > O > Cl > S
(C) Cl > F > S > O (D) O > F > S > Cl
Sol. (C)
Heg kJ mol–1  Cl = – 349 ; F = – 328 ; S = – 200 ; O = – 141.

125. Assuming the additivity of covalent radii in the C – I bond, what would be the iodine-iodine distance in each
of the diiodobenzenes ? Assume that the ring is regular hexagon and that each C – I bond lies on a line
through the centre of the hexagon. (Take C – C bond-length = 1.40 Å radius of iodine atom
= 1.33 Å, radius of carbon atom = 0.77 Å [4 min, 4 marks]

(a) (b) (c)

Sol. (a) I-atoms are at C and D positions. CD = ?

Also  OCD is equilateral triangle.
CD = OC = OA + AC = 1.40 + 1.33 + 0.77 = 3.50 Å

(AC is the sum of radii of carbon and iodine and OA = AB)

(b) CD = 2DE
but = sin 60°
DE = OD sin 60° = (OB + BD) sin 60°

= (1.40 + 0.77 + 1.33) sin 60° = 3.50 sin 60° = 3.50 × = 3.03 Å
 CD = 6.06 Å

(BD = AC as in (a))
(c) OC = OD = 3.50 Å

 CD = 2 × 3.50 = 7.0 Å

126. An ionic compound AX3 (s) is formed between a metal A and a non-metal X (outermost shell configuration of
X = ns2 np5). Find the enthalpy of formation (magnitude) of AX3(s) with the help of the following data. (Non-
metal X is found to exist in nature as a diatomic gas) [4 min, 4 marks]
HSublimation A(s) = 100 Kcal/mol H.E1 A(g) = 60 Kcal/mol

H.E2 A (g) = 150 Kcal/mol H.E3 A(g) = 280 Kcal/mol

Hdiss X2(g) = 80 Kcal/mol He.g X(g) = – 110 Kcal/mol
HLattice energy A X3(s) = – 470 Kcal/mol


Hf = Hsub + H.E1 + H.E2 + H.E3 + Hdiss + 3 He.g + HL.E
= 100 + 60 + 150 + 280 + × 80 – 3 × 110 – 470
= 100 + 60 + 150 + 280 + 120 – 330 – 470
= – 90 Kcal/mol
Ans. 90

127. Calculate the lattice energy of LiF given that enthalpy of [4 min, 4 marks]
(i) Hsub for lithium is 155.2 is 155.2 kJ mol–1
(ii) Hdiss of mole of F2 is 75.3 kJ
(iii) I.E of Lithium = 520 kJ mol–1
(iv) E.A. of Fluorine = – 333 kJ mol–1
(v) Hf for overall = – 594.1
Ans. – 1011.6 kJ mol–1
128. Draw an electron-dot structure for each of the following molecules: [3 min, 3 marks]
(a) AlCl3 (b) Cl3 (c) XeOF4 (d) HOBr
Ans. (a) (b) (c) (d) H – O – Br

129. What type of bonds are present in the following molecules ? [2 min, 2 marks]
(i) MgF2 (ii) BrCl (iii) CBr4 (vi) H2O
(v) H2SO4 (vi) SO2 (vii) HNO3
130. Oxalic acid, H2C2O4, is a poisonous substance found in uncooked spinach leaves. If oxalic acid has a
C–C single bond and no C–H bond, draw its electron-dot structure. [2 min, 2 marks]

131. Li is soluble in water but LiF is not, why ? [1 min, 1 marks]
Sol. Although Li is same in both the compounds yet difference in the size of F¯ and I¯ is not same. Since F¯ is

smaller than I¯hence lattice energy of LiF is more than that of Li. Similarly heat of hydration of F¯ is more
than that of I¯. But the decrease of L.E. from LiF to Li is much more than the decrease in heat of hydration
from LiF to Li. Hence solubility increases from LiF to Li.

132. Arrange the solubility of NaCl in decreasing order in the following solvents :
CH3COCH3 (dielectric constant = 12) ;
CH3CH2OH (dielectric constant = 35) ;
H2O (dielectric constant = 80) ; [1 min, 1 marks]

Hint : Greater is the dielectric constant of solvent more is the solubility of an ionic compound in it

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