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Name : Siti Nurhalizah

NIM : 150341607130

Course : TBIE


Similarities Between the two Languages

1. Both English and bahasa Indonesia use the same 26 letter alphabet, divided similarly
between vowels and consonants. Neither language uses accent marks for any of the 26
Total of vowels in English and Indonesian language is five, there are A, I, U, E and O.
Total of consonants in English and Indonesian language is twenty one, there are B,
C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, and Z.
Example :
English : Beautiful Girl
Vowel alphabet : E, A, U, I
Consonants alphabet : B, T, F, L, G, R, L
Idonesian language : Perempuan Cantik
Vowel alphabet : E, U, A, I
Consonants alphabet : P, R, M, P, N, C, T

2. The ways of arranging sentences and paragraphs are similar.

Ibu (subjek) menyiram (predikat) Bunga (objek) di Taman (keterangan tempat).
My mother (s) Watering (p) Flower (o) in the Garden (k).

Mubarok (s) membaca (p) Al-Quran (o) di masjid (k).

Mubarok (s) reading (p) Al-Quran (o) in the Mosque (k).

3. Both languages use similar methods of classifying word types into nouns, verbs,
adverbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc ,
a. Nouns/ kata benda = book (buku), clothes (baju), broom (sapu), hat (topi)
b. Verbs / kata kerja = see (lihat), hit (memukul), walk (berjalan), close (menutup)
c. Adjectives/ kata sifat = hard (keras), beautiful (cantik), ugly (jelek), naughty (nakal)
d. Pronouns/kata ganti = this (ini), those ( itu), several (beberapa), everybody (setiap
orang), some (beberapa)

4. Both languages form words in the same way by attaching prefixes and suffixes to root
Example 1 preffix :
- disagree, abnormal, unknown, invisible,
- mencari, pengumpul, pencuri, penulis,
Example 2 suffix : childish , available, minimize, Idealism, physiology
kriminal, feminisme, kardiologi, operator, islami, jurnalis
5. Both languages have transitive & intransitive structures
Example 1 :
(Transitive) : Close the door, please ! (Tutup pintunya !)
(Intransitive) : Hospital close at 7 p.m (Rumah sakit tutup jam 7 malam)
Example 2 :
(Transitive) : Open your book, please! (Buka bukumu)
(Intransitive) : Most of School open at 6 a.m (Semua sekolah buka jam 6 pagi)

6. Both languages have passive & active voices - bahasa Indonesia uses "di-" prefix to
indicate the passive voice while English uses the "-ed" suffix.
Example 1 :
(aktif bhs indo) Devi membersihkan lemari.
(aktif bhs inggris) Devi clean the cabinets.
(pasif bhs indo) Lemari dibersihkan oleh Devi.
(pasif bhs inggris) The cabinets was cleaned by Devi
Example 2 :
(aktif bhs indo) Dini makan roti.
(aktif bhs inggris) Dini eat Bread .
(pasif bhs indo) roti dimakan Dini.
(pasif bhs inggris) The Bread was eated by Dini.

7. Both languages use similar numbering systems except that bahasa Indonesia uses a
decimal(dot) instead of a comma as 3 digit separator (be aware that English is
inconsistent with terms for large numbers - American system and British/European
system are different)
Example :
saya beli baju seharga 20.000 rupiah
I buy clothes for 20,000 rupiah

8. Both languages use similar punctuation marks such as commas, periods, parenthesis,
question marks, quotation marks, hyphens, etc.
Example 1 :
Apa yang kamu cari ?
What are you looking for?
Example 2 :
Dini, Devi, dan Dwi bermain bersama di taman.
Dini, Devi, dan Dwi play together in the Garden.

9. Symbols are nearly the same for both languages

period; full stop . tanda titik
comma , tanda koma
semicolon ; tanda titik koma
colon : tanda titik dua
single quotation marks ' ' tanda petik tunggal
equal sign = sama dengan
plus sign; positive + positif; tambah
minus sign; negative - negatif; kurang; minus
less than < lebih kecil daripada
backslash \ tanda garis miring balik
slash / tanda garis miring; setrip
asterisk * nanjam; tanda bintang
square brackets [ ] tanda kurung siku
parenthesis ( ) tanda kurung
right arrow > tanda panah sebelah kanan
right arrow > tanda panah sebelah kanan
left arrow < tanda panah sebelah kiri
question mark ? tanda tanya
exclamation point ! tanda seru
percent; percentage % persen; persentase

10. Capitalization is nearly the same for both languages

Example 1 : Dini pergi ke Jakarta.
Dini goes to Jakarta.
Example 2 : Kampus libur pada hari Sabtu dan Minggu.
The Campus was free in Saturday and Sunday.
11. There are many words that are identical to both languages and even more that are
very similar. See our website lists - 780 identical words and 1,200 that are very
similar. Most spellings for names of the world's countries are the same or very
similar in both languages.
Example (identical word):
fetishism n. = fetishism; an unusual object of worship
final adj. = final; last; at the end
fit adj. = fit; suitable and proper; in good condition

Example (Similar Words) :

autistik adj. = autistic; affected with autism
autobiografi n. = autobiography; a story of a person's life written by that person
automotif adj. = automotive; regarding automobiles

Differences Between the two Languages

1. Bahasa Indonesia is still a root-based language with nice complete root word families
while English has diverged and the study of root words is not as useful. Many original
English root words are now not used and forgotten although some of their derived forms
remain popular.

Word Roots in English

Meanings Examples and Definitions

a/n not, without abyss - without bottom; achromatic - without color; anhydrous - without

a on afire - on fire; ashore - on the shore; aside - on the side

a, ab/s from, away, off abduct - carry away by force; abnormal - away from normal, not normal;
present; aversion - the act of turning away from; abbreviate: to shorten.

a/c/d to, toward, near accelerate - to increase the speed of; accessible - easily entered, approac
admittance - allowing into;

acro top, height, tip, acrobat - a "high walker"; acronym - a word formed from the first (capita
beginning acrophobia - fear of height

act do activity - something that a person does; react - to do something in respo

communication between two or more things

aer/o air aerate - to let air reach something; aerial - relating to the air; aerospace
Meanings Examples and Definitions

agr/i/o farming agriculture - management of the land, agribusiness - making money by u

relating to the management of land

alg/o pain neuralgia - pain caused by a nerve; analgesic - a drug that makes one pa

* https://www.learnthat.org/pages/view/roots.html

2. English has tenses for verbs while bahasa Indonesia has no similar concept.
Present Tense
1. Aktif : Doni menonton animasi dari jepang
2. Pasif : Th animation from japan is watch by doni.
Present Continuous
1. A : They are destroying that big building.
2. P : That big building is being destroyed
Present Perfect
1. A : You have taken the pencil
2. P : The pencil has been taken (by you)
Present Perfect Continuous
1. A : I have been fixing your phone.
2. P : Your phone has been being fixed (by me).
Past Tense
1. A : I broke the glass..
2. P : The glass was broken (by me).
Past Continuous Tense
1. A : I was drinking a cup of coffee.
2. P : A cup of coffee was being drunk (by me).
Past Perfect Tense
1. A : You had eaten that food.
2. P : The food had been eaten (by you).
Past Perfect Continuous
1. A : My cat had been eating your fish..
2. P : Your fish had been being eaten (by my cat).
Simple Future
1. A : I will do the homework
2. P : The homework will be done (by me).
Future Continuous
1. A : I will have been cooking the dinner soon.
2. P : The dinner will have been being cooked soon (by me)
Future Perfect
1. A : We will have finished all the tasks.
2. P : All the tasks will have been finished (by us).
Future Perfect Continuous
1. A : They will have been killing me.
2. P : I will have been being killed (by them).
Sedangkan Dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak ada tenses.

3. Bahasa Indonesia doesn't have gender (male/female/neuter personal pronouns)

Example 1 : in bahasa Indonesia : Dia (entah laki-laki atau perempuan) menyukai kucing.
in English : She (dia perempuan) likes a cat.
He (dia laki-laki) likes a cat.
Example 2 : Itu adalah bajunya (nya-laki-laki/perempuan)
That’s her Clothes / That’s his clothes

4. Bahasa Indonesia doesn't have a plural suffix which is comparable to the English "s".
Indonesian plural concept is understood by context or by the addition of other words to
express the concept of something being "more than one".
Example 1 : Ada beberapa penghapus di dalam lemari.
There are some erasers in the cupboard.
Example 2 : gelas-gelas itu bagus
The glasses are good.

5. Pronunciation is different but not drastically different.

Example : in Bahasa Indoneisa, pronounciation same with the writing. beli dibaca beli. jalan
dibaca jalan. While in English, we read buy (bay) and we read way (wey).

6. Bahsaa Indonesia doesn’t use contractions such as aren’t, won’t, etc.

Example 1 : they aren’t buy glass
Mereka tidak membeli gelas
example 2: Ranty doesn’t want to be a nurse
Ranty tidak ingin menjadi suster

7. Indonesian sentences almost always have the primary thought or focus on the
beginning of the sentence, the main thought comes first and the adjunct second. English
is more varied and inconsistent.
Example paragraph in Indoneisan :
Sebagian besar remaja zaman sekarang itu menyalahgunakan gaya hidupnya. Apalagi
remaja-remaja yang tinggal di kota metropolitan. Sebagian besar, mereka lebih mengikuti
trend mode di masa kini,seperti contohnya berpakaian seperti orang-orang luar negeri dan
bergaya kebarat-baratan.

Example paragraph in English :

a child (plural: children) is a human being between the stages of birth and puberty. The legal
definition of child generally refers to a minor, otherwise known as a person younger than the
age of majority. Child may also describe a relationship with a parent (such as sons and
daughters of any age) or, metaphorically, an authority figure, or signify group membership in
a clan, tribe, or religion; it can also signify being strongly affected by a specific time, place,
or circumstance, as in "a child of nature" or "a child of the Sixties"

8. Many English words can be used in different ways (e.g. same-spelled words with
different meanings) while bahasa Indonesia has fewer.
Example 1 : bee and be have same spelled but the meaning is different (bee = lebah and
be= menjadi).
example 2 : thing and think same spelled but the meaning is different (thing = sesuatu
and think= berpikir). Dalam bahasa Indonesia jarang ditemukan yang seperti itu.

9. Modifying adjectives are usually placed before the noun in English but after nouns in
bahasa Indonesia
Example 1 : Dia adalah wanita cantik
She is beautiful girl.
Example 2 : Dia memiliki bibir yang tebal
She has a thick lips

10. There are no articles in bahasa Indonesia (no a, an or the), although the se- prefix
can act in a similar manner such as in secarik = a scrap or sebuah = a piece (of fruit).
Example 1 : Secarik kertas = a piece of paper
Example 2 : sepasang baju= a pair of clothes
11. English doesn't use the circumfix affix
English doesn’t use the circumfix affix while Indonesian use it.
Example :
12. English uses figurative forms a lot more frequently than in bahasa Indonesia
Example :

Idiom : A dime a dozen

Metaphor : you are my sunshine

Simile : clean as a whistle

Personification : opportunity knocked at his door

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, figurative forms jarang digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari,
lebih banyak digunakan dalam menulis pusi, cerpen, atau lainnya.

13. English has different spellings for 3rd person singular verbs while bahasa Indonesia
does not change the verb. (example: "I go, you go, he goes" - "I go" is 1st person
singular, "you go" is 2nd person singular and "he goes" is 3rd person singular with
"goes" as a different spelling of "go".)
Example 1 : I bring, you bring, She brings
Aku bawa, kamu bawa, Dia bawa
Example 2 : I eat, you eat, He eats
Aku makan, kamu makan, dia makan
14. Hyphens - English uses hyphens to form adjectives & nouns from differing words,
compounding them with the combined meaning (e.g. life-giving = adj.). Bahasa
Indonesia uses hyphens for repetition of the same word or almost-same words
(reduplication, expressing repetition or indicating things smaller than real size like
Example :
well-known, pot-belly , fig-leaf
kupu-kupu, buku-buku, bersenang-senang
15. In spoken Indonesian, there are no linking verbs corresponding to the English words
"be, am, is, are, was, were".
Example 1 :
kamu tidur
you are sleep.
Example 2:
Mereka akan pulang besok pagi
they will go home tomorrow morning

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