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Year Plan

Drama 10
Teacher: Scott Boomer

General Learner Outcomes from Drama 10 will include but are not limited to:

[For the following concepts (C), skills (S), and attitudes (A) the students will:]

Goal 1: To acquire knowledge of self and others through participation in and

reflection on dramatic experience.
 Develop a positive and realistic self-image (A)
 Increase self-confidence (A)
 Extend physical and vocal capabilities (S)
 Sharpen observations of people, situations, and the environment (S)
 Extend understanding of, acceptance of, and empathy for others (A/S)

Goal 2: To develop competency in communication skills through participation in

and exploration of various dramatic disciplines.
 Develop the ability to select appropriate physical and vocal expression for feelings, ideas, and
images (S)
 Be capable of creating and expressing a believable character from scripted and non-scripted
material (S)
 Explore various approaches to analyzing a script for purposes of study and/or presentation (S)
 Demonstrate understanding of integration of disciplines to enrich a theatrical presentation (C)

Goal 3: To develop an appreciation of drama and theatre as a process and art

 Explore various conventions and traditions of theatre (C)
 Demonstrate the ability to assess critically the process and the art (S)
 Demonstrate recognition of and respect for excellence in drama and theatre (A)
 Develop an awareness of aesthetics in visual and performing arts (A)
Week Theme Components/Forms Learner Focus

Learner outcomes are based off Alberta POS Component section

of document – please refer to
Pages 8-14

1-2 Orientation  Warm Ups Orientation #1-22

 All aspects

3-5 Lip Sync  Tableaux Movement #1-24

 Mime Improvisation #1-6, 9-14,
 Group
 Dance
 Choreography

6-10 Children’s  Character Speech #1-3, 10, 11, 14

Theatre Development Improv #1-7, 9-14, 21-32
 Blocking Theatre Studies #1, 2
Set Design #1-10
 Script Writing
 Touring
 Set Design

11-13 Monologues Speech: #1-14

 Character
Acting #1-21
Lighting #1-10
 Memorization Playwriting #1-13
 Script Writing

14-16 Final Projects  Open End Variable Depending on Nature of Projects

Project: 5 Stage Management #1-5
minutes per
person involved.

*Timelines and units are subject to change.

Objectives covered more than once will be
given various importance in different units.
Unit Resource Type
General Carol Gilchrist Mentor
Scene Studies
Halloween: Dance
Drama Theme: Poem
Improvisation and Monologues
The Fight Before Christmas
Group Drama
Reflections and Final Project
PSD70 Goals

1. Inclusive Education
Drama, and by extension my classroom, is intended to be an expression for all. This
means that students should be able to partake in any activity or project. Depending on
ability and situation, differentiation will occur to make sure that every student has the
ability to succeed. In my orientation unit, I intend to promote confidence as a theme so
that students may begin releasing inhibitions and further their creative exploration of
their education in drama and hopefully their life.
My aim is to include different cultural perspectives through role play and student
sharing so that my students can understand the historical perspectives that informed
our current societies and circumstances. As well, the influences of theatre come from
across the globe and introduce students to many cultures just from becoming informed
on theatre history.

2. Quality Learning
As a teacher intern, I will be frequently touching base with my teacher mentor as well as
my university consultant. This will aid me gauge the quality of learning that is presented
by me to my students. My intention is to continue developing daily lesson plans as well
as observe other classes and classrooms as my term with the school progresses. This will
help me stay focused on how to improve the quality of learning in my classroom.

3. Culture of Wellness
I intend to start the year with a mental health first aid training professional
development session. This will help me further my ability to nurture a culture of
wellness in and outside my classes.

4. Universal Leadership
Theatre enables a growth of person. Through the drama classes I teach, students will
develop leadership skills through play, roleplay, and the group process. Issues that arise
within this process will further the conversation on what leadership is and how students
can seek to be leaders within the class as well as in their school and community.

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