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Owen Graduate School of Management
Vanderbilt University
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E-mail: brian.mccann@owen.vanderbilt.edu

Krannert School of Management
Purdue University
403 West State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2056
Tel: (765) 496-6695
Fax: (765) 494-9658
E-mail: jreuer@purdue.edu

Fox School of Business
Temple University
1801 Liacouras Walk
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Tel: (215) 204-3090
E-mail: nlahiri@temple.edu

Keywords: Agglomeration theory, information economics, geographic clusters, acquisitions,


* Corresponding author

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article as doi: 10.1002/smj.2387

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Research summary: This research extends agglomeration theory by joining it with information economics research to better
understand the determinants of firms’ organizational governance choices. We argue that co-location in a common geographic
cluster fosters lower levels of information asymmetry between exchange partners and thus leads firms to employ acquisitions
rather than alliances for their external corporate development activities. We further extend agglomeration theory by arguing
that the impact of sharing a cluster location on acquisitions versus alliances strengthens with the level and dissimilarity of the
exchange partners’ knowledge-based resources as well as with the intra-cluster geographic proximity of the partners.
Evidence from a sample of over 1,100 alliance and acquisition transactions in the US semiconductor industry provides
support for our hypotheses.

Managerial summary: Geographic clusters of firms, such as Silicon Valley, are a common phenomenon that can influence
many different firm behaviors and outcomes. This paper investigates the role of clustering for firms’ external corporate
development activities in acquisitions and alliances. We explain how better information is likely to be available among firms
co-located in the same cluster. This suggests that managers should have less need to use alliances over acquisitions as a means
of reducing the risk of adverse selection (e.g., overpaying for acquisitions). Our investigation of over 1,100 transactions in the
US semiconductor industry shows that common cluster co-location indeed increases the probability of acquisition relative to
alliance. Our arguments and evidence also indicate that the information-related benefits of cluster co-location are even more
impactful when the parties have more divergent technology bases, possess larger stocks of knowledge-based resources, or are
located in closer geographic proximity. Our findings broadly suggest that firms carrying out deals within clusters are able to
avoid turning to other coping strategies to deal with uncertainty concerning potential exchange partners’ resources and
prospects when transacting with them.


A substantial body of research attempts to understand the implications of the geographic co-location of

similar firms, often known as “agglomeration” or “clustering.” Research demonstrates, for example,

that firms located within clusters tend to enjoy performance benefits relative to their geographically-

isolated counterparts (e.g., Baptista and Swann, 1998; Folta, Cooper, and Baik, 2006). More recently,

scholars have begun to devote increased attention to understanding how agglomeration might influence

firms’ external corporate development activities that can shape the resources firms are able to utilize as

well as the firms’ competitiveness. For example, studies have shown that if a particular firm is located

in a cluster, the firm is more likely to participate in acquisitions (e.g., Almazan, De Motta, Titman, and

Uysal, 2010) as well as alliances (e.g., Narula and Santangelo, 2009; Rothaermel, 2002).

Our aim is to extend the agglomeration literature and this nascent research stream in several

important respects. First, a significant amount of research on alliances, acquisitions, and other

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organizational forms indicates they are alternative governance structures and as such must be

investigated in comparative terms, so we wish to join recent agglomeration studies to the large literature

on comparative organizational governance. Scholars have argued that the choice between an alliance

and acquisition is among the most important decisions a firm makes concerning its corporate

development (e.g., Dyer, Kale, and Singh, 2004); as such, the choice has been an important focus of

recent theoretical and empirical research on organizational governance (Vanhaverbeke, Duysters, and

Noorderhaven, 2002; Villalonga and McGahan, 2005, Wang and Zajac, 2007; Yin and Shanley, 2008).

This literature recognizes that “the two types of deals can substitute for each other” (Yin and Shanley,

2008: 473) and for high-tech firms, the choices represent “two alternative forms of external sourcing of

technology” (Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002: 715). Thus, it is important to understand whether

agglomeration has an impact on acquisitions versus alliances. Moreover, we will argue that extending

agglomeration theory into this new domain is natural because agglomeration externalities in the form of

knowledge spillovers are closely related to the causal mechanisms identified in recent organizational

governance research, which emphasizes the role of information in firms’ acquisition versus alliance

decisions (e.g., Reuer and Ragozzino, 2012; Reuer, Tong, Tyler, and Ariño, 2013). The second

important extension we offer is to move beyond the firm level and the role of a single firm’s location in

a cluster to focus on the dyad level and consider the potential role of shared cluster location for firms

engaging in transactions such as acquisitions and alliances.

In this paper, we therefore seek to join agglomeration theory with information economics to

explain the ways that common, shared cluster location can have an impact on the choice between an

acquisition and alliance. Prior research in information economics suggests that this choice is influenced

by asymmetric information across the exchange partners. For instance, potential acquirers face the risk

of adverse selection, or the risk of overpayment, when the target has information on its resources and

prospects that the acquirer lacks and cannot efficiently obtain; one way of reducing this risk is to

employ an alliance rather than an acquisition (Balakrishnan and Koza, 1993; Vanhaverbeke et al. 2002;

Villalonga and McGahan, 2005). An alliance requires a smaller sunk investment and allows the firm to

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learn about the resources in question. This governance choice is therefore closely tied to the level of

information asymmetry between exchange partners, and we suggest that, all else equal, the cluster-wide

interactions, shared understandings, and social relationships of firms who share a cluster location

reduce information asymmetry and hence lower the need to employ an alliance over an acquisition.

After considering the direct effects of firms sharing a cluster location on organizational

governance, we investigate several conditions under which the governance-related effects of

agglomeration will be more or less pronounced. First, we expect that the information-related benefits

of common cluster location will be most consequential when there would otherwise be more significant

asymmetric information between the exchange partners. Specifically, we use information economics to

argue that the governance-related impact of sharing a cluster location will increase with the dissimilarity

and depth of the exchange partners’ knowledge bases, as information asymmetries tend to be more

substantial under these conditions. In contrast, co-location in a cluster will be less consequential for

firms’ governance choices when exchange partners have more similar or fewer knowledge resources

because information asymmetries will be lower and shared location provides relatively fewer benefits.

Second, our theoretical framework also suggests that the benefits of common cluster location will be

stronger for firms located in closer proximity because the information spillovers produced within

clusters will be most noticeable and most readily absorbed for nearby firms.

We study transactions occurring in the semiconductor industry, not only because of the

importance of clustering in this context, but because this setting allows us to investigate the

technological knowledge stocks of the exchange partners and how they have an impact on the effects

of agglomeration on organizational governance. Our empirical analyses of over 1,100 transactions in

the US semiconductor industry indicate that sharing a geographic agglomeration does make firms more

likely to choose an acquisition over an alliance at the margin (or equivalently, less likely to choose an

alliance over an acquisition), and this relationship is strengthened when the technological knowledge

bases of the firms are more dissimilar and deeper. Finally, our evidence indicates that the governance

effects of sharing a cluster are strongest for the most closely co-located firms within the cluster.

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Our research offers several contributions to the literature on agglomeration. First, we extend

agglomeration theory to a new domain, specifically firms’ organizational governance choices involving

acquisitions and alliances. We utilize agglomeration theory as well as information economics as the basis

for bridging these two literatures and formulating individual hypotheses on the effects of shared cluster

location. Specifically, we draw on knowledge spillovers as a form of agglomeration externality and

information considerations that shape organizational governance choices in order to integrate these two

literatures, which have largely developed separately to date. Our arguments and findings suggest that

firms’ organizational governance choices reflect knowledge sharing mechanisms associated with the

overall cluster, beyond just the mere geographic proximity of the exchange partners themselves. Our

work also extends prior research demonstrating how a single firm’s location in a cluster has an impact

on the firm’s propensity to engage in horizontal (e.g., Almazan et al., 2010; Folta et al., 2006) and vertical

(Cainelli and Iacobucci, 2009; Diez-Vial and Alvarez-Suescun, 2011; Enright, 1995) transactions by

linking shared cluster location to the acquisition versus alliance choice.

We also further extend agglomeration theory by identifying a number of important

contingencies shaping the relationship between shared cluster location and firms’ acquisition versus

alliance choices. We show that the governance-related agglomeration effects we study depend on both

the level and dissimilarity of exchange partners’ knowledge resources. Our examination of the

influence of intra-cluster geographic distance and our evidence that the impact of agglomeration on

such decisions is greater when firms are located closer together within clusters also contributes to

agglomeration research on sources of intra-cluster heterogeneity (e.g., McCann and Folta, 2011; Shaver

and Flyer, 2000) and on the attenuation of agglomeration externalities (e.g., Henderson, 2003;

Rosenthal and Strange, 2003).


Agglomeration theory

Agglomeration generally refers to a geographic concentration of economic activity. The spatial

concentration of similar firms is theorized to generate localization externalities (e.g., Porter, 1998a,

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1998b; Pouder and St. John, 1996; Saxenian, 1994), including access to specialized labor, specialized

inputs, and knowledge spillovers (Marshall, 1920).1 Such agglomerations are often described as

“clusters,” following the work of Porter (1998a), who defines a cluster as a geographically proximate

group of interconnected and complementary companies and associated institutions in a particular field.

Clusters have been studied in manufacturing industries generally (Shaver and Flyer, 2000), but they are

more often studied in high-tech industries, such as semiconductors (Almeida and Kogut, 1999; Martin,

Salomon, and Wu, 2010; Rosenkopf and Almeida, 2003) and biotechnology (DeCarolis and Deeds,

1999; McCann and Folta, 2011).

Geographic proximity and interconnections among many organizations create agglomeration

externalities such that the net benefits to co-locating with similar firms increase as the number of firms

within the region grows. We only briefly summarize these benefits here as extensive reviews are

available elsewhere (e.g., McCann and Folta, 2008; Storper, 1997). To begin with, clusters create a

pooled market for specialized workers (Krugman, 1991), leading to deeper labor markets as skilled

workers are attracted to concentrated opportunities. Thus, firms within agglomerations have better

access to a pool of specialized labor with lower search costs for qualified employees. Geographic

concentration also draws more numerous specialized input providers, similarly creating lower-cost

access to important sources of supply (Krugman, 1991).

Clusters also foster spillovers of knowledge and technology, most famously reflected in

Marshall’s (1920: 270) observation that “the mysteries of the trade become no mysteries; but are as it

were in the air.” Knowledge spillovers within clusters can occur through more formal means (e.g.,

interorganizational relationships, interfirm mobility of workers) as well as through informal channels

(e.g., social gatherings, trade events). Geographic proximity of many firms is particularly useful for the

transfer of tacit information within the cluster, as it increases the likelihood of face-to-face contact.

Such interaction is the richest form of communication because of its ability to incorporate nonverbal
We exclude from our purview spatial concentrations of diverse firms that benefit from urbanization (Jacobs)
externalities, firms that co-locate due to the presence of some exogenous benefit source such as a natural resource, and
co-located firms in similar industries that benefit from demand-related externalities (see McCann and Folta, 2008).

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cues and multiple channels and its capacity for immediate feedback, thereby fostering the

communication of complex, subjective messages (Daft and Lengel, 1986).

Clusters have been shown to have an impact on an individual firm’s location choice (e.g.,

Shaver and Flyer, 2000; Zucker, Darby, and Brewer, 1998) and performance (e.g., Baptista and Swann,

1998; McCann and Folta, 2011). Some research has also considered whether a single firm’s location in a

cluster affects its propensity to engage in any transactions, whether acquisitions or alliances, with other

organizations. For example, Almazan et al. (2010) indicate that firms in clusters tend to be more

acquisitive than those located outside clusters. Similarly, Rothaermel (2002) links location in a cluster to

a firm’s number of alliances. We wish to extend studies like these in two important respects. First, in

contrast to examining a single firm’s location in a cluster, we investigate the role of two firms’ sharing a

common cluster. Second, we move beyond the question of whether a transaction occurs to investigate

the comparative governance choice of how to organize a given transaction, such as when to employ an

alliance versus acquisition for a deal. The alliance versus acquisition governance choice is an important

decision for firms making external corporate development choices (e.g., Villalonga and McGahan,

2005; Wang and Zajac, 2007; Yin and Shanley, 2008), particularly in high tech industries in which

external procurement of knowledge features prominently (Liebeskind, Oliver, Zucker, and Brewer,

1996; Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002).

Addressing the organizational governance implications of sharing a common cluster is also

important in light of prior organizational economics research that ties governance choice to the

presence of information asymmetry and risk of adverse selection, which we argue will be associated

with the geographic characteristics, interactions, and social relationships inherent to clusters. To

theorize on the impact of shared cluster location on the choice of acquisition versus alliance, we

therefore draw from information economics, which we briefly review below. We then integrate this

perspective with agglomeration theory in developing research hypotheses.

Information economics

Information economics emphasizes ex ante hazards that arise between exchange partners due to

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information asymmetries that surround a transaction. For instance, when a buyer cannot efficiently

ascertain the quality of assets to be purchased prior to completing a transaction, various markets (e.g.,

labor, durable goods, etc.) can break down in the absence of appropriate remedies because the buyer

faces a risk of overpayment, or adverse selection (see Stiglitz, 2002 for a review).

In recent years, this theory has been extended to the M&A market in particular, and alliances

have been presented as a way for firms to address inefficiencies surrounding acquisitions. Although

acquisitions offer certain advantages that accrue with ownership and control of the assets in question,

acquirers can experience information asymmetries and the risk of adverse selection when they pursue

targets that have significant intangible assets, are privately-held, or operate in another line of business

(e.g., Capron and Shen, 2007; Higgins and Rodriguez, 2006; Montgomery and Hariharan, 1991; Porrini,

2004). In these cases, the target’s resources can be costly to evaluate prior to completing a transaction,

partly because the seller wishes to present its business in a favorable light and may even withhold

information on negative aspects of its resources and prospects in order to obtain a higher sales price.

Analogous to the idea of ‘discriminating alignment’ within transaction cost theory (e.g., Williamson,

1991), or the enhanced efficiency that comes from matching governance structures with attributes of

transactions, information economics has a similar principle: when faced with the risk of adverse

selection, a buyer can utilize various remedies to reduce this risk and enhance efficiency, including

devising a contingent contract (e.g., Datar, Frankel, and Wolfson, 2001), or prioritizing targets with

more familiar resources and capabilities (e.g., Capron and Shen, 2007). Coff (1999) similarly describes

how acquiring firms faced with higher levels of information asymmetry are more likely to offer lower

bid premiums, utilize stock as a performance-contingent type of consideration, or engage in lengthier

negotiation periods.

Alternatively, a firm might lessen its risk of adverse selection by opting for a joint venture over

an acquisition (e.g., Balakrishnan and Koza, 1993). The former involves a smaller sunk investment, the

firm can learn about the assets, and certain characteristics of joint ventures promote knowledge

transfers to reduce information asymmetries (e.g., a separate business entity containing the pooled

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resources, a joint board to facilitate control, and the mutual hostages provided by shared equity and

threat of termination). As a result, such collaborations “will be efficient when the market for

acquisitions fails due to the asymmetry between the seller’s and buyer’s information about the target’s

assets” (Balakrishnan and Koza, 1993: 115). Other types of inter-firm collaborations such as non-equity

alliances and minority equity partnerships can also reduce the risk of overpayment that an acquisition

would entail, so they are often used in deals involving partners with different resources who lack prior

dealings with one another (e.g., Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002). While high levels of information asymmetry

negatively affect the attractiveness of any transaction (whether it be an acquisition or alliance) for an

exchange partner (Reuer et al., 2013), “an alliance may be more preferable than an acquisition when the

information asymmetry problem is great” (Wang and Zajac, 2007: 1295) given the greater adverse

selection risk presented by acquisitions due to their greater sunk investments.

In developing research hypotheses below, we join agglomeration theory with information

economics to describe how agglomeration potentially affects firms’ governance choices for their

external corporate development activities. We begin by comparing transactions between partners who

share a cluster location to transactions between partners who do not share a cluster location and are

therefore not able to tap into the cluster-wide interactions, shared understandings, and social

relationships that can reduce information asymmetry. Next, we describe how this shared cluster

location effect depends on the level and dissimilarity of the transaction partners’ knowledge-based

resources. Finally, we discuss variance in information spillovers within clusters and suggest that the

impact of shared cluster location strengthens with firms’ geographic proximity within an agglomeration.


Shared cluster location

Below we explain how the nature of transactions that occur between firms located within an

agglomeration, or shared cluster transactions, have important implications for the determinants of

governance choices highlighted by information economics. Specifically, the increased co-location of

many firms within geographic clusters serves to reduce information asymmetries within the cluster and

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the risk of adverse selection in shared cluster transactions. Of particular interest is the important role

played by other firms in the agglomeration, which therefore expands the logic of much of the prior

organizational governance literature with its emphasis on firm-level or dyad-level factors that might

shape the potential for adverse selection and affect the alliance versus acquisition decisions firms make.

More specifically, we emphasize that the importance of being in a shared cluster extends beyond the

mere fact of increased proximity between any two particular individual firms considering an acquisition

or alliance with one another. Prior literature provides ample evidence consistent with the information

advantages of geographic proximity between two parties (e.g., Coval and Moskowitz, 2001; Grote and

Umber, 2006; Malloy, 2005; Ragozzino and Reuer, 2011). Our arguments here, however, are not

related to the dyadic distance between the two specific transaction partners but rather to the fact that

the transaction partners are both located within a larger group of other firms that are similar.

As mentioned in our brief review of agglomeration theory, one of the key theorized benefits of

clustering is that knowledge generated by cluster members spills over to other members of the cluster.

Keeble and Wilkinson (1999) note that knowledge spillovers occur in three ways. These include (1)

employee mobility between firms in the cluster; (2) interactions among firms, customers, and suppliers;

and (3) new organizations emerging from existing firms, research laboratories, and universities. These

spillovers are the result of the co-location of a group of firms in a cluster, wherein a critical mass of

related organizations leads to the generation of knowledge spillovers.

While prior literature has generally been concerned with spillovers of technological knowledge

(Audretsch and Feldman, 1996; Jaffe, Trajtenberg, and Henderson, 1993; Rosenthal and Strange, 2001),

the geographical co-location of a large number of firms also fosters sharing of knowledge related to

other types of resources and companies’ prospects in general, thereby reducing information

asymmetries about potential exchange partners. As Decarolis and Deeds (1999: 956) describe, “social

interactions, both formally and informally, stimulate information exchange about such topics as a

competitor’s plans [and] developments in production technology.” Pouder and St. John (1996: 1203)

also suggest that the localized mental models fostered by clustering make managers “more attuned to

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the strategies and capabilities” of firms within the cluster. Overall, the group of interconnected

companies and associated supporting institutions provide a rich source of information on potential

exchange partners.

A final distinctive aspect of clusters is the development of shared understandings among the

firms, or cluster-level architectural knowledge in the terminology of Tallman, Jenkins, Henry, and Pinch

(2004). Storper (1995) similarly describes a key aspect of clusters to be the development of a common

language and understanding of rules for how to develop, communicate, and interpret knowledge (what

he terms untraded interdependencies). A by-product of these cluster-specific understandings is that

firms have better information on the value of potential transactions with firms sharing a cluster

location. They are better able to assess these exchange partners compared to others outside the cluster

and more clearly understand what resources can be productively shared to realize synergies.

In summary, we expect that in shared cluster transactions, parties will enjoy unique benefits

such as cluster-wide interactions, shared understandings, and social relationships due to the presence of

many other related firms in the cluster. As a consequence of the reduced information asymmetry and

risk of adverse selection in shared cluster transactions, firms are more likely to structure deals as

acquisitions than alliances, holding everything else constant. Thus, we posit:

Hypothesis 1: Shared cluster location is positively associated with the choice of acquisition over alliance.

Shared cluster location and knowledge resources

The foregoing theoretical arguments hold that shared cluster location affects organizational governance

due to the lesser risk of adverse selection for transactions occurring within clusters compared to other

geographic locales. This logic naturally extends to a prediction that this overall effect will be magnified

when it is otherwise more difficult to judge an exchange partner’s resources and prospects, so having a

shared cluster location will be more consequential for transactions subject to higher levels of adverse

selection risk. In contrast, if information asymmetry is otherwise less significant, shared cluster location

will be less meaningful in affecting firms’ decisions to use alliances versus acquisitions.

We argue below that the level of information asymmetry, and therefore the strength of the

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shared cluster effect, for a given transaction will depend on the differences between the partners’

knowledge portfolios in addition to their stocks of knowledge resources. Our consideration of the role

of knowledge-related resources reflects the fact that accessing external knowledge is often a key

motivation for firms’ external corporate development activities, particularly in high tech domains

(Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002). Building upon the significant research on agglomeration and knowledge

sharing within geographic clusters (Almeida and Kogut, 1999; Appleyard, 1996; Saxenian, 1994), we

focus on the technological resources of partner firms.

Technological distance. We first expect that the degree to which the exchange partners’ knowledge

resources are similar or dissimilar will have a bearing on the level of information asymmetry and risk of

adverse selection for a transaction and will therefore moderate the impact of having a shared cluster

location. Prior organizational governance research establishes that the relatedness of exchange partners

is a key source of information asymmetry between exchange partners (e.g., Villalonga and McGahan,

2005; Wang and Zajac, 2007). When the firms’ resources are similar, each partner has a greater ability to

evaluate the resources of the other and to do so efficiently. As Coff (1999: 144) summarizes, “[r]elated

buyers are probably better able to assess targets since they are steeped in the knowledge base.” Even

when partner firms operate in the same product market, their knowledge and ability to evaluate each

other’s prospects will be lower when the technological resources are dissimilar. Therefore, the similarity

or dissimilarity of technological resources is an important determination of information asymmetry and

adverse selection risk. For instance, possessing similar technological knowledge obviates the need for

costly investments to understand an exchange partner’s technologies (Stuart, 1998) as well as enables a

firm to better evaluate a prospective exchange partner’s resources and the claims this firm makes about

their prospects (e.g., Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). When a firm lacks such absorptive capacity, it can be

difficult and costly to comprehend such resources and the potential opportunities they present

(Rosenkopf and Nerkar, 2001). Gilsing et al. (2008) similarly argue that the increased cognitive distance

that accompanies differences in technologies can preclude understanding.

While these observations can apply to different types of knowledge, in high-tech industries

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technological resources are critical knowledge assets determining the level of asymmetric information

and risk of adverse selection. We therefore expect that the governance related effects of

agglomerations (expressed in H1) will be more pronounced when the technological resources of

exchange partners are dissimilar and the risk of adverse selection is greater.

Hypothesis 2: The greater the dissimilarity in the exchange partners’ technological resources, the more positive the
relationship between shared cluster location and the choice of acquisitions over alliances.

Knowledge stocks. In addition to the technological distance between the firms’ resources, we also

investigate their combined knowledge stocks, consistent with Wang and Zajac’s (2007) advice to

consider the governance choice implications of the total resources and capabilities of both exchange

partners (“paired-firm characteristics”) rather than simply focusing on one of the partners. Holding

constant the distance between the partners’ technological resource portfolios, we anticipate that

information asymmetry and the risk of adverse selection increase when the transaction involves the

exchange of more knowledge-based intangible assets. For instance, Dushnitsky and Klueter (2011:19)

emphasize how “information asymmetries are commonplace in the markets for knowledge and give

rise to the adverse selection problem.” Knowledge-based transactions present a particular challenge: the

seller of knowledge resources must be able to reveal sufficient information to the buyer to justify the

attractiveness of its potential as a transaction partner. However, if the seller fully discloses all

information related to the technological resources to foster the buyer’s ability to evaluate the resources

in question, this disclosure reduces the buyer’s incentive to pay for such resources (Arrow, 1962).

Problems also arise because knowledge-based assets are difficult to observe, and a significant portion of

their value may be firm-specific, meaning such assets are harder to assess and value than tangible assets

(Chi, 1994), even if the technological resources are described via disclosure methods such as patents

(Heeley, Matusik, and Jain, 2007).

As the exchange partners’ combined knowledge stocks increase, levels of information

asymmetry and the associated risk of adverse selection grow. At its most basic level, information

asymmetry is the “fact that different people know different things” (Stiglitz, 2002: 469), and it reflects

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the total amount of unique information held by two potential transaction partners. Information

asymmetry is therefore represented by the pool of non-intersecting information of the parties (i.e., the

knowledge stock of the first partner plus the knowledge stock of the second less the overlapping

knowledge). As the overall pool of information grows in size, the non-intersecting portion representing

the total unique information held by each party grows correspondingly larger as well. Thus, expansions

in the knowledge stock of either or both parties increase information asymmetry and the potential costs

associated with adverse selection.

This concern has been echoed in a number of prior studies. In studying acquisitions in

knowledge-intensive industries, Coff (1999) argues that increasing amounts of knowledge resources

lead to greater uncertainty about the quality of partner assets. As a second illustration, Barth, Kasznick,

and McNichols (2001) find increased analyst coverage of firms with more intangible assets, a

relationship they tie to the value of gathering private information under conditions of higher

information asymmetry. In a study of the underpricing of initial public offerings, Heeley et al. (2007)

maintain that higher knowledge stocks are associated with increased innovation-based information

asymmetries in opaque industries characterized by complex product technologies.

We have argued that shared cluster location can be valuable in reducing information

asymmetries, obviating the need to use an alliance rather than an acquisition. Given the heightened

information asymmetry and risk of adverse selection associated with greater knowledge stocks, this

ability to evaluate a partner’s knowledge becomes even more critical , so we expect that the governance

related effects of shared cluster location will be more pronounced when exchange partners have greater

knowledge stocks.

Hypothesis 3: The greater the exchange partners’ technical knowledge stocks, the more positive the relationship
between shared cluster location and the choice of acquisitions over alliances.

Shared cluster location and local geographic overlap

The forgoing arguments related to the influence of shared cluster location on information asymmetries

and hence firms’ organizational governance choices have not accommodated the potential for location

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heterogeneity of the transacting parties within a cluster. That is, even though the above hypotheses

have considered contingencies that shape the impact of shared cluster location, they have also implicitly

assumed that the information-related benefits of agglomerations are uniform within clusters. We argue

below, however, that these benefits will be stronger for firms located in closer proximity to each other.

The interactions and social relationships among a mass of cluster co-located firms generates a

pool of information about the potential value of potential transaction partners throughout the cluster.

However, it is also likely that firms will not draw upon or absorb information about others in a cluster

in a uniform fashion. In particular, information related to nearby firms will be most conspicuous and

readily absorbed within the pool of information spillovers. We therefore expect that the governance-

related effects of shared cluster location will be enhanced when firms are located closer together.

First, the information benefits generated by the cluster will be strongest for nearby firms

because intra-cluster proximity enhances the salience of information (Pouder and St. John, 1996).

Information salience refers to the prominence or notability of information and describes how likely it is

that the firm will notice and attend to the information produced in a cluster. Although a firm shares

interconnections across the cluster and is thereby exposed to information related to potential

transaction partners in various locations throughout the cluster, information about firms located nearer

the focal firm will tend to be the most salient. Second, the greater exposure to and knowledge of more

closely co-located firms enhances the ability to interpret information about those firms gathered from

other sources throughout the cluster. That is, geographic proximity within the cluster contributes to

higher levels of absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990). As the focal firm is exposed to

information via its formal and informal interactions with other firms and associated institutions in the

cluster, its ability to recognize and interpret that information will be highest for the information about

geographically proximate firms.

The above arguments suggest that knowledge spillovers in clusters that affect firms’

organizational governance choices are strongest for closely located partners and attenuate with distance

within a cluster. These arguments are consistent with prior research on potential attenuation of

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agglomeration externalities. While a number of studies have examined the geographical limits of

agglomeration externalities generally, we focus here on prior research related to the attenuation of

knowledge spillovers in particular because this externality source is most closely related to information

asymmetries and the risk of adverse selection. Prior research in this stream indeed indicates that

knowledge spillovers are subject to geographic attenuation. For example, consistent with the argument

that knowledge spillovers can be accessed over smaller distances than specialized labor and inputs,

Rosenthal and Strange (2001) found that while proxies for labor market pooling and reliance on

manufactured inputs positively influenced agglomeration up to the state-wide level, knowledge spillover

benefits were constrained to the more circumscribed zip code level. Similarly, Orlando’s (2004) study

contended that firms experience challenges in benefiting from spillovers at greater distances, and his

analysis indicated that knowledge spillovers within the same three-digit SIC extended only to a 50 mile

radius. As tacit, technological knowledge spillovers intensify with proximity, we similarly expect that

information available within a cluster related to an exchange partners’ resources and prospects will also

be enhanced when firms are located closer together. Thus, we expect the shared cluster effect to be

strongest for tightly co-located firms.

Hypothesis 4: The greater the geographic proximity of the exchange partners, the more positive the relationship
between shared cluster location and the choice of acquisitions over alliances.



We study the influence of agglomeration on the choice of acquisition versus alliance in the US

semiconductor industry. This industry is a common setting for investigating the consequences of

agglomeration (Almeida and Kogut, 1999; Jaffe et al., 1993; Martin et al., 2010; Rosenkopf and Almeida,

2003), and it has also served as a setting for examining the determinants and effects of alliances as well

as acquisitions (e.g., Eisenhardt and Schoonhoven, 1996; Kapoor and Lim, 2007; Rosenkopf and

Almeida, 2003; Stuart, 1998). Firms in the semiconductor industry engage in external corporate

development activities like alliances and acquisitions for a variety of reasons, including accessing

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additional resources in emergent stage markets (Eisenhardt and Schoonhoven, 1996), forming

relationships with prominent partners to facilitate growth (Stuart, 1998), and sourcing external

technology (Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002).

To construct our sample of alliances and acquisitions, we drew from Thompson Reuters’

Security Data Corporation (SDC) database. We first identified all alliances announced during the period

of 1989-2005 for which at least one of the transaction parties was a semiconductor firm (i.e., primary

SIC=3674) (see Schilling, 2009 for an extensive discussion of the use of SDC alliance data). We

augmented this list with all acquisitions over the same period in which either firm was a semiconductor

firm. We focused on transactions between US firms to reduce unobserved heterogeneity in the sample,

and we also focus on acquisitions in which the bidder acquired complete ownership of the target firm

(Coff, 1999). The primary results do not include cases classified as acquisitions of assets or acquisitions

of certain assets, although our substantive results are unchanged if we include these additional

transactions (results available upon request for this robustness check and others). As our theoretical

arguments are most germane to transactions that include some potential for knowledge sharing, we

included research and development and manufacturing alliances and did not consider other forms of

collaboration such as supply agreements, licensing transactions, and marketing agreements.2


Dependent variable. Our dependent variable specifies whether the particular transaction was structured as

an acquisition (coded “1”) or an alliance (coded “0”). For cases in which there were more than two

parties to an alliance, we included all possible two-way combinations of the transaction partners. A

number of the firms appear multiple times in the data, such that our sample includes 1,179 unique firms

out of a total possible 2,372 unique firms if no firm repeated on either side of transaction, and these

firms engaged in 471 acquisitions and 715 alliances for 1,186 transactions in total. To address possible

correlation in the errors within firms, our models include robust standard errors using clustered

All of our results with the exception of the interaction of shared cluster location and technological distance were robust
to the inclusion of these additional types of collaborative agreements.

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residuals.3 In supplemental analyses reported below, we also separated non-equity alliances and equity

alliances as unique forms of collaborative agreements.

Our primary dependent variable is the choice of an acquisition versus alliance, provided a

transaction occurs. We elected not to hypothesize upon the effects of shared cluster location on the

occurrence of any transaction (either acquisition or alliance) because the prior literature already supports

a relationship of geographic proximity / clustering to whether any transaction occurs. In supplemental

analyses, however, we compare the choice of alliance and acquisition relative to no transaction. To

create a sample of “non-deals” for these analyses, we considered the fact that in each year the firms

making up the transacting dyads in our sample could have also transacted with other firms in our

sample, so we expanded our data set to include all combinations of these possible non-deals. To utilize

a sample for estimation purposes that was not heavily skewed toward the non-deals, we followed a

sampling approach described in Robinson and Stuart (2007). Specifically, in each year, we randomly

selected five non-deals for each actual deal, and in robustness checks we varied the number of non-

deals selected from 1 to 25.

Independent variables. Our primary independent variable of Shared Cluster Location utilizes location

information for both parties in a transaction. The SDC data provide city, state, and zip code

information for both exchange partners based on the locations of the firms’ headquarters. Based on

this information, we determined whether the exchange partners belonged to the same geographic

cluster of semiconductor firms. 4 In determining which areas in the United States to define as clusters,

we first relied on the work of Almeida and Kogut (1999), who identified 12 regional semiconductor

clusters using 1990 plant location data. We augmented this analysis by examining the location of

As described below, we labeled the firms as the first and second firm in the dyad for variable construction purposes.
We estimated robust standard errors using clustered residuals for the first firm in the dyad, and our results were
unaffected by alternatively clustering based on the other firm or by clustering based on repeated dyads (1,097 of the
1,186 dyads are unique).
Defining shared cluster location based on headquarters location results in a conservative approach to defining
overlap, as there may be cases of multi-establishment firms who share cluster locations based on non-
headquarters locations. We examine this issue in greater detail in robustness checks discussed after the
primary results.

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semiconductor firms as reported in the 1997 Economic Census. Drawing from both of these resources,

we identified ten regional clusters as detailed in Table 1. These ten regional areas accounted for just

under 69 percent of all semiconductor firms in the 1997 Economic Census, and 923 of the 1,179

unique firms in our sample (approximately 78 percent) are located in one of these ten clusters. We

included fewer clusters than Almeida and Kogut (1999) because we did not include the states of Florida

and Vermont given the relatively small number of semiconductor firms in these locations in the

Economic Census data.5 The Shared Cluster Location variable is coded 1 for dyads in which both parties

are located in the same cluster, and 0 otherwise. 307 of the 1,186 transactions were between parties

sharing a cluster (26 percent).

----------------- Insert Table 1 about Here -----------------

We calculated the Tech Distance between the two parties based on their patent portfolios over

the most recent five year period. This measure was calculated as the Euclidean distance between the

firms’ portfolios of three digit technology classes, weighted by the number of patents in each of the

technology classes (e.g., Rosenkopf and Almeida, 2003; Song and Shin, 2008). To measure the amount

of firms’ knowledge-based resources, we calculated a logged sum of the parties’ citation-weighted

patents over the most recent five years (Total Patents).6 As Heeley et al. (2007) note, patents provide a

good proxy for levels of information asymmetry in opaque industries such as the semiconductor

industry. We utilized firm zip codes, our finest level of geographic detail, to calculate the geographic

distance (logged) between the firms. To have this measure represent Geographic Proximity rather than

distance, we simply multiplied the distance measure by negative one.7 The inclusion of this variable also

ensures that our shared cluster location variable is not just capturing a proximity effect between the

specific exchange partners alone.

Our results are unchanged if we also define Florida and Vermont to be clusters.
Our results are similar if we treat the firms’ patent stocks separately and create interactions between the shared cluster
location dummy and both the first and second firms’ patent stocks.
It is possible to have firms located in close proximity without sharing a cluster if the location is not part of a designated
cluster. As just one example, our data set includes a transaction between two firms located in St. Louis, MO. Because we
do not define this area as a cluster, the two firms are not defined as sharing a cluster.

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Control variables. We controlled for a number of additional factors that may influence the

decision to structure a particular transaction as an alliance or acquisition. We counted the number of

Prior Ties between the transacting parties, represented by the number of prior alliances in the last five

years. Prior ties may affect governance choice in several ways. To the extent that the partners enjoy

prior relationships, information asymmetry should be lower (e.g., Higgins and Rodriguez, 2006),

implying that acquisitions will be more likely in such transactions;8 however, prior ties may also indicate

that the exchange partners have had the opportunity to build trust, and the reduced threat of

opportunism would foster the choice of the less hierarchical alliance governance form (Gulati, 1995).

To accommodate the fact that our sample of transactions includes firms from a variety of industries, we

included an Inter-Industry Transaction dummy to indicate transactions in which the primary SIC codes of

the parties were different.9

Given that firms may have general preferences for alliances or acquisitions, we controlled for

the prior governance choices of both parties. Specifically, we measured the proportion of transactions

in the five years prior to the focal deal that were structured as acquisitions rather than alliances (Firm 1

Acquisition Preference and Firm 2 Acquisition Preference).10 Finally, because some firms in the sample have

not patented in the last five years, we include two dummies to indicate whether only one of the dyad

had patented within the last five years or whether neither firm had patented in the last five years, with

the excluded category being the case where both firms had patented in the last five years.

We included a number of fixed effects to capture other sources of heterogeneity. First, we

added a series of dummy variables to indicate whether each firm had any patenting activity in each of

the twenty most prevalent 3-digit USPTO technology classes. These technology class dummies control

for the likelihood of unobserved technology class specific factors that drive the choice between alliances

and acquisitions. Early and pioneering work using patents to study flow of information between firms

As firms may elect to take a sequential governance approach in which they engage in alliances as options on
future acquisitions, we ensured that our results were robust to the exclusion of sixteen acquisition transactions
that had been preceded by an alliance between the two transaction partners.
Our results are robust if we limit our sample to the within-industry deals in the semiconductor industry.
Our results are similar if we use raw counts of alliances and acquisitions for both of the parties.

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(Jaffe et al., 1993; Trajtenberg et al., 1992) has argued that the degree of information flow between firms

varies depending on the technology domains in which they operate. All regressions also included year

dummies to capture unobserved time-related factors that may influence the propensity of firms to form

acquisitions versus alliances. In addition, we also included cluster dummies to allow for the possibility

that unobserved location characteristics may drive the acquisition versus alliance decision. Specifically,

we added dummy variables to indicate whether each firm was located in one of the ten identified



We first note that descriptive data from our expanded sample, which includes transactions that could

have occurred but did not, supports the importance of shared cluster location in promoting any

transaction regardless of form. The probability of a transaction (either acquisition or alliance) given

shared cluster location is 0.26 versus 0.15 for the probability of a transaction otherwise (difference

significant at p<0.01). These results apply to both alliances and acquisitions because p(alliance | shared

cluster location) is 0.13 versus 0.09 otherwise (p<0.01), and p(acquisition | shared cluster location) is

0.13 versus 0.06 otherwise (p<0.01). Thus, shared cluster locations appear to facilitate external

corporate development activities regardless of form and below we investigate the ways in which firms

organize these activities.

Table 2 provides descriptive statistics and a correlation matrix for the variables used in the

analyses of firms’ alliance versus acquisition choices. The proportion of acquisitions relative to alliances

is 0.40, and univariate statistics provide support for our hypothesis that this proportion will vary

depending on whether the transaction occurs between parties who share a cluster location. The

The construction of a number of our controls required that we classify the firms in the dyad. In the case of acquisitions,
the identity of the acquirer (Firm 1) and target (Firm 2) is clear from the SDC data, providing a natural grouping
variable; however, as Wang and Zajac (2007: 1304) note “there is no obvious `correct’ way to order the two firms in
a dyad” for alliances. To determine which firm we would designate as Firm 2 in an alliance, we used the following
approach. We first designated the semiconductor firm as Firm 2 in all cases of cross-industry alliances. For the
within-semiconductor-industry alliances, if one of the parties was a design firm, it was designated as Firm 2.
Finally, we randomly assigned Firm 2 status for the remaining alliances that were between two semiconductor
design firms. Our results are robust to dropping the observations where we relied on random assignment. We also
confirmed that our results were robust to assigning Firm 1 and Firm 2 status entirely at random for all alliances.

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proportion of acquisitions for shared cluster transactions is 0.48 versus a proportion of 0.37 for other

transactions (p<0.01), suggesting that shared cluster locations promote the choice of acquisition relative

to alliance.

----------------- Insert Table 2 about Here -----------------

Prior to discussing the results for shared cluster locations from regression models, we note that

the decision of each firm to locate in a particular location is not randomly assigned, raising possible

endogeneity concerns. We believe the potential for endogeneity problems is reduced here for several

reasons. First, we included a robust set of control variables in our models, including year dummies,

technology class dummies, and dummies for cluster fixed effects. Second, although some studies have

found that multinational firms are more likely to locate foreign greenfield investments in clusters (e.g.,

Shaver and Flyer, 2000), the weight of the empirical evidence indicates that domestic firms do not

choose initial locations or re-locate for primarily strategic reasons (e.g., Cooper and Dunkelberg, 1987;

Klier, 2006; Zhang and Patel, 2005). Third, even if location choice were selected strategically, it seems

unlikely that firms’ choices to locate in a cluster are motivated by the potential governance implications

related to potential future transactions with partners who also may or may not choose to locate in the

same clusters.12

Table 3 presents the results of our logistic regression models. Model 1 is a baseline specification

including only control variables, and Model 2 introduces the shared cluster dummy variable to test our

first hypothesis. The significant positive coefficient on Shared Cluster Location (b=1.16, p<0.01) supports

Hypothesis 1 and indicates that sharing a cluster location increases the likelihood that a particular

transaction will be structured as an acquisition. To calculate the marginal effect, we follow the standard

We have empirically investigated the potential effects of firms’ self-selection into shared cluster locations, following
the approach of Azoulay, Ding, and Stuart (2009) in using Inverse Probability of Treatment Weights (IPTW)
estimation. Under this approach, the suspected endogenous explanatory variable (in our case, shared cluster
location) is estimated in a first-stage regression; we utilized a variety of firm characteristics as explanatory variables
(including patent stocks, total number of tech classes covered by patents, past alliance/acquisition activity, and a
design firm indicator variable) as well as annual fixed effects (first stage model LR chi-squared = 112.74, p<0.01).
The results of the first stage estimation are used to derive the IPTWs. The IPTWs are then used in second-stage,
weighted regression models predicting the acquisition versus alliance decision. The results of the IPTW estimation
indicated that shared cluster location was still positively related (p<0.01) to the choice of acquisition.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

practice of setting all other independent variables at their mean (Long and Freese, 2006). This

calculation indicates that sharing a cluster location increases the probability of acquisition (and thus

reduces the probability of alliance) by 9.1 percent.

Models 3-5 in Table 3 provide tests of the interaction hypotheses. Model 3 provides support

for the prediction of Hypothesis 2 that the effect of shared cluster location is strengthened as the tech

distance between the parties grows (b=3.50, p<0.01). Given the non-linear nature of the logit model,

assessment of the marginal effect of an interaction requires additional investigation, and we graphically

present these effects in Figure 1 (Greene, 2010; Hoetker, 2007; Huang and Shields, 2000). Panel A of

Figure 1 shows that the probability of acquisition is increased over twice as much for high versus low

levels of tech distance.13 The positive and significant coefficient of 0.17 (p<0.01) on Shared Cluster *

Total Patents in Model 4 supports the prediction of Hypothesis 3 that the effect of sharing a cluster

location strengthens when the total knowledge stock of the transaction partners is higher. Panel B of

Figure 1 shows that sharing a cluster location increases the probability of acquisition across all levels of

knowledge stocks; however, the effect becomes progressively stronger as the size of the exchange

partners’ patent portfolios increase. Our final hypothesis related to geographic proximity of firms

within a shared cluster location is supported by the positive Shared Cluster * Geog. Proximity coefficient of

0.41 (p<0.05) in Model 5. Again, while sharing a cluster location increases the probability of acquisition

regardless of geographic proximity, the shared cluster effect is significantly stronger when firms are

located closer together (see Panel C of Figure 1). Model 6 contains the full model in which all

interactions are tested at once, and this specification yields similar interpretations.

----------------- Insert Table 3 and Figure 1 about Here -----------------

Robustness analyses

In addition to the supplemental analyses already discussed, we performed a number of additional

To calculate the predicted values in all panels of Figure 1, we set the continuous independent variables at their mean
values, and the dichotomous independent variables were set at their modal values. Unless otherwise stated, “low”
values in the figures represent the mean less one standard deviation while “high” values are one standard deviation
above the mean.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

analyses to assess the robustness of the results. First, because a number of the alliances in our sample

(76 of 715) are structured as equity alliances (i.e., joint ventures and other transactions that involve

sharing of equity), which represent an intermediate form of commitment between non-equity alliances

and acquisitions, we performed supplementary analyses using an alternate, ordered form of the

dependent variable (non-equity alliance=“1,” equity alliance=“2,” and acquisition=“3”). We initially

estimated an ordered logit model; however, the proportional odds assumption required by the ordered

logit model was rejected in our data (approximate likelihood-ratio test of proportionality of odds across

response categories: chi-squared=261.17, p<0.01). Following Long and Freese (2006), we elected to

use a stereotype logistic model (SLM). The SLM still takes into account the ordered nature of the

dependent variable, but the SLM does not rely upon an assumption of proportional odds. Table S1

(included in the online appendix) provides the results of our SLM analysis, and the conclusions

from this analysis parallel those from the binary logit analysis.

Second, we undertook additional analysis to investigate the robustness of our primary results

that assign location based on firms’ headquarters. Although we do not have data on all of the locations

of each establishment for the firms, we do have an indication of where firms are conducting research

because patents indicate the US state in which the knowledge was created. We utilized this information

to augment our shared cluster location measure in several ways. In a first robustness check, we also

defined firms located in different states to share a location if they had patenting activity in the same

state that includes a cluster. As shown in the first two columns of the Table S2 (Augmented Definition

1), all of our results are robust to this augmented definition of the shared cluster location variable (see

the online appendix for Table S2). For each alternative definition, the table presents a main effects

model and a full model with all three interactions, and the number of transactions defined as shared

cluster location based on the alternative definitions is also noted. We next considered a second patent-

based indicator of shared cluster location. Under this augmented definition, we also considered firms

with headquarters in different states to share a location if there was overlap between HQ locations and

patenting locations. As shown in Models 3 and 4 (Augmented Definition 2), all of our results are

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qualitatively similar. A final modification of the shared cluster location definition draws upon our focus

on the semiconductor industry. We determined whether firms had separate locations for fabrication

plant facilities and further augmented our shared cluster location definition to include cases of HQ-

plant or plant-plant overlap within clusters. Our data on fabrication facilities is drawn from the

semiconductor industry trade association Semiconductor and Equipment Materials International. As

shown in Models 5 and 6 of Table S2 (Augmented Definition 3), all of our results are also robust to this

augmented definition. We also considered specifications that included these three additional overlap

measures as control variables rather than using them to define the shared cluster location variable itself.

This approach enables us to determine if controls for other potential locational overlaps changes the

interpretations for our original measure. As shown in the final two columns, all of the results are robust

to this alternative approach. As a final empirical step to investigate this issue, we replicated our analyses

using a sub-sample of firms that would be considerably less likely to include firms with multiple

establishments across different geographic locations. Specifically, we excluded from the analysis any

firms patenting in multiple states. The results from this analysis again indicated that our hypothesized

relationships continue to hold.

We conducted several other sets of robustness analyses. To ensure that we were capturing the

effect of two firms sharing a cluster location rather than just an effect of locating in clusters in general,

we split the location classification into three categories (shared cluster location, at least one firm in a

cluster, and neither firm in a cluster) and added an additional dummy variable representing the category

of neither firm in a cluster. With this dummy in the model, the shared cluster location dummy variable

represents the effect of shared cluster location relative to the effect of one firm locating in a cluster. All

of our results and conclusions were robust to this approach as well.

We also examined the implications of no transaction occurring between the exchange partners,

and we did so in two ways. First, we ran a multinomial choice model in which the dependent variable

included three categories of no deal, alliance, and acquisition. Results of this analysis were consistent

with prior literature and indicated that sharing a cluster location increases the probability of both

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alliance and of acquisition occurring relative to no deal. Second, we wanted to ensure that our

conclusions were not affected by selection bias (Heckman, 1979), in the event that unobserved factors

shaping whether or not a deal occurs affect the nature of the transaction as an alliance versus

acquisition. To investigate this possibility, we conducted a two-stage analysis in which we modeled the

deal-no deal decision in the first stage and the acquisition versus alliance decision in the second stage.14

The results of the two-stage models indicate that all results related to hypothesis testing are robust to

modeling simultaneously the first-stage deal versus no-deal choice. This analysis supported the

conclusion from the descriptive statistics presented earlier that shared cluster location promotes

external corporate development activities in general (p<0.01), and the null hypothesis of no sample

selection effects cannot be rejected (chi-squared=0.38, p=0.54).


Contributions and implications

At a broad level, our study contributes by joining research on agglomeration theory with organizational

economics research on governance choice, two research streams that have developed independently

from one another. In particular, we focus on information economics to advance understanding of the

impact of agglomeration economies on firms’ governance decisions to employ acquisitions and

alliances. Previous information economics research emphasizes the adverse effects of asymmetric

information on acquisitions (e.g., Coff, 1999; Datar et al., 2001; Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002; Villalonga and

McGahan, 2005). We develop the theoretical argument that shared cluster location can mitigate

information asymmetry and adverse selection due to the interactions, shared understandings, and social

The first stage model included all of the second stage variables listed above along with three variables excluded from
the second stage model. These variables were (i) a dummy variable indicating whether the first firm was located in
California, (ii) a dummy variable indicating whether the second firm was located in California, and (iii) an
interaction between the first two variables. Firms located in California may be better known, have ready access to
capital and other resources, and potentially be more likely to attract transaction partners (Gompers and Lerner,
2001); however, we did not expect location in California to influence the form of the transaction after considering
the other determinants of acquisition versus alliance. We note that these variables are jointly significant (chi-
square=16.67, p<0.01) in the first stage models for the occurrence of deals but they are uncorrelated with the
acquisition versus alliance decision. Correlations with the acquisition versus alliance dummy are 0.022 (p=0.465),
0.016 (p=0.585), and -0.042 (p=0.1237), respectively.

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

relationships among many firms in a cluster, thereby reducing the need to resort to alliances rather than


By identifying shared cluster location as an important antecedent of governance choice, our

work also extends agglomeration theory in several specific ways. First, our work sheds light on a new

and important outcome of agglomeration economies. Much of the research on agglomeration theory

has focused on the benefits accruing to firms via knowledge spillovers (Jaffe et al., 1993) and improved

access to specialized assets (Krugman, 1991; Porter, 1998b; Saxenian, 1994). To the extent that

agglomeration can reduce adverse selection in acquisitions, our arguments and findings point to an

unexamined benefit of co-location within a cluster. We therefore add evidence that agglomeration not

only has important implications for competitive strategy, as prior research has emphasized, but also

corporate strategy and specifically firms’ external corporate development activities in alliances and


More recent research in the domain of agglomeration theory has emphasized the potential for

heterogeneity in agglomeration benefits (e.g., Almeida and Kogut, 1999; McCann and Folta, 2011;

Shaver and Flyer, 2000). Our work further extends this perspective and provides evidence that the

organizational governance implications of agglomeration vary based on dyad-level characteristics.

Drawing from the resource-based view of the firm and building upon the suggestion of Wang and

Zajac (2007) to consider resources available at the dyad level, our work demonstrates that the effect of

shared cluster location depends on the depth and dissimilarity of the transaction partners’ knowledge

bases. In addition, we also establish that the governance choice implications of agglomeration are

enhanced when firms are located closer together within clusters. This further extends recent

agglomeration research on sources of intra-cluster heterogeneity (e.g., McCann and Folta, 2011; Shaver

and Flyer, 2000) and the attenuation of agglomeration externalities (e.g., Henderson, 2003; Rosenthal

and Strange, 2003).

Our paper suggests that information economics provides a strong theoretical basis for

integrating the literatures on agglomeration and organizational governance, given the attention

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these separate research streams have given to the implications of knowledge spillovers and

information asymmetries, respectively. It is also interesting to note that the literature on

governance choice has over the years relied extensively on transaction cost economics (TCE)

explanations. The juxtaposition of information economics and TCE perspectives in our research

context provides some new and important insights. To begin with, both perspectives emphasize

opportunism, but the opportunism takes different forms: at the contracting stage in the case of

information economics (e.g., asset representations) and during contract implementation in the

case of TCE (e.g., knowledge misappropriation). They also both emphasize market failures, but

of different types: TCE offers theory on how hybrid governance fails and can necessitate

acquisition due to ex post exchange hazards, while information economics offers theory on how

acquisition markets fail due to ex ante hazards, which can make alliances more efficient.

Moreover, agglomeration presents an interesting phenomenon for which the two theories

suggest certain opposing influences. On the one hand, our arguments rooted in information

economics emphasized how shared cluster location promotes the choice of acquisition. In

contrast, to the extent that the shared relationships of common cluster location also reduce

concern over ex post opportunism due to reputation considerations and reduced behavioral

uncertainty, TCE arguments would suggest that firms might not require the administrative

controls afforded by hierarchy (i.e., acquisition) and alliances might suffice.

In developing our theoretical arguments, we elected to focus on the information

economics arguments given the prominence of the knowledge and information spillovers

benefits of geographic co-location in the prior agglomeration literature. In comparison, the

potential opportunism mitigation benefits have received relatively less attention, excepting work

such as Harrison, Kelley, and Gant (1996) and Wood and Parr (2005). Overall, our empirical

analysis of the influence of shared cluster location supports the prediction derived from

information economics. We do not conclude, however, that this means that the effects

anticipated by TCE are not present in these transactions, only that the effects emphasized by

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information economics outweigh those highlighted by TCE in our empirical context. Future

work in agglomeration theory should investigate how these perspectives might be more fully

reconciled and the opposing influences explicitly identified. More broadly, it would be

interesting for future research to more fully investigate how the two theories yield opposing

predictions, complement each other, or have differential effects for various corporate investment


It is important to note that our study does not directly examine the efficiency implications of

firms’ external corporate development choices. It would therefore be valuable for future research to

directly test how firms’ choices to use acquisitions versus alliances affect their performance. In

addition, it would be interesting to investigate outcome measures that are tailored to alternative theories

of organizational governance. For instance, if co-location within a cluster reduces adverse selection

risk, such benefits might be observed in the abnormal returns that acquirers experience as well as in the

value captured by targets (i.e., bid premiums). Identifying the consequences of agglomeration for

different governance arrangements such as alliances and acquisitions will therefore be important in

further bringing together agglomeration theory with the literature on organizational governance.

Limitations and future research directions

Our study also has several limitations that present interesting avenues for future research that can

further join agglomeration theory and the literature on organizational governance and firms’ external

corporate development activities. To begin with, extensions that examine the generalizability of our

results to different industries would be worthwhile. We focused on domestic alliances and acquisitions

in the US semiconductor industry, and this focus partly reflects the many prior studies of agglomeration

and its consequences in this industry (Almeida and Kogut, 1999; Martin et al., 2010; Rosenkopf and

Almeida, 2003; Saxenian, 1994), in addition to the exchange hazards that accompany transactions in this

setting (e.g., Almeida et al., 2002; Vanhaverbeke et al., 2002). While we would expect our interpretations

to generalize to other high-tech industries, firms’ reliance on alternative ways to reduce adverse

selection might also vary across industries and therefore shape the importance of agglomeration effects

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and geographic proximity. For instance, startups in the biotechnology industry often associate with

venture capitalists (VCs), presenting signals to other companies that can facilitate future deals (Hsu,

2006), and the VCs can also take an active role in brokering collaborations between companies in their

portfolios (Lindsey, 2008). It is less likely that our findings would extend to non-high-tech industries,

however, especially where agglomerations that exist are often due to demand-side drivers (e.g., clusters

of hotels, car dealers, etc.) (McCann and Folta, 2009). In these types of agglomerations, externalities are

associated with reduced search costs fostered by co-location. They are much less likely to exhibit the

types of close interconnections and knowledge spillovers that serve as the foundation of our theoretical

explanations. Given our focus on domestic transactions, it would also be interesting to examine

governance choices involving non-US firms and investigate the implications of clusters and the

institutional environments in which they are embedded (e.g., Tallman and Phene, 2007; Yiu and

Makino, 2002).

We also acknowledge that a limitation of our analysis is that we do not have information on the

locations of all of the establishments of multi-establishment firms, which led us to assign location based

on the firm headquarters. Although this is consistent with many prior studies in the agglomeration

literature (e.g., Almazan et al., 2010; Baptista and Swann, 1998; Folta et al., 2006), multi-establishment

firms might share locations for their individual establishments. We believe this limitation is likely to be

less of a concern in our specific analysis given that the decision we study (whether to structure a

particular transaction as an acquisition or alliance) is a choice most often made at the headquarters level

(Green and Cromley, 1984; Chakrabarti and Mitchell, 2013). Moreover, the use of headquarters

location provides a more conservative test of our hypotheses. To the extent that our data include firms

with other overlapping locations yet classified as not sharing a cluster location based on their

headquarters, it would make it more difficult to support our hypotheses since information asymmetry

and the risk of adverse selection would be lower for these transactions. Moreover, the series of

robustness checks around this issue further reduces concerns about this limitation.

Future research could also usefully investigate how agglomeration facilitates post-merger

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integration, which might also influence alliance and acquisition decisions. For example, if acquirers

expect that proximity fosters integration of acquisitions, this expectation could result in a higher

proportion of shared cluster transactions being structured as acquisitions. This raises a concern that

such an effect might underlie the relationships we observe in our study. Although we do not have

access to data related to expected post-integration costs that would allow us to totally rule out this

alternative explanation, we believe several of the specific interaction findings are counter to this

explanation. As an example, tech distance is a proxy for higher information asymmetry but it may also

serve as an inverse proxy for post-acquisition integration intensity as noted in several prior studies. For

example Coff (1999) describes that integration requirements may be lower for less related transaction

partners (i.e., unrelated buyers are less likely to integrate assets). If shared cluster location is related to

the probability of acquisition due to lower post-acquisition integration concerns, we would expect this

effect to weaken when tech distance is high. Instead we find that the effect is enhanced with increased

tech distance, a result in line with the information asymmetry explanation. Nevertheless, we believe that

disentangling the effects of anticipated integration costs and information asymmetry concerns is an

interesting area for future research.

Our study has focused on the impact of shared cluster location on firms’ decisions to enter into

acquisitions versus alliances; however, alliance and acquisition are just two options to pursue inter-firm

collaboration that are available to managers. Future research should consider the influence of cluster

co-location on these other alternatives (e.g., informal affiliations, teaming relationships, licensing

agreements, or other forms of longer-term contractual relationships). In addition, there are many other

governance decisions involving other organizational forms that might be studied. For example, future

research might consider how shared cluster location has an impact on other strategic decisions, such as

internal resource accumulation (e.g., Garrette, Castaner, and Dussauge, 2009), concurrent sourcing (e.g.,

Parmigiani, 2007), or staging investments (e.g., Zaheer, Hernandez, and Banerjee, 2010). For other

types of governance arrangements, it might be that the impact of information costs is different than

what we have observed.

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Given that the secondary data we use on firms’ alliances and acquisitions do not allow us to

examine firms’ decision-making, it would also be valuable to use other methods such as surveys to

permit finer analysis of how agglomeration effects matter for organizational governance. As one

illustration, in testing the impact of shared cluster location on firms’ acquisition versus alliance

decisions, we are not able to observe the actual perceived level of information asymmetry and concerns

over adverse selection. Survey research could investigate, for instance, where firms obtain information,

which types of interactions and relationships are most effective in facilitating information and reducing

concerns of adverse selection, and how exactly these relate to the decision to engage in acquisitions and

alliances (e.g., Ariño and Ring, 2010; Ring, Doz, and Olk, 2005; Tallman et al., 2004). Extensions such

as these indicate the many research opportunities that exist to integrate the agglomeration literature with

other streams of strategy research on alliances and acquisitions.

Acknowledgements: We are grateful for the advice and suggestions received from SMJ Co-
Editor Connie Helfat and two anonymous SMJ reviewers. We appreciate helpful feedback and
discussion on earlier drafts from Javier Gimeno, Anne Parmigiani, and Govert Vroom, and we
thank Global Semiconductor Alliance for data support.

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Table 1. Identified semicondu
uctor clusters and constiituent metro
opolitan staatistical areaas

Number ini parentheses following
f namee of cluster indiccates number off firms within ouur sample thatt are located in particular

CBSA= =core based statiistical area, whhich is a collectivve term for bothh metro and miccro statistical arreas. A Metroo
Statisticall Area (SA) coontains a core urban
u area withh a population of at least 50,0000; a Micro Statistical
S Areaa contains
an urban core with a poppulation betweeen 10,000 andd 50,000.

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Table 22. Descriptivve statistics

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Table 33. Logistic reegression an

dent variable
le: Choice of acquisition ”)
n (“1”) vs. alliance (“0”)
nel A: Shareed Cluster * Tech Distaance

Paanel B: Share
red Cluster * Total Pateents

Panel C:
C Shared Cluster
C * Geoographic Prroximity

Note: the “low

w” proximity vaalue of 150 milles represents thhe lowest
p for which
w the shareed cluster =1 vaalue is meaningf gful (appears inn
the sample)

Figure 1: Interactio
on plots

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