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Xcode 9 enable Server fails because “xcsd” keychain password Ask Question

asked 3 months ago

viewed 541 times

active 3 months ago

I currently try to setup an Xcode Server with Xcode 9 but I stuck with this Keychain Password
request. I guess it has something to do with the previous Xcode/OS X Server Installation as there
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6 Xcode Server was part of OS X Server.
Backend Ruby Developer
But how do I get rid of this?
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EDIT: As it came up in the comments: Neither the password of a the system/admin-user nor the $60K - $99K REMOTE

one of the dedicated account for the Xcode Server is accepted. ruby
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share improve this question edited Oct 18 '17 at 10:34 asked Oct 18 '17 at 8:35 Avero Boulder, CO

MatzeLoCal saas java

166 8

enter your system password and click on always allow – Nirav Kotecha Oct 18 '17 at 8:48

2 Nope, this does not work … also the password for the dedicated user created for Xcode Server does not 340 Xcode - install Command Line Tools
work. – MatzeLoCal Oct 18 '17 at 9:15
61 Mac OS X wants to use system keychain
add a comment when compiling the project

3 The Xcode service is disabled on this

2 Answers active oldest votes server

2 OS X Server + GIT integration with SSH

Fails with Permission Denied Error
Only working solution for me:
723 Xcode process launch failed: Security
Backup the folder /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/
11 9 Setting up Xcode service in OS X server
Remove it
Activate Xcode Server 0 Xcode Server - Build Service Error: The
request timed out
Keep in mind that the new Xcode server doesn't have hosted repositories anymore, so if used
2 Xcode Server setup failed
them, they are in the HostedRepositories folder. You have to move them to a different service (eg.
github). 17 Xcode Server ibtool Build Failures

share improve this answer answered Oct 23 '17 at 5:55 0 How to work with Xcode server in Xcode 9?
Davide Do we need to have Xcode 9 open always?
263 3 15
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Yes I did it like that … I will have to setup repositories again, but that's not that big of a problem. –
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MatzeLoCal Oct 25 '17 at 19:53 without upsetting her?
@MatzeLoCal, you cannot setup repositories again (I mean local repositories) because they are no longer How is possible that with same Ibase there is
available on Xcode server. You can only use GitHub – Andrzej Martyna Dec 13 '17 at 13:57 more than one Vce?

1 @AndrzejMartyna of course I can. The only thing I can't do is to set it up via macOS Server but setting it Amnesiac accidentally casts Sending to herself
up manually is no problem and that's what I did. Everything is working fine again here – MatzeLoCal
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I had the same problem, and after a few hours of try and error. I think I kind of got the solution... I
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0 keychain 'xcsd', then after restart the issue of asking for that mystery password was fixed.
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