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Understanding ESTJs

ESTJs (Extroverted Sensing Thinking Judging) personality types are our parents, bosses, and neighbors.
This is a review of the ESTJ personality type and how to better understand, appreciate, and get along
with them. This book will give you insights into the ESTJ boss, co-worker, friend, husband or wife,
community member, and career.

ESTJ Websites
Jungian Cognitive Functions
The ESTJ Boss
The ESTJ Worker
The ESTJ Friend
The ESTJ Husband or Wife
The ESTJ Neighbor or Community Member
ESTJs and the law
ESTJs in Medicine

ESTJ facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_2213543106
ESTJ forum on personality cafe: http://personalitycafe.com/estj-forum-guardians/


Dominant or first: Extraverted Thinking
Auxillary or second: Introverted Sensing:
Tertiary or third: Extroverted Intuition
Inferior or fourth: Introverted Feeling

- - continue from “functional analysis”


Do not be surprised if your ESTJ boss is perceived as controlling.
- Being extraverted, their focus involves organization of people, which translates into supervision.
- They are constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is running
smoothly and systematically.

If your job has rules, do not even think about breaking the rules.
- ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher
- They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs.

When communicating with an ESTJ, speak in terms of the 5 senses, and limit your input to mainly
facts. And have lots of details ready in case they ask for them.
- ESTJs take things in via their five senses in a literal, concrete fashion.
- ESTJs live in a world of facts and concrete needs.
- Yes, the ESTJ needs to watch out for the tendency to be too rigid, and to become overly detail-oriented.
But if they are your boss, you can’t really control this and you’re just going to have to give them the
detailed information they want.
You must make things seem to them as if things are under control and that you have the situation
handled. They do not like chaos.
- They live with their eye constantly scanning their personal environment to make sure that everything is
running smoothly and systematically.
- ESTJs thrive on order and continuity.

Do not argue with them on any topic whatsoever.

- They expect the same of others (they expect you to honor their standards and beliefs) and have no
patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems.
- And yes, since they put a lot of weight in their own beliefs, it’s important that they remember to value
other people’s input and opinions. Some are weaker in this area than others -- it’s just a very bad idea to
argue with them.
- ESTJs may not naturally see or value the importance of goals which are outside of their practical scope.

When you work with them, always put your best foot forward if you want them to respect you. And
don’t be surprised if they are overly critical.
- They value competence and efficiency, and like to see quick results for their efforts.
- They can sometimes be very demanding and critical, because they have such strongly held beliefs, and
are likely to express themselves without reserve if they feel someone isn’t meeting their standards.
- But at least their expressions can be taken at face-value, because the ESTJ is extremely straight-foward
and honest.

ESTJs promote the work ethic. Power, position and prestige should be worked for and earned. Laziness
is rarely viewed with ambivalence nor benevolence by this type.
“Some men can make decisions and some cannot. Some men fret and delay under criticism. I used to
have a saying that applies here, and I note that some people have picked it up.” --Harry S. Truman, Mr.
Citizen, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."
THE ESTJ WORKER (when you are the boss of an ESTJ)
If you are their boss, put them in charge of your projects.
- ESTJs are extremely talented at devising systems and plans of action, and at being able to see what
steps need to be taken to complete a specific task.
- The ESTJ puts forth a lot of effort in almost everything that they do.
- They will do everything that they think should be done in their job and community with a good amount of
- The ESTJ will dutifully do everything that is important to work towards a particular cause or goal

Expect great things if you are the boss of an ESTJ

- Service, the tangible expression of responsibility, is another key focus for ESTJs. They love to provide
and to receive good service.
- The ESTJ merchant who provides dependable service has done much to enhance her self image.

Don’t be surprised if the ESTJ worker challenges you

- The ESTJ is outspoken, a person of principles, which are readily expressed.
- The ESTJ is not afraid to stand up for what she believes is right even in the face of overwhelming odds.
ESTJs are able to make the tough calls.
If you are friends with an ESTJ, think of it as they approve of you and think you are normal.
- ESTJs have an acute sense for orthodoxy.
- Much of their evaluation of persons and activities reflects their strong sense of what is "normal" and what
- ESTJ humor is frequently centered around something or someone being off center or behaving

Do not talk about the future with an ESTJ. Either talk about the present or the past. They are not
future oriented.
- They live in the present.

Do not talk to them about your ideas or your theories

- They live in a world of facts and concrete needs.

Don’t expect self reflection. For the ESTJ, their primary mode of living is focused externally

If you have to have small talk with them, talk about topics related to traditions, laws, and their
beliefs (not necessarily yours).
They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs.

Do not confide in them if you’ve broken a rule. They will not have sympathy for someone who
doesn’t follow the rules.
- ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher
- They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs.
- They expect the same of others, and have no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value
these systems.

Do not talk to their emotional side, or talk to them about your feelings. Talk to them without letting
emotions dictate the conversation.
- ESTJs deal with things rationally and logically.
- It is true that if they neglect their Feeling side, they may have a problem with fulfilling other’s needs for
intimacy, and may unknowingly hurt people’s feelings by applying logic and reason to situations which
demand more emotional sensitivity. Don’t expect sensitivity or understanding from an ESTJ. Just get the
work done and act in a logical manner.

If they are your equal, let them take the leadership role.
ESTJs are take-charge people. They have such a clear vision of the way that things should be, that they
naturally step into leadership roles.

Get our of their way.

They are self-confident and aggressive.

If you are at a party with an ESTJ, know that you will have some fun
- ESTJs enjoy interacting with people, and like to have fun.
- ESTJs can be very boisterous and fun at social events, especially activities which are focused on the
family, community, or work.

This is what they look and act like under stress

- When bogged down by stress, an ESTJ often feels isolated from others.
- They feel as if they are misunderstood and undervalued, and that their efforts are taken for granted.
- Although normally the ESTJ is very verbal and doesn’t have any problem expressing themself, when
under stress they have a hard time putting their feelings into words and communicating them to others.
If you’re married to an ESTJ, you will have less to worry about
- The ESTJ is usually a model citizen, and pillar of the community. He or she takes their commitments
seriously, and follows their own standards of “good citizenship” to the letter.
- ESTJs value security and social order above all else, and feel obligated to do all that they can to
enhance and promote these goals.
-They will mow the lawn, vote, join the PTA, attend home owners association meetings, and generally do
anything that they can to promote personal and social security.
- They will do everything that they think should be done in their marriage with a good amount of energy.
- He or she is conscientious, practical, realistic, and dependable.
The family likewise is a central focus for ESTJs, and attendance at such events as weddings, funerals
and family reunions is obligatory.
- Tradition is important to the ESTJ.
- Holidays, birthdays and other annual celebrations are remembered and observed often religiously by
this type.
- The ESTJ is inclined to seek out his roots, to trace the family heritage back to honored ancestors both
for a sense of family respectability and for a sense of security and belonging.
If they are part of your community, rest assured they will abide by the laws.
- ESTJs are content to enforce "the rules," often dictated by tradition or handed down from a higher
- They honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs.

ESTJs are great members of the community

- ESTJ quote: “Every right-minded man has a philosophy of life, whether he knows it or not. Hidden away
in his mind are certain governing principles, whether he formulates them in words or not, which govern his
life. Surely his ideal ought to be to contribute all that he can, however little it may be, whether of money or
service, to human progress.” --John D. Rockefeller, Random Reminiscences of Men and Events

Your ESTJ neighbor will be involved in the community.

- ESTJs are joiners. They seek out like-minded companions in clubs, civic groups, churches and other
service organizations. The need for belonging is woven into the fiber of SJs.
ESTJs and the Law
- If you are the defense, you don’t want any ESTJs on the jury.
- If you are the prosecutor, you want to select for as many ESTJs on the jury as possible.
- ESTJs honor traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs. They expect the same
of others, and have no patience or understanding of individuals who do not alue these systems. So if you
are on the prosecution team, you can be rest assured that the more ESTs you have on the jury, the
higher the likelihood is that the person will be found guilty. And the maximum penalty will be
recommended by ESTJs.
ESTJs in Medicine
- ESTJ medical students are the best medical students one can ask for. Each of their 4 characteristics is a
plus in medicine.
- ESTJ medical students do well on USMLE step 1 because they have the abiity to recall lots of random
pieces of information, which is needed to do well in Step 1
- ESTJ medical students also receive honors in their clinical rotations and are more likely to be AOA.
- You will find ESTJs in the fields of general surgery and orthopedic surgery. Most orthopedic surgeons
are ESTJs.

Dominant or first: Extraverted Thinking
Auxillary or second: Introverted Sensing:
Tertiary or third: Extroverted Intuition
Inferior or fourth: Introverted Feeling


- Contingency planning, scheduling, and quantifying utilize the process of extraverted Thinking.
- Extraverted Thinking helps us organize our environment and ideas through charts, tables, graphs, flow
charts, outlines, and so on.
- At its most sophisticated, this process is about organizing and monitoring people and things to work
efficiently and productively.
- Empirical thinking is at the core of extraverted Thinking when we challenge someone’s ideas based on
the logic of the facts in front of us or lay out reasonable explanations for decisions or conclusions made,
often trying to establish order in someone else’s thought process.
- In written or verbal communication, extraverted Thinking helps us easily follow someone else’s logic,
sequence, or organization. It also helps us notice when something is missing, like when someone says he
or she is going to talk about four topics and talks about only three.
- In general, it allows us to compartmentalize many aspects of our lives so we can do what is necessary
to accomplish our objectives.
Source: http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/extravertedthinking.html


- Introverted Sensing often involves storing data and information, then comparing and contrasting the
current situation with similar ones.
- The immediate experience or words are instantly linked with the prior experiences, and we register a
similarity or a difference—for example, noticing that some food doesn’t taste the same or is saltier than it
usually is.
- Introverted Sensing is also operating when we see someone who reminds us of someone else.
- Sometimes a feeling associated with the recalled image comes into our awareness along with the
information itself. Then the image can be so strong, our body responds as if reliving the experience.
- The process also involves reviewing the past to draw on the lessons of history, hindsight, and
- With introverted Sensing, there is often great attention to detail and getting a clear picture of goals and
objectives and what is to happen.
- There can be a oneness with ageless customs that help sustain civilization and culture and protect what
is known and long-lasting, even while what is reliable changes.
Source: http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/introvertedsensing.html


Extraverted iNtuiting involves noticing hidden meanings and interpreting them, often entertaining a wealth
of possible interpretations from just one idea or interpreting what someone’s behavior really means. It
also involves seeing things “as if,” with various possible representations of reality. Using this process, we
can juggle many different ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and meanings in our mind at once with the possibility
that they are all true. This is like weaving themes and threads together. We don’t know the weave until a
thought thread appears or is drawn out in the interaction of thoughts, often brought in from other contexts.
Thus a strategy or concept often emerges from the here-and-now interactions, not appearing as a whole
beforehand. Using this process we can really appreciate brainstorming and trust what emerges, enjoying
imaginative play with scenarios and combining possibilities, using a kind of cross-contextual thinking.
Extraverted iNtuiting also can involve catalyzing people and extemporaneously shaping situations,
spreading an atmosphere of change through emergent leadership.
Source: http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/extravertedintuiting.html


It is often hard to assign words to the values used to make introverted Feeling judgments since they are
often associated with images, feeling tones, and gut reactions more than words. As a cognitive process, it
often serves as a filter for information that matches what is valued, wanted, or worth believing in. There
can be a continual weighing of the situational worth or importance of everything and a patient balancing of
the core issues of peace and conflict in life’s situations. We engage in the process of introverted Feeling
when a value is compromised and we think, “Sometimes, some things just have to be said.” On the other
hand, most of the time this process works “in private” and is expressed through actions. It helps us know
when people are being fake or insincere or if they are basically good. It is like having an internal sense of
the “essence” of a person or a project and reading fine distinctions among feeling tones.
Source: http://www.cognitiveprocesses.com/introvertedfeeling.html


http://www.personalitypage.com/ESTJ.html (continue from ESTs are take-charge people...)

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